提交 3f99f05f 编写于 作者: P Pilchie

Merge change 1220595 back to main:

Simplify build versioning for OSS builders.

Always build delay signed with the MS key, and the RoslynMajorVersion (  While this requires disabling strong name verification up-front, it results in many fewer failure modes when trying to deploy changes to VS, as you can't end up with mismatched public key tokens or versions.

Also, removes a lot of complicated build logic from our targets files. (changeset 1220638)
上级 fa58d35e
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- This file deals with enabling the Roslyn package in the Roslyn Hive -->
<Import Project="..\Targets\VSL.Settings.targets" />
<Import Project="..\Targets\VSL.Imports.targets" />
<!-- Update common properties -->
<!-- ====================================================================================
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- This file is imported by all projects at the end of the project files -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(OpenSourceDebug)' == 'true'">
<DelaySignBuild Condition="'$(DelaySignBuild)' == ''">true</DelaySignBuild>
<NonShipping Condition="'$(NonShipping)' == ''">false</NonShipping>
<!-- Returns the current build version. Used in .vsixmanifests to substitute our build version into them -->
<Target Name="GetBuildVersion" Outputs="$(BuildVersion)" />
<!-- Update common properties -->
......@@ -29,88 +29,8 @@
<!-- Build settings for Open Source preview package -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(OpenSourceDebug)' == 'true'">
<DelaySignBuild Condition="'$(DelaySignBuild)' == ''">true</DelaySignBuild>
<NonShipping Condition="'$(NonShipping)' == ''">false</NonShipping>
<When Condition="'$(BuildVersion)' != ''">
<!-- The user specified a build version number. In that case, we'll use their version number
for the file version, and force the assembly version to $(MajorRoslynVersion).0.0. That way
day-to-day upgrades don't break assembly references to other installed apps. -->
<When Condition="'$(BuildNumber)' != ''">
<!-- The user specified a build number, so we should use that. -->
<!-- If this is real-signed build being ran through TeamBuild, then use a real version number -->
<When Condition="'$(LineupModuleVersion)' != '' AND '$(BuildingWithTeamBuild)' == 'true' AND ('$(RealSignBuild)' == 'true' OR '$(DelaySignBuild)' == 'true')">
<!-- The LineupModuleVersion looks like yyyy.mm.dd.rev -->
<BuildVersion>$(MajorRoslynVersion).$(LineupModuleVersion.Substring(3, 1))$(LineupModuleVersion.Substring(5, 2))$(LineupModuleVersion.Substring(8))</BuildVersion>
<When Condition="'$(RealSignBuild)' == 'true' OR '$(DelaySignBuild)' == 'true'">
<!-- We're real-signing the build, but don't have a build number. Just use the MajorRoslynVersion.
This happens if the build template does not pass BuildNumber down to MSBuild. -->
<!-- No build version was supplied. We'll use a special version, higher than anything
installed, so that the assembly identity is different. This will allows us to
have a build with an actual number installed, but then build and F5 a build with
this number. -->
<!-- Returns the current build version. Used in .vsixmanifests to substitute our build version into them -->
<Target Name="GetBuildVersion" Outputs="$(BuildVersion)" />
<!-- NuGet version -->
"-beta" suffix indicates a pre-release package. Since we're not RTM, we need to specify pre-release for all
packages we release unless they're stable/production quality. Also since we depend on a pre-release package,
we MUST ourselves be a pre-release package.
See how Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable indicates that it is pre-release:
NuGet doesn't support pre-release packages with four digit groups, so we artificially compress our two last
digit groups into a single (third) digit group, which is the build date and the revision number (1-99).
It's unlikely we'll ever have more than 99 signed builds a day.
<BuildVersionPart3 Condition="($(BuildVersion) != '') AND ($(BuildVersion.Split('.').Length) == 4)">$(BuildVersion.Split('.')[2])</BuildVersionPart3>
<BuildVersionPart4 Condition="($(BuildVersion) != '') AND ($(BuildVersion.Split('.').Length) == 4)">$(BuildVersion.Split('.')[3])</BuildVersionPart4>
<NuGetVersion Condition="($(BuildVersionPart3) != '') AND ($(BuildVersionPart4) != '')">$(MajorRoslynVersion).$(BuildVersionPart3)$(BuildVersionPart4.PadLeft(2, '0'))-beta</NuGetVersion>
<NuGetVersion Condition="$(NuGetVersion) == ''">$(MajorRoslynVersion).0-beta</NuGetVersion>
<!-- Project language -->
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