Tune tolerance levels

上级 14cfe689
......@@ -14,14 +14,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Emit
public class EndToEndTests : EmitMetadataTestBase
public static bool IsDebug => true;
public static bool IsDebug => false;
/// <summary>
/// These tests are very sensitive to stack size hence we use a fresh thread to ensure there
/// is a consistent stack size for them to execute in.
......@@ -57,26 +49,14 @@ private static void RunInThread(Action action)
public void OverflowOnFluentCall()
int numberFluentCalls = 0;
// TODO: Number of frames was reduced by 50 to pass tests. We need to return to original counts after https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25603
// is fixed to determine the bug here
switch (IntPtr.Size * 8)
int numberFluentCalls = (ExecutionConditionUtil.Architecture, ExecutionConditionUtil.Configuration) switch
case 32 when IsDebug:
numberFluentCalls = 510;
case 32 when !IsDebug:
numberFluentCalls = 1350;
case 64 when IsDebug:
numberFluentCalls = 225;
case 64 when !IsDebug:
numberFluentCalls = 620;
throw new Exception($"unexpected pointer size {IntPtr.Size}");
(ExecutionArchitecture.x86, ExecutionConfiguration.Debug) => 510,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x86, ExecutionConfiguration.Release) => 1350,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x64, ExecutionConfiguration.Debug) => 225,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x64, ExecutionConfiguration.Release) => 620,
_ => throw new Exception($"Unexpected configuration {ExecutionConditionUtil.Architecture} {ExecutionConditionUtil.Configuration}")
// <path>\xunit.console.exe "<path>\CSharpCompilerEmitTest\Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp.Emit.UnitTests.dll" -noshadow -verbose -class "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Emit.EndToEndTests"
// <path>\xunit.console.x86.exe "<path>\CSharpCompilerEmitTest\Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp.Emit.UnitTests.dll" -noshadow -verbose -class "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Emit.EndToEndTests"
......@@ -122,22 +102,35 @@ void tryCompileDeepFluentCalls(int depth)
[WorkItem(33909, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33909")]
public void DeeplyNestedGeneric()
int nestingLevel = (IntPtr.Size * 8) switch
// The actual tolerance level of the compiler for nested generics is in excess of 1,000
// members. The problem is that the time it takes to compute that is on the order of
// tens of minutes which makes it impractical as a unit test. Instead for release builds
// we simply ensure that a reasonable tolerance level is supported.
// This does mean we don't get the full regression testing for release builds. But our
// debug builds can be tested to their full tolerance hence they will catch any regressions
// in this area.
const int minimumReleaseTolerance = 550;
int nestingLevel = (ExecutionConditionUtil.Architecture, ExecutionConditionUtil.Configuration) switch
32 when IsDebug => 100,
32 when !IsDebug => 100,
64 when IsDebug => 100,
64 when !IsDebug => 100,
_ => throw new Exception($"unexpected pointer size {IntPtr.Size}")
_ when ExecutionConditionUtil.IsCoreClrUnix => minimumReleaseTolerance,
_ when ExecutionConditionUtil.IsMonoDesktop => minimumReleaseTolerance,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x86, ExecutionConfiguration.Debug) => 270,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x86, ExecutionConfiguration.Release) => minimumReleaseTolerance,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x64, ExecutionConfiguration.Debug) => 170,
(ExecutionArchitecture.x64, ExecutionConfiguration.Release) => minimumReleaseTolerance,
_ => throw new Exception($"Unexpected configuration {ExecutionConditionUtil.Architecture} {ExecutionConditionUtil.Configuration}")
// Un-comment loop below and use above commands to figure out the new limits
Console.WriteLine($"{IsDebug} {IntPtr.Size}");
for (int i = nestingLevel; i < int.MaxValue; i = i + 10)
Console.WriteLine($"Depth: {i}");
// for (int i = nestingLevel; i < int.MaxValue; i = i + 10)
// {
// var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Console.Write($"Depth: {i}");
// runDeeplyNestedGenericTest(i);
// Console.WriteLine($" - {DateTime.UtcNow - start}");
// }
void runDeeplyNestedGenericTest(int nestingLevel)
......@@ -135,6 +135,21 @@ public abstract class ExecutionCondition
public static class ExecutionConditionUtil
public static ExecutionArchitecture Architecture => (IntPtr.Size) switch
4 => ExecutionArchitecture.x86,
8 => ExecutionArchitecture.x64,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unrecognized pointer size {IntPtr.Size}")
public static ExecutionConfiguration Configuration =>
#error Unsupported Configuration
public static bool IsWindows => Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\';
public static bool IsUnix => !IsWindows;
public static bool IsDesktop => RuntimeUtilities.IsDesktopRuntime;
......@@ -144,9 +159,21 @@ public static class ExecutionConditionUtil
public static bool IsCoreClrUnix => IsCoreClr && IsUnix;
public enum ExecutionArchitecture
public enum ExecutionConfiguration
public class x86 : ExecutionCondition
public override bool ShouldSkip => IntPtr.Size != 4;
public override bool ShouldSkip => ExecutionConditionUtil.Architecture != ExecutionArchitecture.x86;
public override string SkipReason => "Target platform is not x86";
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