提交 3998ec3d 编写于 作者: D Dustin Campbell

Merge pull request #5716 from DustinCampbell/issue-5685

VB Remove Unnecessary Cast should not remove necessary casts from Nothing to T?
......@@ -8081,6 +8081,126 @@ Class C
End Function
End Class
Test(input, expected)
End Sub
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Simplification)>
<WorkItem(5685, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Sub VisualBasic_DontRemove_NecessaryCastToNullable1()
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}, CDate(""))
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), CDate(""))
End Sub
End Class
Test(input, expected)
End Sub
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Simplification)>
<WorkItem(5685, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Sub VisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable1()
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}, CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?))
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, Nothing, CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?))
End Sub
End Class
Test(input, expected)
End Sub
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Simplification)>
<WorkItem(5685, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Sub VisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable2()
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), {|Simplify:CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), #10/6/2015#)
End Sub
End Class
Test(input, expected)
End Sub
<Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Simplification)>
<WorkItem(5685, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Sub VisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable3()
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Test(input, expected)
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Utilities
......@@ -58,9 +56,10 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Extensions
End Function
Private Shared Function GetOuterCastType(expression As ExpressionSyntax, expressionTypeInfo As TypeInfo, semanticModel As SemanticModel, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As ITypeSymbol
Dim nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent = expression.WalkUpParentheses().Parent
expression = expression.WalkUpParentheses()
Dim parent = expression.Parent
Dim parentExpression = TryCast(nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent, ExpressionSyntax)
Dim parentExpression = TryCast(parent, ExpressionSyntax)
If parentExpression IsNot Nothing Then
If TypeOf parentExpression Is CastExpressionSyntax OrElse
TypeOf parentExpression Is PredefinedCastExpressionSyntax Then
......@@ -72,27 +71,26 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Extensions
Return expressionTypeInfo.ConvertedType
End If
Dim parentExpressionasEqualClause = TryCast(nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent, EqualsValueSyntax)
If parentExpressionasEqualClause IsNot Nothing Then
Dim returnedType = AsTypeInVariableDeclarator(parentExpressionasEqualClause.Parent, semanticModel)
Dim parentEqualsValue = TryCast(parent, EqualsValueSyntax)
If parentEqualsValue IsNot Nothing Then
Dim returnedType = AsTypeInVariableDeclarator(parentEqualsValue.Parent, semanticModel)
If returnedType IsNot Nothing Then
Return returnedType
End If
End If
Dim parentExpressionForeach = TryCast(nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent, ForEachStatementSyntax)
If parentExpressionForeach IsNot Nothing Then
Dim returnedType = AsTypeInVariableDeclarator(parentExpressionForeach.ControlVariable, semanticModel)
Dim parentForEach = TryCast(parent, ForEachStatementSyntax)
If parentForEach IsNot Nothing Then
Dim returnedType = AsTypeInVariableDeclarator(parentForEach.ControlVariable, semanticModel)
If returnedType IsNot Nothing Then
Return returnedType
End If
End If
Dim parentAssignmentStatement = TryCast(nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent, AssignmentStatementSyntax)
If parentAssignmentStatement IsNot Nothing AndAlso nodeWalkUpParenthesesParent.Kind = SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentStatement Then
Dim parentAssignmentStatement = TryCast(parent, AssignmentStatementSyntax)
If parentAssignmentStatement IsNot Nothing AndAlso parent.Kind = SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentStatement Then
Return semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(parentAssignmentStatement.Left).Type
End If
......@@ -102,6 +100,17 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Extensions
Return GetOuterCastType(parentUnaryExpression, parentTypeInfo, semanticModel, cancellationToken)
End If
Dim parentTernaryConditional = TryCast(parent, TernaryConditionalExpressionSyntax)
If parentTernaryConditional IsNot Nothing AndAlso
parentTernaryConditional.Condition IsNot expression Then
Dim otherExpression = If(parentTernaryConditional.WhenTrue Is expression,
Return semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(otherExpression).Type
End If
Return expressionTypeInfo.ConvertedType
End Function
......@@ -371,18 +380,34 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Extensions
End Function
Private Shared Function CastRemovalChangesDefaultValue(castType As ITypeSymbol, outerType As ITypeSymbol) As Boolean
If castType.IsNumericType Then
Return Not outerType.IsNumericType
Select Case castType.SpecialType
Case SpecialType.System_DateTime
Return Not outerType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_DateTime
Case SpecialType.System_Boolean
Return Not (outerType.IsNumericType OrElse outerType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Boolean)
Case Else
Return False
End Select
If castType.IsNumericType() Then
Return Not outerType.IsNumericType()
ElseIf castType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_DateTime
Return Not outerType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_DateTime
ElseIf castType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Boolean
Return Not (outerType.IsNumericType OrElse outerType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Boolean)
End If
If castType.OriginalDefinition?.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Nullable_T Then
' Don't allow casts of Nothing to T? to be removed unless the outer type is T? or Object.
' Otherwise, Nothing will lose its "nullness" and get the default value of T.
' So, this is OK:
' Dim x As Object = DirectCast(Nothing, Integer?)
' But this is not:
' Dim x As Integer = DirectCast(Nothing, Integer?)
If castType.Equals(outerType) OrElse outerType.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Shared Function IsUnnecessary(
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