AnalyzerDriver.CompilationData.cs 8.4 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics
    internal abstract partial class AnalyzerDriver : IDisposable
        private static readonly WeakReference<CompilationData> s_cachedCompilationData = new WeakReference<CompilationData>(null);
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        internal class CompilationData
            /// <summary>
            /// Cached semantic model for the compilation trees.
            /// PERF: This cache enables us to re-use semantic model's bound node cache across analyzer execution and diagnostic queries.
            /// </summary>
            private readonly Dictionary<SyntaxTree, SemanticModel> _semanticModelsMap;

            /// <summary>
            /// Cached syntax references for a symbol for the lifetime of symbol declared event.
            /// PERF: This cache reduces allocations for computing declaring syntax references for a symbol.
            /// </summary>
            private readonly Dictionary<ISymbol, ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference>> _symbolDeclarationsMap;

            public CompilationData(Compilation comp)
                this.Compilation = comp;
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                _semanticModelsMap = new Dictionary<SyntaxTree, SemanticModel>();
                _symbolDeclarationsMap = new Dictionary<ISymbol, ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference>>();
                this.SuppressMessageAttributeState = new SuppressMessageAttributeState(comp);
                this.DeclarationAnalysisDataMap = new Dictionary<SyntaxReference, DeclarationAnalysisData>();

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            /// <summary>
            /// Compilation whose data is cached.
            /// </summary>
            public readonly Compilation Compilation;

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            public SuppressMessageAttributeState SuppressMessageAttributeState { get; }
            public Dictionary<SyntaxReference, DeclarationAnalysisData> DeclarationAnalysisDataMap { get; }

            public SemanticModel GetOrCreateCachedSemanticModel(SyntaxTree tree, Compilation compilation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                SemanticModel model;
                lock (_semanticModelsMap)
                    if (_semanticModelsMap.TryGetValue(tree, out model))
                        return model;

                model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);

                // Invoke GetDiagnostics to populate the compilation's CompilationEvent queue.
                model.GetDiagnostics(null, cancellationToken);

                lock (_semanticModelsMap)
                    _semanticModelsMap[tree] = model;

                return model;

            public bool RemoveCachedSemanticModel(SyntaxTree tree)
                lock (_semanticModelsMap)
                    return _semanticModelsMap.Remove(tree);

            public bool TryGetCachedDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol, out ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference> declaringReferences)
                lock (_symbolDeclarationsMap)
                    if (!_symbolDeclarationsMap.TryGetValue(symbol, out declaringReferences))
                        declaringReferences = default(ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference>);
                        return false;

                    return true;

            public void CacheDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference> declaringReferences)
                lock (_symbolDeclarationsMap)
                    _symbolDeclarationsMap[symbol] = declaringReferences;

            public bool RemoveCachedDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol)
                lock (_symbolDeclarationsMap)
                    return _symbolDeclarationsMap.Remove(symbol);

        internal class DeclarationAnalysisData
            /// <summary>
            /// GetSyntax() for the given SyntaxReference.
            /// </summary>
            public SyntaxNode DeclaringReferenceSyntax { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Topmost declaration node for analysis.
            /// </summary>
            public SyntaxNode TopmostNodeForAnalysis { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// All member declarations within the declaration.
            /// </summary>
            public List<DeclarationInfo> DeclarationsInNode { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// All descendant nodes for syntax node actions.
            /// </summary>
            public List<SyntaxNode> DescendantNodesToAnalyze { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Flag indicating if this is a partial analysis.
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsPartialAnalysis { get; set; }

            public DeclarationAnalysisData()
                this.DeclarationsInNode = new List<DeclarationInfo>();
                this.DescendantNodesToAnalyze = new List<SyntaxNode>();

            public void Free()
                DeclaringReferenceSyntax = null;
                TopmostNodeForAnalysis = null;
                IsPartialAnalysis = false;

        internal static CompilationData GetOrCreateCachedCompilationData(Compilation compilation)
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            CompilationData data;
            if (!s_cachedCompilationData.TryGetTarget(out data) || data == null || data.Compilation != compilation)
                data = new CompilationData(compilation);

            return data;

        internal static bool TryGetCachedCompilationData(Compilation compilation, out CompilationData compilationData)
            return s_cachedCompilationData.TryGetTarget(out compilationData) &&
                compilationData?.Compilation == compilation;
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        internal static void RemoveCachedCompilationData(Compilation compilation)
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            CompilationData compilationData;
            if (TryGetCachedCompilationData(compilation, out compilationData))
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        public static SemanticModel GetOrCreateCachedSemanticModel(SyntaxTree tree, Compilation compilation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var compilationData = GetOrCreateCachedCompilationData(compilation);
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            return compilationData.GetOrCreateCachedSemanticModel(tree, compilation, cancellationToken);

        public static void RemoveCachedSemanticModel(SyntaxTree tree, Compilation compilation)
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            CompilationData compilationData;
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            if (TryGetCachedCompilationData(compilation, out compilationData))
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        public static bool TryGetCachedDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol, Compilation compilation, out ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference> declaringReferences)
            var compilationData = GetOrCreateCachedCompilationData(compilation);
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            return compilationData.TryGetCachedDeclaringReferences(symbol, out declaringReferences);

        public static void CacheDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol, Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray<SyntaxReference> declaringReferences)
            var compilationData = GetOrCreateCachedCompilationData(compilation);
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            compilationData.CacheDeclaringReferences(symbol, declaringReferences);

        public static void RemoveCachedDeclaringReferences(ISymbol symbol, Compilation compilation)
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            CompilationData compilationData;
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            if (TryGetCachedCompilationData(compilation, out compilationData))
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