• J
    Get rid of Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup as a shipping assembly · 915f8d45
    Jason Malinowski 提交于
    The RoslynPackage type originally lived in a seperate assembly than
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices when it was important for us
    to be able to support the core parts of Roslyn being installed atop
    the existing Visual Studio 2013 language services. This is no longer
    a supported scenario anywhere, so we should just get rid of the
    Doing this is easy, it's just a matter of moving the files and related
    assets to the LanguageServices assembly. A MEF interface is added
    to prevent a circularity around triggering a load of stuff in the
    SolutionExplorerShim. That could be delt with later by moving the core
    of that code back to LanguageServices, but I don't want to touch that
    now since it's very sensitive.
IRoslynTelemetrySetup.cs 493 字节