提交 7de79d9b 编写于 作者: A AlekseyTs

Adjusted conditions under which using statement target should be parsed as an...

Adjusted conditions under which using statement target should be parsed as an expression. Fixes https://roslyn.codeplex.com/workitem/11. This is a port of https://roslyn.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/8903c0ed35c40f5ff3354e30b996a862d736192b. (changeset 1251406)
上级 61d506df
......@@ -7662,11 +7662,40 @@ private void ParseUsingExpression(ref VariableDeclarationSyntax declaration, ref
private bool IsUsingStatementVariableDeclaration(ScanTypeFlags st)
bool condition1 = st == ScanTypeFlags.MustBeType && this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.DotToken;
bool condition2 = st != ScanTypeFlags.NotType && this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken;
bool condition3 = st == ScanTypeFlags.NonGenericTypeOrExpression || this.PeekToken(1).Kind == SyntaxKind.EqualsToken;
Debug.Assert(st != ScanTypeFlags.NullableType);
return condition1 || (condition2 && condition3);
if (Options.LanguageVersion != LanguageVersion.Experimental)
bool condition1 = st == ScanTypeFlags.MustBeType && this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.DotToken;
bool condition2 = st != ScanTypeFlags.NotType && this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken;
bool condition3 = st == ScanTypeFlags.NonGenericTypeOrExpression || this.PeekToken(1).Kind == SyntaxKind.EqualsToken;
return condition1 || (condition2 && condition3);
SyntaxKind nextTokenKind;
if (st == ScanTypeFlags.MustBeType && this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.DotToken)
// If the current token is an identifier, which is not followed by a '=' or a ',', treat it as a declaration expression.
return this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken ||
(nextTokenKind = this.PeekToken(1).Kind) == SyntaxKind.EqualsToken ||
nextTokenKind == SyntaxKind.CommaToken;
if (st == ScanTypeFlags.NotType || this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)
return false;
// If the current token is an identifier, which is not followed by a '=' or a ',', treat it as a declaration expression.
if ((nextTokenKind = this.PeekToken(1).Kind) != SyntaxKind.EqualsToken && nextTokenKind != SyntaxKind.CommaToken)
return false;
// If the current token is an identifier, which is not followed by a '=' or a ',', treat it as a declaration expression.
return st == ScanTypeFlags.NonGenericTypeOrExpression;
private WhileStatementSyntax ParseWhileStatement()
......@@ -5176,5 +5176,163 @@ class Derived() : Base(int x = 123, x + 1)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput: @"Base: 123, 124").VerifyDiagnostics();
public void InUsing()
var text = @"
using System;
struct S : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
using(S x)
x = new S();
using(int y)
y = 10;
using(S a = new S())
a = new S();
using(S b, )
b = new S();
using(S c, d = new S())
c = new S();
d = new S();
using(S e = )
e = new S();
using(S f = , g = new S())
f = new S();
g = new S();
using(int h, )
h = 10;
using(int i = )
i = 10;
using(int 2)
var compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(text, compOptions: TestOptions.Exe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.Experimental));
// (24,20): error CS1001: Identifier expected
// using(S b, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IdentifierExpected, ")").WithLocation(24, 20),
// (35,21): error CS1525: Invalid expression term ')'
// using(S e = )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidExprTerm, ")").WithArguments(")").WithLocation(35, 21),
// (40,21): error CS1525: Invalid expression term ','
// using(S f = , g = new S())
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidExprTerm, ",").WithArguments(",").WithLocation(40, 21),
// (46,22): error CS1001: Identifier expected
// using(int h, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IdentifierExpected, ")").WithLocation(46, 22),
// (51,23): error CS1525: Invalid expression term ')'
// using(int i = )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidExprTerm, ")").WithArguments(")").WithLocation(51, 23),
// (56,19): error CS1001: Identifier expected
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IdentifierExpected, "2").WithLocation(56, 19),
// (56,19): error CS1026: ) expected
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CloseParenExpected, "2").WithLocation(56, 19),
// (56,20): error CS1002: ; expected
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SemicolonExpected, ")").WithLocation(56, 20),
// (56,20): error CS1513: } expected
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RbraceExpected, ")").WithLocation(56, 20),
// (14,15): error CS1674: 'int': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'
// using(int y)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConvToIDisp, "int y").WithArguments("int").WithLocation(14, 15),
// (21,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'a' because it is a 'using variable'
// a = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "a").WithArguments("a", "using variable").WithLocation(21, 13),
// (24,17): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(S b, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "b").WithLocation(24, 17),
// (24,20): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(S b, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "").WithLocation(24, 20),
// (26,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'b' because it is a 'using variable'
// b = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "b").WithArguments("b", "using variable").WithLocation(26, 13),
// (29,17): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(S c, d = new S())
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "c").WithLocation(29, 17),
// (31,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'c' because it is a 'using variable'
// c = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "c").WithArguments("c", "using variable").WithLocation(31, 13),
// (32,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'd' because it is a 'using variable'
// d = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "d").WithArguments("d", "using variable").WithLocation(32, 13),
// (37,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'e' because it is a 'using variable'
// e = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "e").WithArguments("e", "using variable").WithLocation(37, 13),
// (42,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'f' because it is a 'using variable'
// f = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "f").WithArguments("f", "using variable").WithLocation(42, 13),
// (43,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'g' because it is a 'using variable'
// g = new S();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "g").WithArguments("g", "using variable").WithLocation(43, 13),
// (46,19): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(int h, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "h").WithLocation(46, 19),
// (46,22): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(int h, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "").WithLocation(46, 22),
// (46,15): error CS1674: 'int': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'
// using(int h, )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConvToIDisp, "int h, ").WithArguments("int").WithLocation(46, 15),
// (48,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'h' because it is a 'using variable'
// h = 10;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "h").WithArguments("h", "using variable").WithLocation(48, 13),
// (51,15): error CS1674: 'int': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'
// using(int i = )
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConvToIDisp, "int i = ").WithArguments("int").WithLocation(51, 15),
// (53,13): error CS1656: Cannot assign to 'i' because it is a 'using variable'
// i = 10;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause, "i").WithArguments("i", "using variable").WithLocation(53, 13),
// (56,19): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "").WithLocation(56, 19),
// (56,15): error CS1674: 'int': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'
// using(int 2)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConvToIDisp, "int ").WithArguments("int").WithLocation(56, 15),
// (14,15): error CS0165: Use of unassigned local variable 'y'
// using(int y)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UseDefViolation, "int y").WithArguments("y").WithLocation(14, 15)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7409,6 +7409,36 @@ static void Main()
CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(text, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.Experimental)).VerifyDiagnostics(
// (7,14): error CS0165: Use of unassigned local variable 'w'
// using (StreamWriter w) // CS0210
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UseDefViolation, "StreamWriter w").WithArguments("w").WithLocation(7, 14),
// (12,27): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "x"),
// (12,30): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FixedMustInit, "y"));
public void CS0210ERR_FixedMustInit_NoDeclExpr()
var text = @"
using System.IO;
class Test
static void Main()
using (StreamWriter w) // CS0210
w.WriteLine(""Hello there"");
using (StreamWriter x, y) // CS0210, CS0210
// (7,27): error CS0210: You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration
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