提交 170d0a68 编写于 作者: C Cyrus Najmabadi


上级 c6b74a29
......@@ -97,15 +97,16 @@ private void ProduceTags(TaggerContext<TTag> context, DocumentSnapshotSpan spanT
foreach (var updateArg in eventArgs)
context, spanToTag, workspace, document, sourceText, editorSnapshot,
context, spanToTag, workspace, document, sourceText,
suppressedDiagnosticsSpans, updateArg, cancellationToken);
private void ProduceTags(
TaggerContext<TTag> context, DocumentSnapshotSpan spanToTag,
Workspace workspace, Document document, SourceText sourceText, ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot,
NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection suppressedDiagnosticsSpans, UpdatedEventArgs updateArgs, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Workspace workspace, Document document, SourceText sourceText,
NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection suppressedDiagnosticsSpans,
UpdatedEventArgs updateArgs, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
......@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ private void ProduceTags(TaggerContext<TTag> context, DocumentSnapshotSpan spanT
var isLiveUpdate = id is ISupportLiveUpdate;
var requestedSpan = spanToTag.SnapshotSpan;
var requestedSnapshot = requestedSpan.Snapshot;
var editorSnapshot = requestedSpan.Snapshot;
foreach (var diagnosticData in diagnostics)
......@@ -124,13 +125,14 @@ private void ProduceTags(TaggerContext<TTag> context, DocumentSnapshotSpan spanT
// We're going to be retrieving the diagnostics against the last time the engine
// computed them against this document *id*. That might have been a different
// version of the document vs what we're looking at now. As such, we have to
// ensure that the information we get back is not outside the bounds of the editor
// snapshot we're currently looking at.
// Note: GetExistingOrCalculatedTextSpan always succeeds. But it does not ensure
// that the span it returns is within the span of sourceText. So we make sure that
// the start/end of it fits in our snapshot.
// version of the document vs what we're looking at now. But that's ok:
// 1) GetExistingOrCalculatedTextSpan will ensure that the diagnostics spans are
// contained within 'editorSnapshot'.
// 2) We'll eventually hear about an update to the diagnostics for this document
// for whatever edits happened between the last time and this current snapshot.
// So we'll eventually reach a point where the diagnostics exactly match the
// editorSnapshot.
var diagnosticSpan = diagnosticData.GetExistingOrCalculatedTextSpan(sourceText)
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