AliasSymbolCache.cs 3.5 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Roslyn.Utilities;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities
    using SymbolMap = ImmutableDictionary<INamespaceOrTypeSymbol, IAliasSymbol>;
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    using TreeMap = ConcurrentDictionary<(SyntaxTree tree, int namespaceId), ImmutableDictionary<INamespaceOrTypeSymbol, IAliasSymbol>>;
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    internal static class AliasSymbolCache
        // NOTE : I chose to cache on compilation assuming this cache will be quite small. usually number of times alias is used is quite small.
        //        but if that turns out not true, we can move this cache to be based on semantic model. unlike compilation that would be cached
        //        in compilation cache in certain host (VS), semantic model comes and goes more frequently which will release cache more often.
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        private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Compilation, TreeMap> s_treeAliasMap = new ConditionalWeakTable<Compilation, TreeMap>();
        private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Compilation, TreeMap>.CreateValueCallback s_createTreeMap = c => new TreeMap();
        private static readonly Func<ISymbol, string> s_symbolToName = s => s.Name;
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        public static bool TryGetAliasSymbol(SemanticModel semanticModel, int namespaceId, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol targetSymbol, out IAliasSymbol aliasSymbol)
            // TODO: given semantic model must be not speculative semantic model for now. 
            // currently it can't be checked since it is not exposed to common layer yet.
            // once exposed, this method itself will make sure it use original semantic model
            aliasSymbol = null;
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            if (!s_treeAliasMap.TryGetValue(semanticModel.Compilation, out var treeMap) ||
                !treeMap.TryGetValue((semanticModel.SyntaxTree, namespaceId), out var symbolMap))
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                return false;

            symbolMap.TryGetValue(targetSymbol, out aliasSymbol);
            return true;

        public static void AddAliasSymbols(SemanticModel semanticModel, int namespaceId, IEnumerable<IAliasSymbol> aliasSymbols)
            // given semantic model must be the original semantic model for now
            var treeMap = s_treeAliasMap.GetValue(semanticModel.Compilation, s_createTreeMap);
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            // check again to see whether somebody has beaten us
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            var key = (tree: semanticModel.SyntaxTree, namespaceId);
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            if (treeMap.ContainsKey(key))

            var builder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<INamespaceOrTypeSymbol, IAliasSymbol>();
            foreach (var alias in aliasSymbols)
                if (builder.ContainsKey(alias.Target))

                // only put the first one.
                builder.Add(alias.Target, alias);

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            // Use namespace id rather than holding onto namespace node directly, that will keep the tree alive as long as
            // the compilation is alive. In the current design, a node can come and go even if compilation is alive through recoverable tree.
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            treeMap.TryAdd(key, builder.ToImmutable());
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