未验证 提交 22c4757d 编写于 作者: C Chris Sienkiewicz 提交者: GitHub

Semantic model tuple types (#36628)

* Correctly report nullability of tuples in the semantic model:
- Store the original tuple literal rather than just its type
- Visit the original literal without diagnostics only in the nullability walker to understand its type
- Update the generator to allow force visiting fields in the nullable re-writer
- Update type checker to allow checking of converted types too
- Update various tuple tests to be correct
- Add extra tests
上级 53c22dd6
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ internal partial class Binder
TupleTypeSymbol.ReportNamesMismatchesIfAny(destination, sourceTuple, diagnostics);
source = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(
sourceTuple.Type, // same type to keep original element names
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ private BoundExpression CreateTupleLiteralConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTup
BoundExpression result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(
......@@ -1527,8 +1527,8 @@
<Node Name="BoundConvertedTupleLiteral" Base="BoundTupleExpression">
<!-- Converted tuple must have a type -->
<Field Name="Type" Type="TypeSymbol" Override="true" Null="disallow"/>
<!-- Natural type is preserved for the purpose of semantic model. Can be null -->
<Field Name="NaturalTypeOpt" Type="TypeSymbol" Null="allow"/>
<!-- Original tuple is preserved for the purpose of semantic model -->
<Field Name="SourceTuple" Type="BoundTupleLiteral" SkipInVisitor="ExceptNullabilityRewriter" />
<Node Name="BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression" Base="BoundExpression">
......@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ private static bool IsUserDefinedTrueOrFalse(BoundUnaryOperator @operator)
// The bound tree always fully binds tuple literals. From the language point of
// view, however, converted tuple literals represent tuple conversions
// from tuple literal expressions which may or may not have types
type = tupleLiteral.NaturalTypeOpt;
type = tupleLiteral.SourceTuple.Type;
......@@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ private static bool IsUserDefinedTrueOrFalse(BoundUnaryOperator @operator)
if (tupleLiteralConversion.Operand.Kind == BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral)
var convertedTuple = (BoundConvertedTupleLiteral)tupleLiteralConversion.Operand;
type = convertedTuple.NaturalTypeOpt;
type = convertedTuple.SourceTuple.Type;
nullability = convertedTuple.TopLevelNullability;
......@@ -165,6 +165,12 @@ private void VisitBinaryOperatorChildren(BoundBinaryOperatorBase node)
node = child;
public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
return base.VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node);
......@@ -4047,6 +4047,10 @@ public override BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
// Visit the source tuple so that the semantic model can correctly report nullability for it
// Disable diagnostics, as we don't want to duplicate any that are produced by visiting the converted literal below
return null;
......@@ -5701,25 +5701,26 @@ protected override BoundExpression ShallowClone()
internal sealed partial class BoundConvertedTupleLiteral : BoundTupleExpression
public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
: base(BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors())
public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
: base(BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors || sourceTuple.HasErrors() || arguments.HasErrors())
Debug.Assert((object)sourceTuple != null, "Field 'sourceTuple' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
Debug.Assert((object)type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
this.NaturalTypeOpt = naturalTypeOpt;
this.SourceTuple = sourceTuple;
public TypeSymbol NaturalTypeOpt { get; }
public BoundTupleLiteral SourceTuple { get; }
public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor) => visitor.VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(this);
public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral Update(TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type)
public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral Update(BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type)
if (!TypeSymbol.Equals(naturalTypeOpt, this.NaturalTypeOpt, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) || arguments != this.Arguments || !TypeSymbol.Equals(type, this.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
if (sourceTuple != this.SourceTuple || arguments != this.Arguments || !TypeSymbol.Equals(type, this.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
var result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type, this.HasErrors);
var result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, sourceTuple, arguments, type, this.HasErrors);
return result;
......@@ -5728,7 +5729,7 @@ public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral Update(TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt, ImmutableArr
protected override BoundExpression ShallowClone()
var result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, this.NaturalTypeOpt, this.Arguments, this.Type, this.HasErrors);
var result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, this.SourceTuple, this.Arguments, this.Type, this.HasErrors);
return result;
......@@ -9985,10 +9986,10 @@ public override BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple = node.SourceTuple;
ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt = this.VisitType(node.NaturalTypeOpt);
TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
return node.Update(naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type);
return node.Update(sourceTuple, arguments, type);
public override BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node)
......@@ -11467,17 +11468,18 @@ public override BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple = (BoundTupleLiteral)this.Visit(node.SourceTuple);
ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
BoundConvertedTupleLiteral updatedNode;
if (_updatedNullabilities.TryGetValue(node, out (NullabilityInfo Info, TypeSymbol Type) infoAndType))
updatedNode = node.Update(node.NaturalTypeOpt, arguments, infoAndType.Type);
updatedNode = node.Update(sourceTuple, arguments, infoAndType.Type);
updatedNode.TopLevelNullability = infoAndType.Info;
updatedNode = node.Update(node.NaturalTypeOpt, arguments, node.Type);
updatedNode = node.Update(sourceTuple, arguments, node.Type);
return updatedNode;
......@@ -13171,7 +13173,7 @@ public override TreeDumperNode VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement
public override TreeDumperNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node, object arg) => new TreeDumperNode("convertedTupleLiteral", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
new TreeDumperNode("naturalTypeOpt", node.NaturalTypeOpt, null),
new TreeDumperNode("sourceTuple", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.SourceTuple, null) }),
new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null),
new TreeDumperNode("isSuppressed", node.IsSuppressed, null)
......@@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ internal IOperation CreateBoundTupleLiteralOperation(BoundTupleLiteral boundTupl
internal IOperation CreateBoundConvertedTupleLiteralOperation(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral boundConvertedTupleLiteral, bool createDeclaration = true)
return CreateTupleOperation(boundConvertedTupleLiteral, boundConvertedTupleLiteral.NaturalTypeOpt, createDeclaration);
return CreateTupleOperation(boundConvertedTupleLiteral, boundConvertedTupleLiteral.SourceTuple.Type, createDeclaration);
internal IOperation CreateTupleOperation(BoundTupleExpression boundTupleExpression, ITypeSymbol naturalType, bool createDeclaration)
......@@ -2191,7 +2191,6 @@ public static void Main()
Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.ValueTuple<int,int,int>' and 'System.ValueTuple<int,int,int>'");
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35010 Support deconstruction assignment
public void TestComparisonWithDeconstructionResult()
......@@ -2882,7 +2882,6 @@ .maxstack 1
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35010 Support deconstruction assignment
public void DoNotShareInputForMutatingWhenClause()
......@@ -979,5 +979,37 @@ class C
var speculativeTypeInfo = specModel.GetTypeInfo(yReference);
Assert.Equal(PublicNullableFlowState.NotNull, speculativeTypeInfo.Nullability.FlowState);
public void TupleAssignment()
var source =
#pragma warning disable CS0219
#nullable enable
class C
void M(C? x, C x2)
(C? a, C b) t = (x, x2) /*T:(C? x, C! x2)*/ /*CT:(C? a, C! b)*/;
(object a, int b) t2 = (x, (short)0)/*T:(C? x, short)*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; // 1
(object a, int b) t3 = (default, default) /*T:<null>!*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; // 2
(object a, int b) t4 = (default(object), default(int)) /*T:(object?, int)*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; // 3
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (9,32): warning CS8619: Nullability of reference types in value of type '(object? x, int)' doesn't match target type '(object a, int b)'.
// (object a, int b) t2 = (x, (short)0)/*T:(C? x, short)*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullabilityMismatchInAssignment, "(x, (short)0)").WithArguments("(object? x, int)", "(object a, int b)").WithLocation(9, 32),
// (10,32): warning CS8619: Nullability of reference types in value of type '(object?, int)' doesn't match target type '(object a, int b)'.
// (object a, int b) t3 = (default, default) /*T:<null>!*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; //2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullabilityMismatchInAssignment, "(default, default)").WithArguments("(object?, int)", "(object a, int b)").WithLocation(10, 32),
// (11,32): warning CS8619: Nullability of reference types in value of type '(object?, int)' doesn't match target type '(object a, int b)'.
// (object a, int b) t4 = (default(object), default(int)) /*T:(object?, int)*/ /*CT:(object! a, int b)*/; // 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullabilityMismatchInAssignment, "(default(object), default(int))").WithArguments("(object?, int)", "(object a, int b)").WithLocation(11, 32)
......@@ -324,15 +324,22 @@ internal static void VerifyTypes(this CSharpCompilation compilation, SyntaxTree
Assert.NotEqual(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.NotApplicable, typeInfo.Nullability.Annotation);
Assert.NotEqual(CodeAnalysis.NullableFlowState.NotApplicable, typeInfo.Nullability.FlowState);
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35035: After refactoring symboldisplay, we should be able to just call something like typeInfo.Type.ToDisplayString(typeInfo.Nullability.FlowState, TypeWithState.TestDisplayFormat)
return TypeWithState.Create((TypeSymbol)typeInfo.Type, typeInfo.Nullability.FlowState.ToInternalFlowState()).ToTypeWithAnnotations().ToDisplayString(TypeWithAnnotations.TestDisplayFormat);
if (annotation.IsConverted)
return TypeWithState.Create((TypeSymbol)typeInfo.ConvertedType, typeInfo.ConvertedNullability.FlowState.ToInternalFlowState()).ToTypeWithAnnotations().ToDisplayString(TypeWithAnnotations.TestDisplayFormat);
return TypeWithState.Create((TypeSymbol)typeInfo.Type, typeInfo.Nullability.FlowState.ToInternalFlowState()).ToTypeWithAnnotations().ToDisplayString(TypeWithAnnotations.TestDisplayFormat);
// Consider reporting the correct source with annotations on mismatch.
AssertEx.Equal(expectedTypes, actualTypes, message: method.ToTestDisplayString());
ImmutableArray<(ExpressionSyntax Expression, string Text)> getAnnotations()
ImmutableArray<(ExpressionSyntax Expression, string Text, bool IsConverted)> getAnnotations()
var builder = ArrayBuilder<(ExpressionSyntax, string)>.GetInstance();
var builder = ArrayBuilder<(ExpressionSyntax, string, bool)>.GetInstance();
foreach (var token in root.DescendantTokens())
foreach (var trivia in token.TrailingTrivia)
......@@ -340,15 +347,18 @@ internal static void VerifyTypes(this CSharpCompilation compilation, SyntaxTree
if (trivia.Kind() == SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia)
var text = trivia.ToFullString();
const string prefix = "/*T:";
const string typePrefix = "/*T:";
const string convertedPrefix = "/*CT:";
const string suffix = "*/";
if (text.StartsWith(prefix) && text.EndsWith(suffix))
bool startsWithTypePrefix = text.StartsWith(typePrefix);
if (text.EndsWith(suffix) && (startsWithTypePrefix || text.StartsWith(convertedPrefix)))
var prefix = startsWithTypePrefix ? typePrefix : convertedPrefix;
var expr = getEnclosingExpression(token);
Assert.True(expr != null, $"VerifyTypes could not find a matching expression for annotation '{text}'.");
var content = text.Substring(prefix.Length, text.Length - prefix.Length - suffix.Length);
builder.Add((expr, content));
builder.Add((expr, content, !startsWithTypePrefix));
......@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ private void WriteNullabilityRewriter()
foreach (var field in AllNodeOrNodeListFields(node))
hadField = true;
WriteNodeVisitCall(field, forceVisit: VisitFieldOnlyInNullabilityRewriter(field));
if (hadField)
......@@ -1705,7 +1705,13 @@ private static bool IsPropertyOverrides(Field f)
private static bool SkipInVisitor(Field f)
return string.Compare(f.SkipInVisitor, "true", true) == 0;
return string.Compare(f.SkipInVisitor, "true", true) == 0
|| VisitFieldOnlyInNullabilityRewriter(f);
private static bool VisitFieldOnlyInNullabilityRewriter(Field f)
return string.Compare(f.SkipInVisitor, "ExceptNullabilityRewriter", true) == 0;
private static bool SkipInNullabilityRewriter(Node n)
......@@ -1777,12 +1783,12 @@ private string GetVisitFunctionDeclaration(string nodeName, bool isOverride)
private void WriteNodeVisitCall(Field field)
private void WriteNodeVisitCall(Field field, bool forceVisit = false)
switch (_targetLang)
case TargetLanguage.CSharp:
if (SkipInVisitor(field))
if (SkipInVisitor(field) && !forceVisit)
WriteLine($"{field.Type} {ToCamelCase(field.Name)} = node.{field.Name};");
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