提交 0d5aa988 编写于 作者: V Vladimir Sadov 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15516 from VSadov/fix15425

Optimizer should classify assignments to PseudoVariables as indirect assignments
......@@ -969,21 +969,24 @@ public override BoundNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
private static bool IsIndirectAssignment(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
var lhs = node.Left;
Debug.Assert(node.RefKind == RefKind.None || (lhs as BoundLocal)?.LocalSymbol.RefKind == RefKind.Ref,
"only ref locals can be a target of a ref assignment");
switch (lhs.Kind)
case BoundKind.ThisReference:
Debug.Assert(lhs.Type.IsValueType && node.RefKind == RefKind.None);
Debug.Assert(lhs.Type.IsValueType, "'this' is assignable only in structs");
return true;
case BoundKind.Parameter:
if (((BoundParameter)lhs).ParameterSymbol.RefKind != RefKind.None)
bool isIndirect = node.RefKind == RefKind.None;
Debug.Assert(isIndirect, "direct assignment to a ref/out parameter is highly suspicious");
return isIndirect;
return false;
case BoundKind.Local:
if (((BoundLocal)lhs).LocalSymbol.RefKind != RefKind.None)
......@@ -992,21 +995,39 @@ private static bool IsIndirectAssignment(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
return isIndirect;
return false;
case BoundKind.Call:
Debug.Assert(((BoundCall)lhs).Method.RefKind == RefKind.Ref, "only ref returning methods are assignable");
Debug.Assert(node.RefKind == RefKind.None, "methods cannot be ref-assignable");
return true;
case BoundKind.AssignmentOperator:
Debug.Assert(((BoundAssignmentOperator)lhs).RefKind == RefKind.Ref, "only ref assignments are assignable");
Debug.Assert(node.RefKind == RefKind.None, "assignments cannot be ref-assignable");
return true;
Debug.Assert(node.RefKind == RefKind.None, "this is not something that can be assigned indirectly");
return false;
case BoundKind.Sequence:
Debug.Assert(!IsIndirectAssignment(node.Update(((BoundSequence)node.Left).Value, node.Right, node.RefKind, node.Type)),
"indirect assignment to a sequence is unexpected");
return false;
case BoundKind.RefValueOperator:
case BoundKind.PointerIndirectionOperator:
case BoundKind.PseudoVariable:
return true;
case BoundKind.ModuleVersionId:
case BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot:
// these are just stores into special static fields
goto case BoundKind.FieldAccess;
case BoundKind.FieldAccess:
case BoundKind.ArrayAccess:
// always symbolic stores
return false;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(lhs.Kind);
private static bool IsIndirectOrInstanceFieldAssignment(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
......@@ -1958,13 +1979,12 @@ public override BoundNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
// indirect local store is not special. (operands still could be rewritten)
// NOTE: if Lhs is a stack local, it will be handled as a read and possibly duped.
var indirectStore = left.LocalSymbol.RefKind != RefKind.None && node.RefKind == RefKind.None;
if (indirectStore)
var isIndirectLocalStore = left.LocalSymbol.RefKind != RefKind.None && node.RefKind == RefKind.None;
if (isIndirectLocalStore)
return base.VisitAssignmentOperator(node);
// == here we have a regular write to a stack local
// we do not need to visit lhs, because we do not read the local,
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ private BoundDynamicIndexerAccess TransformDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicInde
if (CanChangeValueBetweenReads(arguments[i]))
BoundAssignmentOperator assignmentToTemp;
var temp = _factory.StoreToTemp(VisitExpression(arguments[i]), out assignmentToTemp, refKind: indexerAccess.ArgumentRefKindsOpt.RefKinds(i));
var temp = _factory.StoreToTemp(VisitExpression(arguments[i]), out assignmentToTemp, indexerAccess.ArgumentRefKindsOpt.RefKinds(i) != RefKind.None ? RefKind.Ref : RefKind.None);
loweredArguments[i] = temp;
......@@ -1245,6 +1245,11 @@ internal BoundExpression NullOrDefault(TypeSymbol typeSymbol)
if (refKind == RefKind.Out)
refKind = RefKind.Ref;
MethodSymbol containingMethod = this.CurrentMethod;
var syntax = argument.Syntax;
var type = argument.Type;
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ internal sealed class SynthesizedLocal : LocalSymbol
Debug.Assert(type.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void);
Debug.Assert(!kind.IsLongLived() || syntaxOpt != null);
Debug.Assert(refKind != RefKind.Out);
_containingMethodOpt = containingMethodOpt;
_type = type;
......@@ -140,18 +140,49 @@ class Program
return ref P;
public static void Main()
var local = 42; // must be real local
P = local;
P = local; // assign again, should not use stack local
CompileAndVerifyRef(text).VerifyIL("Program.M()", @"
var v = CompileAndVerifyRef(text, expectedOutput: "42");
v.VerifyIL("Program.M()", @"
// Code size 6 (0x6)
.maxstack 1
IL_0000: call ""ref int Program.P.get""
IL_0005: ret
v.VerifyIL("Program.Main()", @"
// Code size 29 (0x1d)
.maxstack 2
.locals init (int V_0) //local
IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 42
IL_0002: stloc.0
IL_0003: call ""ref int Program.P.get""
IL_0008: ldloc.0
IL_0009: stind.i4
IL_000a: call ""ref int Program.P.get""
IL_000f: ldloc.0
IL_0010: stind.i4
IL_0011: call ""ref int Program.P.get""
IL_0016: ldind.i4
IL_0017: call ""void System.Console.WriteLine(int)""
IL_001c: ret
public void RefReturnClassInstanceProperty()
......@@ -794,6 +794,83 @@ static void Set(TypedReference tr, dynamic i)
public void RefValueTest04_optimizer()
var text = @"
using System;
public struct C
static void Main()
int k = 42;
int i = 1;
TypedReference tr1 = __makeref(i);
__refvalue(tr1, int) = k;
__refvalue(tr1, int) = k;
int j = 1;
TypedReference tr2 = __makeref(j);
int l = 42;
__refvalue(tr1, int) = l;
__refvalue(tr2, int) = l;
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source: text, expectedOutput: "4242");
verifier.VerifyIL("C.Main", @"
// Code size 72 (0x48)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (int V_0, //k
int V_1, //i
System.TypedReference V_2, //tr1
int V_3, //j
int V_4) //l
IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 42
IL_0002: stloc.0
IL_0003: ldc.i4.1
IL_0004: stloc.1
IL_0005: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0007: mkrefany ""int""
IL_000c: stloc.2
IL_000d: ldloc.2
IL_000e: refanyval ""int""
IL_0013: ldloc.0
IL_0014: stind.i4
IL_0015: ldloc.2
IL_0016: refanyval ""int""
IL_001b: ldloc.0
IL_001c: stind.i4
IL_001d: ldc.i4.1
IL_001e: stloc.3
IL_001f: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0021: mkrefany ""int""
IL_0026: ldc.i4.s 42
IL_0028: stloc.s V_4
IL_002a: ldloc.2
IL_002b: refanyval ""int""
IL_0030: ldloc.s V_4
IL_0032: stind.i4
IL_0033: refanyval ""int""
IL_0038: ldloc.s V_4
IL_003a: stind.i4
IL_003b: ldloc.1
IL_003c: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)""
IL_0041: ldloc.3
IL_0042: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)""
IL_0047: ret
public void TestBug13263()
......@@ -613,26 +613,45 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
End Function
''' <summary>
''' indirect assignment is assignment to a value referenced indirectly
''' it may only happen if lhs is a reference (must be a parameter or a local)
''' 1) lhs is a reference (must be a parameter or a local)
''' 2) it is not a ref/out assignment where the reference itself would be assigned
''' VB uses a special node to assign references.
''' BoundAssignment is used only to assign values.
''' therefore an indirect assignment may only happen if lhs is a reference
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function IsIndirectAssignment(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As Boolean
If Not IsByRefLocalOrParameter(node.Left) Then
Return False
End If
Return Not IsByRefLocalOrParameter(node.Right)
Private Shared Function IsIndirectAssignment(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As Boolean
Return IsByRefVariable(node.Left)
End Function
Private Shared Function IsByRefLocalOrParameter(node As BoundExpression) As Boolean
Private Shared Function IsByRefVariable(node As BoundExpression) As Boolean
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.Parameter
Return DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol.IsByRef
Case BoundKind.Local
Return DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol.IsByRef
Case Else
Case BoundKind.Call
Return DirectCast(node, BoundCall).Method.ReturnsByRef
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Debug.Assert(Not IsByRefVariable(DirectCast(node, BoundSequence).ValueOpt))
Return False
Case BoundKind.PseudoVariable
Return True
Case BoundKind.ReferenceAssignment
Return True
Case BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference
Return True
Case BoundKind.ModuleVersionId,
' same as static fields
Return False
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess,
' fields are never byref
Return False
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node.Kind)
End Select
End Function
......@@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
' indirect local store is not special. (operands still could be rewritten)
' NOTE: if Lhs is a stack local, it will be handled as a read and possibly duped.
If Analyzer.IsIndirectAssignment(node) Then
Dim isIndirectLocalStore = left.LocalSymbol.IsByRef
If isIndirectLocalStore Then
Return VisitAssignmentOperatorDefault(node)
End If
......@@ -256,34 +256,40 @@ End Module",
"Module M
Sub Main()
C(Of Double).P = 1.5
Dim d = 1.5 ' must not be stack local
C(Of Double).P = d
C(Of Double).P = d ' assign second time, should not be on stack
C(Of Double).P += 2.0
System.Console.Write(C(Of Double).P)
End Sub
End Module",
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp2, expectedOutput:="3.5")
// Code size 51 (0x33)
// Code size 58 (0x3a)
.maxstack 3
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_0006: ldc.r8 1.5
IL_000f: stind.r8
IL_0010: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_0015: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_001a: ldind.r8
IL_001b: ldc.r8 2
IL_0024: add
IL_0025: stind.r8
IL_0026: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_002b: ldind.r8
IL_002c: call "Sub System.Console.Write(Double)"
IL_0031: nop
IL_0032: ret
.locals init (Double V_0) //d
IL_0000: ldc.r8 1.5
IL_0009: stloc.0
IL_000a: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_000f: ldloc.0
IL_0010: stind.r8
IL_0011: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_0016: ldloc.0
IL_0017: stind.r8
IL_0018: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_001d: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_0022: ldind.r8
IL_0023: ldc.r8 2
IL_002c: add
IL_002d: stind.r8
IL_002e: call "ByRef Function C(Of Double).get_P() As Double"
IL_0033: ldind.r8
IL_0034: call "Sub System.Console.Write(Double)"
IL_0039: ret
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