提交 72549ff8 编写于 作者: M manishv

Fix for bug 1096385: Remove unimplemented warnings from csc\vbc that were kept for compat reasons

There are some warnings that we havent implemented in Roslyn but have kept around because someone could have done a /nowarn and we would have complained in the past if we didnt recognize that warning number.

However now that /nowarn doesnt complain about unrecognized warnings (because it needs to support userdiags) there's no point keeping them. (changeset 1386659)
上级 2316dd75
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ internal override ImmutableArray<int> GetSupportedErrorCodes()
case InternalErrorCode.Unknown:
case (int)ErrorCode.WRN_ALinkWarn:
// We don't support configuring WRN_ALinkWarn. See comments in method "CSharpDiagnosticFilter.Filter" for more details.
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_TooManyLocals = 204,
ERR_AbstractBaseCall = 205,
ERR_RefProperty = 206,
WRN_OldWarning_UnsafeProp = 207, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:207" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_OldWarning_UnsafeProp = 207, // This error code is unused.
ERR_ManagedAddr = 208,
ERR_BadFixedInitType = 209,
ERR_FixedMustInit = 210,
......@@ -273,13 +273,13 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_AbstractSealedStatic = 418,
WRN_AmbiguousXMLReference = 419,
WRN_VolatileByRef = 420,
WRN_IncrSwitchObsolete = 422, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_IncrSwitchObsolete = 422, // This error code is unused.
ERR_ComImportWithImpl = 423,
ERR_ComImportWithBase = 424,
ERR_ImplBadConstraints = 425,
ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInAgg = 426,
ERR_MethGrpToNonDel = 428,
WRN_UnreachableExpr = 429, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_UnreachableExpr = 429, // This error code is unused.
ERR_BadExternAlias = 430,
ERR_ColColWithTypeAlias = 431,
ERR_AliasNotFound = 432,
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_SealedStaticClass = 441,
ERR_PrivateAbstractAccessor = 442,
ERR_ValueExpected = 443,
WRN_UnexpectedPredefTypeLoc = 444, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_UnexpectedPredefTypeLoc = 444, // This error code is unused.
ERR_UnboxNotLValue = 445,
ERR_AnonMethGrpInForEach = 446,
//ERR_AttrOnTypeArg = 447, unused in Roslyn. The scenario for which this error exists should, and does generate a parse error.
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_ComImportWithoutUuidAttribute = 596,
ERR_InvalidNamedArgument = 599,
ERR_DllImportOnInvalidMethod = 601,
WRN_FeatureDeprecated = 602, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:602" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated = 602, // This error code is unused.
// ERR_NameAttributeOnOverride = 609, // removed in Roslyn
ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny = 610,
ERR_ArrayElementCantBeRefAny = 611,
......@@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
WRN_BitwiseOrSignExtend = 675,
ERR_VolatileStruct = 677,
ERR_VolatileAndReadonly = 678,
WRN_OldWarning_ProtectedInternal = 679, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:679" is specified on the command line.
WRN_OldWarning_AccessibleReadonly = 680, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:680" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_OldWarning_ProtectedInternal = 679, // This error code is unused.
// WRN_OldWarning_AccessibleReadonly = 680, // This error code is unused.
ERR_AbstractField = 681,
ERR_BogusExplicitImpl = 682,
ERR_ExplicitMethodImplAccessor = 683,
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_ProtectedInStatic = 1057,
WRN_UnreachableGeneralCatch = 1058,
ERR_IncrementLvalueExpected = 1059,
WRN_UninitializedField = 1060, //unused in Roslyn but preserving for the purposes of not breaking users' /nowarn settings
// WRN_UninitializedField = 1060, // unused in Roslyn.
ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension = 1061,
WRN_DeprecatedCollectionInitAddStr = 1062,
ERR_DeprecatedCollectionInitAddStr = 1063,
......@@ -663,12 +663,12 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_ExplicitExtension = 1112,
ERR_ValueTypeExtDelegate = 1113,
// unused 1114-1199
// Below five error codes are unused, but we still need to retain them to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1200,1201,1202,1203,1204" is specified on the command line.
WRN_FeatureDeprecated2 = 1200,
WRN_FeatureDeprecated3 = 1201,
WRN_FeatureDeprecated4 = 1202,
WRN_FeatureDeprecated5 = 1203,
WRN_OldWarning_FeatureDefaultDeprecated = 1204,
// Below five error codes are unused.
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated2 = 1200,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated3 = 1201,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated4 = 1202,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated5 = 1203,
// WRN_OldWarning_FeatureDefaultDeprecated = 1204,
// unused 1205-1500
ERR_BadArgCount = 1501,
//ERR_BadArgTypes = 1502,
......@@ -751,20 +751,20 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
WRN_XMLParseIncludeError = 1592,
ERR_BadDelArgCount = 1593,
//ERR_BadDelArgTypes = 1594,
WRN_OldWarning_MultipleTypeDefs = 1595, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1595" is specified on the command line.
WRN_OldWarning_DocFileGenAndIncr = 1596, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1596" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_OldWarning_MultipleTypeDefs = 1595, // This error code is unused.
// WRN_OldWarning_DocFileGenAndIncr = 1596, // This error code is unused.
ERR_UnexpectedSemicolon = 1597,
WRN_XMLParserNotFound = 1598, // No longer used (though, conceivably, we could report it if Linq to Xml is missing at compile time).
// WRN_XMLParserNotFound = 1598, // No longer used (though, conceivably, we could report it if Linq to Xml is missing at compile time).
ERR_MethodReturnCantBeRefAny = 1599,
ERR_CompileCancelled = 1600,
ERR_MethodArgCantBeRefAny = 1601,
ERR_AssgReadonlyLocal = 1604,
ERR_RefReadonlyLocal = 1605,
//ERR_ALinkCloseFailed = 1606,
WRN_ALinkWarn = 1607, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1607" is specified on the command line.
WRN_ALinkWarn = 1607,
ERR_CantUseRequiredAttribute = 1608,
ERR_NoModifiersOnAccessor = 1609,
WRN_DeleteAutoResFailed = 1610, // Unused but preserving for /nowarn
// WRN_DeleteAutoResFailed = 1610, // Unused.
ERR_ParamsCantBeRefOut = 1611,
ERR_ReturnNotLValue = 1612,
ERR_MissingCoClass = 1613,
......@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause = 1656,
ERR_RefReadonlyLocalCause = 1657,
WRN_ErrorOverride = 1658,
WRN_OldWarning_ReservedIdentifier = 1659, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1659" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_OldWarning_ReservedIdentifier = 1659, // This error code is unused.
ERR_AnonMethToNonDel = 1660,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethParams = 1661,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethReturns = 1662,
......@@ -834,33 +834,32 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_BadExternIdentifier = 1679,
ERR_AliasMissingFile = 1680,
ERR_GlobalExternAlias = 1681,
WRN_MissingTypeNested = 1682, //unused in Roslyn.
// 1683 and 1684 are unused warning codes, but we still need to retain them to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1683" is specified on the command line.
// WRN_MissingTypeNested = 1682, // unused in Roslyn.
// In Roslyn, we generate errors ERR_MissingTypeInSource and ERR_MissingTypeInAssembly instead of warnings WRN_MissingTypeInSource and WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly respectively.
WRN_MissingTypeInSource = 1683,
WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly = 1684,
// WRN_MissingTypeInSource = 1683,
// WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly = 1684,
WRN_MultiplePredefTypes = 1685,
ERR_LocalCantBeFixedAndHoisted = 1686,
WRN_TooManyLinesForDebugger = 1687,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethNoParams = 1688,
ERR_ConditionalOnNonAttributeClass = 1689,
WRN_CallOnNonAgileField = 1690,
WRN_BadWarningNumber = 1691,
// WRN_BadWarningNumber = 1691, // we no longer generate this warning for an unrecognized warning ID specified as an argument to /nowarn or /warnasserror.
WRN_InvalidNumber = 1692,
WRN_FileNameTooLong = 1694, //unused but preserving for the sake of existing code using /nowarn:1694
// WRN_FileNameTooLong = 1694, //unused.
WRN_IllegalPPChecksum = 1695,
WRN_EndOfPPLineExpected = 1696,
WRN_ConflictingChecksum = 1697,
WRN_AssumedMatchThis = 1698,
WRN_UseSwitchInsteadOfAttribute = 1699, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1699" is specified.
WRN_InvalidAssemblyName = 1700, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1700" is specified.
// WRN_UseSwitchInsteadOfAttribute = 1699, // This error code is unused.
WRN_InvalidAssemblyName = 1700,
WRN_UnifyReferenceMajMin = 1701,
WRN_UnifyReferenceBldRev = 1702,
ERR_DuplicateImport = 1703,
ERR_DuplicateImportSimple = 1704,
ERR_AssemblyMatchBadVersion = 1705,
//ERR_AnonMethNotAllowed = 1706, Unused in Roslyn. Previously given when a lambda was supplied as an attribute argument.
WRN_DelegateNewMethBind = 1707, // This error code is unused, but we still need to retain it to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:1707" is specified.
// WRN_DelegateNewMethBind = 1707, // This error code is unused.
ERR_FixedNeedsLvalue = 1708,
WRN_EmptyFileName = 1709,
WRN_DuplicateTypeParamTag = 1710,
......@@ -1027,7 +1026,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
ERR_OpenResponseFile = 2011,
ERR_CantOpenFileWrite = 2012,
ERR_BadBaseNumber = 2013,
WRN_UseNewSwitch = 2014, //unused but preserved to keep compat with /nowarn:2014
// WRN_UseNewSwitch = 2014, //unused.
ERR_BinaryFile = 2015,
FTL_BadCodepage = 2016,
ERR_NoMainOnDLL = 2017,
......@@ -1060,7 +1059,7 @@ internal enum ErrorCode
WRN_CLS_BadArgType = 3001, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
WRN_CLS_BadReturnType = 3002,
WRN_CLS_BadFieldPropType = 3003,
WRN_CLS_BadUnicode = 3004, //unused but preserved to keep compat with /nowarn:3004
// WRN_CLS_BadUnicode = 3004, //unused
WRN_CLS_BadIdentifierCase = 3005,
WRN_CLS_OverloadRefOut = 3006,
WRN_CLS_OverloadUnnamed = 3007,
......@@ -147,26 +147,14 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
switch (code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_AccessibleReadonly:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_DocFileGenAndIncr:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_FeatureDefaultDeprecated:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_MultipleTypeDefs:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_ProtectedInternal:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_ReservedIdentifier:
case ErrorCode.WRN_OldWarning_UnsafeProp:
// Some old warnings which are unused, but we still need to retain them to suppress CS1691 when "/nowarn:code" is specified on the command line.
return 4;
case ErrorCode.WRN_InvalidMainSig:
case ErrorCode.WRN_LowercaseEllSuffix:
case ErrorCode.WRN_NewNotRequired:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MainCantBeGeneric:
case ErrorCode.WRN_IncrSwitchObsolete:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UnreachableExpr:
case ErrorCode.WRN_ProtectedInSealed:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingParamTag:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingXMLComment:
case ErrorCode.WRN_DeleteAutoResFailed:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingTypeParamTag:
case ErrorCode.WRN_InvalidVersionFormat:
return 4;
......@@ -207,7 +195,6 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg:
case ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggNs:
case ErrorCode.WRN_GlobalAliasDefn:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UnexpectedPredefTypeLoc:
case ErrorCode.WRN_AlwaysNull:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CmpAlwaysFalse:
case ErrorCode.WRN_AmbigLookupMeth:
......@@ -244,7 +231,6 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_ByRefNonAgileField:
case ErrorCode.WRN_VolatileByRef:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FinalizeMethod:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FeatureDeprecated:
case ErrorCode.WRN_DeprecatedSymbol:
case ErrorCode.WRN_ExternMethodNoImplementation:
case ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration:
......@@ -255,12 +241,7 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_ExternCtorNoImplementation:
case ErrorCode.WRN_WarningDirective:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UnreachableGeneralCatch:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedField:
case ErrorCode.WRN_DefaultValueForUnconsumedLocation:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FeatureDeprecated2:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FeatureDeprecated3:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FeatureDeprecated4:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FeatureDeprecated5:
case ErrorCode.WRN_EmptySwitch:
case ErrorCode.WRN_XMLParseError:
case ErrorCode.WRN_BadXMLRef:
......@@ -270,7 +251,6 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_FailedInclude:
case ErrorCode.WRN_InvalidInclude:
case ErrorCode.WRN_XMLParseIncludeError:
case ErrorCode.WRN_XMLParserNotFound:
case ErrorCode.WRN_ALinkWarn:
case ErrorCode.WRN_AssemblyAttributeFromModuleIsOverridden:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CmdOptionConflictsSource:
......@@ -279,20 +259,13 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_BadRestoreNumber:
case ErrorCode.WRN_NonECMAFeature:
case ErrorCode.WRN_ErrorOverride:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingTypeNested:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingTypeInSource:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MultiplePredefTypes:
case ErrorCode.WRN_TooManyLinesForDebugger:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CallOnNonAgileField:
case ErrorCode.WRN_BadWarningNumber:
case ErrorCode.WRN_InvalidNumber:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FileNameTooLong:
case ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum:
case ErrorCode.WRN_EndOfPPLineExpected:
case ErrorCode.WRN_ConflictingChecksum:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UseSwitchInsteadOfAttribute:
case ErrorCode.WRN_DelegateNewMethBind:
case ErrorCode.WRN_EmptyFileName:
case ErrorCode.WRN_DotOnDefault:
case ErrorCode.WRN_BadXMLRefTypeVar:
......@@ -301,7 +274,6 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_MultipleRuntimeImplementationMatches:
case ErrorCode.WRN_MultipleRuntimeOverrideMatches:
case ErrorCode.WRN_FileAlreadyIncluded:
case ErrorCode.WRN_UseNewSwitch:
case ErrorCode.WRN_NoConfigNotOnCommandLine:
case ErrorCode.WRN_AnalyzerCannotBeCreated:
case ErrorCode.WRN_NoAnalyzerInAssembly:
......@@ -311,7 +283,6 @@ internal static int GetWarningLevel(ErrorCode code)
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_BadArgType:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_BadReturnType:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_BadFieldPropType:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_BadUnicode:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_BadIdentifierCase:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_OverloadRefOut:
case ErrorCode.WRN_CLS_OverloadUnnamed:
......@@ -5946,12 +5946,9 @@ private static string ComputeSourceText(int startErrorCode, int endErrorCode)
for (int errorCode = startErrorCode; errorCode < endErrorCode; errorCode++)
if (errorCode != (int)ErrorCode.WRN_BadWarningNumber)
string pragmaDisableStr = @"#pragma warning disable " + errorCode.ToString() + @"
string pragmaDisableStr = @"#pragma warning disable " + errorCode.ToString() + @"
pragmaDisableWarnings += pragmaDisableStr;
pragmaDisableWarnings += pragmaDisableStr;
return pragmaDisableWarnings + @"
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
ERR_None = 0
' ERR_InitError = 2000 unused in Roslyn
ERR_FileNotFound = 2001
WRN_FileAlreadyIncluded = 2002 'unused in Roslyn but kept around to preserve legacy nowarn behavior
' WRN_FileAlreadyIncluded = 2002 'unused in Roslyn.
'ERR_DuplicateResponseFile = 2003 unused in Roslyn.
'ERR_NoMemory = 2004
ERR_ArgumentRequired = 2006
......@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
ERR_IconFileAndWin32ResFile = 2023
'WRN_ReservedReference = 2024 'unissued by native compiler due to bug.
WRN_NoConfigInResponseFile = 2025
WRN_InvalidWarningId = 2026
' WRN_InvalidWarningId = 2026 ' unused in Roslyn.
'ERR_WatsonSendNotOptedIn = 2027
WRN_SwitchNoBool = 2028 'unused in Roslyn but preserved to avoid giving BC2026 when this number is used with /nowarn
' WRN_SwitchNoBool = 2028 'unused in Roslyn
ERR_NoSourcesOut = 2029
ERR_NeedModule = 2030
ERR_InvalidAssemblyName = 2031
......@@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
WRN_UnimplementedCommandLineSwitch = 40998
WRN_DuplicateAssemblyAttribute1 = 41000 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_DuplicateAssemblyAttribute1 = 41000 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase3 = 41001
WRN_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase4 = 41002
WRN_RequiredNonObsoleteNewCall3 = 41003
......@@ -1794,14 +1794,14 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropRef1 = 42107
WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefByRefStr = 42108
WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefStr = 42109
WRN_FieldInForNotExplicit = 42110 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_FieldInForNotExplicit = 42110 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_StaticLocalNoInference = 42111
'// AVAILABLE 42112 - 42202
WRN_SxSHigherIndirectRefEmitted4 = 42203 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_ReferencedAssembliesAmbiguous6 = 42204 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_ReferencedAssembliesAmbiguous4 = 42205 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_MaximumNumberOfWarnings = 42206 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_SxSHigherIndirectRefEmitted4 = 42203 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_ReferencedAssembliesAmbiguous6 = 42204 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_ReferencedAssembliesAmbiguous4 = 42205 'unused in Roslyn
' WRN_MaximumNumberOfWarnings = 42206 'unused in Roslyn
WRN_InvalidAssemblyName = 42207
'// AVAILABLE 42209 - 42299
......@@ -74,10 +74,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Dim errorId = DirectCast(code, ERRID)
If ErrorFacts.IsWarning(errorId) AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_BadSwitch AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_FileAlreadyIncluded AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_NoConfigInResponseFile AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_InvalidWarningId AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_SwitchNoBool AndAlso
code <> ERRID.WRN_IgnoreModuleManifest Then
Return 1
ElseIf ErrorFacts.IsInfo(errorId) OrElse ErrorFacts.IsHidden(errorId)
......@@ -282,32 +282,5 @@ blah
Dim dict = VisualBasicCommandLineParser.ParseConditionalCompilationSymbols(text, errors)
errors.Verify(Diagnostic(ERRID.ERR_ProjectCCError1).WithArguments("Identifier expected.", " ^^ 'Blah' ^^ "))
End Sub
<WorkItem(546536, "DevDiv")>
Sub AllDev11WarningsAreStillWarnings()
' the warning numbers have been taken from the Dev11 sources (vb\include\errors.inc)
Dim allDev11Warnings() As Integer = {40000, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40007, 40008, 40009, 40010, 40011, 40012, 40014, 40018, 40019, 40020, 40021,
40022, 40023, 40024, 40025, 40026, 40027, 40028, 40029, 40030, 40031, 40032, 40033, 40034, 40035, 40038,
40039, 40040, 40041, 40042, 40043, 40046, 40047, 40048, 40049, 40050, 40051, 40052, 40053, 40054, 40055,
40056, 40057, 40059, 41000, 41001, 41002, 41003, 41004, 41005, 41007, 41008, 41998, 41999, 42000, 42001,
42002, 42004, 42014, 42015, 42016, 42017, 42018, 42019, 42020, 42021, 42022, 42024, 42025, 42026, 42029,
42030, 42031, 42032, 42033, 42034, 42035, 42036, 42037, 42038, 42099, 42101, 42102, 42104, 42105, 42106,
42107, 42108, 42109, 42110, 42111, 42203, 42204, 42205, 42206, 42300, 42301, 42302, 42303, 42304, 42305,
42306, 42307, 42308, 42309, 42310, 42311, 42312, 42313, 42314, 42315, 42316, 42317, 42318, 42319, 42320,
42321, 42322, 42324, 42326, 42327, 42328, 42332, 42333, 42334, 42335, 42336, 42337, 42338, 42339, 42340,
42341, 42342, 42343, 42344, 42345, 42346, 42347, 42348, 42349, 42350, 42351, 42352, 42353, 42354, 42355}
' the command line warnings (vb\language\commandlineerrors.inc)
Dim allDev11CommandLineWarnings() As Integer = {2002, 2007, 2025, 2028, 2034} 'note 2024 was never reachable in the native compiler
For Each warningNumber In allDev11Warnings
Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, Global.Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.MessageProvider.Instance.GetSeverity(warningNumber))
For Each warningNumber In allDev11CommandLineWarnings
Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, Global.Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.MessageProvider.Instance.GetSeverity(warningNumber))
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
......@@ -116,74 +116,6 @@ End Module
End Sub
<WorkItem(546536, "DevDiv")>
Public Sub EnsureLegacyWarningsAreMaintained()
Dim src As String = Temp.CreateFile().WriteAllText(<text>
Public Class C
End Class
' the warning numbers have been taken from the Dev11 sources (vb\include\errors.inc)
Dim allDev11Warnings As Integer() = {40000, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40007, 40008, 40009, 40010, 40011, 40012, 40014, 40018, 40019, 40020, 40021,
40022, 40023, 40024, 40025, 40026, 40027, 40028, 40029, 40030, 40031, 40032, 40033, 40034, 40035, 40038,
40039, 40040, 40041, 40042, 40043, 40046, 40047, 40048, 40049, 40050, 40051, 40052, 40053, 40054, 40055,
40056, 40057, 40059, 41000, 41001, 41002, 41003, 41004, 41005, 41007, 41008, 41998, 41999, 42000, 42001,
42002, 42004, 42014, 42015, 42016, 42017, 42018, 42019, 42020, 42021, 42022, 42024, 42025, 42026, 42029,
42030, 42031, 42032, 42033, 42034, 42035, 42036, 42037, 42038, 42099, 42101, 42102, 42104, 42105, 42106,
42107, 42108, 42109, 42110, 42111, 42203, 42204, 42205, 42206, 42300, 42301, 42302, 42303, 42304, 42305,
42306, 42307, 42308, 42309, 42310, 42311, 42312, 42313, 42314, 42315, 42316, 42317, 42318, 42319, 42320,
42321, 42322, 42324, 42326, 42327, 42328, 42332, 42333, 42334, 42335, 42336, 42337, 42338, 42339, 42340,
42341, 42342, 42343, 42344, 42345, 42346, 42347, 42348, 42349, 42350, 42351, 42352, 42353, 42354, 42355}
Dim cmd = New MockVisualBasicCompiler(Nothing, _baseDirectory, {"/nologo", "/t:library", "/nowarn:" & String.Join(",", allDev11Warnings), src})
Dim writer As New StringWriter()
Dim result = cmd.Run(writer, Nothing)
Assert.Equal(cmd.Arguments.CompilationOptions.GeneralDiagnosticOption, ReportDiagnostic.Default)
Assert.Equal(0, writer.ToString.Length)
AssertEx.SetEqual(cmd.Arguments.CompilationOptions.SpecificDiagnosticOptions.Keys, allDev11Warnings.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(err) MessageProvider.Instance.GetIdForErrorCode(err)))
For Each reportWarningOption In cmd.Arguments.CompilationOptions.SpecificDiagnosticOptions.Values
Assert.Equal(reportWarningOption, ReportDiagnostic.Suppress)
' the command line warnings (vb\language\commandlineerrors.inc)
Dim allDev11CommandLineWarnings As Integer() = {2002, 2007, 2024, 2025, 2028, 2034}
' Previous versions of the compiler used to report warnings (BC2026)
' whenever one of the below command line warnings was supplied via /nowarn or /warnaserror.
' We no longer generate a warning in such cases.
cmd = New MockVisualBasicCompiler(Nothing, _baseDirectory, {"/nologo", "/t:library", "/nowarn:" & String.Join(",", allDev11CommandLineWarnings), src})
writer = New StringWriter()
result = cmd.Run(writer, Nothing)
Assert.Equal(String.Empty, writer.ToString.Trim)
' Previous versions of the compiler used to report warnings (BC2026)
' whenever an unrecognized warning code was supplied via /nowarn or /warnaserror.
' We no longer generate a warning in such cases.
cmd = New MockVisualBasicCompiler(Nothing, _baseDirectory, {"/nologo", "/t:library", "/nowarn:42325", src})
writer = New StringWriter()
result = cmd.Run(writer, Nothing)
Assert.Equal(String.Empty, writer.ToString.Trim)
cmd = New MockVisualBasicCompiler(Nothing, _baseDirectory, {"/nologo", "/t:library", "/nowarn:70000", src})
writer = New StringWriter()
result = cmd.Run(writer, Nothing)
Assert.Equal(String.Empty, writer.ToString.Trim)
cmd = New MockVisualBasicCompiler(Nothing, _baseDirectory, {"/nologo", "/t:library", "/nowarn:abc", src})
writer = New StringWriter()
result = cmd.Run(writer, Nothing)
Assert.Equal(String.Empty, writer.ToString.Trim)
End Sub
<WorkItem(722561, "DevDiv")>
Public Sub Bug_722561()
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