提交 5889aeb2 编写于 作者: J Jared Parsons

Merge pull request #8618 from jaredpar/jenkins

Harden determinism job
......@@ -11,16 +11,19 @@ try
$rootDir = resolve-path (split-path -parent (split-path -parent $PSScriptRoot))
$sln = join-path $rootDir "Roslyn.sln"
$debugDir = join-path $rootDir "Binaries\Debug"
$errorDir = join-path $rootDir "Binaries\Determinism"
$errorList = @()
# Create directories that may or may not exist to make the script execution below
# clean in either case.
mkdir $debugDir -errorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
mkdir (join-path $rootDir "Binaries\Obj") -errorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
mkdir $errorDir -errorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
pushd $rootDir
# List of binary names that should be skipped because they have a known issue that
# makes them non-deterministic.
# makes them non-deterministic.
$skipList = @()
$allGood = $true
......@@ -32,10 +35,10 @@ try
write-host "Cleaning the Binaries"
rm -re -fo "Binaries\Debug"
rm -re -fo "Binaries\Obj"
& msbuild /nologo /v:m /t:clean $sln
& msbuild /nologo /v:m /nodeReuse:false /t:clean $sln
write-host "Building the Solution"
& msbuild /nologo /v:m /m /p:DebugDeterminism=true /p:BootstrapBuildPath=$buildDir /p:Features=debug-determinism /p:UseRoslynAnalyzers=false $sln
& msbuild /nologo /v:m /nodeReuse:false /m /p:DebugDeterminism=true /p:BootstrapBuildPath=$buildDir /p:Features=debug-determinism /p:UseRoslynAnalyzers=false $sln
pushd $debugDir
......@@ -44,13 +47,14 @@ try
$dllFullName = $dll.FullName
$dllName = split-path -leaf $dllFullName
$dllHash = (get-filehash $dll -algorithm MD5).Hash
$dllKeyName = $dllFullName + ".key"
$keyFullName = $dllFullName + ".key"
$keyName = split-path -leaf $keyFullName
# Do not process binaries that have been explicitly skipped or do not have a key
# file. The lack of a key file means it's a binary that wasn't specifically
# built for that directory (dependency). Only need to check the binaries we are
# building.
if ($skipList.Contains($dllName) -or -not (test-path $dllKeyName)) {
if ($skipList.Contains($dllName) -or -not (test-path $keyFullName)) {
......@@ -69,10 +73,17 @@ try
write-host "`tVerified $dllName"
else {
write-host "`tERROR! $dllName changed ($dllFullName)"
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($dllFullName + ".baseline", $data.Content)
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($dllFullName + ".baseline.key", $data.Key)
write-host "`tERROR! $dllName"
$allGood = $false
$errorList += $dllName
# Save out the original and baseline so Jenkins will archive them for investigation
pushd $errorDir
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((join-path $errorDir ($dllName + ".original")), $data.Content)
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((join-path $errorDir ($keyName + ".original")), $data.Key)
cp $dllFullName ($dllName + ".baseline")
cp $keyFullName ($keyName + ".baseline")
......@@ -92,6 +103,17 @@ try
if (-not $allGood) {
write-host "Determinism failed for the following binaries:"
foreach ($name in $errorList) {
write-host "`t$name"
write-host "Archiving failure information"
$zipFile = join-path $rootDir "Binaries\determinism.zip"
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem";
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($errorDir, $zipFile, "Fastest", $true);
write-host "Please send $zipFile to compiler team for analysis"
exit 1
......@@ -104,6 +126,8 @@ catch
write-host "Stopping VBCSCompiler"
gps VBCSCompiler -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill
write-host "Stopped VBCSCompiler"
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ call :TerminateBuildProcesses
if defined TestDeterminism (
powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file "%RoslynRoot%\build\scripts\test-determinism.ps1" "%bindir%\Bootstrap" || goto :BuildFailed
call :TerminateBuildProcesses
exit /b 0
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ static void addStandardJob(def myJob, String jobName, String branchName, String
def includePattern = "Binaries/**/*.pdb,Binaries/**/*.xml,Binaries/**/*.baseline*,Binaries/**/*.original*,,Binaries/**/*.key,Binaries/**/*.log,Binaries/**/*.dmp"
def includePattern = "Binaries/**/*.pdb,Binaries/**/*.xml,Binaries/**/*.log,Binaries/**/*.dmp,Binaries/**/*.zip"
def excludePattern = "Binaries/Obj/**,Binaries/Bootstrap/**"
addArtifactArchiving(myJob, includePattern, excludePattern)
......@@ -251,4 +251,3 @@ set TMP=%TEMP%
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