提交 527eb90f 编写于 作者: M Marek Safar

Rewrite CryptoBlobParser to use BlobReader/BlobWriter instead of casts.

上级 9e67e472
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
......@@ -70,35 +71,14 @@ public AlgorithmId(uint flags)
// From ECMAKey.h
private static readonly ImmutableArray<byte> s_ecmaKey = ImmutableArray.Create(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// From strongname.h
// Note: different from the PUBLICKEYBLOB specified in wincrypt.h. The
// PublicKey in the SnPublicKeyBlob contains a PUBLICKEYBLOB
// The public key blob has the following format as a little-endian packed C struct:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
#pragma warning disable 0649
private unsafe struct SnPublicKeyBlob
public UInt32 SigAlgId; // Signature algorithm ID
public UInt32 HashAlgId; // Hash algorithm ID
public UInt32 PublicKeySize; // Size of public key data in bytes, not including the header
// Note: PublicKey is variable sized
public fixed byte PublicKey[1]; // PublicKeySize bytes of public key data
private const int SnPublicKeyBlobSize = 13;
// From wincrypt.h
private const byte PublicKeyBlobId = 0x06;
private const byte PrivateKeyBlobId = 0x07;
// internal for testing
internal unsafe static readonly int s_publicKeyHeaderSize = sizeof(SnPublicKeyBlob) - 1;
private static uint ToUInt32(ImmutableArray<byte> bytes, int offset)
Debug.Assert((bytes.Length - offset) > sizeof(int));
return (uint)(bytes[offset] | (bytes[offset + 1] << 8) | (bytes[offset + 2] << 16) | (bytes[offset + 3] << 24));
internal const int s_publicKeyHeaderSize = SnPublicKeyBlobSize - 1;
// From StrongNameInternal.cpp
// Checks to see if a public key is a valid instance of a PublicKeyBlob as
......@@ -116,13 +96,21 @@ internal static bool IsValidPublicKey(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
private static unsafe bool IsValidPublicKeyUnsafe(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
var blobArray = blob.DangerousGetUnderlyingArray();
fixed (byte* blobPtr = blobArray)
fixed (byte* ptr = blob.DangerousGetUnderlyingArray())
var pkb = (SnPublicKeyBlob*)blobPtr;
var blobReader = new BlobReader(ptr, blob.Length);
// Signature algorithm ID
var sigAlgId = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// Hash algorithm ID
var hashAlgId = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// Size of public key data in bytes, not including the header
var publicKeySize = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// publicKeySize bytes of public key data
var publicKey = blobReader.ReadByte();
// The number of public key bytes must be the same as the size of the header plus the size of the public key data.
if (blob.Length != s_publicKeyHeaderSize + pkb->PublicKeySize)
if (blob.Length != s_publicKeyHeaderSize + publicKeySize)
return false;
......@@ -134,18 +122,18 @@ private static unsafe bool IsValidPublicKeyUnsafe(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
// The public key must be in the wincrypto PUBLICKEYBLOB format
if (pkb->PublicKey[0] != PublicKeyBlobId)
if (publicKey != PublicKeyBlobId)
return false;
var signatureAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(pkb->SigAlgId);
var signatureAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(sigAlgId);
if (signatureAlgorithmId.IsSet && signatureAlgorithmId.Class != AlgorithmClass.Signature)
return false;
var hashAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(pkb->HashAlgId);
var hashAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(hashAlgId);
if (hashAlgorithmId.IsSet && (hashAlgorithmId.Class != AlgorithmClass.Hash || hashAlgorithmId.SubId < AlgorithmSubId.Sha1Hash))
return false;
......@@ -155,128 +143,46 @@ private static unsafe bool IsValidPublicKeyUnsafe(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
return true;
// PUBLICKEYSTRUC struct from wincrypt.h
private struct BlobHeader
public byte Type; // Blob type
public byte Version; // Blob format version
public UInt16 Reserved; // Must be 0
public UInt32 AlgId; // Algorithm ID. Must be one of ALG_ID specified in wincrypto.h
private const int BlobHeaderSize = sizeof(byte) + sizeof(byte) + sizeof(ushort) + sizeof(uint);
private const int RsaPubKeySize = sizeof(uint) + sizeof(uint) + sizeof(uint);
// RSAPUBKEY struct from wincrypt.h
private struct RsaPubKey
public UInt32 Magic; // Indicates RSA1 or RSA2
public UInt32 BitLen; // Number of bits in the modulus. Must be multiple of 8.
public UInt32 PubExp; // The public exponent
private const UInt32 RSA1 = 0x31415352;
private const UInt32 RSA2 = 0x32415352;
// In wincrypt.h both public and private key blobs start with a
// PUBLICKEYSTRUC and RSAPUBKEY and then start the key data
private unsafe static readonly int s_offsetToKeyData = sizeof(BlobHeader) + sizeof(RsaPubKey);
private const int s_offsetToKeyData = BlobHeaderSize + RsaPubKeySize;
private static ImmutableArray<byte> CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(BlobHeader header, RsaPubKey rsa, byte[] pubKeyData)
private static ImmutableArray<byte> CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(byte type, byte version, ushort reserved, uint algId, uint magic, uint bitLen, uint pubExp, byte[] pubKeyData)
var snPubKey = new SnPublicKeyBlob()
SigAlgId = AlgorithmId.RsaSign,
HashAlgId = AlgorithmId.Sha,
PublicKeySize = (UInt32)(s_offsetToKeyData + pubKeyData.Length)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(160))
using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(ms))
var w = new BlobWriter(3 * sizeof(uint) + s_offsetToKeyData + pubKeyData.Length);
w.WriteUInt32((uint)(s_offsetToKeyData + pubKeyData.Length));
return ms.ToImmutable();
private unsafe static bool TryGetPublicKeyFromPublicKeyBlob(byte* blob, int blobLen, out ImmutableArray<byte> publicKey)
var header = Marshal.PtrToStructure<BlobHeader>((IntPtr)blob);
var rsaPubKey = Marshal.PtrToStructure<RsaPubKey>((IntPtr)(blob + sizeof(BlobHeader)));
var modulus = new byte[rsaPubKey.BitLen >> 3];
// The key blob data just contains the modulus
if (blobLen - s_offsetToKeyData != modulus.Length)
publicKey = ImmutableArray<byte>.Empty;
return false;
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)(blob + s_offsetToKeyData), modulus, 0, modulus.Length);
publicKey = CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(header, rsaPubKey, modulus);
return true;
private unsafe static bool TryGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKeyBlob(byte* blob, int blobLen, out ImmutableArray<byte> publicKey)
var header = (BlobHeader*)blob;
var rsa = (RsaPubKey*)(blob + sizeof(BlobHeader));
var version = header->Version;
var modulusBitLength = rsa->BitLen;
var exponent = rsa->PubExp;
var modulus = new byte[modulusBitLength >> 3];
if (blobLen - s_offsetToKeyData < modulus.Length)
publicKey = ImmutableArray<byte>.Empty;
return false;
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)(blob + s_offsetToKeyData), modulus, 0, modulus.Length);
var newHeader = new BlobHeader()
Type = PublicKeyBlobId,
Version = version,
Reserved = 0,
AlgId = AlgorithmId.RsaSign
var newRsaKey = new RsaPubKey()
Magic = RSA1, // Public key
BitLen = modulusBitLength,
PubExp = exponent
publicKey = CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(newHeader, newRsaKey, modulus);
return true;
return w.ToImmutableArray();
/// <summary>
/// Try to retrieve the public key from a crypto blob.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Can be either a PUBLICKEYBLOB or PRIVATEKEYBLOB. The BLOB must /// be unencrypted.
/// Can be either a PUBLICKEYBLOB or PRIVATEKEYBLOB. The BLOB must be unencrypted.
/// </remarks>
public unsafe static bool TryGetPublicKey(ImmutableArray<byte> blob, out ImmutableArray<byte> publicKey)
publicKey = ImmutableArray<byte>.Empty;
// Is this already a strong name PublicKeyBlob?
if (IsValidPublicKey(blob))
......@@ -284,27 +190,49 @@ public unsafe static bool TryGetPublicKey(ImmutableArray<byte> blob, out Immutab
return true;
publicKey = ImmutableArray<byte>.Empty;
// Must be at least as large as header + RSA info
if (blob.Length < sizeof(BlobHeader) + sizeof(RsaPubKey))
if (blob.Length < BlobHeaderSize + RsaPubKeySize)
return false;
fixed (byte* backing = blob.DangerousGetUnderlyingArray())
fixed (byte* ptr = blob.DangerousGetUnderlyingArray())
var header = (BlobHeader*)backing;
var rsa = (RsaPubKey*)(backing + sizeof(BlobHeader));
var blobReader = new BlobReader(ptr, blob.Length);
// Header (corresponds to PUBLICKEYSTRUC struct in wincrypt.h)
var type = blobReader.ReadByte();
var version = blobReader.ReadByte();
var reserved = blobReader.ReadUInt16();
var algId = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// Info (corresponds to RSAPUBKEY struct in wincrypt.h)
var magic = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
var bitLen = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
var pubExp = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
var modulusLength = (int)(bitLen >> 3);
// The key blob data just contains the modulus
if (blob.Length - s_offsetToKeyData < modulusLength)
return false;
byte[] pubKeyData = blobReader.ReadBytes(modulusLength);
// The RSA magic key must match the blob id
if (header->Type == PrivateKeyBlobId &&
rsa->Magic == RSA2)
if (type == PrivateKeyBlobId && magic == RSA2)
return TryGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKeyBlob(backing, blob.Length, out publicKey);
publicKey = CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(PublicKeyBlobId, version, 0, AlgorithmId.RsaSign, RSA1, bitLen, pubExp, pubKeyData);
return true;
else if (header->Type == PublicKeyBlobId &&
rsa->Magic == RSA1)
if (type == PublicKeyBlobId && magic == RSA1)
return TryGetPublicKeyFromPublicKeyBlob(backing, blob.Length, out publicKey);
publicKey = CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(type, version, reserved, algId, magic, bitLen, pubExp, pubKeyData);
return true;
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