未验证 提交 21ca4569 编写于 作者: J Julien Couvreur 提交者: GitHub

Only enforce Member/NotNullWhen on analyzable returned expressions (#48425)

上级 e2e303ac
......@@ -611,18 +611,50 @@ void enforceMemberNotNullWhenForPendingReturn(PendingBranch pendingReturn, Bound
if (pendingReturn.IsConditionalState)
enforceMemberNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: true, pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue);
enforceMemberNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: false, pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse);
if (returnStatement.ExpressionOpt is { ConstantValue: { IsBoolean: true, BooleanValue: bool value } })
enforceMemberNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: value, pendingReturn.State);
if (!pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue.Reachable || !pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse.Reachable)
if (_symbol is MethodSymbol method)
foreach (var memberName in method.NotNullWhenTrueMembers)
enforceMemberNotNullWhenIfAffected(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: true, method.ContainingType.GetMembers(memberName), pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue, pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse);
foreach (var memberName in method.NotNullWhenFalseMembers)
enforceMemberNotNullWhenIfAffected(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: false, method.ContainingType.GetMembers(memberName), pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse, pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue);
else if (returnStatement.ExpressionOpt is { ConstantValue: { IsBoolean: true, BooleanValue: bool value } })
enforceMemberNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, sense: value, pendingReturn.State);
void enforceMemberNotNullWhen(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, bool sense, LocalState state)
void enforceMemberNotNullWhenIfAffected(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, bool sense, ImmutableArray<Symbol> members, LocalState state, LocalState otherState)
if (!state.Reachable)
foreach (var member in members)
// For non-constant values, only complain if we were able to analyze a difference for this member between two branches
if (memberHasBadState(member, state) != memberHasBadState(member, otherState))
reportMemberIfBadConditionalState(syntaxOpt, sense, member, state);
void enforceMemberNotNullWhen(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, bool sense, LocalState state)
if (_symbol is MethodSymbol method)
var notNullMembers = sense ? method.NotNullWhenTrueMembers : method.NotNullWhenFalseMembers;
......@@ -630,16 +662,21 @@ void enforceMemberNotNullWhen(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, bool sense, LocalState stat
foreach (var member in method.ContainingType.GetMembers(memberName))
if (memberHasBadState(member, state))
// Member '{name}' must have a non-null value when exiting with '{sense}'.
Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, syntaxOpt?.GetLocation() ?? methodMainNode.Syntax.GetLastToken().GetLocation(), member.Name, sense ? "true" : "false");
reportMemberIfBadConditionalState(syntaxOpt, sense, member, state);
void reportMemberIfBadConditionalState(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, bool sense, Symbol member, LocalState state)
if (memberHasBadState(member, state))
// Member '{name}' must have a non-null value when exiting with '{sense}'.
Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, syntaxOpt?.GetLocation() ?? methodMainNode.Syntax.GetLastToken().GetLocation(), member.Name, sense ? "true" : "false");
bool memberHasBadState(Symbol member, LocalState state)
switch (member.Kind)
......@@ -767,12 +804,45 @@ void enforceNotNullWhenForPendingReturn(PendingBranch pendingReturn, BoundReturn
if (pendingReturn.IsConditionalState)
enforceParameterNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, parameters, sense: true, stateWhen: pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue);
enforceParameterNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, parameters, sense: false, stateWhen: pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse);
if (returnStatement.ExpressionOpt is { ConstantValue: { IsBoolean: true, BooleanValue: bool value } })
enforceParameterNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, parameters, sense: value, stateWhen: pendingReturn.State);
if (!pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue.Reachable || !pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse.Reachable)
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
// For non-constant values, only complain if we were able to analyze a difference for this parameter between two branches
if (GetOrCreateSlot(parameter) is > 0 and var slot && pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue[slot] != pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse[slot])
reportParameterIfBadConditionalState(returnStatement.Syntax, parameter, sense: true, stateWhen: pendingReturn.StateWhenTrue);
reportParameterIfBadConditionalState(returnStatement.Syntax, parameter, sense: false, stateWhen: pendingReturn.StateWhenFalse);
else if (returnStatement.ExpressionOpt is { ConstantValue: { IsBoolean: true, BooleanValue: bool value } })
// example: return (bool)true;
enforceParameterNotNullWhen(returnStatement.Syntax, parameters, sense: value, stateWhen: pendingReturn.State);
void reportParameterIfBadConditionalState(SyntaxNode syntax, ParameterSymbol parameter, bool sense, LocalState stateWhen)
if (parameterHasBadConditionalState(parameter, sense, stateWhen))
// Parameter '{name}' must have a non-null value when exiting with '{sense}'.
Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, syntax.Location, parameter.Name, sense ? "true" : "false");
void enforceNotNull(SyntaxNode? syntaxOpt, LocalState state)
if (!state.Reachable)
......@@ -812,11 +882,7 @@ void enforceParameterNotNullWhen(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<ParameterSymb
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
if (parameterHasBadConditionalState(parameter, sense, stateWhen))
// Parameter '{name}' must have a non-null value when exiting with '{sense}'.
Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, syntax.Location, parameter.Name, sense ? "true" : "false");
reportParameterIfBadConditionalState(syntax, parameter, sense, stateWhen);
......@@ -2428,6 +2494,7 @@ private bool TryGetReturnType(out TypeWithAnnotations type, out FlowAnalysisAnno
SetResult(node, GetAdjustedResult(type.ToTypeWithState(), slot), type);
return null;
......@@ -8152,9 +8219,27 @@ private TypeWithAnnotations GetDeclaredParameterResult(ParameterSymbol parameter
return null;
private void SplitIfBooleanConstant(BoundExpression node)
if (node.ConstantValue is { IsBoolean: true, BooleanValue: bool booleanValue })
if (booleanValue)
StateWhenFalse = UnreachableState();
StateWhenTrue = UnreachableState();
public override BoundNode? VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node)
var updatedSymbol = VisitMemberAccess(node, node.ReceiverOpt, node.FieldSymbol);
SetUpdatedSymbol(node, node.FieldSymbol, updatedSymbol);
return null;
......@@ -8614,8 +8699,9 @@ public override void VisitForEachIterationVariables(BoundForEachStatement node)
switch (node.OperatorKind)
case UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation:
SetConditionalState(StateWhenFalse, StateWhenTrue);
if (IsConditionalState)
SetConditionalState(StateWhenFalse, StateWhenTrue);
resultType = adjustForLifting(ResultType);
case UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicTrue:
......@@ -8968,19 +9054,7 @@ private TypeWithState InferResultNullabilityOfBinaryLogicalOperator(BoundExpress
SetResultType(node, TypeWithState.Create(node.Type, node.Type?.CanContainNull() != false && node.ConstantValue?.IsNull == true ? NullableFlowState.MaybeDefault : NullableFlowState.NotNull));
if (node.ConstantValue?.IsBoolean == true)
if (node.ConstantValue.BooleanValue)
StateWhenFalse = UnreachableState();
StateWhenTrue = UnreachableState();
return result;
......@@ -24076,6 +24076,149 @@ bool Init()
public void MemberNotNullWhenTrue_EnforcedInMethodBody_NonConstant()
var c = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
public string field1;
public string? field2;
public string field3;
public string? field4;
C() // 1
if (!Init()) throw null!;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(field1), nameof(field2))]
bool Init()
bool b = true;
if (b)
return b;
if (b)
return !b;
return M(out _);
bool M([MaybeNullWhen(true)]out string s) => throw null!;
", MemberNotNullWhenAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (10,5): warning CS8618: Non-nullable field 'field3' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the field as nullable.
// C() // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableField, "C").WithArguments("field", "field3").WithLocation(10, 5)
public void MemberNotNullWhenTrue_EnforcedInMethodBody_NonConstant_ButAnalyzable()
var c = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
public string field1;
public string field3;
if (!Init()) throw null!;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(field1), nameof(field3))]
bool Init()
bool b = true;
if (b)
return field1 == null; // 1
if (b)
return field1 != null;
if (b)
return Init();
return !Init(); // 2, 3
", MemberNotNullWhenAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (19,13): warning CS8775: Member 'field1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return field1 == null; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return field1 == null;").WithArguments("field1", "true").WithLocation(19, 13),
// (29,9): warning CS8775: Member 'field1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return !Init(); // 2, 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return !Init();").WithArguments("field1", "true").WithLocation(29, 9),
// (29,9): warning CS8775: Member 'field3' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return !Init(); // 2, 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return !Init();").WithArguments("field3", "true").WithLocation(29, 9)
public void MemberNotNullWhenFalse_EnforcedInMethodBody_NonConstant_ButAnalyzable()
var c = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
public string field1;
public string field3;
if (Init()) throw null!;
[MemberNotNullWhen(false, nameof(field1), nameof(field3))]
bool Init()
bool b = true;
if (b)
return field1 == null;
if (b)
return field1 != null; // 1
if (b)
return Init();
return !Init(); // 2, 3
bool M([MaybeNullWhen(true)]out string s) => throw null!;
", MemberNotNullWhenAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (23,13): warning CS8775: Member 'field1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return field1 != null; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return field1 != null;").WithArguments("field1", "false").WithLocation(23, 13),
// (29,9): warning CS8775: Member 'field1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return !Init(); // 2, 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return !Init();").WithArguments("field1", "false").WithLocation(29, 9),
// (29,9): warning CS8775: Member 'field3' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return !Init(); // 2, 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return !Init();").WithArguments("field3", "false").WithLocation(29, 9)
public void MemberNotNullWhenTrue_WithMemberNotNull()
......@@ -24315,7 +24458,7 @@ bool IsInit2
", MemberNotNullWhenAttributeDefinition }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9);
// (21,13): error CS8765: Member 'field2' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// (21,13): warning CS8775: Member 'field2' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return field2 == null; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_MemberNotNullWhen, "return field2 == null;").WithArguments("field2", "true").WithLocation(21, 13)
......@@ -25084,6 +25227,23 @@ public static bool TryGetValue([NotNullWhen(true)] out string? s)
public void NotNullWhenTrue_EnforceInMethodBody_ConditionalWithThrow()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
static bool M([NotNullWhen(true)] object? o)
return o == null ? true : throw null!;
var comp = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { source, NotNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
public void NotNullWhenTrue_EnforceInMethodBody_WithMaybeNull_CallingObliviousAPI()
......@@ -25489,35 +25649,39 @@ public void NotNullWhenTrue_EnforceInMethodBody_OnConversionToBool()
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
public static implicit operator bool(C? c) => throw null!;
public static bool TryGetValue(C? c, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? s)
s = null;
return c; // 1
return c;
public static bool TryGetValue2(C c, [NotNullWhen(false)] out string? s)
s = null;
return c; // 2
return c;
public static implicit operator bool(C? c) => throw null!;
static bool TryGetValue3([MaybeNullWhen(false)]out string s)
s = null;
return (bool)true; // 3
return (bool)true; // 1
static bool TryGetValue4([MaybeNullWhen(false)]out string s)
s = null;
return (bool)false; // 4
return (bool)false;
var comp = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { source, NotNullWhenAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (22,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return (bool)true;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return (bool)true;").WithArguments("s", "true").WithLocation(22, 9)
......@@ -37294,10 +37458,10 @@ static bool TryGetValue4([AllowNull] TYPE x, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TYPE y)
var comp = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { AllowNullAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition, source.Replace("TYPE", type) });
// (24,9): error CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// (24,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return y != null; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y != null;").WithArguments("y", "false").WithLocation(24, 9),
// (30,9): error CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// (30,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return y == null; // 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y == null;").WithArguments("y", "true").WithLocation(30, 9)
......@@ -37387,7 +37551,7 @@ static bool TryGetValue<T>([AllowNull]T x, [MaybeNullWhen(true)]out T y, [MaybeN
y = x;
z = x;
return y != null || z != null; // 1, 2
return y != null || z != null;
static bool TryGetValue2<T>([AllowNull]T x, [MaybeNullWhen(false)]out T y, [MaybeNullWhen(false)]out T z)
......@@ -37399,14 +37563,7 @@ static bool TryGetValue2<T>([AllowNull]T x, [MaybeNullWhen(false)]out T y, [Mayb
var comp = CreateNullableCompilation(new[] { AllowNullAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition, source });
// (12,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return y != null || z != null; // 1, 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y != null || z != null;").WithArguments("y", "false").WithLocation(12, 9),
// (12,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'z' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return y != null || z != null; // 1, 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y != null || z != null;").WithArguments("z", "false").WithLocation(12, 9)
......@@ -37440,20 +37597,32 @@ static bool TryGetValue2([NotNullWhen(true)] out TYPE y)
return y != null;
static bool TryGetValue2B([NotNullWhen(true)] out TYPE y)
y = null;
return y == null; // 2
static bool TryGetValue3([NotNullWhen(false)] out TYPE y)
y = null;
return y == null;
static bool TryGetValue3B([NotNullWhen(false)] out TYPE y)
y = null;
return y != null; // 3
static bool TryGetValue4([NotNull] TYPE x, [NotNullWhen(false)] out TYPE y)
y = null;
if (y != null)
return true; // 2
return true; // 4
return false; // 3, 4
return false; // 5, 6
......@@ -37462,15 +37631,21 @@ static bool TryGetValue4([NotNull] TYPE x, [NotNullWhen(false)] out TYPE y)
// (15,13): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return true; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return true;").WithArguments("y", "true").WithLocation(15, 13),
// (37,13): warning CS8777: Parameter 'x' must have a non-null value when exiting.
// return true; // 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterDisallowsNull, "return true;").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(37, 13),
// (39,9): warning CS8777: Parameter 'x' must have a non-null value when exiting.
// return false; // 3, 4
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterDisallowsNull, "return false;").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(39, 9),
// (39,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return false; // 3, 4
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return false;").WithArguments("y", "false").WithLocation(39, 9)
// (29,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return y == null; // 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y == null;").WithArguments("y", "true").WithLocation(29, 9),
// (41,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return y != null; // 3
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return y != null;").WithArguments("y", "false").WithLocation(41, 9),
// (49,13): warning CS8777: Parameter 'x' must have a non-null value when exiting.
// return true; // 4
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterDisallowsNull, "return true;").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(49, 13),
// (51,9): warning CS8777: Parameter 'x' must have a non-null value when exiting.
// return false; // 5, 6
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterDisallowsNull, "return false;").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(51, 9),
// (51,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 'y' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'false'.
// return false; // 5, 6
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return false;").WithArguments("y", "false").WithLocation(51, 9)
......@@ -140237,6 +140412,183 @@ void M()
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DiscardTypeInferenceFailed, "_").WithLocation(10, 13));
[Fact, WorkItem(48126, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/48126")]
public void EnforcedInMethodBody_MaybeNullWhen_Issue_48126()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
class C
static bool NullWhenFalseA(bool a, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
s1 = null;
return a;
static bool NullWhenFalseNotA(bool a, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
s1 = null;
return !a;
static bool NullWhenTrueA(bool a, [MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s1)
s1 = null;
return a;
static bool NullWhenTrueNotA(bool a, [MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s1)
s1 = null;
return !a;
var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
[Fact, WorkItem(48126, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/48126")]
public void EnforcedInMethodBody_MaybeNullWhen_Issue_48126_2()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
class C
static bool M1([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
const bool b = true;
s1 = null;
return b; // 1
static bool M2([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
s1 = null;
return (bool)true; // 2
var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (12,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return b; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return b;").WithArguments("s1", "true").WithLocation(12, 9),
// (18,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return (bool)true; // 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return (bool)true;").WithArguments("s1", "true").WithLocation(18, 9)
[Fact, WorkItem(48126, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/48126")]
public void EnforcedInMethodBody_MaybeNullWhen_Issue_48126_3()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
class C
static bool M1([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
const bool b = true;
s1 = null;
return b; // 1
static bool M2([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
const bool b = true;
s1 = null;
return b && true; // 2
static bool M3([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
const bool b = false;
s1 = null;
return b;
var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (12,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return b; // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return b;").WithArguments("s1", "true").WithLocation(12, 9),
// (19,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return b && true; // 2
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return b && true;").WithArguments("s1", "true").WithLocation(19, 9)
[Fact, WorkItem(48126, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/48126")]
public void EnforcedInMethodBody_MaybeNullWhen_Issue_48126_4()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
class C
static bool M1([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
return M1(out s1);
static bool M2([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string s1)
return !M1(out s1); // 1
static bool M3([MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s1)
return !M1(out s1);
var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
// (15,9): warning CS8762: Parameter 's1' must have a non-null value when exiting with 'true'.
// return !M1(out s1); // 1
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ParameterConditionallyDisallowsNull, "return !M1(out s1);").WithArguments("s1", "true").WithLocation(15, 9)
[Fact, WorkItem(48126, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/48126")]
public void EnforcedInMethodBody_MaybeNullWhen_Issue_48126_5()
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
internal static class Program
public static bool M1([MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s)
s = null;
return HasAnnotation(out _);
public static bool M2([MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s)
s = null;
return NoAnnotations();
private static bool HasAnnotation([MaybeNullWhen(true)] out string s) { s = null; return true; }
private static bool NoAnnotations() => true;
var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, MaybeNullWhenAttributeDefinition });
[WorkItem(47221, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47221")]
public void PropertyAccessorWithNullableContextAttribute_01()
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