提交 17a30872 编写于 作者: P Petr Houška

LambdaSimplifier moved to helper + improved unwrapper.

上级 6419779b
......@@ -557,6 +557,51 @@ static void Main()
@"using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Action a = Console.WriteLine;
[WorkItem(35180, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35180")]
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsLambdaSimplifier)]
public async Task TestMissingCaretPositionInside()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
@"using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Action a = () => {
[WorkItem(35180, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35180")]
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsLambdaSimplifier)]
public async Task TestCaretPosition()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
@"using System;
class Program
static void Main()
[|Action a = () => {
@"using System;
class Program
static void Main()
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeRefactorings.LambdaSimplifier
// Disabled due to: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5835 & https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/6642
// [ExportCodeRefactoringProvider(LanguageNames.CSharp, Name = PredefinedCodeRefactoringProviderNames.SimplifyLambda)]
internal partial class LambdaSimplifierCodeRefactoringProvider : CodeRefactoringProvider
......@@ -35,9 +36,9 @@ public override async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext conte
var semanticDocument = await SemanticDocument.CreateAsync(document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var lambda = semanticDocument.Root.FindToken(textSpan.Start).GetAncestor(n =>
n is SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax || n is ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax);
if (lambda == null || !lambda.Span.IntersectsWith(textSpan.Start))
var refactoringHelperService = document.GetLanguageService<IRefactoringHelpersService>();
var lambda = await refactoringHelperService.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<LambdaExpressionSyntax>(document, context.Span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (lambda == null)
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService : IRefactoringHelpersS
/// - Whole node passing <paramref name="predicate"/> is selected.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Attempts extracting (and testing with <paramref name="predicate"/> a Node for each Node it consideres (see above).
/// Attempts extracting (and testing with <paramref name="predicate"/> a Node for each Node it considers (see above).
/// By default extracts initializer expressions from declarations and assignments.
/// </para>
/// <para>
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ protected Task<SyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document document, TextSpan s
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The <paramref name="extractNode"/> enables testing with <paramref name="predicate"/> and potentially returning Nodes
/// that are under those that might be selected / considered (as described above). It is a <see cref="Func{SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode}"/> that
/// that are under/above those that might be selected / considered (as described above). It is a <see cref="Func{SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode}"/> that
/// should always return either given Node or a Node somewhere below it that should be tested with <paramref name="predicate"/> and
/// potentially returned instead of current Node.
/// </para>
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ protected Task<SyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document document, TextSpan s
/// </summary>
protected async Task<SyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document document, TextSpan selection, Predicate<SyntaxNode> predicate, Func<SyntaxNode, ISyntaxFactsService, SyntaxNode> extractNode, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Given selection is trimmed first to enable overselection that spans multiple lines. Since trailing whitespace ends
// at newline boundary overselection to e.g. a line after LocalFunctionStatement would cause FindNode to find enclosing
// Given selection is trimmed first to enable over-selection that spans multiple lines. Since trailing whitespace ends
// at newline boundary over-selection to e.g. a line after LocalFunctionStatement would cause FindNode to find enclosing
// block's Node. That is because in addition to LocalFunctionStatement the selection would also contain trailing trivia
// (whitespace) of following statement.
......@@ -77,23 +77,23 @@ protected async Task<SyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document document, Text
var root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var selectionTrimmed = await CodeRefactoringHelpers.GetTrimmedTextSpan(document, selection, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Everytime a Node is considered by following algorithm (and tested with predicate) and the predicate fails
// Every time a Node is considered by following algorithm (and tested with predicate) and the predicate fails
// extractNode is called on the node and the result is tested with predicate again. If any of those succeed
// a respective Node gets returned.
// That enables us to e.g. return node `b` when Node `var a = b;` is being considered without a complex (and potentially
// lang. & situation dependant) into Children descending code here. We can't just try extracted Node because we might
// lang. & situation dependent) into Children descending code here. We can't just try extracted Node because we might
// want the whole node `var a = b;`
// See local function TryGetAcceptedNodeOrExtracted DefaultNodeExtractor for more info.
// Handle selections:
// - The smallest node whose FullSpan inlcudes the whole (trimmed) selection
// - The smallest node whose FullSpan includes the whole (trimmed) selection
// - Travels upwards through same-sized (FullSpan) nodes, extracting and testing predicate
// - Handles situations where:
// - Token with wanted Node as direct parent is selected (e.g. IdentifierToken for LocalFunctionStatement: `C [|Fun|]() {}`)
// - Most/the whole wanted Node is seleted (e.g. `C [|Fun() {}|]`
// - Most/the whole wanted Node is selected (e.g. `C [|Fun() {}|]`
var node = root.FindNode(selectionTrimmed, getInnermostNodeForTie: true);
SyntaxNode prevNode;
......@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ protected async Task<SyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document document, Text
// While having the (even empty) selection inside such token or to left of such Token is already handle
// by code above touching it from right `C methodName[||](){}` isn't (the FindNode for that returns Args node).
// - Secondly it is used for left/right edge climbing. E.g. `[||]C methodName(){}` the touching token's direct
// ancestor is TypeNode for the return type but it is still resonable to expect that the user might want to
// ancestor is TypeNode for the return type but it is still reasonable to expect that the user might want to
// be given refactorings for the whole method (as he has caret on the edge of it). Therefore we travel the
// Node tree upwards and as long as we're on the left edge of a Node's span we consider such node & potentially
// continue travelling upwards. The situation for right edge (`C methodName(){}[||]`) is analogical.
// continue traveling upwards. The situation for right edge (`C methodName(){}[||]`) is analogical.
// E.g. for right edge `C methodName(){}[||]`: CloseBraceToken -> BlockSyntax -> LocalFunctionStatement -> null (higher
// node doesn't end on position anymore)
if (!selection.IsEmpty)
......@@ -215,11 +215,15 @@ static SyntaxNode TryGetAcceptedNodeOrExtracted(SyntaxNode node, Predicate<Synta
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// Extractor function for <see cref="TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document, TextSpan, Predicate{SyntaxNode}, Func{SyntaxNode, ISyntaxFactsService, SyntaxNode}, CancellationToken)"/> methods
/// that retrieves expressions from declarations and assignments. Otherwise returns unchanged <paramref name="node"/>.
/// Extractor function for <see cref="TryGetSelectedNodeAsync(Document, TextSpan, Predicate{SyntaxNode}, Func{SyntaxNode, ISyntaxFactsService, SyntaxNode}, CancellationToken)"/> method
/// that retrieves nodes that should also be considered as refactoring targets given <paramref name="node"/> is considered.
/// Can extract both nodes above and under given <paramref name="node"/>.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The rationale is that when user selects e.g. entire local delaration statement [|var a = b;|] it is reasonable
/// E.g. extracts expressions from assignment statement (`a = b;` -> `b`) or lambda node for its body.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The rationale is that when user selects e.g. entire local declaration statement [|var a = b;|] it is reasonable
/// to provide refactoring for `b` node. Similarly for other types of refactorings.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
......@@ -230,8 +234,8 @@ protected virtual SyntaxNode DefaultNodeExtractor(SyntaxNode node, ISyntaxFactsS
// that were found to be relevant for refactorings that were moved to `TryGetSelectedNodeAsync`.
// Feel free to extend it / refine current heuristics.
// var a = b;
// -> b
// `var a = b`;
// -> `b`
if (syntaxFacts.IsLocalDeclarationStatement(node))
var variables = syntaxFacts.GetVariablesOfLocalDeclarationStatement(node);
......@@ -251,14 +255,20 @@ protected virtual SyntaxNode DefaultNodeExtractor(SyntaxNode node, ISyntaxFactsS
// a = b;
// -> b
// `a = b;`
// -> `b`
if (syntaxFacts.IsSimpleAssignmentStatement(node))
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfAssignmentExpressionOrStatement(node, out _, out _, out var rightSide);
return rightSide;
// a => `b`; -> `a => b;`
if (syntaxFacts.IsLambdaBody(node))
return node.Parent;
return node;
......@@ -1950,5 +1950,7 @@ public void GetPartsOfCastExpression(SyntaxNode node, out SyntaxNode type, out S
return null;
public bool IsLambdaBody(SyntaxNode node) => node.Parent != null && node.Parent is LambdaExpressionSyntax lambdaNode && lambdaNode.Body == node;
......@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ internal interface ISyntaxFactsService : ILanguageService
bool IsVariableDeclarator(SyntaxNode node);
bool IsDeconstructionAssignment(SyntaxNode node);
bool IsDeconstructionForEachStatement(SyntaxNode node);
bool IsLambdaBody(SyntaxNode node);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true for nodes that represent the body of a method.
......@@ -1944,5 +1944,14 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Public Shadows Function SpansPreprocessorDirective(tokens As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxToken)) As Boolean
Return MyBase.SpansPreprocessorDirective(tokens)
End Function
Public Function IsLambdaBody(node As SyntaxNode) As Boolean Implements ISyntaxFactsService.IsLambdaBody
If node.Parent IsNot Nothing And TypeOf node.Parent Is LambdaExpressionSyntax Then
Dim lambdaNode = CType(node.Parent, LambdaExpressionSyntax)
Dim lambdaBodies = lambdaNode.GetBodies()
Return lambdaBodies.Count() = 1 And lambdaBodies.First Is node
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
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