DocumentationCommentTests.cs 8.6 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests
    public class DocumentationCommentTests
        public void ParseEmptyXmlFragment()
            var document = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment("");

            Assert.Equal(null, document.ExampleText);
            Assert.Equal(null, document.ReturnsText);
            Assert.Equal(null, document.SummaryText);

        public void ParseFullTag()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
                @"<summary>Hello, world!</summary>
                  <param name=""foo"">A foo.</param>
                  <typeparam name=""T"">A type.</typeparam>
                  <exception cref=""System.Exception"">An exception</exception>
                  <remarks>A remark</remarks>");

            Assert.Equal("Hello, world!", comment.SummaryText);
            Assert.Equal("42.", comment.ReturnsText);
            Assert.Equal("foo.Bar();", comment.ExampleText);
            Assert.Equal("foo", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("A foo.", comment.GetParameterText("foo"));
            Assert.Equal("T", comment.TypeParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("A type.", comment.GetTypeParameterText("T"));
            Assert.Equal("System.Exception", comment.ExceptionTypes[0]);
            Assert.Equal("An exception", comment.GetExceptionTexts("System.Exception")[0]);
            Assert.Equal("A remark", comment.RemarksText);

        public void ParseTagWithMultipleSummaries()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment("<summary>Summary 1</summary><summary>Summary 2</summary>");

            Assert.Equal("Summary 1", comment.SummaryText);

        [WorkItem(522741, "DevDiv")]
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55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
        [Fact(Skip = "Bug 522741")]
        public void ParseTagWithMultiLineComments()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(@"<summary>
Summary 1
Summary 2

            Assert.Equal("Summary 1 Summary 2", comment.SummaryText);

        public void ParseInvalidXML()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment("<summary>foo");


        public void PreserveParameterNameOrdering()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<param name=""z"">Z</param>
<param name=""a"">A</param>
<param name=""b"">B</param>");

            Assert.Equal("z", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ParameterNames[1]);
            Assert.Equal("b", comment.ParameterNames[2]);

        public void PreserveTypeParameterNameOrdering()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<typeparam name=""z"">Z</typeparam>
<typeparam name=""a"">A</typeparam>
<typeparam name=""b"">B</typeparam>");

            Assert.Equal("z", comment.TypeParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.TypeParameterNames[1]);
            Assert.Equal("b", comment.TypeParameterNames[2]);

        public void PreserveExceptionTypeOrdering()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<exception cref=""z"">Z</exception>
<exception cref=""a"">A</exception>
<exception cref=""b"">B</exception>");

            Assert.Equal("z", comment.ExceptionTypes[0]);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ExceptionTypes[1]);
            Assert.Equal("b", comment.ExceptionTypes[2]);

        [Fact, WorkItem(546732, "DevDiv")]
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115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
        public void UnknownTag()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<summary>This is a summary.</summary>
<RandomTag>This is another summary.</RandomTag>
<param name=""a"">The param named 'a'</param>");

            Assert.Equal("This is a summary.", comment.SummaryText);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("The param named 'a'", comment.GetParameterText("a"));

        [Fact, WorkItem(546732, "DevDiv")]
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128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
        public void TextOutsideTag()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<summary>This is a summary.</summary>
This is random top-level text.
<param name=""a"">The param named 'a'</param>");

            Assert.Equal("This is a summary.", comment.SummaryText);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("The param named 'a'", comment.GetParameterText("a"));

        [Fact, WorkItem(546732, "DevDiv")]
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141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
        public void SingleTopLevelTag()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
<summary>This is a summary.</summary>
This is random top-level text.
<param name=""a"">The param named 'a'</param>

            Assert.Equal("This is a summary.", comment.SummaryText);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("The param named 'a'", comment.GetParameterText("a"));

        [Fact, WorkItem(530760, "DevDiv")]
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156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
        public void MultipleParamsWithSameName()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<param name=""a"">This comment should be retained.</param>
<param name=""a"">This comment should not be retained.</param>");

            Assert.Equal(1, comment.ParameterNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.ParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("This comment should be retained.", comment.GetParameterText("a"));

        [Fact, WorkItem(530760, "DevDiv")]
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168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
        public void MultipleTypeParamsWithSameName()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<typeparam name=""a"">This comment should be retained.</typeparam>
<typeparam name=""a"">This comment should not be retained.</typeparam>");

            Assert.Equal(1, comment.TypeParameterNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal("a", comment.TypeParameterNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("This comment should be retained.", comment.GetTypeParameterText("a"));

        [Fact, WorkItem(530760, "DevDiv")]
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180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
        public void MultipleExceptionsWithSameName()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(
@"<exception cref=""A"">First A description</exception>
<exception cref=""B"">First B description</exception>
<exception cref=""A"">Second A description</exception>
<exception cref=""B"">Second B description</exception>");

            Assert.Equal(2, comment.ExceptionTypes.Length);
            Assert.Equal("A", comment.ExceptionTypes[0]);
            Assert.Equal("B", comment.ExceptionTypes[1]);
            Assert.Equal(2, comment.GetExceptionTexts("A").Length);
            Assert.Equal("First A description", comment.GetExceptionTexts("A")[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Second A description", comment.GetExceptionTexts("A")[1]);
            Assert.Equal(2, comment.GetExceptionTexts("B").Length);
            Assert.Equal("First B description", comment.GetExceptionTexts("B")[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Second B description", comment.GetExceptionTexts("B")[1]);

        [Fact, WorkItem(530760, "DevDiv")]
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        public void NoExceptionWithGivenName()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(@"<summary>This is a summary</summary>");

            Assert.Equal(0, comment.GetExceptionTexts("A").Length);

        [Fact, WorkItem(531189, "DevDiv")]
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208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
        public void NoNameAttribute()
            var comment = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(@"<param/><typeparam/><exception/>");

            Assert.Equal(0, comment.ParameterNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal(0, comment.TypeParameterNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal(0, comment.ExceptionTypes.Length);

        [Fact, WorkItem(612456, "DevDiv2/DevDiv")]
        public void ReservedXmlNamespaceInName()
            string fragment = @"<summary><xmlns:boo /></summary>";

            var comments = DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(fragment);

            Assert.Equal(fragment, comments.FullXmlFragment);