EmitArrayInitializer.cs 13.2 KB
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeGen
    internal partial class CodeGenerator
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        private enum ArrayInitializerStyle
            // Initialize every element

            // Initialize all elements at once from a metadata blob

            // Mixed case where there are some initializers that are constants and
            // there is enough of them so that it makes sense to use block initialization
            // followed by individual initialization of nonconstant elements

        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point to the array initialization.
        /// Assumes that we have newly created array on the stack.
        /// inits could be an array of values for a single dimensional array
        /// or an   array (of array)+  of values for a multidimensional case
        /// in either case it is expected that number of leaf values will match number 
        /// of elements in the array and nesting level should match the rank of the array.
        /// </summary>
        private void EmitArrayInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType, BoundArrayInitialization inits)
            var initExprs = inits.Initializers;
            var initializationStyle = ShouldEmitBlockInitializer(arrayType.ElementType, initExprs);

            if (initializationStyle == ArrayInitializerStyle.Element)
                this.EmitElementInitializers(arrayType, initExprs, true);
                ImmutableArray<byte> data = this.GetRawData(initExprs);
                _builder.EmitArrayBlockInitializer(data, inits.Syntax, _diagnostics);
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                if (initializationStyle == ArrayInitializerStyle.Mixed)
                    EmitElementInitializers(arrayType, initExprs, false);

        private void EmitElementInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                                            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits,
                                            bool includeConstants)
            if (!IsMultidimensionalInitializer(inits))
                EmitVectorElementInitializers(arrayType, inits, includeConstants);
                EmitMultidimensionalElementInitializers(arrayType, inits, includeConstants);

        private void EmitVectorElementInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                    ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits,
                    bool includeConstants)
            for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                var init = inits[i];
                if (ShouldEmitInitExpression(includeConstants, init))
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                    EmitExpression(init, true);
                    EmitVectorElementStore(arrayType, init.Syntax);

        // if element init is not a constant we have no choice - we need to emit it
        // if element is a default value - no need to emit initializer, arrays are created zero inited.
        // if element is a not a constant or includeConstants flag is set, return true
        private static bool ShouldEmitInitExpression(bool includeConstants, BoundExpression init)
            if (init.IsDefaultValue())
                return false;

            return includeConstants || init.ConstantValue == null;

        /// <summary>
        /// To handle array initialization of arbitrary rank it is convenient to 
        /// approach multidimensional initialization as a recursively nested.
        /// ForAll{i, j, k} Init(i, j, k) ===> 
        /// ForAll{i} ForAll{j, k} Init(i, j, k) ===>
        /// ForAll{i} ForAll{j} ForAll{k} Init(i, j, k)
        /// This structure is used for capturing initializers of a given index and 
        /// the index value itself.
        /// </summary>
        private struct IndexDesc
            public IndexDesc(int index, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers)
                this.Index = index;
                this.Initializers = initializers;

            public readonly int Index;
            public readonly ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Initializers;

        private void EmitMultidimensionalElementInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                                                            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits,
                                                            bool includeConstants)
            // Using a List for the stack instead of the framework Stack because IEnumerable from Stack is top to bottom.
            // This algorithm requires the IEnumerable to be from bottom to top. See extensions for List in CollectionExtensions.vb.

            var indices = new ArrayBuilder<IndexDesc>();

            // emit initializers for all values of the leftmost index.
            for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                indices.Push(new IndexDesc(i, ((BoundArrayInitialization)inits[i]).Initializers));
                EmitAllElementInitializersRecursive(arrayType, indices, includeConstants);


        /// <summary>
        /// Emits all initializers that match indices on the stack recursively.
        /// Example: 
        ///  if array has [0..2, 0..3, 0..2] shape
        ///  and we have {1, 2} indices on the stack
        ///  initializers for 
        ///              [1, 2, 0]
        ///              [1, 2, 1]
        ///              [1, 2, 2]
        ///  will be emitted and the top index will be pushed off the stack 
        ///  as at that point we would be completely done with emitting initializers 
        ///  corresponding to that index.
        /// </summary>
        private void EmitAllElementInitializersRecursive(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                                                         ArrayBuilder<IndexDesc> indices,
                                                         bool includeConstants)
            var top = indices.Peek();
            var inits = top.Initializers;

            if (IsMultidimensionalInitializer(inits))
                // emit initializers for the less significant indices recursively
                for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                    indices.Push(new IndexDesc(i, ((BoundArrayInitialization)inits[i]).Initializers));
                    EmitAllElementInitializersRecursive(arrayType, indices, includeConstants);
                // leaf case
                for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                    var init = inits[i];
                    if (ShouldEmitInitExpression(includeConstants, init))
                        // emit array ref
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                        Debug.Assert(indices.Count == arrayType.Rank - 1);

                        // emit values of all indices that are in progress
                        foreach (var row in indices)
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                        // emit the leaf index
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                        var initExpr = inits[i];
                        EmitExpression(initExpr, true);
                        EmitArrayElementStore(arrayType, init.Syntax);


        private static ConstantValue AsConstOrDefault(BoundExpression init)
            ConstantValue initConstantValueOpt = init.ConstantValue;

            if (initConstantValueOpt != null)
                return initConstantValueOpt;

            TypeSymbol type = init.Type.EnumUnderlyingType();
            return ConstantValue.Default(type.SpecialType);

        private ArrayInitializerStyle ShouldEmitBlockInitializer(TypeSymbol elementType, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits)
            if (!_module.SupportsPrivateImplClass)
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                return ArrayInitializerStyle.Element;

            if (elementType.IsEnumType())
                if (!_module.Compilation.EnableEnumArrayBlockInitialization)
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                    return ArrayInitializerStyle.Element;
                elementType = elementType.EnumUnderlyingType();

            if (elementType.SpecialType.IsBlittable())
                if (_module.GetInitArrayHelper() == null)
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                    return ArrayInitializerStyle.Element;

                int initCount = 0;
                int constCount = 0;
                InitializerCountRecursive(inits, ref initCount, ref constCount);

                if (initCount > 2)
                    if (initCount == constCount)
                        return ArrayInitializerStyle.Block;

                    int thresholdCnt = Math.Max(3, (initCount / 3));

                    if (constCount >= thresholdCnt)
                        return ArrayInitializerStyle.Mixed;

            return ArrayInitializerStyle.Element;

        /// <summary>
        /// Count of all nontrivial initializers and count of those that are constants.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializerCountRecursive(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits, ref int initCount, ref int constInits)
            if (inits.Length == 0)

            foreach (var init in inits)
                var asArrayInit = init as BoundArrayInitialization;

                if (asArrayInit != null)
                    InitializerCountRecursive(asArrayInit.Initializers, ref initCount, ref constInits);
                    // NOTE: default values do not need to be initialized. 
                    //       .Net arrays are always zero-inited.
                    if (!init.IsDefaultValue())
                        initCount += 1;
                        if (init.ConstantValue != null)
                            constInits += 1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Produces a serialized blob of all constant initializers.
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        /// Nonconstant initializers are matched with a zero of corresponding size.
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        /// </summary>
        private ImmutableArray<byte> GetRawData(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers)
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            // the initial size is a guess.
            // there is no point to be precise here as MemoryStream always has N + 1 storage 
            // and will need to be trimmed regardless
            var writer = new Cci.BlobBuilder(initializers.Length * 4);
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            SerializeArrayRecursive(writer, initializers);
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            return writer.ToImmutableArray();
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        private void SerializeArrayRecursive(Cci.BlobBuilder bw, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits)
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            if (inits.Length != 0)
                if (inits[0].Kind == BoundKind.ArrayInitialization)
                    foreach (var init in inits)
                        SerializeArrayRecursive(bw, ((BoundArrayInitialization)init).Initializers);
                    foreach (var init in inits)

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if it is a regular collection of expressions or there are nested initializers.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsMultidimensionalInitializer(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits)
            Debug.Assert(inits.All((init) => init.Kind != BoundKind.ArrayInitialization) ||
                         inits.All((init) => init.Kind == BoundKind.ArrayInitialization),
                         "all or none should be nested");

            return inits.Length != 0 && inits[0].Kind == BoundKind.ArrayInitialization;