提交 87bdc75d 编写于 作者: O Omar Tawfik 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15966 from OmarTawfik/address-generic-extension-methods-pr-comments-v2

Unify error messages on extension methods omitted type arguments
......@@ -3425,27 +3425,122 @@ public void MissingTypeArgumentInGenericExtensionMethod()
public static class FooExtensions
public static T Foo<T>(this object obj) => default(T);
public static object ExtensionMethod0(this object obj) => default(object);
public static T ExtensionMethod1<T>(this object obj) => default(T);
public static T1 ExtensionMethod2<T1, T2>(this object obj) => default(T1);
public class Class1
public void Test()
var defaultA = ""a"".Foo<>();
var defaultB = FooExtensions.Foo<>(""b"");
var omittedArg0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>();
var omittedArg1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>();
var omittedArg2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>();
var omittedArgFunc0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>;
var omittedArgFunc1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>;
var omittedArgFunc2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>;
var moreArgs0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<int>();
var moreArgs1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<int, bool>();
var moreArgs2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<int, bool, string>();
var lessArgs1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1();
var lessArgs2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<int>();
var nonExistingMethod0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethodNotFound0();
var nonExistingMethod1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethodNotFound1<int>();
var nonExistingMethod2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethodNotFound2<int, string>();
System.Func<object> delegateConversion0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>;
System.Func<object> delegateConversion1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>;
System.Func<object> delegateConversion2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>;
var exactArgs0 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0();
var exactArgs1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<int>();
var exactArgs2 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<int, bool>();
var compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndSystemCore(source);
// (11,24): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'Foo' requires 1 type arguments
// var defaultA = "a".Foo<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""a"".Foo<>").WithArguments("Foo", "method group", "1").WithLocation(11, 24),
// (12,24): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'Foo' requires 1 type arguments
// var defaultB = FooExtensions.Foo<>("b");
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, "FooExtensions.Foo<>").WithArguments("Foo", "method group", "1").WithLocation(12, 24));
// (13,27): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod0' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArg0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod0", "method group", "1").WithLocation(13, 27),
// (13,44): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod0' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod0' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var omittedArg0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod0").WithLocation(13, 44),
// (14,27): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod1' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArg1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod1", "method group", "1").WithLocation(14, 27),
// (15,27): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod2' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArg2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod2", "method group", "1").WithLocation(15, 27),
// (15,44): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var omittedArg2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod2").WithLocation(15, 44),
// (17,31): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod0' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArgFunc0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod0", "method group", "1").WithLocation(17, 31),
// (17,48): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod0' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod0' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var omittedArgFunc0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod0").WithLocation(17, 48),
// (18,31): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod1' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArgFunc1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod1", "method group", "1").WithLocation(18, 31),
// (18,13): error CS0815: Cannot assign method group to an implicitly-typed variable
// var omittedArgFunc1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableAssignedBadValue, @"omittedArgFunc1 = ""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>").WithArguments("method group").WithLocation(18, 13),
// (19,31): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod2' requires 1 type arguments
// var omittedArgFunc2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod2", "method group", "1").WithLocation(19, 31),
// (19,48): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var omittedArgFunc2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod2").WithLocation(19, 48),
// (21,42): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod0' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod0' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var moreArgs0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<int>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod0<int>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod0").WithLocation(21, 42),
// (22,42): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod1' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod1' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var moreArgs1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<int, bool>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod1<int, bool>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod1").WithLocation(22, 42),
// (23,42): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var moreArgs2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<int, bool, string>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod2<int, bool, string>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod2").WithLocation(23, 42),
// (25,42): error CS0411: The type arguments for method 'FooExtensions.ExtensionMethod1<T>(object)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
// var lessArgs1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CantInferMethTypeArgs, "ExtensionMethod1").WithArguments("FooExtensions.ExtensionMethod1<T>(object)").WithLocation(25, 42),
// (26,42): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var lessArgs2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<int>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod2<int>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod2").WithLocation(26, 42),
// (28,51): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethodNotFound0' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethodNotFound0' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var nonExistingMethod0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound0();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethodNotFound0").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethodNotFound0").WithLocation(28, 51),
// (29,51): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethodNotFound1' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethodNotFound1' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var nonExistingMethod1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound1<int>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethodNotFound1<int>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethodNotFound1").WithLocation(29, 51),
// (30,51): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethodNotFound2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethodNotFound2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// var nonExistingMethod2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound2<int, string>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethodNotFound2<int, string>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethodNotFound2").WithLocation(30, 51),
// (32,51): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod0' requires 1 type arguments
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod0", "method group", "1").WithLocation(32, 51),
// (32,68): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod0' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod0' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion0 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod0<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod0").WithLocation(32, 68),
// (33,51): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod1' requires 1 type arguments
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod1", "method group", "1").WithLocation(33, 51),
// (33,51): error CS0407: '? FooExtensions.ExtensionMethod1<?>(object)' has the wrong return type
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion1 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadRetType, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod1<>").WithArguments("FooExtensions.ExtensionMethod1<?>(object)", "?").WithLocation(33, 51),
// (34,51): error CS0305: Using the generic method group 'ExtensionMethod2' requires 1 type arguments
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, @"""string literal"".ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("ExtensionMethod2", "method group", "1").WithLocation(34, 51),
// (34,68): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ExtensionMethod2' and no extension method 'ExtensionMethod2' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
// System.Func<object> delegateConversion2 = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2<>;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ExtensionMethod2<>").WithArguments("string", "ExtensionMethod2").WithLocation(34, 68));
......@@ -25979,15 +25979,43 @@ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module FooExtensions
Public Function Foo(Of T)(ByVal obj As Object)
Public Function ExtensionMethod0(ByVal obj As Object)
Return GetType(Object)
End Function
Public Function ExtensionMethod1(Of T)(ByVal obj As Object)
Return GetType(T)
End Function
Public Function ExtensionMethod2(Of T1, T2)(ByVal obj As Object)
Return GetType(T1)
End Function
End Module
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim typeA As Type = "a".Foo()
Dim typeB As Type = "b".Foo()()
Dim omittedArg0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )()
Dim omittedArg1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of )()
Dim omittedArg2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )()
Dim omittedArgFunc0 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )
Dim omittedArgFunc1 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of )
Dim omittedArgFunc2 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )
Dim moreArgs0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of Integer)()
Dim moreArgs1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of Integer, Boolean)()
Dim moreArgs2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of Integer, Boolean, String)()
Dim lessArgs1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1()
Dim lessArgs2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of Integer)()
Dim nonExistingMethod0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound0()
Dim nonExistingMethod1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound1(Of Integer)()
Dim nonExistingMethod2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound2(Of Integer, String)()
Dim exactArgs0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0()
Dim exactArgs1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of Integer)()
Dim exactArgs2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of Integer, Boolean)()
End Sub
End Module
......@@ -25997,12 +26025,60 @@ End Module
BC36589: Type parameter 'T' for extension method 'Public Function Foo(Of T)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' cannot be inferred.
Dim typeA As Type = "a".Foo()
BC36589: Type parameter 'T' for extension method 'Public Function Foo(Of T)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' cannot be inferred.
Dim typeB As Type = "b".Foo()()
BC36907: Extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod0() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' is not generic (or has no free type parameters) and so cannot have type arguments.
Dim omittedArg0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )()
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArg0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )()
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArg1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of )()
BC36590: Too few type arguments to extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod2(Of T1, T2)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions'.
Dim omittedArg2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )()
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArg2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )()
BC36907: Extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod0() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' is not generic (or has no free type parameters) and so cannot have type arguments.
Dim omittedArgFunc0 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArgFunc0 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of )
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArgFunc1 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of )
BC36590: Too few type arguments to extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod2(Of T1, T2)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions'.
Dim omittedArgFunc2 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )
BC30182: Type expected.
Dim omittedArgFunc2 As Func(Of Object) = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of )
BC36907: Extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod0() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' is not generic (or has no free type parameters) and so cannot have type arguments.
Dim moreArgs0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod0(Of Integer)()
BC36591: Too many type arguments to extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod1(Of T)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions'.
Dim moreArgs1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1(Of Integer, Boolean)()
BC36591: Too many type arguments to extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod2(Of T1, T2)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions'.
Dim moreArgs2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of Integer, Boolean, String)()
BC36589: Type parameter 'T' for extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod1(Of T)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions' cannot be inferred.
Dim lessArgs1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod1()
BC36590: Too few type arguments to extension method 'Public Function ExtensionMethod2(Of T1, T2)() As Object' defined in 'FooExtensions'.
Dim lessArgs2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethod2(Of Integer)()
BC30456: 'ExtensionMethodNotFound0' is not a member of 'String'.
Dim nonExistingMethod0 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound0()
BC30456: 'ExtensionMethodNotFound1' is not a member of 'String'.
Dim nonExistingMethod1 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound1(Of Integer)()
BC30456: 'ExtensionMethodNotFound2' is not a member of 'String'.
Dim nonExistingMethod2 As Type = "string literal".ExtensionMethodNotFound2(Of Integer, String)()
End Sub
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