未验证 提交 518fa0a5 编写于 作者: C Charles Stoner 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #30686 from cston/translate

EnsureNonNullTypesAttributeExists not called for NoPIA
......@@ -953,6 +953,11 @@ protected virtual Cci.IModuleReference TranslateModule(ModuleSymbol module, Diag
if (!InjectedSymbolsAreFrozen && namedTypeSymbol.Equals(_injectedNonNullTypesAttribute))
// NoPia: See if this is a type, which definition we should copy into our assembly.
......@@ -961,11 +966,6 @@ protected virtual Cci.IModuleReference TranslateModule(ModuleSymbol module, Diag
return _embeddedTypesManagerOpt.EmbedTypeIfNeedTo(namedTypeSymbol, fromImplements, syntaxNodeOpt, diagnostics);
if (!InjectedSymbolsAreFrozen && namedTypeSymbol.Equals(_injectedNonNullTypesAttribute))
return namedTypeSymbol;
......@@ -51373,5 +51373,38 @@ public class EqualityComparer<T>
public void AccessPropertyWithoutArguments()
var source1 =
@"Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<Assembly: PrimaryInteropAssembly(0, 0)>
<Assembly: Guid(""165F752D-E9C4-4F7E-B0D0-CDFD7A36E210"")>
Public Interface I
Property Value(Optional index As Object = Nothing) As Object
End Interface";
var ref1 = BasicCompilationUtils.CompileToMetadata(source1);
var source2 =
@"class C : I
public dynamic get_Value(object index = null) => ""Test"";
public void set_Value(object index = null, object value = null) { }
class Test
static void Main()
I x = new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source2, new[] { ref1.WithEmbedInteropTypes(true), CSharpRef }, options: WithNonNullTypesTrue(TestOptions.ReleaseExe));
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: "4");
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