Binder_Conversions.cs 70.0 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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using System.Collections.Generic;
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using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
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namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal partial class Binder
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        internal BoundExpression CreateConversion(
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            BoundExpression source,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
            var conversion = Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(source, destination, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

            diagnostics.Add(source.Syntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
            return CreateConversion(source.Syntax, source, conversion, isCast: false, destination: destination, diagnostics: diagnostics);

        internal BoundExpression CreateConversion(
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            BoundExpression source,
            Conversion conversion,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            return CreateConversion(source.Syntax, source, conversion, isCast: false, destination: destination, diagnostics: diagnostics);

        internal BoundExpression CreateConversion(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
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            BoundExpression source,
            Conversion conversion,
            bool isCast,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            return CreateConversion(syntax, source, conversion, isCast, source.WasCompilerGenerated, destination, diagnostics);

        protected BoundExpression CreateConversion(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
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            BoundExpression source,
            Conversion conversion,
            bool isCast,
            bool wasCompilerGenerated,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)destination != null);

            if (conversion.IsIdentity)
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                // identity tuple conversions result in a converted tuple
                // to indicate that tuple conversions are no longer applicable.
                // nothing else changes
                if (source.Kind == BoundKind.TupleLiteral)
                    var sourceTuple = (BoundTupleLiteral)source;
                    TupleTypeSymbol.ReportNamesMismatchesIfAny(destination, sourceTuple, diagnostics);
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                    source = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(
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                        sourceTuple.Type, // same type to keep original element names 
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                // We need to preserve any conversion that changes the type (even identity conversions, like object->dynamic),
                // or that was explicitly written in code (so that GetSemanticInfo can find the syntax in the bound tree).
                if (!isCast && source.Type == destination)
                    return source;
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            ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, conversion, syntax, hasBaseReceiver: false);

            if (conversion.IsMethodGroup)
                return CreateMethodGroupConversion(syntax, source, conversion, isCast, destination, diagnostics);

            if (conversion.IsAnonymousFunction && source.Kind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda)
                return CreateAnonymousFunctionConversion(syntax, source, conversion, isCast, destination, diagnostics);

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            if (conversion.IsTupleLiteralConversion ||
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                (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable && conversion.UnderlyingConversions[0].IsTupleLiteralConversion))
                return CreateTupleLiteralConversion(syntax, (BoundTupleLiteral)source, conversion, isCast, destination, diagnostics);
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            if (conversion.IsUserDefined)
                return CreateUserDefinedConversion(syntax, source, conversion, isCast, destination, diagnostics);

            ConstantValue constantValue = this.FoldConstantConversion(syntax, source, conversion, destination, diagnostics);
            return new BoundConversion(
                IsCheckedConversion(source.Type, destination),
                explicitCastInCode: isCast && !wasCompilerGenerated,
                constantValueOpt: constantValue,
                type: destination)
            { WasCompilerGenerated = wasCompilerGenerated };

        private bool IsCheckedConversion(TypeSymbol source, TypeSymbol target)
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);

            if ((object)source == null || !CheckOverflowAtRuntime)
                return false;

            if (source.IsDynamic())
                return true;

            SpecialType sourceST = source.StrippedType().EnumUnderlyingType().SpecialType;
            SpecialType targetST = target.StrippedType().EnumUnderlyingType().SpecialType;

            // integral to double or float is never checked, but float/double to integral 
            // may be checked.
            bool sourceIsNumeric = SpecialType.System_Char <= sourceST && sourceST <= SpecialType.System_Double;
            bool targetIsNumeric = SpecialType.System_Char <= targetST && targetST <= SpecialType.System_UInt64;

                sourceIsNumeric && (targetIsNumeric || target.IsPointerType()) ||
                targetIsNumeric && source.IsPointerType();

        protected BoundExpression CreateUserDefinedConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression source, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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            if (!conversion.IsValid)
                GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, syntax, conversion, source, destination);

                return new BoundConversion(
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: destination,
                    hasErrors: true)
                { WasCompilerGenerated = source.WasCompilerGenerated };

            // Due to an oddity in the way we create a non-lifted user-defined conversion from A to D? 
            // (required backwards compatibility with the native compiler) we can end up in a situation 
            // where we have:
            // a standard conversion from A to B?
            // then a standard conversion from B? to B
            // then a user-defined  conversion from B to C
            // then a standard conversion from C to C? 
            // then a standard conversion from C? to D?
            // In that scenario, the "from type" of the conversion will be B? and the "from conversion" will be 
            // from A to B?. Similarly the "to type" of the conversion will be C? and the "to conversion"
            // of the conversion will be from C? to D?.
            // Therefore, we might need to introduce an extra conversion on the source side, from B? to B.
            // Now, you might think we should also introduce an extra conversion on the destination side,
            // from C to C?. But that then gives us the following bad situation: If we in fact bind this as
            // (D?)(C?)(C)(B)(B?)(A)x 
            // then what we are in effect doing is saying "convert C? to D? by checking for null, unwrapping,
            // converting C to D, and then wrapping". But we know that the C? will never be null. In this case
            // we should actually generate
            // (D?)(C)(B)(B?)(A)x
            // And thereby skip the unnecessary nullable conversion.

            // Original expression --> conversion's "from" type
            BoundExpression convertedOperand = CreateConversion(
                syntax: source.Syntax,
                source: source,
                conversion: conversion.UserDefinedFromConversion,
                isCast: false,
                wasCompilerGenerated: true,
                destination: conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.FromType,
                diagnostics: diagnostics);

            TypeSymbol conversionParameterType = conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Operator.ParameterTypes[0];
            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;

            if (conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Kind == UserDefinedConversionAnalysisKind.ApplicableInNormalForm &&
                conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.FromType != conversionParameterType)
                // Conversion's "from" type --> conversion method's parameter type.
                convertedOperand = CreateConversion(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    source: convertedOperand,
                    conversion: Conversions.ClassifyStandardConversion(null, convertedOperand.Type, conversionParameterType, ref useSiteDiagnostics),
                    isCast: false,
                    wasCompilerGenerated: true,
                    destination: conversionParameterType,
                    diagnostics: diagnostics);

            BoundExpression userDefinedConversion;

            TypeSymbol conversionReturnType = conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Operator.ReturnType;
            TypeSymbol conversionToType = conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.ToType;
            Conversion toConversion = conversion.UserDefinedToConversion;

            if (conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Kind == UserDefinedConversionAnalysisKind.ApplicableInNormalForm &&
                conversionToType != conversionReturnType)
                // Conversion method's parameter type --> conversion method's return type
                // NB: not calling CreateConversion here because this is the recursive base case.
                userDefinedConversion = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false, // There are no checked user-defined conversions, but the conversions on either side might be checked.
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: conversionReturnType)
                { WasCompilerGenerated = true };

                if (conversionToType.IsNullableType() && conversionToType.GetNullableUnderlyingType() == conversionReturnType)
                    // Skip introducing the conversion from C to C?.  The "to" conversion is now wrong though,
                    // because it will still assume converting C? to D?. 

                    toConversion = Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromType(conversionReturnType, destination, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
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                    // Conversion method's return type --> conversion's "to" type
                    userDefinedConversion = CreateConversion(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        source: userDefinedConversion,
                        conversion: Conversions.ClassifyStandardConversion(null, conversionReturnType, conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.ToType, ref useSiteDiagnostics),
                        isCast: false,
                        wasCompilerGenerated: true,
                        destination: conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.ToType,
                        diagnostics: diagnostics);
                // Conversion method's parameter type --> conversion method's "to" type
                // NB: not calling CreateConversion here because this is the recursive base case.
                userDefinedConversion = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: conversion.BestUserDefinedConversionAnalysis.ToType)
                { WasCompilerGenerated = true };

            diagnostics.Add(syntax, useSiteDiagnostics);

            // Conversion's "to" type --> final type
            BoundExpression finalConversion = CreateConversion(
                syntax: syntax,
                source: userDefinedConversion,
                conversion: toConversion,
                isCast: false,
                wasCompilerGenerated: true, // NOTE: doesn't necessarily set flag on resulting bound expression.
                destination: destination,
                diagnostics: diagnostics);


            return finalConversion;

        private static BoundExpression CreateAnonymousFunctionConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression source, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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            // We have a successful anonymous function conversion; rather than producing a node
            // which is a conversion on top of an unbound lambda, replace it with the bound
            // lambda.

            // UNDONE: Figure out what to do about the error case, where a lambda
            // UNDONE: is converted to a delegate that does not match. What to surface then?

            var unboundLambda = (UnboundLambda)source;
            var boundLambda = unboundLambda.Bind((NamedTypeSymbol)destination);

            return new BoundConversion(
                @checked: false,
                explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                type: destination)
            { WasCompilerGenerated = source.WasCompilerGenerated };

        private BoundExpression CreateMethodGroupConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression source, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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            BoundMethodGroup group = FixMethodGroupWithTypeOrValue((BoundMethodGroup)source, conversion, diagnostics);
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = group.ReceiverOpt;
            MethodSymbol method = conversion.Method;
            bool hasErrors = false;
            if (receiverOpt != null && receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference && method.IsAbstract)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AbstractBaseCall, syntax, method);
                hasErrors = true;

            NamedTypeSymbol delegateType = (NamedTypeSymbol)destination;
            if (MethodGroupConversionHasErrors(syntax, conversion, group.ReceiverOpt, conversion.IsExtensionMethod, delegateType, diagnostics))
                hasErrors = true;

            return new BoundConversion(syntax, group, conversion, @checked: false, explicitCastInCode: isCast, constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable, type: destination, hasErrors: hasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = source.WasCompilerGenerated };

        private BoundExpression CreateTupleLiteralConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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            // We have a successful tuple conversion; rather than producing a separate conversion node 
            // which is a conversion on top of a tuple literal, tuple conversion is an element-wise conversion of arguments.
            Debug.Assert((conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable) == destination.IsNullableType());

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            var destinationWithoutNullable = destination;
            var conversionWithoutNullable = conversion;

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            if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable)
                destinationWithoutNullable = destination.GetNullableUnderlyingType();
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                conversionWithoutNullable = conversion.UnderlyingConversions[0];
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            NamedTypeSymbol targetType = (NamedTypeSymbol)destinationWithoutNullable;
            if (targetType.IsTupleType)
                var destTupleType = (TupleTypeSymbol)targetType;

                TupleTypeSymbol.ReportNamesMismatchesIfAny(targetType, sourceTuple, diagnostics);
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                // do not lose the original element names and locations in the literal if different from names in the target
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                // the tuple has changed the type of elements due to target-typing, 
                // but element names has not changed and locations of their declarations 
                // should not be confused with element locations on the target type.
                var sourceType = sourceTuple.Type as TupleTypeSymbol;

                if ((object)sourceType != null)
                    targetType = sourceType.WithUnderlyingType(destTupleType.UnderlyingNamedType);
                    var tupleSyntax = (TupleExpressionSyntax)sourceTuple.Syntax;
                    var locationBuilder = ArrayBuilder<Location>.GetInstance();

                    foreach (var argument in tupleSyntax.Arguments)

                    targetType = destTupleType.WithElementNames(sourceTuple.ArgumentNamesOpt,
385 386 387 388 389

            var arguments = sourceTuple.Arguments;
            var convertedArguments = ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression>.GetInstance(arguments.Length);

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            ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> targetElementTypes = targetType.GetElementTypesOfTupleOrCompatible();
            Debug.Assert(targetElementTypes.Length == arguments.Length, "converting a tuple literal to incompatible type?");
            var underlyingConversions = conversionWithoutNullable.UnderlyingConversions;
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            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                var argument = arguments[i];
                var destType = targetElementTypes[i];
                var elementConversion = underlyingConversions[i];
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                convertedArguments.Add(CreateConversion(argument.Syntax, argument, elementConversion, isCast, destType, diagnostics));
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            BoundExpression result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(
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            if (sourceTuple.Type != destination)
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                // literal cast is applied to the literal 
                result = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: destination);

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            // If we had a cast in the code, keep conversion in the tree.
            // even though the literal is already converted to the target type.
            if (isCast)
                result = new BoundConversion(
428 429
                    @checked: false,
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                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
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                    type: destination);
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            return result;
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        private static bool IsMethodGroupWithTypeOrValueReceiver(BoundNode node)
            if (node.Kind != BoundKind.MethodGroup)
                return false;

            BoundNode receiverOpt = ((BoundMethodGroup)node).ReceiverOpt;
            return receiverOpt != null && receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression;

        private BoundMethodGroup FixMethodGroupWithTypeOrValue(BoundMethodGroup group, Conversion conversion, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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            if (!IsMethodGroupWithTypeOrValueReceiver(group))
                return group;

            BoundExpression receiverOpt = group.ReceiverOpt;
            Debug.Assert(receiverOpt != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)conversion.Method != null);
            receiverOpt = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(receiverOpt, conversion.Method.IsStatic && !conversion.IsExtensionMethod, diagnostics);
            return group.Update(
                receiverOpt, //only change

        /// <summary>
        /// This method implements the algorithm in spec section
        /// For method group conversions, there are situations in which the conversion is
        /// considered to exist ("Otherwise the algorithm produces a single best method M having
        /// the same number of parameters as D and the conversion is considered to exist"), but
        /// application of the conversion fails.  These are the "final validation" steps of
        /// overload resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if there is any error.
        /// </returns>
        private bool MemberGroupFinalValidation(BoundExpression receiverOpt, MethodSymbol methodSymbol, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod)
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            if (MemberGroupFinalValidationAccessibilityChecks(receiverOpt, methodSymbol, node, diagnostics, invokedAsExtensionMethod))
                return true;

            // SPEC: If the best method is a generic method, the type arguments (supplied or inferred) are checked against the constraints 
            // SPEC: declared on the generic method. If any type argument does not satisfy the corresponding constraint(s) on
            // SPEC: the type parameter, a binding-time error occurs.

            // The portion of the overload resolution spec quoted above is subtle and somewhat
            // controversial. The upshot of this is that overload resolution does not consider
            // constraints to be a part of the signature. Overload resolution matches arguments to
            // parameter lists; it does not consider things which are outside of the parameter list.
            // If the best match from the arguments to the formal parameters is not viable then we
            // give an error rather than falling back to a worse match. 
            // Consider the following:
            // void M<T>(T t) where T : Reptile {}
            // void M(object x) {}
            // ...
            // M(new Giraffe());
            // The correct analysis is to determine that the applicable candidates are
            // M<Giraffe>(Giraffe) and M(object). Overload resolution then chooses the former
            // because it is an exact match, over the latter which is an inexact match. Only after
            // the best method is determined do we check the constraints and discover that the
            // constraint on T has been violated.
            // Note that this is different from the rule that says that during type inference, if an
            // inference violates a constraint then inference fails. For example:
            // class C<T> where T : struct {}
            // ...
            // void M<U>(U u, C<U> c){}
            // void M(object x, object y) {}
            // ...
            // M("hello", null);
            // Type inference determines that U is string, but since C<string> is not a valid type
            // because of the constraint, type inference fails. M<string> is never added to the
            // applicable candidate set, so the applicable candidate set consists solely of
            // M(object, object) and is therefore the best match.

            return !methodSymbol.CheckConstraints(this.Conversions, node, this.Compilation, diagnostics);

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the following checks:
        /// Spec 7.6.5: Invocation expressions (definition of Final Validation) 
        ///   The method is validated in the context of the method group: If the best method is a static method, 
        ///   the method group must have resulted from a simple-name or a member-access through a type. If the best 
        ///   method is an instance method, the method group must have resulted from a simple-name, a member-access
        ///   through a variable or value, or a base-access. If neither of these requirements is true, a binding-time
        ///   error occurs.
        ///   (Note that the spec omits to mention, in the case of an instance method invoked through a simple name, that
        ///   the invocation must appear within the body of an instance method)
        /// Spec 7.5.4: Compile-time checking of dynamic overload resolution 
        ///   If F is a static method, the method group must have resulted from a simple-name, a member-access through a type, 
        ///   or a member-access whose receiver can't be classified as a type or value until after overload resolution (see § 
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        ///   If F is an instance method, the method group must have resulted from a simple-name, a member-access through a variable or value,
        ///   or a member-access whose receiver can't be classified as a type or value until after overload resolution (see §
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        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if there is any error.
        /// </returns>
        private bool MemberGroupFinalValidationAccessibilityChecks(BoundExpression receiverOpt, Symbol memberSymbol, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod)
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            // Perform final validation of the method to be invoked.

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            Debug.Assert(memberSymbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Method ||
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            //note that the same assert does not hold for all properties. Some properties and (all indexers) are not referenceable by name, yet
            //their binding brings them through here, perhaps needlessly.

            if (receiverOpt != null && receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression)
                // TypeOrValue expression isn't replaced only if the invocation is late bound, in which case it can't be extension method.
                // None of the checks below apply if the receiver can't be classified as a type or value. 
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            else if (memberSymbol.IsStatic)
                Debug.Assert(!invokedAsExtensionMethod || (receiverOpt != null));
572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582

                if (invokedAsExtensionMethod)
                    if (receiverOpt?.Kind == BoundKind.QueryClause && IsMemberAccessedThroughType(receiverOpt))
                        // Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type '{0}'.  '{1}' not found.
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_QueryNoProvider, node.Location, receiverOpt.Type, memberSymbol.Name);
                        return true;
                else if (!WasImplicitReceiver(receiverOpt) && IsMemberAccessedThroughVariableOrValue(receiverOpt))
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                    if (this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.CollectionInitializerAddMethod))
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerAddHasWrongSignature, node.Location, memberSymbol);
                    else if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression && memberSymbol.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.GetAwaiter)
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                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAwaitArg, node.Location, receiverOpt.Type);
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectProhibited, node.Location, memberSymbol);
                    return true;
            else if (IsMemberAccessedThroughType(receiverOpt))
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, node.Location, memberSymbol);
                return true;
            else if (WasImplicitReceiver(receiverOpt))
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                if (InFieldInitializer && !ContainingType.IsScriptClass || InConstructorInitializer || InAttributeArgument)
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                    SyntaxNode errorNode = node;
                    if (node.Parent != null && node.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression)
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                        errorNode = node.Parent;

                    ErrorCode code = InFieldInitializer ? ErrorCode.ERR_FieldInitRefNonstatic : ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired;
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                    diagnostics.Add(code, errorNode.Location, memberSymbol);
                    return true;

                // If we could access the member through implicit "this" the receiver would be a BoundThisReference.
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                // If it is null it means that the instance member is inaccessible.
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                if (receiverOpt == null || ContainingMember().IsStatic)
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                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, node, memberSymbol);
                    return true;

628 629
            var containingType = this.ContainingType;
            if ((object)containingType != null)
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                HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                bool isAccessible = this.IsSymbolAccessibleConditional(memberSymbol.GetTypeOrReturnType(), containingType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
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                diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics);

                if (!isAccessible)
                    // In the presence of non-transitive [InternalsVisibleTo] in source, or obnoxious symbols from metadata, it is possible
                    // to select a method through overload resolution in which the type is not accessible.  In this case a method cannot
                    // be called through normal IL, so we give an error.  Neither [InternalsVisibleTo] nor the need for this diagnostic is
                    // described by the language specification.
                    // Dev11 perform different access checks. See bug #530360 and tests AccessCheckTests.InaccessibleReturnType.
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, node, memberSymbol);
                    return true;

            return false;

        private static bool IsMemberAccessedThroughVariableOrValue(BoundExpression receiverOpt)
            if (receiverOpt == null)
                return false;

            return !IsMemberAccessedThroughType(receiverOpt);

        private static bool IsMemberAccessedThroughType(BoundExpression receiverOpt)
            if (receiverOpt == null)
                return false;

            while (receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.QueryClause)
                receiverOpt = ((BoundQueryClause)receiverOpt).Value;

            return receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.TypeExpression;

        /// <summary>
        /// Was the receiver expression compiler-generated?
        /// </summary>
        private static bool WasImplicitReceiver(BoundExpression receiverOpt)
            if (receiverOpt == null) return true;
            if (!receiverOpt.WasCompilerGenerated) return false;
            switch (receiverOpt.Kind)
                case BoundKind.ThisReference:
                case BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference:
                case BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference:
                    return true;
                    return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method implements the checks in spec section 15.2.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool MethodGroupIsCompatibleWithDelegate(BoundExpression receiverOpt, bool isExtensionMethod, MethodSymbol method, NamedTypeSymbol delegateType, Location errorLocation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
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698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753
            Debug.Assert(delegateType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate);
            Debug.Assert((object)delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod != null && !delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod.HasUseSiteError,
                         "This method should only be called for valid delegate types.");

            MethodSymbol delegateMethod = delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod;

            Debug.Assert(!isExtensionMethod || (receiverOpt != null));

            // - Argument types "match", and
            var delegateParameters = delegateMethod.Parameters;
            var methodParameters = method.Parameters;
            int numParams = delegateParameters.Length;

            if (methodParameters.Length != numParams + (isExtensionMethod ? 1 : 0))
                // This can happen if "method" has optional parameters.
                Debug.Assert(methodParameters.Length > numParams + (isExtensionMethod ? 1 : 0));
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MethDelegateMismatch, errorLocation, method, delegateType);
                return false;

            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;

            // If this is an extension method delegate, the caller should have verified the
            // receiver is compatible with the "this" parameter of the extension method.
            Debug.Assert(!isExtensionMethod ||
                (Conversions.ConvertExtensionMethodThisArg(methodParameters[0].Type, receiverOpt.Type, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists && useSiteDiagnostics.IsNullOrEmpty()));

            useSiteDiagnostics = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
                var delegateParameterType = delegateParameters[i].Type;
                var methodParameterType = methodParameters[isExtensionMethod ? i + 1 : i].Type;

                if (!Conversions.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(delegateParameterType, methodParameterType, ref useSiteDiagnostics))
                    // No overload for '{0}' matches delegate '{1}'
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MethDelegateMismatch, errorLocation, method, delegateType);
                    diagnostics.Add(errorLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);
                    return false;

            // - Return types "match"
            var returnsMatch =
                method.ReturnsVoid && delegateMethod.ReturnsVoid ||
                Conversions.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(method.ReturnType, delegateMethod.ReturnType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
            if (!returnsMatch)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadRetType, errorLocation, method, method.ReturnType);
                diagnostics.Add(errorLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);
                return false;

754 755 756 757 758 759 760
            if (method.ReturnsByRef != delegateMethod.ReturnsByRef)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_DelegateRefMismatch, errorLocation, method, delegateType);
                diagnostics.Add(errorLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);
                return false;

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761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775
            diagnostics.Add(errorLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);
            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method combines final validation (section and delegate compatibility (section 15.2).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntax">CSharpSyntaxNode of the expression requiring method group conversion.</param>
        /// <param name="conversion">Conversion to be performed.</param>
        /// <param name="receiverOpt">Optional receiver.</param>
        /// <param name="isExtensionMethod">Method invoked as extension method.</param>
        /// <param name="delegateType">Target delegate type.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Where diagnostics should be added.</param>
        /// <returns>True if a diagnostic has been added.</returns>
        private bool MethodGroupConversionHasErrors(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
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777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792
            Conversion conversion,
            BoundExpression receiverOpt,
            bool isExtensionMethod,
            NamedTypeSymbol delegateType,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(delegateType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate);

            MethodSymbol selectedMethod = conversion.Method;

            if (MemberGroupFinalValidation(receiverOpt, selectedMethod, syntax, diagnostics, isExtensionMethod) ||
                !MethodGroupIsCompatibleWithDelegate(receiverOpt, isExtensionMethod, selectedMethod, delegateType, syntax.Location, diagnostics))
                return true;

793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807
            if (selectedMethod.IsConditional)
                // CS1618: Cannot create delegate with '{0}' because it has a Conditional attribute
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_DelegateOnConditional, syntax.Location, selectedMethod);
                return true;

            var sourceMethod = selectedMethod as SourceMemberMethodSymbol;
            if ((object)sourceMethod != null && sourceMethod.IsPartialWithoutImplementation)
                // CS0762: Cannot create delegate from method '{0}' because it is a partial method without an implementing declaration
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMethodToDelegate, syntax.Location, selectedMethod);
                return true;

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808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855
            if (selectedMethod.HasUnsafeParameter() || selectedMethod.ReturnType.IsUnsafe())
                return ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(syntax, diagnostics);

            // No use site errors, but there could be use site warnings.
            // If there are use site warnings, they were reported during the overload resolution process
            // that chose selectedMethod.
            Debug.Assert(!selectedMethod.HasUseSiteError, "Shouldn't have reached this point if there were use site errors.");

            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is a wrapper around MethodGroupConversionHasErrors.  As a preliminary step,
        /// it checks whether a conversion exists.
        /// </summary>
        private bool MethodGroupConversionDoesNotExistOrHasErrors(
            BoundMethodGroup boundMethodGroup,
            NamedTypeSymbol delegateType,
            Location delegateMismatchLocation,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            out Conversion conversion)
            if (ReportDelegateInvokeUseSiteDiagnostic(diagnostics, delegateType, delegateMismatchLocation))
                conversion = Conversion.NoConversion;
                return true;

            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
            conversion = Conversions.GetMethodGroupConversion(boundMethodGroup, delegateType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
            diagnostics.Add(delegateMismatchLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);
            if (!conversion.Exists)
                // No overload for '{0}' matches delegate '{1}'
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MethDelegateMismatch, delegateMismatchLocation, boundMethodGroup.Name, delegateType);
                return true;
                Debug.Assert(conversion.IsValid); // i.e. if it exists, then it is valid.
                // Only cares about nullness and type of receiver, so no need to worry about BoundTypeOrValueExpression.
                return this.MethodGroupConversionHasErrors(boundMethodGroup.Syntax, conversion, boundMethodGroup.ReceiverOpt, conversion.IsExtensionMethod, delegateType, diagnostics);

        public ConstantValue FoldConstantConversion(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
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857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872
            BoundExpression source,
            Conversion conversion,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)destination != null);

            // The diagnostics bag can be null in cases where we know ahead of time that the
            // conversion will succeed without error or warning. (For example, if we have a valid
            // implicit numeric conversion on a constant of numeric type.)

            // SPEC: A constant expression must be the null literal or a value with one of 
            // SPEC: the following types: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, 
            // SPEC: ulong, char, float, double, decimal, bool, string, or any enumeration type.

Pharring 已提交
            // SPEC: The following conversions are permitted in constant expressions:
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874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903
            // SPEC: Identity conversions
            // SPEC: Numeric conversions
            // SPEC: Enumeration conversions
            // SPEC: Constant expression conversions
            // SPEC: Implicit and explicit reference conversions, provided that the source of the conversions 
            // SPEC: is a constant expression that evaluates to the null value.

            // SPEC VIOLATION: C# has always allowed the following, even though this does violate the rule that
            // SPEC VIOLATION: a constant expression must be either the null literal, or an expression of one 
            // SPEC VIOLATION: of the given types. 

            // SPEC VIOLATION: const C c = (C)null;

            // TODO: Some conversions can produce errors or warnings depending on checked/unchecked.
            // TODO: Fold conversions on enums and strings too.

            if (source.HasAnyErrors)
                return null;

            var sourceConstantValue = source.ConstantValue;
            if (sourceConstantValue == null || sourceConstantValue.IsBad)
                return sourceConstantValue;

            switch (conversion.Kind)
                case ConversionKind.Identity:
904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916
                    // An identity conversion to a floating-point type (for example from a cast in
                    // source code) changes the internal representation of the constant value
                    // to precisely the required precision.
                    switch (destination.SpecialType)
                        case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            return ConstantValue.Create(sourceConstantValue.SingleValue);
                        case SpecialType.System_Double:
                            return ConstantValue.Create(sourceConstantValue.DoubleValue);
                            return sourceConstantValue;

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917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946
                case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                    return sourceConstantValue;

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                    return FoldConstantNumericConversion(syntax, sourceConstantValue, destination, diagnostics);

                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitEnumeration:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitEnumeration:
                    // The C# specification categorizes conversion from literal zero to nullable enum as 
                    // an Implicit Enumeration Conversion. Such a thing should not be constant folded
                    // because nullable enums are never constants.

                    if (destination.IsNullableType())
                        return null;

                    return FoldConstantNumericConversion(syntax, sourceConstantValue, destination, diagnostics);

                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                    return sourceConstantValue.IsNull ? sourceConstantValue : null;

            return null;

        private ConstantValue FoldConstantNumericConversion(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
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948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051
            ConstantValue sourceValue,
            TypeSymbol destination,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(sourceValue != null);

            SpecialType destinationType;
            if ((object)destination != null && destination.IsEnumType())
                var underlyingType = ((NamedTypeSymbol)destination).EnumUnderlyingType;
                Debug.Assert((object)underlyingType != null);
                Debug.Assert(underlyingType.SpecialType != SpecialType.None);
                destinationType = underlyingType.SpecialType;
                destinationType = destination.GetSpecialTypeSafe();

            // In an unchecked context we ignore overflowing conversions on conversions from any
            // integral type, float and double to any integral type. "unchecked" actually does not
            // affect conversions from decimal to any integral type; if those are out of bounds then
            // we always give an error regardless.

            if (sourceValue.IsDecimal)
                if (!CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, sourceValue))
                    // NOTE: Dev10 puts a suffix, "M", on the constant value.
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRange, syntax, sourceValue.Value + "M", destination);

                    return ConstantValue.Bad;
            else if (destinationType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                if (!CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, sourceValue))
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRange, syntax, sourceValue.Value, destination);

                    return ConstantValue.Bad;
            else if (CheckOverflowAtCompileTime)
                if (!CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, sourceValue))
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, syntax, sourceValue.Value, destination);

                    return ConstantValue.Bad;

            return ConstantValue.Create(DoUncheckedConversion(destinationType, sourceValue), destinationType);

        private static object DoUncheckedConversion(SpecialType destinationType, ConstantValue value)
            // Note that we keep "single" floats as doubles internally to maintain higher precision. However,
            // we do not do so in an entirely "lossless" manner. When *converting* to a float, we do lose 
            // the precision lost due to the conversion. But when doing arithmetic, we do the arithmetic on
            // the double values.
            // An example will help. Suppose we have:
            // const float cf1 = 1.0f;
            // const float cf2 = 1.0e-15f;
            // const double cd3 = cf1 - cf2;
            // We first take the double-precision values for 1.0 and 1.0e-15 and round them to floats,
            // and then turn them back into doubles. Then when we do the subtraction, we do the subtraction
            // in doubles, not in floats. Had we done the subtraction in floats, we'd get 1.0; but instead we
            // do it in doubles and get 0.99999999999999.
            // Similarly, if we have
            // const int i4 = int.MaxValue; // 2147483647
            // const float cf5 = int.MaxValue; //  2147483648.0
            // const double cd6 = cf5; // 2147483648.0
            // The int is converted to float and stored internally as the double 214783648, even though the
            // fully precise int would fit into a double.

                switch (value.Discriminator)
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Byte:
                        byte byteValue = value.ByteValue;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)byteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)byteValue;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Char:
                        char charValue = value.CharValue;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)charValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)charValue;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt16:
                        ushort uint16Value = value.UInt16Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)uint16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)uint16Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt32:
                        uint uint32Value = value.UInt32Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)uint32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)uint32Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt64:
                        ulong uint64Value = value.UInt64Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)uint64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)uint64Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.SByte:
                        sbyte sbyteValue = value.SByteValue;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)sbyteValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)sbyteValue;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int16:
                        short int16Value = value.Int16Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)int16Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)int16Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32:
                        int int32Value = value.Int32Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)int32Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)int32Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int64:
                        long int64Value = value.Int64Value;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)int64Value;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)int64Value;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1197 1198 1199
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Single:
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Double:
1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207
                        // This code used to invoke CheckConstantBounds and return constant zero if the value is not within the target type.
                        // The C# spec says that in this case the result of the conversion is an unspecified value of the destination type.
                        // Zero is a perfectly valid unspecified value, so that behavior was formally correct.
                        // But it did not agree with the behavior of the native C# compiler, that apparently returned a value that
                        // would resulted from a runtime conversion with normal CLR overflow behavior.
                        // To avoid breaking programs that might accidentally rely on that unspecified behavior
                        // we now removed that check and just allow conversion to overflow.
                        double doubleValue = value.DoubleValue;
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1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)doubleValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (value.Discriminator == ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Single) ? (decimal)(float)doubleValue : (decimal)doubleValue;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239
                    case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Decimal:
                        decimal decimalValue = CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, value.DecimalValue) ? value.DecimalValue : 0m;
                        switch (destinationType)
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Single: return (double)(float)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Double: return (double)decimalValue;
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return (decimal)decimalValue;
                            default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(destinationType);
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1242 1243
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(value.Discriminator);
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1244 1245 1246

1247 1248
            // all cases should have been handled in the switch above.
            // return value.Value;
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        public static bool CheckConstantBounds(SpecialType destinationType, ConstantValue value)
            if (value.IsBad)
                //assume that the constant was intended to be in bounds
                return true;

            // Compute whether the value fits into the bounds of the given destination type without
            // error. We know that the constant will fit into either a double or a decimal, so
            // convert it to one of those and then check the bounds on that.
            var canonicalValue = CanonicalizeConstant(value);
            return canonicalValue is decimal ?
                CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, (decimal)canonicalValue) :
                CheckConstantBounds(destinationType, (double)canonicalValue);

        private static bool CheckConstantBounds(SpecialType destinationType, double value)
            // Dev10 checks (minValue - 1) < value < (maxValue + 1).
            // See ExpressionBinder::isConstantInRange.
            switch (destinationType)
                case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (byte.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (char.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (ushort.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (uint.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (ulong.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (sbyte.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (short.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < (int.MaxValue + 1D);
                // Note: Using <= to compare the min value matches the native compiler.
                case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long.MinValue - 1D) <= value && value < (long.MaxValue + 1D);
                case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return ((double)decimal.MinValue - 1D) < value && value < ((double)decimal.MaxValue + 1D);

            return true;

        private static bool CheckConstantBounds(SpecialType destinationType, decimal value)
            // Dev10 checks (minValue - 1) < value < (MaxValue + 1) + 1).
            // See ExpressionBinder::isConstantInRange.
            switch (destinationType)
                case SpecialType.System_Byte: return (byte.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (byte.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_Char: return (char.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (char.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return (ushort.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (ushort.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return (uint.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (uint.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return (ulong.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (ulong.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_SByte: return (sbyte.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (sbyte.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_Int16: return (short.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (short.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_Int32: return (int.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (int.MaxValue + 1M);
                case SpecialType.System_Int64: return (long.MinValue - 1M) < value && value < (long.MaxValue + 1M);

            return true;

        // Takes in a constant of any kind and returns the constant as either a double or decimal
        private static object CanonicalizeConstant(ConstantValue value)
            switch (value.Discriminator)
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.SByte: return (decimal)value.SByteValue;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int16: return (decimal)value.Int16Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32: return (decimal)value.Int32Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int64: return (decimal)value.Int64Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Byte: return (decimal)value.ByteValue;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Char: return (decimal)value.CharValue;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt16: return (decimal)value.UInt16Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt32: return (decimal)value.UInt32Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt64: return (decimal)value.UInt64Value;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Single:
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Double: return value.DoubleValue;
                case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Decimal: return value.DecimalValue;
                default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(value.Discriminator);
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            // all cases handled in the switch, above.
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