提交 38654368 编写于 作者: T TomasMatousek

Factor generating of custom debug information to a separate class. Remove...

Factor generating of custom debug information to a separate class. Remove mutable state from PEWriter related to custom debug info generation. (changeset 1250467)
上级 560736db
......@@ -355,6 +355,7 @@
<Compile Include="PEWriter\ClrHeader.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\Constants.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\Core.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\CustomDebugInfoWriter.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\DebugSourceDocument.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\DirectoryEntry.cs" />
<Compile Include="PEWriter\ExceptionHandlerRegion.cs" />
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
......@@ -14,17 +10,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
/// We need a CCI representation for local constants because they are emitted as locals in
/// PDB scopes to improve the debugging experience (see LocalScopeProvider.GetConstantsInScope).
/// </summary>
internal class LocalConstantDefinition : ILocalDefinition
internal sealed class LocalConstantDefinition : Cci.ILocalDefinition
private readonly string name;
private readonly Location location;
private readonly IMetadataConstant compileTimeValue;
private readonly Cci.IMetadataConstant compileTimeValue;
private readonly bool isDynamic;
//Gives the synthesized dynamic attributes of the local definition
private readonly ImmutableArray<TypedConstant> dynamicTransformFlags;
public LocalConstantDefinition(string name, Location location, IMetadataConstant compileTimeValue, bool isDynamic = false,
public LocalConstantDefinition(string name, Location location, Cci.IMetadataConstant compileTimeValue, bool isDynamic = false,
ImmutableArray<TypedConstant> dynamicTransformFlags = default(ImmutableArray<TypedConstant>))
......@@ -47,12 +43,12 @@ public Location Location
get { return location; }
public IMetadataConstant CompileTimeValue
public Cci.IMetadataConstant CompileTimeValue
get { return compileTimeValue; }
public ITypeReference Type
public Cci.ITypeReference Type
get { return this.compileTimeValue.Type; }
......@@ -62,9 +58,9 @@ public bool IsConstant
get { return true; }
public ImmutableArray<ICustomModifier> CustomModifiers
public ImmutableArray<Cci.ICustomModifier> CustomModifiers
get { return ImmutableArray<ICustomModifier>.Empty; }
get { return ImmutableArray<Cci.ICustomModifier>.Empty; }
public bool IsModified
......@@ -96,5 +92,13 @@ public ImmutableArray<TypedConstant> DynamicTransformFlags
get { return this.dynamicTransformFlags; }
public int SlotIndex
return -1;
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
internal sealed class LocalDefinition : Microsoft.Cci.ILocalDefinition
internal sealed class LocalDefinition : Cci.ILocalDefinition
//TODO: locals are really just typed slots. They do not have names.
// name only matters for pdb generation where it is a scope-specific mapping to a slot.
......@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ internal sealed class LocalDefinition : Microsoft.Cci.ILocalDefinition
private readonly string name; // null if it is a temp.
//data type associated with the local signature slot.
private readonly Microsoft.Cci.ITypeReference type;
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference type;
// specifies whether local slot has a byref constraint and whether
// the type of the local has the "pinned modifier" (7.1.2).
......@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ internal sealed class LocalDefinition : Microsoft.Cci.ILocalDefinition
public LocalDefinition(
object identity,
string name,
Microsoft.Cci.ITypeReference type,
Cci.ITypeReference type,
int slot,
bool isCompilerGenerated,
LocalSlotConstraints constraints,
......@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ public ImmutableArray<TypedConstant> DynamicTransformFlags
get { return this.dynamicTransformFlags; }
public Microsoft.Cci.ITypeReference Type
public Cci.ITypeReference Type
get { return this.type; }
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ internal abstract class PEModuleBuilder<TCompilation, TSymbol, TSourceModuleSymb
public abstract TEmbeddedTypesManager EmbeddedTypesManagerOpt { get; }
private ImmutableArray<Cci.ExternNamespace> lazyExternNamespaces;
protected PEModuleBuilder(
TCompilation compilation,
TSourceModuleSymbol sourceModule,
......@@ -306,6 +308,38 @@ private static void VisitTopLevelType(Cci.NoPiaReferenceIndexer noPiaIndexer, Cc
private ImmutableArray<Cci.ExternNamespace> CalculateExternNamespaces()
var result = ArrayBuilder<Cci.ExternNamespace>.GetInstance(compilation.ExternalReferences.Length);
var referenceManager = this.compilation.GetBoundReferenceManager();
// Enumerate external references (#r's don't define aliases) to preserve the order.
foreach (MetadataReference reference in compilation.ExternalReferences)
// duplicate references might have been skipped by the assembly binder:
IAssemblySymbol symbol;
ImmutableArray<string> aliases;
if (referenceManager.TryGetReferencedAssemblySymbol(reference, out symbol, out aliases))
var displayName = symbol.Identity.GetDisplayName();
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
string alias = aliases[i];
// filter out duplicates and global aliases:
if (alias != MetadataReferenceProperties.GlobalAlias && aliases.IndexOf(alias, 0, i) < 0)
result.Add(new Cci.ExternNamespace(alias, displayName));
return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
#region Synthesized Members
/// <summary>
......@@ -687,36 +721,17 @@ IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> Cci.IModule.ModuleAttributes
get { return GetSourceModuleAttributes(); }
ImmutableArray<Cci.ExternNamespace> Cci.IModule.GetExternNamespaces()
ImmutableArray<Cci.ExternNamespace> Cci.IModule.ExternNamespaces
var result = ArrayBuilder<Cci.ExternNamespace>.GetInstance(compilation.ExternalReferences.Length);
var referenceManager = this.compilation.GetBoundReferenceManager();
// Enumerate external references (#r's don't define aliases) to preserve the order.
foreach (MetadataReference reference in compilation.ExternalReferences)
// duplicate references might have been skipped by the assembly binder:
IAssemblySymbol symbol;
ImmutableArray<string> aliases;
if (referenceManager.TryGetReferencedAssemblySymbol(reference, out symbol, out aliases))
if (lazyExternNamespaces.IsDefault)
var displayName = symbol.Identity.GetDisplayName();
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
string alias = aliases[i];
// filter out duplicates and global aliases:
if (alias != MetadataReferenceProperties.GlobalAlias && aliases.IndexOf(alias, 0, i) < 0)
result.Add(new Cci.ExternNamespace(alias, displayName));
ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedCompareExchange(ref lazyExternNamespaces, CalculateExternNamespaces(), default(ImmutableArray<Cci.ExternNamespace>));
return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
return this.lazyExternNamespaces;
// PE entry point, only available for console and windows apps:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.Cci
internal sealed class CustomDebugInfoWriter
private uint methodTokenWithModuleInfo;
private IMethodBody methodBodyWithModuleInfo;
private uint previousMethodTokenWithUsingInfo;
private IMethodBody previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo;
public CustomDebugInfoWriter()
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the namespace scope for this method should be forwarded to another method.
/// Returns non-null <paramref name="forwardToMethod"/> if the forwarding should be done directly via UsingNamespace,
/// null if the forwarding is done via custom debug info.
/// </summary>
public bool ShouldForwardNamespaceScopes(IMethodBody methodBody, uint methodToken, out IMethodDefinition forwardToMethod)
if (ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(methodBody) || methodBody.NamespaceScopes.IsEmpty)
// SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata will do the actual forwarding in case this is a CSharp method.
// VB on the other hand adds a "@methodtoken" to the scopes instead.
if (methodBody.CustomDebugInfoKind == CustomDebugInfoKind.VisualBasicStyle)
forwardToMethod = this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo.MethodDefinition;
forwardToMethod = null;
return true;
this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo = methodBody;
this.previousMethodTokenWithUsingInfo = methodToken;
forwardToMethod = null;
return false;
public byte[] SerializeMethodDebugInfo(IModule module, IMethodBody methodBody, uint methodToken, out bool emitExternNamespaces)
emitExternNamespaces = false;
// CONSIDER: this may not be the same "first" method as in Dev10, but
// it shouldn't matter since all methods will still forward to a method
// containing the appropriate information.
if (this.methodBodyWithModuleInfo == null) //UNDONE: || edit-and-continue
// This module level information could go on every method (and does in
// the edit-and-continue case), but - as an optimization - we'll just
// put it on the first method we happen to encounter and then put a
// reference to the first method's token in every other method (so they
// can find the information).
if (module.ExternNamespaces.Any())
this.methodTokenWithModuleInfo = methodToken;
this.methodBodyWithModuleInfo = methodBody;
emitExternNamespaces = true;
var customDebugInfo = ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream>.GetInstance();
SerializeIteratorClassMetadata(methodBody, customDebugInfo);
// NOTE: This is an attempt to match Dev10's apparent behavior. For iterator methods (i.e. the method
// that appears in source, not the synthesized ones), Dev10 only emits the ForwardIterator and IteratorLocal
// custom debug info (e.g. there will be no information about the usings that were in scope).
// NOTE: There seems to be an unusual behavior in ISymUnmanagedWriter where, if all the methods in a type are
// iterator methods, no custom debug info is emitted for any method. Adding a single non-iterator
// method causes the custom debug info to be produced for all methods (including the iterator methods).
// Since we are making the same ISymUnmanagedWriter calls as Dev10, we see the same behavior (i.e. this
// is not a regression).
if (methodBody.IteratorClassName == null)
SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata(methodBody, customDebugInfo);
SerializeIteratorLocalScopes(methodBody, customDebugInfo);
SerializeDynamicLocalInfo(methodBody, customDebugInfo);
byte[] result;
if (methodBody.CustomDebugInfoKind == CustomDebugInfoKind.CSharpStyle)
result = SerializeCustomDebugMetadata(customDebugInfo);
result = null;
return result;
private static void SerializeIteratorClassMetadata(IMethodBody methodBody, ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
SerializeReferenceToIteratorClass(methodBody.IteratorClassName, customDebugInfo);
private static void SerializeReferenceToIteratorClass(string iteratorClassName, ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
if (iteratorClassName == null) return;
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata, true);
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte(4); // kind: ForwardIterator
uint length = 10 + (uint)iteratorClassName.Length * 2;
if ((length & 3) != 0) length += 4 - (length & 3);
cmw.WriteString(iteratorClassName, true);
Debug.Assert(customMetadata.Position == length);
private static void SerializeIteratorLocalScopes(IMethodBody methodBody, ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
ImmutableArray<LocalScope> scopes = methodBody.IteratorScopes;
uint numberOfScopes = (uint)scopes.Length;
if (numberOfScopes == 0)
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata);
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte(3); // kind: IteratorLocals
cmw.WriteUint(12 + numberOfScopes * 8);
foreach (var scope in scopes)
cmw.WriteUint(scope.Offset + scope.Length);
private static void SerializeDynamicLocalInfo(IMethodBody methodBody, ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
if (!methodBody.HasDynamicLocalVariables)
return; //There are no dynamic locals
var dynamicLocals = ArrayBuilder<ILocalDefinition>.GetInstance();
foreach (ILocalDefinition local in methodBody.LocalVariables)
if (local.IsDynamic)
int dynamicVariableCount = dynamicLocals.Count;
foreach (var currentScope in methodBody.LocalScopes)
foreach (var localConstant in currentScope.Constants)
if (localConstant.IsDynamic)
Debug.Assert(dynamicLocals.Any()); // There must be atleast one dynamic local if this point is reached
const int blobSize = 200;//DynamicAttribute - 64, DynamicAttributeLength - 4, SlotIndex -4, IdentifierName - 128
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata, true);
cmw.WriteByte(5);//Kind : Dynamic Locals
// size = Version,Kind + size + cBuckets + (dynamicCount * sizeOf(Local Blob))
cmw.WriteUint(4 + 4 + 4 + (uint)dynamicLocals.Count * blobSize);//Size of the Dynamic Block
int localIndex = 0;
foreach (ILocalDefinition local in dynamicLocals)
if (local.Name.Length > 63)//Ignore and push empty information
cmw.WriteBytes(0, blobSize);
var dynamicTransformFlags = local.DynamicTransformFlags;
if (!dynamicTransformFlags.IsDefault && dynamicTransformFlags.Length <= 64)
byte[] flag = new byte[64];
for (int k = 0; k < dynamicTransformFlags.Length; k++)
if ((bool)dynamicTransformFlags[k].Value)
flag[k] = (byte)1;
cmw.WriteBytes(flag); //Written Flag
cmw.WriteUint((uint)dynamicTransformFlags.Length); //Written Length
cmw.WriteBytes(0, 68); //Empty flag array and size.
if (localIndex < dynamicVariableCount)
// Dynamic variable
// Dynamic constant
char[] localName = new char[64];
local.Name.CopyTo(0, localName, 0, local.Name.Length);
private static byte[] SerializeCustomDebugMetadata(ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
if (customDebugInfo.Count == 0)
return null;
MemoryStream customMetadata = MemoryStream.GetInstance();
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata);
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte((byte)customDebugInfo.Count); // count
foreach (MemoryStream ms in customDebugInfo)
var result = customMetadata.ToArray();
return result;
private void SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata(IMethodBody methodBody, ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
if (ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(methodBody))
Debug.Assert(!ReferenceEquals(this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo, methodBody));
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream();
List<ushort> usingCounts = new List<ushort>();
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata);
foreach (NamespaceScope namespaceScope in methodBody.NamespaceScopes)
// ACASEY: This originally wrote (uint)12, (ushort)1, (ushort)0 in the
// case where usingCounts was empty, but I'm not sure why.
if (usingCounts.Count > 0)
uint streamLength = 0;
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte(0); // kind: UsingInfo
cmw.WriteUint(streamLength = PeWriter.Aligned((uint)usingCounts.Count * 2 + 10, 4));
foreach (ushort uc in usingCounts)
Debug.Assert(streamLength == customMetadata.Length);
if (this.methodBodyWithModuleInfo != null && !ReferenceEquals(this.methodBodyWithModuleInfo, methodBody))
private bool ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(IMethodBody methodBody)
if (this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo == null || ReferenceEquals(this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo, methodBody))
return false;
// CONSIDER: is there a more efficient way to check if the scopes are the same?
// CONSIDER: might want to cache the list of scopes.
var previousScopes = this.previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo.NamespaceScopes;
return methodBody.NamespaceScopes.SequenceEqual(previousScopes, NamespaceScopeComparer.Instance);
private void SerializeReferenceToMethodWithModuleInfo(ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream(12);
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata);
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte(2); // kind: ForwardToModuleInfo
private void SerializeReferenceToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(ArrayBuilder<MemoryStream> customDebugInfo)
MemoryStream customMetadata = new MemoryStream(12);
BinaryWriter cmw = new BinaryWriter(customMetadata);
cmw.WriteByte(4); // version
cmw.WriteByte(1); // kind: ForwardInfo
private class NamespaceScopeComparer : IEqualityComparer<NamespaceScope>
public static readonly IEqualityComparer<NamespaceScope> Instance = new NamespaceScopeComparer();
public bool Equals(NamespaceScope x, NamespaceScope y)
Debug.Assert(x != null);
Debug.Assert(y != null);
return x.UsedNamespaces.SequenceEqual(y.UsedNamespaces, UsedNamespaceOrTypeComparer.Instance);
public int GetHashCode(NamespaceScope obj)
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
private class UsedNamespaceOrTypeComparer : IEqualityComparer<UsedNamespaceOrType>
public static readonly IEqualityComparer<UsedNamespaceOrType> Instance = new UsedNamespaceOrTypeComparer();
public bool Equals(UsedNamespaceOrType x, UsedNamespaceOrType y)
Debug.Assert(x != null);
Debug.Assert(y != null);
return x.Kind == y.Kind &&
x.Alias == y.Alias &&
x.TargetName == y.TargetName &&
x.ExternAlias == y.ExternAlias &&
x.ProjectLevel == y.ProjectLevel;
public int GetHashCode(UsedNamespaceOrType obj)
return 0;
......@@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ ImmutableArray<ICustomModifier> CustomModifiers
/// Use <see cref="Location.None"/> rather than null.
/// </remark>
Location Location { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Slot index or -1 if not applicable.
/// </summary>
int SlotIndex { get; }
/// <summary>
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace Microsoft.Cci
namespace Microsoft.Cci
internal class PeDebugDirectory
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ ulong SizeOfStackReserve
/// </summary>
MultiDictionary<DebugSourceDocument, DefinitionWithLocation> GetSymbolToLocationMap();
ImmutableArray<ExternNamespace> GetExternNamespaces();
ImmutableArray<ExternNamespace> ExternNamespaces { get; }
ushort MajorSubsystemVersion { get; }
ushort MinorSubsystemVersion { get; }
......@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ private static void AddModule(PEModule module, int referenceIndex, ResolvedRefer
boundReferenceDirectives.Add(referenceDirective.File, boundReference);
// Workaround for bug #531342: include facades if we reference a Portable Library:
// Workaround for bug #797360: include facades if we reference a Portable Library:
// add external reference at the end, so that they are processed first:
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