未验证 提交 6c7b6624 编写于 作者: S Sam Harwell 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #22871 from 06needhamt/patch-21946

Add code fix to add 'Shadows' modifier
......@@ -74,6 +74,65 @@ End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
Overloads Shared Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class")
End Function
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsAddShadows)>
Public Async Function TestAddShadowsToProperty() As Task
Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
"Class Application
Shared Sub Current()
End Sub
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
[|Shared Property Current As App|]
End Class",
"Class Application
Shared Sub Current()
End Sub
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
Shared Shadows Property Current As App
End Class")
End Function
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsAddShadows)>
Public Async Function TestAddShadowsToFunction() As Task
Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
"Class Application
Shared Property Test As Integer
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
[|Shared Function Test() As Integer
Return 2
End Function|]
End Class",
"Class Application
Shared Property Test As Integer
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
Shared Shadows Function Test() As Integer
Return 2
End Function
End Class")
End Function
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsAddShadows)>
Public Async Function TestAddShadowsToSub() As Task
Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
"Class Application
Shared Property Test As Integer
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
[|Shared Sub Test()
End Sub|]
End Class",
"Class Application
Shared Property Test As Integer
End Class
Class App : Inherits Application
Shared Shadows Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class")
End Function
End Class
......@@ -11,27 +11,31 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeFixes.OverloadBase
#Disable Warning RS1016 ' Code fix providers should provide FixAll support. https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23528
Partial Friend Class OverloadBaseCodeFixProvider
#Enable Warning RS1016
Private Class AddOverloadsKeywordAction
Private Class AddKeywordAction
Inherits CodeAction
Private ReadOnly _document As Document
Private ReadOnly _node As SyntaxNode
Private ReadOnly _title As String
Private ReadOnly _modifier As SyntaxKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Title As String
Return VBFeaturesResources.Add_Overloads
Return _title
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property EquivalenceKey As String
Return VBFeaturesResources.Add_Overloads
Return _title
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(document As Document, node As SyntaxNode)
Public Sub New(document As Document, node As SyntaxNode, title As String, modifier As SyntaxKind)
_document = document
_node = node
_title = title
_modifier = modifier
End Sub
Protected Overrides Async Function GetChangedDocumentAsync(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of Document)
......@@ -48,12 +52,12 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeFixes.OverloadBase
Dim propertyStatement = TryCast(node, PropertyStatementSyntax)
If propertyStatement IsNot Nothing Then
newNode = propertyStatement.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.OverloadsKeyword))
newNode = propertyStatement.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(_modifier))
End If
Dim methodStatement = TryCast(node, MethodStatementSyntax)
If methodStatement IsNot Nothing Then
newNode = methodStatement.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.OverloadsKeyword))
newNode = methodStatement.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(_modifier))
End If
'Make sure we preserve any trivia from the original node
......@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeFixes.OverloadBase
Inherits CodeFixProvider
Friend Const BC40003 As String = "BC40003" ' '{0} '{1}' shadows an overloadable member declared in the base class '{2}'. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be declared 'Overloads'.
Friend Const BC40004 As String = "BC40004" ' '{0} '{1}' overloads an overloadable member declared in the base class '{2}'. If you want to shadow the base method, this method must be declared 'Shadows'.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property FixableDiagnosticIds As ImmutableArray(Of String)
Return ImmutableArray.Create(BC40003)
Return ImmutableArray.Create(BC40003, BC40004)
End Get
End Property
......@@ -30,7 +31,11 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeFixes.OverloadBase
End If
context.RegisterCodeFix(New AddOverloadsKeywordAction(context.Document, token.Parent), context.Diagnostics)
If diagnostic.Descriptor.Id = BC40003 Then
context.RegisterCodeFix(New AddKeywordAction(context.Document, token.Parent, VBFeaturesResources.Add_Overloads, SyntaxKind.OverloadsKeyword), context.Diagnostics)
ElseIf diagnostic.Descriptor.Id = BC40004 Then
context.RegisterCodeFix(New AddKeywordAction(context.Document, token.Parent, VBFeaturesResources.Add_Shadows, SyntaxKind.ShadowsKeyword), context.Diagnostics)
End If
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.VBFeaturesResources
End Property
''' Looks up a localized string similar to Add Overloads.
''' Looks up a localized string similar to Add &apos;Overloads&apos;.
Friend ReadOnly Property Add_Overloads() As String
......@@ -138,6 +138,15 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.VBFeaturesResources
End Get
End Property
''' Looks up a localized string similar to Add &apos;Shadows&apos;.
Friend ReadOnly Property Add_Shadows() As String
Return ResourceManager.GetString("Add_Shadows", resourceCulture)
End Get
End Property
''' Looks up a localized string similar to AddHandler statement.
......@@ -1175,7 +1175,8 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</value>
<value>Type '{0}' is not defined.</value>
<data name="Add_Overloads" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add Overloads</value>
<value>Add 'Overloads'</value>
<comment>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</comment>
<data name="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</value>
......@@ -1263,4 +1264,8 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</value>
<value>Add missing Imports</value>
<comment>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</comment>
<data name="Add_Shadows" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add 'Shadows'</value>
<comment>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</comment>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">Příkaz if lze zjednodušit.</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;seznam_parametrů&gt;) &lt;výraz&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Přidat přetížení</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Přidat přetížení</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">Die If-Anweisung kann vereinfacht werden.</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;Parameterliste&gt;) &lt;Ausdruck&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Überladungen hinzufügen</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Überladungen hinzufügen</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">La instrucción "if" se puede simplificar</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;listaDeParámetros&gt;) &lt;instrucción&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Agregar sobrecargas</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Agregar sobrecargas</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">L'instruction 'If' peut être simplifiée</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Ajouter des surcharges</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Ajouter des surcharges</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">L'istruzione 'If' può essere semplificata</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;elencoParametri&gt;) &lt;istruzione&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Aggiungi overload</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Aggiungi overload</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">'if' ステートメントは簡素化できます</target>
......@@ -1712,9 +1717,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">オーバーロードを追加します</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">オーバーロードを追加します</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">'if' 문을 간단하게 줄일 수 있습니다.</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">오버로드 추가</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">오버로드 추가</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">Instrukcja „if” może zostać uproszczona</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;listaParametrów&gt;) &lt;instrukcja&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Dodaj przeciążenia</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Dodaj przeciążenia</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">A instrução 'If' pode ser simplificada</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Adicionar Sobrecargas</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Adicionar Sobrecargas</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">Оператор if можно упростить</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Добавить перегрузки</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Добавить перегрузки</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">'If' deyimi basitleştirilebilir</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">Aşırı Yükleme Ekle</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Aşırı Yükleme Ekle</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">可简化“If”语句</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">添加重载</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">添加重载</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
<target state="new">Add missing Imports</target>
<note>{Locked="Import"} "Import" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_Shadows">
<source>Add 'Shadows'</source>
<target state="new">Add 'Shadows'</target>
<note>{Locked="Shadows"} "Shadows" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="If_statement_can_be_simplified">
<source>'If' statement can be simplified</source>
<target state="translated">'If' 陳述式可簡化</target>
......@@ -1713,9 +1718,9 @@ Sub(&lt;parameterList&gt;) &lt;statement&gt;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Add_Overloads">
<source>Add Overloads</source>
<target state="translated">加入多載</target>
<note />
<source>Add 'Overloads'</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">加入多載</target>
<note>{Locked="Overloads"} "Overloads" is a VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
<trans-unit id="Add_a_metadata_reference_to_specified_assembly_and_all_its_dependencies_e_g_Sharpr_myLib_dll">
<source>Add a metadata reference to specified assembly and all its dependencies, e.g. #r "myLib.dll".</source>
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public static class Features
public const string CodeActionsAddOverload = "CodeActions.AddOverloads";
public const string CodeActionsAddParameter = "CodeActions.AddParameter";
public const string CodeActionsAddParenthesesAroundConditionalExpressionInInterpolatedString = "CodeActions.AddParenthesesAroundConditionalExpressionInInterpolatedString";
public const string CodeActionsAddShadows = "CodeActions.AddShadows";
public const string CodeActionsAliasAmbiguousType = "CodeActions.AliasAmbiguousType";
public const string CodeActionsChangeToAsync = "CodeActions.ChangeToAsync";
public const string CodeActionsChangeToIEnumerable = "CodeActions.ChangeToIEnumerable";
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