BasicPerfGoldilocksTypingDiagnostics.xml 1.6 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- This test measures typing responsiveness. It uses the same delay tracker as the DDRIT test. -->
<!-- This test doesn't produce a regular Tao perf results file. Instead it produce a log and a   -->
<!-- results file.                                                                               -->

<TaoTest xmlns="">
    <StartTarget DontResetOptions="true" />
    <EnableClosedFileDiagnostic Enabled="true" Language="Visual Basic"/>
    <OpenProject ProjectFile="C:\Roslyn\LegacyTest\RealworldProjects\RoslynSolutions\Roslyn-VB.sln" DeleteSuoFileBeforeOpening="true" DeleteIDECacheBeforeOpening="true"/>
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


    <Scenario Name="Type Responsiveness" Description="Type Responsiveness">
      <DelayTracker Action="Start" TestName="Roslyn-VB(GoldilocksDiagnostics)" OutputPath="$(WorkingDir)" />
      <OpenFile FileName="SourceNamedTypeSymbol.vb"/>
      <!-- Insert Wait to let things cool down. For more accurate timings use WaitForIdleCPU. -->
      <!-- <Wait Seconds="10"/> -->
      <ForceGC />
      <GoToLine LineNumber="5836"/>
      <PlayBackTyping TypingInputFile="PerfTests\Sources\BasicGoldilocksInput.txt" />
      <DelayTracker Action="Stop"/>

29 30
      <!--<VerifyRoslynModulesLoadedStatus ExpectedStatus="NoCSharp" />-->
      <!--<VerifyRoslynModulesLoadedStatus ExpectedStatus="Basic" />-->
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


    <CloseFile SaveFile="false"/>

    <CloseTarget />