提交 73f1152e 编写于 作者: J Jason Malinowski

Delete VisualStudioMetadataReference, which was now an empty type

The actual work was a nested type called .Snapshot, which everything
was using directly. The renames in here are:

- VisualStudioMetadataReference.Snapshot to
- The _provider field in .Snapshot to _referenceManager
- VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager.CreateMetadataReferenceSnapshot
  to just .CreateMetadataReference, since it's always a snapshot.
上级 67f30ecd
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Execution;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.DocumentationComments;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.ProjectSystem
// TODO: This class is now an empty container just to hold onto the nested type. Renaming that is an invasive change that will be it's own commit.
internal static class VisualStudioMetadataReference
/// <summary>
/// Represents a metadata reference corresponding to a specific version of a file.
/// If a file changes in future this reference will still refer to the original version.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The compiler observes the metadata content a reference refers to by calling <see cref="PortableExecutableReference.GetMetadataImpl()"/>
/// and the observed metadata is memoized by the compilation. However we drop compilations to decrease memory consumption.
/// When the compilation is recreated for a solution the compiler asks for metadata again and we need to provide the original content,
/// not read the file again. Therefore we need to save the timestamp on the <see cref="Snapshot"/>.
/// When the VS observes a change in a metadata reference file the project version is advanced and a new instance of
/// <see cref="Snapshot"/> is created for the corresponding reference.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class Snapshot : PortableExecutableReference, ISupportTemporaryStorage
private readonly VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager _provider;
private readonly Lazy<DateTime> _timestamp;
private Exception _error;
private FileChangeTracker _fileChangeTrackerOpt;
internal Snapshot(VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager provider, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, string fullPath, FileChangeTracker fileChangeTrackerOpt)
: base(properties, fullPath)
Debug.Assert(Properties.Kind == MetadataImageKind.Assembly);
_provider = provider;
_fileChangeTrackerOpt = fileChangeTrackerOpt;
_timestamp = new Lazy<DateTime>(() =>
return FileUtilities.GetFileTimeStamp(this.FilePath);
catch (IOException e)
// Reading timestamp of a file might fail.
// Let's remember the failure and report it to the compiler when it asks for metadata.
// We could let the Lazy hold onto this (since it knows how to rethrow exceptions), but
// our support of GetStorages needs to gracefully handle the case where we have no timestamp.
// If Lazy had a "IsValueFaulted" we could be cleaner here.
_error = e;
return DateTime.MinValue;
}, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
protected override Metadata GetMetadataImpl()
// Fetch the timestamp first, so as to populate _error if needed
var timestamp = _timestamp.Value;
if (_error != null)
throw _error;
return _provider.GetMetadata(this.FilePath, timestamp);
catch (Exception e) when (SaveMetadataReadingException(e))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
private bool SaveMetadataReadingException(Exception e)
// Save metadata reading failure so that future compilations created
// with this reference snapshot fail consistently in the same way.
if (e is IOException || e is BadImageFormatException)
_error = e;
return false;
protected override DocumentationProvider CreateDocumentationProvider()
return new VisualStudioDocumentationProvider(this.FilePath, _provider.XmlMemberIndexService);
protected override PortableExecutableReference WithPropertiesImpl(MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
return new Snapshot(_provider, properties, this.FilePath, _fileChangeTrackerOpt);
private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
return "Metadata File: " + FilePath;
public IEnumerable<ITemporaryStreamStorage> GetStorages()
return _provider.GetStorages(this.FilePath, _timestamp.Value);
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ internal IEnumerable<ITemporaryStreamStorage> GetStorages(string fullPath, DateT
return null;
public PortableExecutableReference CreateMetadataReferenceSnapshot(string filePath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
public PortableExecutableReference CreateMetadataReference(string filePath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
return new VisualStudioMetadataReference.Snapshot(this, properties, filePath, fileChangeTrackerOpt: null);
return new VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference(this, properties, filePath, fileChangeTrackerOpt: null);
public void ClearCache()
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public Service(HostWorkspaceServices workspaceServices)
public PortableExecutableReference GetReference(string resolvedPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
return _manager.Value.CreateMetadataReferenceSnapshot(resolvedPath, properties);
return _manager.Value.CreateMetadataReference(resolvedPath, properties);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Execution;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.DocumentationComments;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.ProjectSystem
/// <summary>
/// Represents a metadata reference corresponding to a specific version of a file.
/// If a file changes in future this reference will still refer to the original version.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The compiler observes the metadata content a reference refers to by calling <see cref="PortableExecutableReference.GetMetadataImpl()"/>
/// and the observed metadata is memoized by the compilation. However we drop compilations to decrease memory consumption.
/// When the compilation is recreated for a solution the compiler asks for metadata again and we need to provide the original content,
/// not read the file again. Therefore we need to save the timestamp on the <see cref="VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference"/>.
/// When the VS observes a change in a metadata reference file the project version is advanced and a new instance of
/// <see cref="VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference"/> is created for the corresponding reference.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference : PortableExecutableReference, ISupportTemporaryStorage
private readonly VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager _referenceManager;
private readonly Lazy<DateTime> _timestamp;
private Exception _error;
private FileChangeTracker _fileChangeTrackerOpt;
internal VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference(VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager referenceManager, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, string fullPath, FileChangeTracker fileChangeTrackerOpt)
: base(properties, fullPath)
Debug.Assert(Properties.Kind == MetadataImageKind.Assembly);
_referenceManager = referenceManager;
_fileChangeTrackerOpt = fileChangeTrackerOpt;
_timestamp = new Lazy<DateTime>(() =>
return FileUtilities.GetFileTimeStamp(this.FilePath);
catch (IOException e)
// Reading timestamp of a file might fail.
// Let's remember the failure and report it to the compiler when it asks for metadata.
// We could let the Lazy hold onto this (since it knows how to rethrow exceptions), but
// our support of GetStorages needs to gracefully handle the case where we have no timestamp.
// If Lazy had a "IsValueFaulted" we could be cleaner here.
_error = e;
return DateTime.MinValue;
}, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
protected override Metadata GetMetadataImpl()
// Fetch the timestamp first, so as to populate _error if needed
var timestamp = _timestamp.Value;
if (_error != null)
throw _error;
return _referenceManager.GetMetadata(this.FilePath, timestamp);
catch (Exception e) when (SaveMetadataReadingException(e))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
private bool SaveMetadataReadingException(Exception e)
// Save metadata reading failure so that future compilations created
// with this reference snapshot fail consistently in the same way.
if (e is IOException || e is BadImageFormatException)
_error = e;
return false;
protected override DocumentationProvider CreateDocumentationProvider()
return new VisualStudioDocumentationProvider(this.FilePath, _referenceManager.XmlMemberIndexService);
protected override PortableExecutableReference WithPropertiesImpl(MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
return new VisualStudioPortableExecutableReference(_referenceManager, properties, this.FilePath, _fileChangeTrackerOpt);
private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
return "Metadata File: " + FilePath;
public IEnumerable<ITemporaryStreamStorage> GetStorages()
return _referenceManager.GetStorages(this.FilePath, _timestamp.Value);
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ private IEnumerable<MetadataReference> CreateMetadataReferences()
return from fileName in new[] { "mscorlib.dll", "System.dll", "System.Core.dll" }
let fullPath = FileUtilities.ResolveRelativePath(fileName, basePath: null, baseDirectory: null, searchPaths: searchPaths, fileExists: File.Exists)
where fullPath != null
select manager.CreateMetadataReferenceSnapshot(fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly);
select manager.CreateMetadataReference(fullPath, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly);
public int OnAfterAttributeChange(uint docCookie, uint grfAttribs)
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