MockSymbolNavigationServiceProvider.vb 3.5 KB
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' Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

Imports System.Composition
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.Mef
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Navigation

Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Utilities
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    ' Note: by default, TestWorkspace produces a composition from all assemblies except EditorServicesTest2.
    ' This type has to be defined here until we get that cleaned up. Otherwise, other tests may import it.
    <ExportWorkspaceServiceFactory(GetType(ISymbolNavigationService), ServiceLayer.Host), [Shared]>
    Public Class MockSymbolNavigationServiceProvider
        Implements IWorkspaceServiceFactory

        Private instance As MockSymbolNavigationService = New MockSymbolNavigationService()

        Public Function CreateService(workspaceServices As HostWorkspaceServices) As IWorkspaceService Implements IWorkspaceServiceFactory.CreateService
            Return instance
        End Function

        Friend Class MockSymbolNavigationService
            Implements ISymbolNavigationService

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            Public TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedSymbol As ISymbol
            Public TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedProject As Project
            Public TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedUsePreviewTab As Boolean

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            Public TrySymbolNavigationNotifyProvidedSymbol As ISymbol
            Public TrySymbolNavigationNotifyProvidedSolution As Solution
            Public TrySymbolNavigationNotifyReturnValue As Boolean = False

            Public WouldNavigateToSymbolProvidedSymbol As ISymbol
            Public WouldNavigateToSymbolProvidedSolution As Solution
            Public WouldNavigateToSymbolReturnValue As Boolean = False
            Public NavigationFilePathReturnValue As String = String.Empty
            Public NavigationLineNumberReturnValue As Integer = 0
            Public NavigationCharOffsetReturnValue As Integer = 0
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            Public Function TryNavigateToSymbol(symbol As ISymbol, project As Project, Optional usePreviewTab As Boolean = False) As Boolean Implements ISymbolNavigationService.TryNavigateToSymbol
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                Me.TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedSymbol = symbol
                Me.TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedProject = project
                Me.TryNavigateToSymbolProvidedUsePreviewTab = usePreviewTab
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                Return True
            End Function

            Public Function TrySymbolNavigationNotify(symbol As ISymbol, solution As Solution) As Boolean Implements ISymbolNavigationService.TrySymbolNavigationNotify
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                Me.TrySymbolNavigationNotifyProvidedSymbol = symbol
                Me.TrySymbolNavigationNotifyProvidedSolution = solution

                Return TrySymbolNavigationNotifyReturnValue
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            End Function

            Public Function WouldNavigateToSymbol(symbol As ISymbol, solution As Solution, ByRef filePath As String, ByRef lineNumber As Integer, ByRef charOffset As Integer) As Boolean Implements ISymbolNavigationService.WouldNavigateToSymbol
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                Me.WouldNavigateToSymbolProvidedSymbol = symbol
                Me.WouldNavigateToSymbolProvidedSolution = solution

                filePath = Me.NavigationFilePathReturnValue
                lineNumber = Me.NavigationLineNumberReturnValue
                charOffset = Me.NavigationCharOffsetReturnValue

                Return WouldNavigateToSymbolReturnValue
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            End Function
        End Class
    End Class
End Namespace