Extensions.cs 7.5 KB
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Jonathon Marolf 已提交
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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

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#nullable enable

using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
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using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindUsages;
David Barbet 已提交
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
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using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServer.Protocol;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Adornments;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer
    internal static class Extensions
        public static Uri GetURI(this TextDocument document)
            return ProtocolConversions.GetUriFromFilePath(document.FilePath);
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        public static ImmutableArray<Document> GetDocuments(this Solution solution, Uri documentUri)
Marco Goertz 已提交
            return GetDocuments<Document>(solution, documentUri, (s, i) => s.GetRequiredDocument(i));
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Marco Goertz 已提交
        public static ImmutableArray<TextDocument> GetTextDocuments(this Solution solution, Uri documentUri)
Marco Goertz 已提交
            return GetDocuments<TextDocument>(solution, documentUri, (s, i) => s.GetRequiredTextDocument(i));
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Marco Goertz 已提交
        private static ImmutableArray<T> GetDocuments<T>(this Solution solution, Uri documentUri, Func<Solution, DocumentId, T> getDocument) where T : TextDocument
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            // TODO: we need to normalize this. but for now, we check both absolute and local path
            //       right now, based on who calls this, solution might has "/" or "\\" as directory
            //       separator
            var documentIds = solution.GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath(documentUri.AbsolutePath);

            if (!documentIds.Any())
                documentIds = solution.GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath(documentUri.LocalPath);

Marco Goertz 已提交
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            return documentIds.SelectAsArray(id => getDocument(solution, id));

        public static ImmutableArray<Document> GetDocuments(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, Uri uri, string? clientName)
            return GetDocuments<Document>(solutionProvider, uri, (s, u, c) => s.GetDocuments(u), clientName);
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        public static ImmutableArray<TextDocument> GetTextDocuments(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, Uri uri, string? clientName)
Marco Goertz 已提交
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            return GetDocuments<TextDocument>(solutionProvider, uri, (s, u, c) => s.GetTextDocuments(u), clientName);

        private static ImmutableArray<T> GetDocuments<T>(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, Uri uri, Func<ILspSolutionProvider, Uri, string?, ImmutableArray<T>> getDocuments, string? clientName) where T : TextDocument
            var documents = getDocuments(solutionProvider, uri, clientName);
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            // If we don't have a client name, then we're done filtering
            if (clientName == null)
                return documents;

            // We have a client name, so we need to filter to only documents that match that name
            return documents.WhereAsArray(document =>
                var documentPropertiesService = document.Services.GetService<DocumentPropertiesService>();

                // When a client name is specified, only return documents that have a matching client name.
                // Allows the razor lsp server to return results only for razor documents.
                // This workaround should be removed when https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1106064/
                // is fixed (so that the razor language server is only asked about razor buffers).
                return Equals(documentPropertiesService?.DiagnosticsLspClientName, clientName);

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        public static Document? GetDocument(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, TextDocumentIdentifier documentIdentifier, string? clientName = null)
            return GetDocument<Document>(solutionProvider, documentIdentifier, (s, d, c) => s.GetDocuments(d, c), clientName);

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        public static TextDocument? GetTextDocument(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, TextDocumentIdentifier documentIdentifier, string? clientName = null)
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            return GetDocument<TextDocument>(solutionProvider, documentIdentifier, (s, d, c) => s.GetTextDocuments(d, c), clientName);

        private static T? GetDocument<T>(this ILspSolutionProvider solutionProvider, TextDocumentIdentifier documentIdentifier, Func<ILspSolutionProvider, Uri, string?, ImmutableArray<T>> getDocuments, string? clientName = null) where T : TextDocument
            var documents = getDocuments(solutionProvider, documentIdentifier.Uri, clientName);
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            if (documents.Length == 0)
                return null;

            if (documents.Length > 1)
                // We have more than one document; try to find the one that matches the right context
                if (documentIdentifier is VSTextDocumentIdentifier vsDocumentIdentifier)
                    if (vsDocumentIdentifier.ProjectContext != null)
                        var projectId = ProtocolConversions.ProjectContextToProjectId(vsDocumentIdentifier.ProjectContext);
                        var matchingDocument = documents.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Project.Id == projectId);

                        if (matchingDocument != null)
                            return matchingDocument;

            // We either have only one document or have multiple, but none of them  matched our context. In the
            // latter case, we'll just return the first one arbitrarily since this might just be some temporary mis-sync
            // of client and server state.
            return documents[0];

        public static async Task<int> GetPositionFromLinePositionAsync(this TextDocument document, LinePosition linePosition, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
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            var text = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return text.Lines.GetPosition(linePosition);

        public static bool HasVisualStudioLspCapability(this ClientCapabilities clientCapabilities)
            if (clientCapabilities is VSClientCapabilities vsClientCapabilities)
                return vsClientCapabilities.SupportsVisualStudioExtensions;

            return false;

        public static string GetMarkdownLanguageName(this Document document)
            switch (document.Project.Language)
                case LanguageNames.CSharp:
                    return "csharp";
                case LanguageNames.VisualBasic:
                    return "vb";
                case LanguageNames.FSharp:
                    return "fsharp";
                case "TypeScript":
                    return "typescript";
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Document project language {0} is not valid", document.Project.Language));

        public static ClassifiedTextElement GetClassifiedText(this DefinitionItem definition)
            => new ClassifiedTextElement(definition.DisplayParts.Select(part => new ClassifiedTextRun(part.Tag.ToClassificationTypeName(), part.Text)));
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