未验证 提交 66bc7a09 编写于 作者: I Ivan Basov 提交者: GitHub

Completion: refactor FilterResult (#38904)

上级 1cef0715
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PatternMatching;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.AsyncCompletion
internal struct FilterResult : IComparable<FilterResult>
public readonly CompletionItem CompletionItem;
public readonly bool MatchedFilterText;
public readonly string FilterText;
// In certain cases, there'd be no match but we'd still set `MatchedFilterText` to true,
// e.g. when the item is in MRU list. Therefore making this nullable.
public readonly PatternMatch? PatternMatch;
public FilterResult(CompletionItem completionItem, string filterText, bool matchedFilterText, PatternMatch? patternMatch)
CompletionItem = completionItem;
MatchedFilterText = matchedFilterText;
FilterText = filterText;
PatternMatch = patternMatch;
public int CompareTo(FilterResult other)
=> ComparerWithState.CompareTo(this, other, s_comparers);
private readonly static ImmutableArray<Func<FilterResult, IComparable>> s_comparers =
ImmutableArray.Create<Func<FilterResult, IComparable>>(
// Prefer the item that matches a longer prefix of the filter text.
f => f.CompletionItem.FilterText.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(f.FilterText),
// If the lengths are the same, prefer the one with the higher match priority.
// But only if it's an item that would have been hard selected. We don't want
// to aggressively select an item that was only going to be softly offered.
f => f.CompletionItem.Rules.SelectionBehavior == CompletionItemSelectionBehavior.HardSelection
? f.CompletionItem.Rules.MatchPriority
: MatchPriority.Default,
// If there are "Abc" vs "abc", we should prefer the case typed by user.
f => f.CompletionItem.FilterText.GetCaseSensitivePrefixLength(f.FilterText),
// Prefer Intellicode items.
f => f.CompletionItem.IsPreferredItem());
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PatternMatching;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using RoslynCompletionItem = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionItem;
using VSCompletionItem = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data.CompletionItem;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.AsyncCompletion
internal readonly struct MatchResult
public readonly RoslynCompletionItem RoslynCompletionItem;
public readonly bool MatchedFilterText;
public readonly ImmutableArray<Span> HighlightedSpans;
// In certain cases, there'd be no match but we'd still set `MatchedFilterText` to true,
// e.g. when the item is in MRU list. Therefore making this nullable.
public readonly PatternMatch? PatternMatch;
public readonly VSCompletionItem VSCompletionItem;
// We want to preserve the original alphabetical order for items with same pattern match score,
// but `ArrayBuilder.Sort` we currently use isn't stable. So we have to add a monotonically increasing
// integer to archieve this.
private readonly int _indexInOriginalSortedOrder;
public MatchResult(
RoslynCompletionItem roslynCompletionItem, VSCompletionItem vsCompletionItem,
bool matchedFilterText, PatternMatch? patternMatch, int index,
ImmutableArray<Span> highlightedSpans)
RoslynCompletionItem = roslynCompletionItem;
MatchedFilterText = matchedFilterText;
PatternMatch = patternMatch;
VSCompletionItem = vsCompletionItem;
_indexInOriginalSortedOrder = index;
HighlightedSpans = highlightedSpans;
public static IComparer<MatchResult> SortingComparer => FilterResultSortingComparer.Instance;
private class FilterResultSortingComparer : IComparer<MatchResult>
public static FilterResultSortingComparer Instance { get; } = new FilterResultSortingComparer();
// This comparison is used for sorting items in the completion list for the original sorting.
public int Compare(MatchResult x, MatchResult y)
var matchX = x.PatternMatch;
var matchY = y.PatternMatch;
if (matchX.HasValue)
if (matchY.HasValue)
var ret = matchX.Value.CompareTo(matchY.Value);
// We want to preserve the original order for items with same pattern match score.
return ret == 0
? x._indexInOriginalSortedOrder - y._indexInOriginalSortedOrder
: ret;
return -1;
if (matchY.HasValue)
return 1;
return x._indexInOriginalSortedOrder - y._indexInOriginalSortedOrder;
// This comparison is used in the deletion/backspace scenario for selecting best elements.
public int CompareTo(MatchResult other, string filterText)
=> ComparerWithState.CompareTo(this, other, filterText, s_comparers);
private readonly static ImmutableArray<Func<MatchResult, string, IComparable>> s_comparers =
ImmutableArray.Create<Func<MatchResult, string, IComparable>>(
// Prefer the item that matches a longer prefix of the filter text.
(f, s) => f.RoslynCompletionItem.FilterText.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(s),
// If the lengths are the same, prefer the one with the higher match priority.
// But only if it's an item that would have been hard selected. We don't want
// to aggressively select an item that was only going to be softly offered.
(f, s) => f.RoslynCompletionItem.Rules.SelectionBehavior == CompletionItemSelectionBehavior.HardSelection
? f.RoslynCompletionItem.Rules.MatchPriority
: MatchPriority.Default,
// If there are "Abc" vs "abc", we should prefer the case typed by user.
(f, s) => f.RoslynCompletionItem.FilterText.GetCaseSensitivePrefixLength(s),
// Prefer Intellicode items.
(f, s) => f.RoslynCompletionItem.IsPreferredItem());
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