提交 11067f76 编写于 作者: J Jared Parsons

Fix NuGet.exe caching

Our script for downloading NuGet.exe now ensures the local copy is the correct version.  Previously it assumed any local copy was the correct version.  Lead to problems when we brought down a new version that had bug fixes necessary for building the repo.
上级 ec74dee1
......@@ -8,8 +8,5 @@ set NuGetExe=%NuGetExeFolder%\NuGet.exe
set NuGetAdditionalCommandLineArgs=-verbosity quiet -configfile "%NuGetExeFolder%\nuget.config" -Project2ProjectTimeOut 1200
REM Download NuGet.exe if we haven't already
if not exist "%NuGetExe%" (
echo Downloading NuGet %NuGetExeVersion%
powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy Bypass -file "%~dp0download-nuget.ps1" "%NuGetExeVersion%" "%NuGetExeFolder%" || goto :DownloadNuGetFailed
powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy Bypass -file "%~dp0download-nuget.ps1" "%NuGetExeVersion%" "%NuGetExeFolder%" "%NuGetExeFolder%\Binaries"
param (
[string]$nugetVersion = $(throw "Need a nuget version"),
[string]$destPath = $(throw "Need a path to download too"))
[string]$destDir = $(throw "Need a path to download too"),
[string]$binariesDir = $(throw "Need path to Binaries directory"))
set-strictmode -version 2.0
if (-not (test-path $destPath)) {
mkdir $destPath | out-null
$scratchDir = join-path $binariesDir "NuGet"
if (-not (test-path $scratchDir)) {
mkdir $scratchDir | out-null
if (-not (test-path $destDir)) {
mkdir $destDir | out-null
$destFile = join-path $destDir "NuGet.exe"
$scratchFile = join-path $scratchDir "NuGet.exe"
$versionFile = join-path $scratchDir "version.txt"
$webClient = New-Object -TypeName "System.Net.WebClient"
$webClient.DownloadFile("https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v$nugetVersion/NuGet.exe", (join-path $destPath "NuGet.exe"))
# Check and see if we already have a NuGet.exe which exists and is the correct
# version.
if ((test-path $destFile) -and (test-path $scratchFile) -and (test-path $versionFile)) {
$destHash = (get-filehash $destFile -algorithm MD5).Hash
$scratchHash = (get-filehash $scratchFile -algorithm MD5).Hash
$scratchVersion = gc $versionFile
if (($destHash -eq $scratchHash) -and ($scratchVersion -eq $nugetVersion)) {
write-host "Using existing NuGet.exe at version $nuGetVersion"
exit 0
write-host "Downloading NuGet.exe"
$webClient = New-Object -TypeName "System.Net.WebClient"
$webClient.DownloadFile("https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v$nugetVersion/NuGet.exe", $scratchFile)
$nugetVersion | out-file $versionFile
cp $scratchFile $destFile
exit 0
catch [exception]
write-host $_.Exception
exit -1
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