AbstractEditorFactory.cs 13.2 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using System;
using System.IO;
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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
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using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
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using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
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using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
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namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation
    /// <summary>
    /// The base class of both the Roslyn editor factories.
    /// </summary>
    internal abstract partial class AbstractEditorFactory : IVsEditorFactory, IVsEditorFactoryNotify
        private readonly Package _package;
        private readonly IComponentModel _componentModel;
        private Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider _oleServiceProvider;
        private readonly IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService _editorAdaptersFactoryService;
        private readonly IContentTypeRegistryService _contentTypeRegistryService;
        private readonly IWaitIndicator _waitIndicator;
        private bool _encoding;

        protected AbstractEditorFactory(Package package)
CyrusNajmabadi 已提交
            _package = package ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));
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            _componentModel = (IComponentModel)ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SComponentModel));

            _editorAdaptersFactoryService = _componentModel.GetService<IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>();
            _contentTypeRegistryService = _componentModel.GetService<IContentTypeRegistryService>();
            _waitIndicator = _componentModel.GetService<IWaitIndicator>();

        protected IServiceProvider ServiceProvider
                return _package;

        protected IComponentModel ComponentModel
                return _componentModel;

        protected abstract string ContentTypeName { get; }
        protected abstract string LanguageName { get; }
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        public void SetEncoding(bool value)
            _encoding = value;

        int IVsEditorFactory.Close()
            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        public int CreateEditorInstance(
            uint grfCreateDoc,
            string pszMkDocument,
            string pszPhysicalView,
            IVsHierarchy vsHierarchy,
            uint itemid,
            IntPtr punkDocDataExisting,
            out IntPtr ppunkDocView,
            out IntPtr ppunkDocData,
            out string pbstrEditorCaption,
            out Guid pguidCmdUI,
            out int pgrfCDW)
            ppunkDocView = IntPtr.Zero;
            ppunkDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
            pbstrEditorCaption = string.Empty;
            pguidCmdUI = Guid.Empty;
            pgrfCDW = 0;

            var physicalView = pszPhysicalView == null
                ? "Code"
                : pszPhysicalView;

            IVsTextBuffer textBuffer = null;

            // Is this document already open? If so, let's see if it's a IVsTextBuffer we should re-use. This allows us
            // to properly handle multiple windows open for the same document.
            if (punkDocDataExisting != IntPtr.Zero)
                object docDataExisting = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(punkDocDataExisting);

                textBuffer = docDataExisting as IVsTextBuffer;

                if (textBuffer == null)
                    // We are incompatible with the existing doc data
                    return VSConstants.VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA;

            // Do we need to create a text buffer?
            if (textBuffer == null)
                var contentType = _contentTypeRegistryService.GetContentType(ContentTypeName);
                textBuffer = _editorAdaptersFactoryService.CreateVsTextBufferAdapter(_oleServiceProvider, contentType);

                if (_encoding)
CyrusNajmabadi 已提交
                    if (textBuffer is IVsUserData userData)
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                        // The editor shims require that the boxed value when setting the PromptOnLoad flag is a uint
                        int hresult = userData.SetData(

                        if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hresult))
                            return hresult;

            // If the text buffer is marked as read-only, ensure that the padlock icon is displayed
            // next the new window's title and that [Read Only] is appended to title.
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            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(textBuffer.GetStateFlags(out var textBufferFlags)) &&
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                readOnlyStatus = READONLYSTATUS.ROSTATUS_ReadOnly;

            switch (physicalView)
                case "Form":

                    // We must create the WinForms designer here
                    const string LoaderName = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader";
                    var designerService = (IVSMDDesignerService)ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVSMDDesignerService));
                    var designerLoader = (IVSMDDesignerLoader)designerService.CreateDesignerLoader(LoaderName);

                        designerLoader.Initialize(_oleServiceProvider, vsHierarchy, (int)itemid, (IVsTextLines)textBuffer);
                        pbstrEditorCaption = designerLoader.GetEditorCaption((int)readOnlyStatus);

                        var designer = designerService.CreateDesigner(_oleServiceProvider, designerLoader);
                        ppunkDocView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(designer.View);
                        pguidCmdUI = designer.CommandGuid;


                case "Code":

                    var codeWindow = _editorAdaptersFactoryService.CreateVsCodeWindowAdapter(_oleServiceProvider);

                    codeWindow.GetEditorCaption(readOnlyStatus, out pbstrEditorCaption);

                    ppunkDocView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(codeWindow);
                    pguidCmdUI = VSConstants.GUID_TextEditorFactory;



                    return VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG;

            ppunkDocData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(textBuffer);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        public int MapLogicalView(ref Guid rguidLogicalView, out string pbstrPhysicalView)
            pbstrPhysicalView = null;

            if (rguidLogicalView == VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Primary_guid ||
                rguidLogicalView == VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Debugging_guid ||
                rguidLogicalView == VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Code_guid ||
                rguidLogicalView == VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.TextView_guid)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            else if (rguidLogicalView == VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Designer_guid)
                pbstrPhysicalView = "Form";
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
                return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;

        int IVsEditorFactory.SetSite(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider psp)
            _oleServiceProvider = psp;
            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        int IVsEditorFactoryNotify.NotifyDependentItemSaved(IVsHierarchy pHier, uint itemidParent, string pszMkDocumentParent, uint itemidDpendent, string pszMkDocumentDependent)
            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        int IVsEditorFactoryNotify.NotifyItemAdded(uint grfEFN, IVsHierarchy pHier, uint itemid, string pszMkDocument)
            // Is this being added from a template?
            if (((__EFNFLAGS)grfEFN & __EFNFLAGS.EFN_ClonedFromTemplate) != 0)
                // TODO(cyrusn): Can this be cancellable?
                    allowCancel: false,
                    action: c => FormatDocumentCreatedFromTemplate(pHier, itemid, pszMkDocument, c.CancellationToken));

            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        int IVsEditorFactoryNotify.NotifyItemRenamed(IVsHierarchy pHier, uint itemid, string pszMkDocumentOld, string pszMkDocumentNew)
            return VSConstants.S_OK;

        private void FormatDocumentCreatedFromTemplate(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemid, string filePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
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            // A file has been created on disk which the user added from the "Add Item" dialog. We need
            // to include this in a workspace to figure out the right options it should be formatted with.
            // This requires us to place it in the correct project.
            var workspace = ComponentModel.GetService<VisualStudioWorkspace>();
            var solution = workspace.CurrentSolution;

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            ProjectId projectIdToAddTo = null;

            foreach (var projectId in solution.ProjectIds)
                if (workspace.GetHierarchy(projectId) == hierarchy)
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                    projectIdToAddTo = projectId;

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            if (projectIdToAddTo == null)
                // We don't have a project for this, so we'll just make up a fake project altogether
                var temporaryProject = solution.AddProject(
                    name: nameof(FormatDocumentCreatedFromTemplate),
                    assemblyName: nameof(FormatDocumentCreatedFromTemplate),
                    language: LanguageName);

                solution = temporaryProject.Solution;
                projectIdToAddTo = temporaryProject.Id;

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            var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectIdToAddTo);
            var forkedSolution = solution.AddDocument(DocumentInfo.Create(documentId, filePath, loader: new FileTextLoader(filePath, defaultEncoding: null), filePath: filePath));
            var addedDocument = forkedSolution.GetDocument(documentId);

CyrusNajmabadi 已提交
            var rootToFormat = addedDocument.GetSyntaxRootSynchronously(cancellationToken);
Jason Malinowski 已提交
            var documentOptions = addedDocument.GetOptionsAsync(cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);

Jason Malinowski 已提交
            var formattedTextChanges = Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(rootToFormat, workspace, documentOptions, cancellationToken);
            var formattedText = addedDocument.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken).WithChanges(formattedTextChanges);

            // Ensure the line endings are normalized. The formatter doesn't touch everything if it doesn't need to.
Jason Malinowski 已提交
            string targetLineEnding = documentOptions.GetOption(FormattingOptions.NewLine);

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            var originalText = formattedText;
            foreach (var originalLine in originalText.Lines)
                string originalNewLine = originalText.ToString(CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan.FromBounds(originalLine.End, originalLine.EndIncludingLineBreak));

                // Check if we have a line ending, so we don't go adding one to the end if we don't need to.
                if (originalNewLine.Length > 0 && originalNewLine != targetLineEnding)
                    var currentLine = formattedText.Lines[originalLine.LineNumber];
                    var currentSpan = CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan.FromBounds(currentLine.End, currentLine.EndIncludingLineBreak);
                    formattedText = formattedText.WithChanges(new TextChange(currentSpan, targetLineEnding));
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            IOUtilities.PerformIO(() =>
                using (var textWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath, append: false, encoding: formattedText.Encoding))
                    // We pass null here for cancellation, since cancelling in the middle of the file write would leave the file corrupted
                    formattedText.Write(textWriter, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);
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