ContentTypeNames.cs 822 字节
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor
    internal static class ContentTypeNames
        public const string CSharpContentType = "CSharp";
        public const string CSharpSignatureHelpContentType = "CSharp Signature Help";
        public const string RoslynContentType = "Roslyn Languages";
        public const string VisualBasicContentType = "Basic";
        public const string VisualBasicSignatureHelpContentType = "Basic Signature Help";
Marco Goertz 已提交
        public const string XamlContentType = "XAML";
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        public const string JavaScriptContentTypeName = "JavaScript";
        public const string TypeScriptContentTypeName = "TypeScript";
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