提交 6fd1f755 编写于 作者: M Manish Vasani

xlf and resx file changes

上级 f80c68cf
......@@ -274,4 +274,7 @@
<data name="Invalid_format_string" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Invalid format string</value>
<data name="Convert_to_tuple" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convert to tuple</value>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<target state="new">Convert to conditional expression</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="new">Convert to tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Expression_value_is_never_used">
<source>Expression value is never used</source>
<target state="new">Expression value is never used</target>
......@@ -1189,9 +1189,6 @@ This version used in: {2}</value>
<data name="Convert_to_linq" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convert to LINQ</value>
<data name="Convert_to_tuple" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convert to tuple</value>
<data name="Convert_to_class" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convert to class</value>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Převést na strukturu</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Převést na řazenou kolekci členů</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Typ, který implementuje System.IDisposable, deklaruje pole, která mají typ, který IDisposable implementuje taky. Metoda Dispose deklarujícího typu nevolá metodu Dispose daného pole. Pokud chcete porušení tohoto pravidla opravit a je vaší odpovědností přidělovat a uvolňovat nespravované prostředky, které pole uchovává, zavolejte Dispose pro pole s typy, které implementují IDisposable.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">In Struktur konvertieren</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">In Tupel konvertieren</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Ein Typ, der System.IDisposable implementiert, deklariert Felder, die Typen aufweisen, die ebenfalls IDisposable implementieren. Die Dispose-Methode des Felds wird nicht von der Dispose-Methode des deklarierenden Typs aufgerufen. Wenn Sie für das Zuordnen und Freigeben nicht verwalteter Ressourcen zuständig sind, die von diesem Feld belegt werden, rufen Sie zum Beheben eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel Dispose für Felder auf, die Typen aufweisen, welche IDisposable implementieren.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Convertir a struct</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Convertir a tupla</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Un tipo que implementa System.IDisposable declara campos de tipos que también implementan IDisposable. El método Dispose del tipo declarativo no llama al método Dispose del campo. Para corregir una infracción de esta regla, llame a Dispose en campos que sean de tipos que implementan IDisposable si usted es el responsable de asignar y liberar los recursos no administrados que contiene el campo.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Convertir en struct</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Convertir en tuple</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Un type qui implémente System.IDisposable déclare des champs dont les types implémentent également IDisposable. La méthode Dispose du champ n'est pas appelée par la méthode Dispose du type déclarant. Pour corriger toute violation de cette règle, appelez Dispose sur les champs dont les types implémentent IDisposable si vous êtes responsable de l'allocation et de la libération des ressources non managées détenues par le champ.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Converti in struct</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Converti in tupla</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Un tipo che implementa System.IDisposable dichiara i campi di tipi che implementano anch'essi IDisposable. Il metodo Dispose del campo non viene chiamato dal metodo Dispose del tipo dichiarante. Per correggere una violazione di questa regola, chiamare Dispose su campi di tipi che implementano IDisposable se si è responsabile dell'allocazione e del rilascio delle risorse non gestite utilizzate dal campo.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">構造体に変換</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">タプルに変換</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">System.IDisposable を実装する型は、IDisposable も実装する型のフィールドを宣言します。フィールドの Dispose メソッドは、宣言する型の Dispose メソッドによって呼び出されません。フィールドが保持する管理されていないリソースの割り当てと解放を自分が担当している場合、このルールの違反を修正するには、IDisposable を実装する型のフィールドに Dispose を呼び出します。</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">구조체로 변환</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">튜플로 변환</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">System.IDisposable을 구현하는 형식은 IDisposable도 구현하는 형식의 필드를 선언합니다. 필드의 Dispose 메서드는 선언 형식의 Dispose 메서드에 의해 호출되지 않습니다. 이 규칙 위반 문제를 해결하려면 필드에 포함되는 비관리형 리소스를 할당 및 해제해야 하는 경우 IDisposable을 구현하는 형식의 필드에서 Dispose를 호출합니다.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Konwertuj na strukturę</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Konwertuj na spójną kolekcję</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Typ zawierający implementację interfejsu System.IDisposable deklaruje pola, których typy także zawierają implementację interfejsu IDisposable. Metoda Dispose pola nie jest wywoływana przez metodę Dispose typu deklarującego. Aby naprawić naruszenie tej reguły, wywołaj metodę Dispose dla pól, których typy zawierają implementację interfejsu IDisposable, jeśli odpowiadasz za przydzielanie i zwalnianie niezarządzanych zasobów wstrzymywanych przez pole.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Converter para struct</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Converter a tupla</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Um tipo que implementa System.IDisposable declara campos dos tipos que também implementam IDisposable. O método Dispose do campo não é chamado pelo método Dispose do tipo declarativo. Se você for responsável por alocar e liberar os recursos não gerenciados mantidos pelo campo, chame Dispose nos campos de tipos que implementam IDisposable para corrigir uma violação dessa regra.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Преобразовать в структуру</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Преобразовать в кортеж</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">Тип, который реализует System.IDisposable, объявляет поля, относящиеся к типам, которые также реализуют IDisposable. Метод Dispose поля не вызывается методом Dispose объявляющего типа. Чтобы устранить нарушение этого правила, вызовите Dispose для полей, относящихся к типам, которые реализуют IDisposable, если вы отвечаете за выделение и освобождение неуправляемых ресурсов, хранящихся в поле.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">Yapıya dönüştür</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">Başlığa dönüştür</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">System.IDisposable uygulayan bir tür, kendileri de IDisposable uygulayan türlerde alanlar bildiriyor. Alanın Dispose metodu, bildirim türünün Dispose metodu tarafından çağrılmıyor. Bu kural ihlalini düzeltmek için, alan tarafından tutulan yönetilmeyen kaynakları ayırmak ve serbest bırakmaktan sorumluysanız, IDisposable uygulayan türlerdeki alanlarda Dispose çağrısı yapın.</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">转换为结构</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">转换为元组</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">实现 System.IDisposable 的类型将声明一些字段,这些字段所属的类型还实现 IDisposable。字段的 Dispose 方法不由声明类型的 Dispose 方法调用。若要修复此规则的违规行为,如果你负责分配和释放该字段持有的非托管资源,请在其所属类型实现 IDisposable 的字段上调用 Dispose。</target>
......@@ -172,11 +172,6 @@
<target state="translated">轉換為結構</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Convert_to_tuple">
<source>Convert to tuple</source>
<target state="translated">轉換為元組</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
<source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
<target state="translated">實作 System.IDisposable 的類型,宣告的欄位會是也實作 IDisposable 的類型。該欄位的 Dispose 方法,並非由宣告類型的 Dispose 方法呼叫。若要修正此規則違規,如果由您負責配置及釋放由該欄位所保留的非受控資源,則請在會實作 IDisposable 的欄位類型欄位上,呼叫 Dispose。</target>
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