Refactor delegate creation to deduplicate code.

上级 5c84eb70
......@@ -525,16 +525,12 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics
Dim isImplicit As Boolean = boundTryCast.WasCompilerGenerated
Dim constantValue As [Optional](Of Object) = ConvertToOptional(boundTryCast.ConstantValueOpt)
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperation(boundTryCast.Operand, boundTryCast.ConversionKind, boundTryCast.Syntax)
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperand(boundTryCast.Operand, boundTryCast.ConversionKind, boundTryCast.Syntax, boundTryCast.Type)
Dim methodSymbol As MethodSymbol = conversionInformation.methodSymbol
Dim operand As Lazy(Of IOperation) = conversionInformation.operation
Dim isAddressOfDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isAddressOfDelegateCreation
Dim isDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isDelegateCreation
If isAddressOfDelegateCreation OrElse
((boundTryCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.Lambda OrElse
boundTryCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.QueryLambda OrElse
boundTryCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.UnboundLambda) AndAlso
boundTryCast.Type.IsDelegateType()) Then
If isDelegateCreation Then
' If this is a conversion from a lambda to a delegate type, or this is an AddressOf delegate creation
' as determined above, we return a DelegateCreationExpression, instead of returning a conversion expression
Return New LazyDelegateCreationExpression(operand, _semanticModel, syntax, type, constantValue, isImplicit)
......@@ -553,16 +549,12 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics
Dim constantValue As [Optional](Of Object) = ConvertToOptional(boundDirectCast.ConstantValueOpt)
Dim isImplicit As Boolean = boundDirectCast.WasCompilerGenerated
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperation(boundDirectCast.Operand, boundDirectCast.ConversionKind, boundDirectCast.Syntax)
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperand(boundDirectCast.Operand, boundDirectCast.ConversionKind, boundDirectCast.Syntax, boundDirectCast.Type)
Dim methodSymbol As MethodSymbol = conversionInformation.methodSymbol
Dim operand As Lazy(Of IOperation) = conversionInformation.operation
Dim isAddressOfDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isAddressOfDelegateCreation
Dim isDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isDelegateCreation
If isAddressOfDelegateCreation OrElse
((boundDirectCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.Lambda OrElse
boundDirectCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.QueryLambda OrElse
boundDirectCast.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.UnboundLambda) AndAlso
boundDirectCast.Type.IsDelegateType()) Then
If isDelegateCreation Then
' If this is a conversion from a lambda to a delegate type, or this is an AddressOf delegate creation
' as determined above, we return a DelegateCreationExpression, instead of returning a conversion expression
Return New LazyDelegateCreationExpression(operand, _semanticModel, syntax, type, constantValue, isImplicit)
......@@ -595,16 +587,12 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics
Dim constantValue As [Optional](Of Object) = ConvertToOptional(boundConversion.ConstantValueOpt)
Dim isImplicit As Boolean = boundConversion.WasCompilerGenerated OrElse Not boundConversion.ExplicitCastInCode
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperation(boundConversion.Operand, boundConversion.ConversionKind, boundConversion.Syntax)
Dim conversionInformation = CreateConversionOperand(boundConversion.Operand, boundConversion.ConversionKind, boundConversion.Syntax, boundConversion.Type)
Dim methodSymbol As MethodSymbol = conversionInformation.methodSymbol
Dim operand As Lazy(Of IOperation) = conversionInformation.operation
Dim isAddressOfDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isAddressOfDelegateCreation
Dim isDelegateCreation As Boolean = conversionInformation.isDelegateCreation
If isAddressOfDelegateCreation OrElse
((boundConversion.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.Lambda OrElse
boundConversion.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.QueryLambda OrElse
boundConversion.Operand.Kind = BoundKind.UnboundLambda) AndAlso
boundConversion.Type.IsDelegateType()) Then
If isDelegateCreation Then
' If this is a conversion from a lambda to a delegate type, or this is an AddressOf delegate creation
' as determined above, we return a DelegateCreationExpression, instead of returning a conversion expression
Return New LazyDelegateCreationExpression(operand, _semanticModel, syntax, type, constantValue, isImplicit)
......@@ -617,48 +605,51 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics
Return New LazyVisualBasicConversionExpression(operand, conversion, isExplicit, isTryCast, isChecked, _semanticModel, syntax, type, constantValue, isImplicit)
End Function
Private Shared Function IsDelegateCreationSyntax(conversionKind As ConversionKind, conversionSyntax As SyntaxNode, operandSyntax As SyntaxNode) As Boolean
Private Shared Function IsDelegateCreation(conversionKind As ConversionKind, conversionSyntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundNode, targetType As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
' Any of the explicit cast types, as well as New DelegateType(AddressOf Method)
' Additionally, AddressOf, if the child AddressOf is the same SyntaxNode (ie, an implicit delegate creation
Dim validConversionSyntax = conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.CTypeExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.DirectCastExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.TryCastExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression OrElse
(conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression AndAlso
ReferenceEquals(conversionSyntax, operandSyntax))
' Additionally, AddressOf, if the child AddressOf is the same SyntaxNode (ie, an implicit delegate creation)
Dim validAddressOfConversionSyntax = (conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.CTypeExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.DirectCastExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.TryCastExpression OrElse
conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression OrElse
(conversionSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression AndAlso
ReferenceEquals(conversionSyntax, operand.Syntax))) AndAlso
operand.Syntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression
Dim validOperandSyntax = operandSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression
Dim validLambdaConversionSyntax = operand.Kind = BoundKind.Lambda OrElse
operand.Kind = BoundKind.QueryLambda OrElse
operand.Kind = BoundKind.UnboundLambda
Return validConversionSyntax AndAlso validOperandSyntax
Dim validTargetType = targetType.IsDelegateType()
Return validTargetType AndAlso (validAddressOfConversionSyntax OrElse validLambdaConversionSyntax)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Creates the Lazy IOperation from a delegate creation operand or a bound conversion operand, handling when the conversion
''' is actually a delegate creation.
''' </summary>
Private Function CreateConversionOperation(operand As BoundNode, conversionKind As ConversionKind, conversionSyntax As SyntaxNode
) As (methodSymbol As MethodSymbol, operation As Lazy(Of IOperation), isAddressOfDelegateCreation As Boolean)
Private Function CreateConversionOperand(operand As BoundNode, conversionKind As ConversionKind, conversionSyntax As SyntaxNode, targetType As TypeSymbol
) As (methodSymbol As MethodSymbol, operation As Lazy(Of IOperation), isDelegateCreation As Boolean)
If (conversionKind And VisualBasic.ConversionKind.UserDefined) = VisualBasic.ConversionKind.UserDefined Then
Dim userDefinedConversion As BoundUserDefinedConversion = DirectCast(operand, BoundUserDefinedConversion)
Return (userDefinedConversion.Call.Method, New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() Create(userDefinedConversion.Operand)), isAddressOfDelegateCreation:=False)
ElseIf IsDelegateCreationSyntax(conversionKind, conversionSyntax, operand.Syntax) Then
' In this scenario, we're a delegate creation expression involving an AddressOf.
Return (userDefinedConversion.Call.Method, New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() Create(userDefinedConversion.Operand)), isDelegateCreation:=False)
ElseIf IsDelegateCreation(conversionKind, conversionSyntax, operand, targetType) Then
Dim methodSymbol As MethodSymbol = Nothing
Dim operandLazy As Lazy(Of IOperation)
If operand.Kind = BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression Then
' If the child is a BoundDelegateCreationExpression, we don't want to generate a nested IDelegateCreationExpression.
' So, the operand for the conversion will be the child of the BoundDelegateCreationExpression.
operandLazy = New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() CreateBoundDelegateCreationExpressionChildOperation(DirectCast(operand, BoundDelegateCreationExpression)))
' This is an error scenario in which we have a delegate conversion, but it failed to bind correctly, so the child here
' is either a bad expression or a method group. Delegate to standard operation handling for this.
Debug.Assert(operand.Kind = BoundKind.MethodGroup OrElse
operand.Kind = BoundKind.BadExpression OrElse
operand.Kind = BoundKind.AddressOfOperator)
' This is either a lambda, or an AddressOf error scenario in which we have a delegate conversion, but it failed to bind correctly.
' Delegate to standard operation handling for this.
operandLazy = New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() Create(operand))
End If
Return (methodSymbol, operandLazy, isAddressOfDelegateCreation:=True)
Return (methodSymbol, operandLazy, isDelegateCreation:=True)
Dim methodSymbol As MethodSymbol = Nothing
Return (methodSymbol, New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() Create(operand)), isAddressOfDelegateCreation:=False)
Return (methodSymbol, New Lazy(Of IOperation)(Function() Create(operand)), isDelegateCreation:=False)
End If
End Function
......@@ -2090,6 +2090,49 @@ IVariableDeclarationStatement (1 declarations) (OperationKind.VariableDeclaratio
VerifyOperationTreeAndDiagnosticsForTest(Of LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax)(source, expectedOperationTree, expectedDiagnostics)
End Sub
Public Sub DelegateCreationExpression_ImplicitAddressOf_ConvertedToNonDelegateType()
Dim source = <![CDATA[
Option Strict On
Imports System
Module M1
Class C1
End Class
Sub Method1()
Dim a As String = AddressOf Method2'BIND:"Dim a As String = AddressOf Method2"
End Sub
Sub Method2(i As C1)
End Sub
End Module]]>.Value
' We don't expect a delegate creation here. This is documenting that we still have a conversion expression when the target type
' isn't a delegate type
Dim expectedOperationTree = <![CDATA[
IVariableDeclarationStatement (1 declarations) (OperationKind.VariableDeclarationStatement, IsInvalid) (Syntax: 'Dim a As St ... sOf Method2')
IVariableDeclaration (1 variables) (OperationKind.VariableDeclaration) (Syntax: 'a')
Variables: Local_1: a As System.String
IConversionExpression (Implicit, TryCast: False, Unchecked) (OperationKind.ConversionExpression, Type: System.String, IsInvalid, IsImplicit) (Syntax: 'AddressOf Method2')
Conversion: CommonConversion (Exists: False, IsIdentity: False, IsNumeric: False, IsReference: False, IsUserDefined: False) (MethodSymbol: null)
IOperation: (OperationKind.None, IsInvalid) (Syntax: 'AddressOf Method2')
IOperation: (OperationKind.None, IsInvalid) (Syntax: 'Method2')
IInstanceReferenceExpression (OperationKind.InstanceReferenceExpression, Type: M1, IsInvalid, IsImplicit) (Syntax: 'Method2')
Dim expectedDiagnostics = <![CDATA[
BC30581: 'AddressOf' expression cannot be converted to 'String' because 'String' is not a delegate type.
Dim a As String = AddressOf Method2'BIND:"Dim a As String = AddressOf Method2"
VerifyOperationTreeAndDiagnosticsForTest(Of LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax)(source, expectedOperationTree, expectedDiagnostics)
End Sub
Public Sub DelegateCreationExpression_CTypeAddressOf()
......@@ -3246,7 +3289,6 @@ BC30002: Type 'NonExistant' is not defined.
VerifyOperationTreeAndDiagnosticsForTest(Of ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)(source, expectedOperationTree, expectedDiagnostics)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Anonymous Delegates"
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