提交 5211093c 编写于 作者: J Jared Parsons

Sync compiler and vs toolset files

This changes the file set used to build the VS toolset to match that of
the standard compiler toolset. Simply re-use the file list in the
compiler nuspec file here.

This actuall found a bug in our current implementation. We were not
copying the config file for csi.exe in the VS toolset.
上级 8eb4352a
......@@ -422,14 +422,7 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
End If
' VS.Tools.Roslyn CoreXT package needs to contain all dependencies.
Dim vsToolsetFiles = CompilerFiles.Concat({
' Copy over the files in the NetFX20 subdirectory (identical, except for references and Authenticode signing).
' These are for msvsmon, whose setup authoring is done by the debugger.
......@@ -1060,51 +1053,52 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
xml.Save(GetAbsolutePathInOutputDirectory(PackageName & ".nuspec"), SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces)
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateVSToolsRoslynCoreXTNuspec(filesToInsert As IEnumerable(Of String))
Const PackageName As String = "VS.Tools.Roslyn"
' No duplicates are allowed
filesToInsert.GroupBy(Function(x) x).All(Function(g) g.Count() = 1)
Dim outputFolder = GetAbsolutePathInOutputDirectory(PackageName)
''' <summary>
''' Generates the nuspec + supporting file layout for the Roslyn toolset nupkg file. This is the toolset
''' which will be used during the VS build. This will exactly match the layout of the toolset used
''' by the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package + some devdiv environment files.
''' </summary>
Private Sub GenerateVSToolsRoslynCoreXTNuspec()
Const packageName As String = "VS.Tools.Roslyn"
Dim outputDir = GetAbsolutePathInOutputDirectory(packageName)
Dim nuspecFiles As New List(Of String)
' First copy over all the files from the compilers toolset.
For Each fileRelativePath In GetCompilerToolsetNuspecFiles()
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(_binDirectory, fileRelativePath)
Dim fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileRelativePath)
Dim destFilepath = Path.Combine(_outputDirectory, fileName)
File.Copy(filePath, destFilepath)
' A bug in VS forces all of our exes to use the prefer 32 bit mode. Mark the copies added
' to this nuspec as such. They are isolated and hence allow our binaries shipped to customers
' to remain executable as 64 bit apps
' See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/17864
If Path.GetExtension(fileName) = ".exe" Then
End If
' Write an Init.cmd that sets DEVPATH to the toolset location. This overrides
' assembly loading during the VS build to always look in the Roslyn toolset
' first. This is necessary because there are various incompatible versions
' of Roslyn littered throughout the DEVPATH already and this one should always
' take precedence.
Dim initFileName = "Init.cmd"
Dim fileContents = "@echo off
set RoslynToolsRoot=%~dp0
set DEVPATH=%RoslynToolsRoot%;%DEVPATH%"
Path.Combine(outputFolder, "Init.cmd"),
' Copy all dependent compiler files to the output directory
' It is most important to have isolated copies of the compiler
' exes (csc, vbc, vbcscompiler) since we are going to mark them
' 32-bit only to work around problems with the VS build.
' These binaries should never ship anywhere other than the VS toolset
' See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/17864
For Each fileName In filesToInsert
Dim srcPath = Path.Combine(_binDirectory, GetMappedPath(fileName))
Dim dstPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, fileName)
File.Copy(srcPath, dstPath)
If Path.GetExtension(fileName) = ".exe" Then
End If
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputDir, initFileName), fileContents)
Dim xml = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<id><%= PackageName %></id>
<id><%= packageName %></id>
<summary>Roslyn compiler binaries used to build VS</summary>
<description>CoreXT package for Roslyn compiler toolset.</description>
<authors>Managed Language Compilers</authors>
......@@ -1112,13 +1106,13 @@ set DEVPATH=%RoslynToolsRoot%;%DEVPATH%"
<file src="Init.cmd"/>
<%= filesToInsert.
<%= nuspecFiles.
OrderBy(Function(f) f).
Select(Function(f) <file src=<%= f %>/>) %>
xml.Save(Path.Combine(outputFolder, PackageName & ".nuspec"), SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces)
xml.Save(Path.Combine(outputDir, packageName & ".nuspec"), SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces)
End Sub
Private Sub MarkFile32BitPref(filePath As String)
......@@ -1166,4 +1160,21 @@ set DEVPATH=%RoslynToolsRoot%;%DEVPATH%"
Return absolutePath
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Get the list of files that appear in the compiler toolset nuspec file. This is the authorative
''' list of files that make up the compiler toolset layout.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetCompilerToolsetNuspecFiles() As List(Of String)
Dim files As New List(Of String)
Dim nuspecFilePath = Path.Combine(_nuspecDirectory, "Microsoft.Net.Compilers.nuspec")
Dim document = XDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(nuspecFilePath))
For Each fileElement In document.<package>.<files>.<file>
If fileElement.Attribute("target").Value = "tools" Then
End If
Return files
End Function
End Class
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