BasicPerfNavigateToRoslyn.xml 1.9 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- This test measures the performance of the Navigate To operation for Visual Basic.     -->
<!-- The measurement is based on code markers, so it measures the duration of the internal -->
<!-- navigate to operation. Specifically this doesn't include displaying the input dialog. -->

<!-- Due to a bug in Dev11 the measurements between Dev11 and Roslyn are a bit different.  -->
<!-- Dev11 doesn't currently fire the start marker, so timing is based on the timestamp of -->
<!-- the end marker.                                                                       -->

<!-- Additionally Roslyn fires the C# code markers for both C# and VB in this case. I.e.   -->
<!-- the test actually listens for the C# code markers behind the scenes. This is handled  -->
<!-- by the ListenForCodeMarkers action internally.                                        -->

<TaoTest xmlns="">
    <StartTarget DontResetOptions="true" />
    <EnableClosedFileDiagnostic Enabled="true" Language="Visual Basic"/>
    <OpenProject ProjectFile="C:\Roslyn\LegacyTest\RealworldProjects\RoslynSolutions\Roslyn-VB.sln" DeleteSuoFileBeforeOpening="true" DeleteIDECacheBeforeOpening="true"/>
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    <Scenario Name="NavigateTo Roslyn" Description="NavigateTo in Roslyn">
      <ListenForCodeMarkers ScenarioGroup="NavigateTo Roslyn" Step="NavigateTo in Roslyn" TimeGoal="0.1" MemoryGoal="0.9" BeginMarker="StartNow" EndMarker="VB_NavigateToEnd" IsVB="true"/>
      <PerfNavigateTo SearchString="node"/>
      <WaitForCodeMarkers />
      <CloseNavigateToWindow />

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      <!--<VerifyRoslynModulesLoadedStatus ExpectedStatus="NoCSharp" />
      <VerifyRoslynModulesLoadedStatus ExpectedStatus="Basic" />-->
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    <Wait Seconds="5" />
    <CloseTarget />