未验证 提交 28f62447 编写于 作者: J Jared Parsons 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #31224 from jaredpar/fix-integration

Azure support for VS integration tests
......@@ -3,9 +3,15 @@ phases:
name: dotnet-external-temp-vs2017
timeoutInMinutes: 90
parallel: 2
_configuration: Debug
_configuration: Release
- script: build/scripts/cibuild.cmd -configuration Debug -testVsi
- script: build/scripts/cibuild.cmd -configuration $(_configuration) -testVsi
displayName: Build and Test
- task: PublishTestResults@1
......@@ -13,14 +19,23 @@ phases:
testRunner: XUnit
testResultsFiles: '**/xUnitResults/*.xml'
mergeTestResults: true
testRunTitle: 'Windows Visual Studio Integration Debug'
testRunTitle: 'Windows Visual Studio Integration $(_configuration)'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Publish Logs
PathtoPublish: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Binaries\$(_configuration)\Logs'
ArtifactName: 'Windows Visual Studio Integration Debug'
ArtifactName: 'Windows Visual Studio Integration $(_configuration)'
publishLocation: Container
continueOnError: true
condition: failed()
condition: or(failed(), canceled())
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Publish Screenshots
PathtoPublish: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Binaries\$(_configuration)\UnitTests\Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.IntegrationTests\xUnitResults/'
ArtifactName: 'Screenshots $(_configuration)'
publishLocation: Container
continueOnError: true
condition: or(failed(), canceled())
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ function Process-Arguments() {
if ($cibuild -and -not $official -and $anyVsi) {
# Avoid spending time in analyzers when requested, and also in the slowest integration test builds
$script:skipAnalyzers = $true
$script:bootstrap = $false
if ($testDeterminism -and ($anyUnit -or $anyVsi)) {
......@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ function Test-XUnit() {
if ($cibuild) {
# Use a 75 minute timeout on CI
$args += " -xml -timeout:75"
$args += " -xml -timeout:65"
if ($procdump) {
......@@ -612,4 +613,4 @@ finally {
\ No newline at end of file
// Groovy Script: http://www.groovy-lang.org/syntax.html
// Jenkins DSL: https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/wiki
import jobs.generation.*;
// The input project name (e.g. dotnet/corefx)
def projectName = GithubProject
// The input branch name (e.g. master)
def branchName = GithubBranchName
// Folder that the project jobs reside in (project/branch)
def projectFoldername = Utilities.getFolderName(projectName) + '/' + Utilities.getFolderName(branchName)
def windowsUnitTestMachine = 'Windows.10.Amd64.ClientRS3.DevEx.Open'
static void addRoslynJob(def myJob, String jobName, String branchName, Boolean isPr, String triggerPhraseExtra, Boolean triggerPhraseOnly = false) {
def archiveSettings = new ArchivalSettings()
// Only archive if failed/aborted
Utilities.addArchival(myJob, archiveSettings)
// Create the standard job. This will setup parameter, SCM, timeout, etc ...
def projectName = 'dotnet/roslyn'
// Need to setup the triggers for the job
if (isPr) {
// Note the use of ' vs " for the 4th argument. We don't want groovy to interpolate this string (the ${ghprbPullId}
// is resolved when the job is run based on an environment variable set by the Jenkins Pull Request Builder plugin.
Utilities.standardJobSetupPR(myJob, projectName, null, '+refs/pull/${ghprbPullId}/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${ghprbPullId}/*');
def triggerCore = "open|all|${jobName}"
if (triggerPhraseExtra) {
triggerCore = "${triggerCore}|${triggerPhraseExtra}"
def triggerPhrase = "(?im)^\\s*(@?dotnet-bot\\,?\\s+)?(re)?test\\s+(${triggerCore})(\\s+please\\.?)?\\s*\$";
def contextName = jobName
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(myJob, branchName, contextName, triggerPhrase, triggerPhraseOnly)
} else {
Utilities.standardJobSetupPush(myJob, projectName, "*/${branchName}");
// TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
// addEmailPublisher(myJob)
// True when this is a PR job, false for commit. On feature branches we do PR jobs only.
def commitPullList = [false, true]
if (branchName.startsWith("features/")) {
commitPullList = [true]
// Mac
commitPullList.each { isPr ->
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(projectName, "mac_debug", isPr)
def myJob = job(jobName) {
description("Mac tests")
steps {
shell("./build/scripts/cibuild.sh --configuration Debug")
def triggerPhraseOnly = true
def triggerPhraseExtra = "mac"
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(myJob, 'OSX10.12', 'latest-or-auto')
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(myJob, '**/xUnitResults/*.xml')
addRoslynJob(myJob, jobName, branchName, isPr, triggerPhraseExtra, triggerPhraseOnly)
// VS Integration Tests
commitPullList.each { isPr ->
['debug', 'release'].each { configuration ->
['vs-integration'].each { buildTarget ->
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(projectName, "windows_${configuration}_${buildTarget}", isPr)
def myJob = job(jobName) {
description("Windows ${configuration} tests on ${buildTarget}")
steps {
batchFile(""".\\build\\scripts\\cibuild.cmd -configuration ${configuration} -testVsi""")
def triggerPhraseOnly = false
def triggerPhraseExtra = ""
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(myJob, 'Windows.10.Amd64.ClientRS4.DevEx.15.8.Open')
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(myJob, '**/xUnitResults/*.xml')
addRoslynJob(myJob, jobName, branchName, isPr, triggerPhraseExtra, triggerPhraseOnly)
// Loc status check
commitPullList.each { isPr ->
// Add the check for PR builds, and dev15.8.x/dev15.8.x-vs-deps builds.
if (isPr
|| branchName == "dev15.8.x"
|| branchName == "dev15.8.x-vs-deps") {
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(projectName, "windows_loc_status", isPr)
def myJob = job(jobName) {
description('Check for untranslated resources')
steps {
// Run it automatically on CI builds but only when requested on PR builds.
def triggerPhraseOnly = isPr
def triggerPhraseExtra = "loc"
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(myJob, windowsUnitTestMachine)
addRoslynJob(myJob, jobName, branchName, isPr, triggerPhraseExtra, triggerPhraseOnly)
// Loc change check
commitPullList.each { isPr ->
// This job blocks PRs with loc changes, so only activate it for PR builds of
// release branches after a loc freeze.
if (isPr
&& (branchName == "dev15.8.x"
|| branchName == "dev15.8.x-vs-deps")) {
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(projectName, "windows_loc_changes", isPr)
def myJob = job(jobName) {
description('Validate that a PR contains no localization changes')
steps {
batchFile(""".\\build\\scripts\\check-for-loc-changes.cmd -base origin/${branchName} -head %GIT_COMMIT%""")
def triggerPhraseOnly = false
def triggerPhraseExtra = "loc changes"
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(myJob, windowsUnitTestMachine)
addRoslynJob(myJob, jobName, branchName, isPr, triggerPhraseExtra, triggerPhraseOnly)
// Make the call to generate the help job
Utilities.createHelperJob(this, projectName, branchName,
"Welcome to the ${projectName} Repository", // This is prepended to the help message
"Have a nice day!") // This is appended to the help message. You might put known issues here.
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