BoundNodes.xml.Generated.cs 554.9 KB
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// <auto-generated />
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Roslyn.Utilities;

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal enum BoundKind: byte
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    internal abstract partial class BoundInitializer : BoundNode
        protected BoundInitializer(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)

        protected BoundInitializer(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax)
            : base(kind, syntax)


    internal abstract partial class BoundEqualsValue : BoundInitializer
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        protected BoundEqualsValue(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value, bool hasErrors = false)
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            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Locals = locals;
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            this.Value = value;

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        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

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        public BoundExpression Value { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundFieldEqualsValue : BoundEqualsValue
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        public BoundFieldEqualsValue(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol field, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.FieldEqualsValue, syntax, locals, value, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())
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            Debug.Assert(field != null, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Field = field;

        public FieldSymbol Field { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitFieldEqualsValue(this);

        public BoundFieldEqualsValue Update(FieldSymbol field, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value)
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            if (field != this.Field || locals != this.Locals || value != this.Value)
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                var result = new BoundFieldEqualsValue(this.Syntax, field, locals, value, this.HasErrors);
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                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPropertyEqualsValue : BoundEqualsValue
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        public BoundPropertyEqualsValue(SyntaxNode syntax, PropertySymbol property, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PropertyEqualsValue, syntax, locals, value, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())
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            Debug.Assert(property != null, "Field 'property' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Property = property;

        public PropertySymbol Property { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPropertyEqualsValue(this);

        public BoundPropertyEqualsValue Update(PropertySymbol property, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value)
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            if (property != this.Property || locals != this.Locals || value != this.Value)
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                var result = new BoundPropertyEqualsValue(this.Syntax, property, locals, value, this.HasErrors);
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                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundParameterEqualsValue : BoundEqualsValue
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        public BoundParameterEqualsValue(SyntaxNode syntax, ParameterSymbol parameter, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ParameterEqualsValue, syntax, locals, value, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())
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            Debug.Assert(parameter != null, "Field 'parameter' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Parameter = parameter;

        public ParameterSymbol Parameter { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitParameterEqualsValue(this);

        public BoundParameterEqualsValue Update(ParameterSymbol parameter, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression value)
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            if (parameter != this.Parameter || locals != this.Locals || value != this.Value)
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                var result = new BoundParameterEqualsValue(this.Syntax, parameter, locals, value, this.HasErrors);
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                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundGlobalStatementInitializer : BoundInitializer
        public BoundGlobalStatementInitializer(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundStatement statement, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.GlobalStatementInitializer, syntax, hasErrors || statement.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(statement != null, "Field 'statement' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Statement = statement;

        public BoundStatement Statement { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(this);

        public BoundGlobalStatementInitializer Update(BoundStatement statement)
            if (statement != this.Statement)
                var result = new BoundGlobalStatementInitializer(this.Syntax, statement, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundExpression : BoundNode
        protected BoundExpression(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
            this.Type = type;

        protected BoundExpression(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(kind, syntax)
            this.Type = type;

        public TypeSymbol Type { get; }

    internal abstract partial class BoundValuePlaceholderBase : BoundExpression
        protected BoundValuePlaceholderBase(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        protected BoundValuePlaceholderBase(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(kind, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");



    internal sealed partial class BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder : BoundValuePlaceholderBase
        public BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder(SyntaxNode syntax, uint valEscape, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
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            : base(BoundKind.DeconstructValuePlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ValEscape = valEscape;
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        public BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder(SyntaxNode syntax, uint valEscape, TypeSymbol type)
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            : base(BoundKind.DeconstructValuePlaceholder, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ValEscape = valEscape;
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        public uint ValEscape { get; }

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        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(this);

        public BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder Update(uint valEscape, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (valEscape != this.ValEscape || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder(this.Syntax, valEscape, type, this.HasErrors);
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                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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    internal sealed partial class BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder : BoundValuePlaceholderBase
        public BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.TupleOperandPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.TupleOperandPlaceholder, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(this);

        public BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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    internal sealed partial class BoundDup : BoundExpression
        public BoundDup(SyntaxNode syntax, RefKind refKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.Dup, syntax, type, hasErrors)
            this.RefKind = refKind;

        public BoundDup(SyntaxNode syntax, RefKind refKind, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.Dup, syntax, type)
            this.RefKind = refKind;

        public RefKind RefKind { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDup(this);

        public BoundDup Update(RefKind refKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (refKind != this.RefKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDup(this.Syntax, refKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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    internal sealed partial class BoundPassByCopy : BoundExpression
        public BoundPassByCopy(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PassByCopy, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPassByCopy(this);

        public BoundPassByCopy Update(BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPassByCopy(this.Syntax, expression, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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    internal sealed partial class BoundBadExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundBadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray<Symbol> symbols, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> childBoundNodes, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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            : base(BoundKind.BadExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || childBoundNodes.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!symbols.IsDefault, "Field 'symbols' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!childBoundNodes.IsDefault, "Field 'childBoundNodes' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
            this.Symbols = symbols;
            this.ChildBoundNodes = childBoundNodes;

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public ImmutableArray<Symbol> Symbols { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> ChildBoundNodes { get; }
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        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBadExpression(this);

        public BoundBadExpression Update(LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray<Symbol> symbols, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> childBoundNodes, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (resultKind != this.ResultKind || symbols != this.Symbols || childBoundNodes != this.ChildBoundNodes || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundBadExpression(this.Syntax, resultKind, symbols, childBoundNodes, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundBadStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundBadStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundNode> childBoundNodes, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.BadStatement, syntax, hasErrors || childBoundNodes.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!childBoundNodes.IsDefault, "Field 'childBoundNodes' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ChildBoundNodes = childBoundNodes;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundNode> ChildBoundNodes { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBadStatement(this);

        public BoundBadStatement Update(ImmutableArray<BoundNode> childBoundNodes)
            if (childBoundNodes != this.ChildBoundNodes)
                var result = new BoundBadStatement(this.Syntax, childBoundNodes, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundTypeExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundTypeExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, AliasSymbol aliasOpt, bool inferredType, BoundTypeExpression boundContainingTypeOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TypeExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || boundContainingTypeOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.AliasOpt = aliasOpt;
            this.InferredType = inferredType;
            this.BoundContainingTypeOpt = boundContainingTypeOpt;

        public AliasSymbol AliasOpt { get; }

        public bool InferredType { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression BoundContainingTypeOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTypeExpression(this);

        public BoundTypeExpression Update(AliasSymbol aliasOpt, bool inferredType, BoundTypeExpression boundContainingTypeOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (aliasOpt != this.AliasOpt || inferredType != this.InferredType || boundContainingTypeOpt != this.BoundContainingTypeOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundTypeExpression(this.Syntax, aliasOpt, inferredType, boundContainingTypeOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundTypeOrValueExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundTypeOrValueExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTypeOrValueData data, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Data = data;

        public BoundTypeOrValueExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTypeOrValueData data, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Data = data;

        public BoundTypeOrValueData Data { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTypeOrValueExpression(this);

        public BoundTypeOrValueExpression Update(BoundTypeOrValueData data, TypeSymbol type)
            if (data != this.Data || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundTypeOrValueExpression(this.Syntax, data, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNamespaceExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundNamespaceExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol, AliasSymbol aliasOpt, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.NamespaceExpression, syntax, null, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(namespaceSymbol != null, "Field 'namespaceSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.NamespaceSymbol = namespaceSymbol;
            this.AliasOpt = aliasOpt;

        public BoundNamespaceExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol, AliasSymbol aliasOpt)
            : base(BoundKind.NamespaceExpression, syntax, null)

            Debug.Assert(namespaceSymbol != null, "Field 'namespaceSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.NamespaceSymbol = namespaceSymbol;
            this.AliasOpt = aliasOpt;

        public NamespaceSymbol NamespaceSymbol { get; }

        public AliasSymbol AliasOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNamespaceExpression(this);

        public BoundNamespaceExpression Update(NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol, AliasSymbol aliasOpt)
            if (namespaceSymbol != this.NamespaceSymbol || aliasOpt != this.AliasOpt)
                var result = new BoundNamespaceExpression(this.Syntax, namespaceSymbol, aliasOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundUnaryOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundUnaryOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression operand, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, MethodSymbol methodOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.UnaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.OperatorKind = operatorKind;
            this.Operand = operand;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
            this.MethodOpt = methodOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public UnaryOperatorKind OperatorKind { get; }

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public MethodSymbol MethodOpt { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitUnaryOperator(this);

        public BoundUnaryOperator Update(UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression operand, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, MethodSymbol methodOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operatorKind != this.OperatorKind || operand != this.Operand || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || methodOpt != this.MethodOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundUnaryOperator(this.Syntax, operatorKind, operand, constantValueOpt, methodOpt, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundIncrementOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundIncrementOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression operand, MethodSymbol methodOpt, Conversion operandConversion, Conversion resultConversion, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.IncrementOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.OperatorKind = operatorKind;
            this.Operand = operand;
            this.MethodOpt = methodOpt;
            this.OperandConversion = operandConversion;
            this.ResultConversion = resultConversion;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public UnaryOperatorKind OperatorKind { get; }

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public MethodSymbol MethodOpt { get; }

        public Conversion OperandConversion { get; }

        public Conversion ResultConversion { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitIncrementOperator(this);

        public BoundIncrementOperator Update(UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression operand, MethodSymbol methodOpt, Conversion operandConversion, Conversion resultConversion, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operatorKind != this.OperatorKind || operand != this.Operand || methodOpt != this.MethodOpt || operandConversion != this.OperandConversion || resultConversion != this.ResultConversion || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundIncrementOperator(this.Syntax, operatorKind, operand, methodOpt, operandConversion, resultConversion, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAddressOfOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundAddressOfOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, bool isManaged, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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            : base(BoundKind.AddressOfOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;
            this.IsManaged = isManaged;
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        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

847 848
        public bool IsManaged { get; }

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        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAddressOfOperator(this);

        public BoundAddressOfOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, bool isManaged, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (operand != this.Operand || isManaged != this.IsManaged || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundAddressOfOperator(this.Syntax, operand, isManaged, type, this.HasErrors);
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859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPointerIndirectionOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundPointerIndirectionOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PointerIndirectionOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(this);

        public BoundPointerIndirectionOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPointerIndirectionOperator(this.Syntax, operand, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPointerElementAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundPointerElementAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, BoundExpression index, bool @checked, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917
            : base(BoundKind.PointerElementAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || index.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(index != null, "Field 'index' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Index = index;
            this.Checked = @checked;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public BoundExpression Index { get; }

        public bool Checked { get; }
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919 920 921 922 923 924

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPointerElementAccess(this);

        public BoundPointerElementAccess Update(BoundExpression expression, BoundExpression index, bool @checked, TypeSymbol type)
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926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084
            if (expression != this.Expression || index != this.Index || @checked != this.Checked || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPointerElementAccess(this.Syntax, expression, index, @checked, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundRefTypeOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundRefTypeOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.RefTypeOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;
            this.GetTypeFromHandle = getTypeFromHandle;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public MethodSymbol GetTypeFromHandle { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitRefTypeOperator(this);

        public BoundRefTypeOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || getTypeFromHandle != this.GetTypeFromHandle || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundRefTypeOperator(this.Syntax, operand, getTypeFromHandle, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMakeRefOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundMakeRefOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.MakeRefOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMakeRefOperator(this);

        public BoundMakeRefOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundMakeRefOperator(this.Syntax, operand, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundRefValueOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundRefValueOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.RefValueOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitRefValueOperator(this);

        public BoundRefValueOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundRefValueOperator(this.Syntax, operand, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundBinaryOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundBinaryOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, MethodSymbol methodOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.BinaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(right != null, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.OperatorKind = operatorKind;
            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
            this.MethodOpt = methodOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public BinaryOperatorKind OperatorKind { get; }

        public BoundExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundExpression Right { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public MethodSymbol MethodOpt { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBinaryOperator(this);

        public BoundBinaryOperator Update(BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, MethodSymbol methodOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operatorKind != this.OperatorKind || left != this.Left || right != this.Right || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || methodOpt != this.MethodOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundBinaryOperator(this.Syntax, operatorKind, left, right, constantValueOpt, methodOpt, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135
    internal sealed partial class BoundTupleBinaryOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundTupleBinaryOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, BoundExpression convertedLeft, BoundExpression convertedRight, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, TupleBinaryOperatorInfo.Multiple operators, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TupleBinaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors() || convertedLeft.HasErrors() || convertedRight.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(right != null, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(convertedLeft != null, "Field 'convertedLeft' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(convertedRight != null, "Field 'convertedRight' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(operators != null, "Field 'operators' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.ConvertedLeft = convertedLeft;
            this.ConvertedRight = convertedRight;
            this.OperatorKind = operatorKind;
            this.Operators = operators;

        public BoundExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundExpression Right { get; }

        public BoundExpression ConvertedLeft { get; }

        public BoundExpression ConvertedRight { get; }

        public BinaryOperatorKind OperatorKind { get; }

        public TupleBinaryOperatorInfo.Multiple Operators { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTupleBinaryOperator(this);

        public BoundTupleBinaryOperator Update(BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, BoundExpression convertedLeft, BoundExpression convertedRight, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, TupleBinaryOperatorInfo.Multiple operators, TypeSymbol type)
            if (left != this.Left || right != this.Right || convertedLeft != this.ConvertedLeft || convertedRight != this.ConvertedRight || operatorKind != this.OperatorKind || operators != this.Operators || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundTupleBinaryOperator(this.Syntax, left, right, convertedLeft, convertedRight, operatorKind, operators, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241
    internal sealed partial class BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, MethodSymbol logicalOperator, MethodSymbol trueOperator, MethodSymbol falseOperator, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.UserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(right != null, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(logicalOperator != null, "Field 'logicalOperator' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(trueOperator != null, "Field 'trueOperator' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(falseOperator != null, "Field 'falseOperator' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.OperatorKind = operatorKind;
            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.LogicalOperator = logicalOperator;
            this.TrueOperator = trueOperator;
            this.FalseOperator = falseOperator;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public BinaryOperatorKind OperatorKind { get; }

        public BoundExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundExpression Right { get; }

        public MethodSymbol LogicalOperator { get; }

        public MethodSymbol TrueOperator { get; }

        public MethodSymbol FalseOperator { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(this);

        public BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator Update(BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, MethodSymbol logicalOperator, MethodSymbol trueOperator, MethodSymbol falseOperator, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operatorKind != this.OperatorKind || left != this.Left || right != this.Right || logicalOperator != this.LogicalOperator || trueOperator != this.TrueOperator || falseOperator != this.FalseOperator || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(this.Syntax, operatorKind, left, right, logicalOperator, trueOperator, falseOperator, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorSignature @operator, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, Conversion leftConversion, Conversion finalConversion, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(right != null, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operator = @operator;
            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.LeftConversion = leftConversion;
            this.FinalConversion = finalConversion;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public BinaryOperatorSignature Operator { get; }

        public BoundExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundExpression Right { get; }

        public Conversion LeftConversion { get; }

        public Conversion FinalConversion { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(this);

        public BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator Update(BinaryOperatorSignature @operator, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, Conversion leftConversion, Conversion finalConversion, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (@operator != this.Operator || left != this.Left || right != this.Right || leftConversion != this.LeftConversion || finalConversion != this.FinalConversion || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator(this.Syntax, @operator, left, right, leftConversion, finalConversion, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAssignmentOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundAssignmentOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, bool isRef, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249
            : base(BoundKind.AssignmentOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.IsRef = isRef;
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1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257

        public BoundExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundExpression Right { get; }

        public bool IsRef { get; }
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1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAssignmentOperator(this);

        public BoundAssignmentOperator Update(BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right, bool isRef, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (left != this.Left || right != this.Right || isRef != this.IsRef || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundAssignmentOperator(this.Syntax, left, right, isRef, type, this.HasErrors);
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1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTupleExpression left, BoundConversion right, bool isUsed, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288
            : base(BoundKind.DeconstructionAssignmentOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || left.HasErrors() || right.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(left != null, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(right != null, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Left = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.IsUsed = isUsed;
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1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296

        public BoundTupleExpression Left { get; }

        public BoundConversion Right { get; }

        public bool IsUsed { get; }

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1299 1300 1301 1302 1303
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(this);

        public BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator Update(BoundTupleExpression left, BoundConversion right, bool isUsed, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (left != this.Left || right != this.Right || isUsed != this.IsUsed || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(this.Syntax, left, right, isUsed, type, this.HasErrors);
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1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNullCoalescingOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundNullCoalescingOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression leftOperand, BoundExpression rightOperand, Conversion leftConversion, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.NullCoalescingOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || leftOperand.HasErrors() || rightOperand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(leftOperand != null, "Field 'leftOperand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(rightOperand != null, "Field 'rightOperand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.LeftOperand = leftOperand;
            this.RightOperand = rightOperand;
            this.LeftConversion = leftConversion;

        public BoundExpression LeftOperand { get; }

        public BoundExpression RightOperand { get; }

        public Conversion LeftConversion { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNullCoalescingOperator(this);

        public BoundNullCoalescingOperator Update(BoundExpression leftOperand, BoundExpression rightOperand, Conversion leftConversion, TypeSymbol type)
            if (leftOperand != this.LeftOperand || rightOperand != this.RightOperand || leftConversion != this.LeftConversion || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundNullCoalescingOperator(this.Syntax, leftOperand, rightOperand, leftConversion, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConditionalOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundConditionalOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, bool isRef, BoundExpression condition, BoundExpression consequence, BoundExpression alternative, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364
            : base(BoundKind.ConditionalOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || condition.HasErrors() || consequence.HasErrors() || alternative.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(condition != null, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(consequence != null, "Field 'consequence' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(alternative != null, "Field 'alternative' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.IsRef = isRef;
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1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.Consequence = consequence;
            this.Alternative = alternative;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public bool IsRef { get; }
vsadov 已提交

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1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387
        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }

        public BoundExpression Consequence { get; }

        public BoundExpression Alternative { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConditionalOperator(this);

        public BoundConditionalOperator Update(bool isRef, BoundExpression condition, BoundExpression consequence, BoundExpression alternative, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (isRef != this.IsRef || condition != this.Condition || consequence != this.Consequence || alternative != this.Alternative || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundConditionalOperator(this.Syntax, isRef, condition, consequence, alternative, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArrayAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundArrayAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> indices, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ArrayAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || indices.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!indices.IsDefault, "Field 'indices' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Indices = indices;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Indices { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArrayAccess(this);

        public BoundArrayAccess Update(BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> indices, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || indices != this.Indices || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundArrayAccess(this.Syntax, expression, indices, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArrayLength : BoundExpression
        public BoundArrayLength(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ArrayLength, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArrayLength(this);

        public BoundArrayLength Update(BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundArrayLength(this.Syntax, expression, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAwaitExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundAwaitExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, MethodSymbol getAwaiter, PropertySymbol isCompleted, MethodSymbol getResult, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.AwaitExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.GetAwaiter = getAwaiter;
            this.IsCompleted = isCompleted;
            this.GetResult = getResult;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public MethodSymbol GetAwaiter { get; }

        public PropertySymbol IsCompleted { get; }

        public MethodSymbol GetResult { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAwaitExpression(this);

        public BoundAwaitExpression Update(BoundExpression expression, MethodSymbol getAwaiter, PropertySymbol isCompleted, MethodSymbol getResult, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || getAwaiter != this.GetAwaiter || isCompleted != this.IsCompleted || getResult != this.GetResult || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundAwaitExpression(this.Syntax, expression, getAwaiter, isCompleted, getResult, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundTypeOf : BoundExpression
        protected BoundTypeOf(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.GetTypeFromHandle = getTypeFromHandle;

        protected BoundTypeOf(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(kind, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.GetTypeFromHandle = getTypeFromHandle;

        public MethodSymbol GetTypeFromHandle { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundTypeOfOperator : BoundTypeOf
        public BoundTypeOfOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTypeExpression sourceType, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TypeOfOperator, syntax, getTypeFromHandle, type, hasErrors || sourceType.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(sourceType != null, "Field 'sourceType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.SourceType = sourceType;

        public BoundTypeExpression SourceType { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTypeOfOperator(this);

        public BoundTypeOfOperator Update(BoundTypeExpression sourceType, MethodSymbol getTypeFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            if (sourceType != this.SourceType || getTypeFromHandle != this.GetTypeFromHandle || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundTypeOfOperator(this.Syntax, sourceType, getTypeFromHandle, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMethodDefIndex : BoundExpression
        public BoundMethodDefIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.MethodDefIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(method != null, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Method = method;

        public BoundMethodDefIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.MethodDefIndex, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(method != null, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Method = method;

        public MethodSymbol Method { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMethodDefIndex(this);

        public BoundMethodDefIndex Update(MethodSymbol method, TypeSymbol type)
            if (method != this.Method || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundMethodDefIndex(this.Syntax, method, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex : BoundExpression
        public BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(this);

        public BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot : BoundExpression
        public BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot(SyntaxNode syntax, int analysisKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.AnalysisKind = analysisKind;

        public BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot(SyntaxNode syntax, int analysisKind, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.AnalysisKind = analysisKind;

        public int AnalysisKind { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(this);

        public BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot Update(int analysisKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (analysisKind != this.AnalysisKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot(this.Syntax, analysisKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundModuleVersionId : BoundExpression
        public BoundModuleVersionId(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ModuleVersionId, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundModuleVersionId(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ModuleVersionId, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitModuleVersionId(this);

        public BoundModuleVersionId Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundModuleVersionId(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundModuleVersionIdString : BoundExpression
        public BoundModuleVersionIdString(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundModuleVersionIdString(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitModuleVersionIdString(this);

        public BoundModuleVersionIdString Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundModuleVersionIdString(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSourceDocumentIndex : BoundExpression
        public BoundSourceDocumentIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, Cci.DebugSourceDocument document, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(document != null, "Field 'document' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Document = document;

        public BoundSourceDocumentIndex(SyntaxNode syntax, Cci.DebugSourceDocument document, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(document != null, "Field 'document' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Document = document;

        public Cci.DebugSourceDocument Document { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSourceDocumentIndex(this);

        public BoundSourceDocumentIndex Update(Cci.DebugSourceDocument document, TypeSymbol type)
            if (document != this.Document || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundSourceDocumentIndex(this.Syntax, document, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMethodInfo : BoundExpression
        public BoundMethodInfo(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, MethodSymbol getMethodFromHandle, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.MethodInfo, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(method != null, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Method = method;
            this.GetMethodFromHandle = getMethodFromHandle;

        public BoundMethodInfo(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, MethodSymbol getMethodFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.MethodInfo, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(method != null, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Method = method;
            this.GetMethodFromHandle = getMethodFromHandle;

        public MethodSymbol Method { get; }

        public MethodSymbol GetMethodFromHandle { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMethodInfo(this);

        public BoundMethodInfo Update(MethodSymbol method, MethodSymbol getMethodFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            if (method != this.Method || getMethodFromHandle != this.GetMethodFromHandle || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundMethodInfo(this.Syntax, method, getMethodFromHandle, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundFieldInfo : BoundExpression
        public BoundFieldInfo(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol field, MethodSymbol getFieldFromHandle, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.FieldInfo, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(field != null, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Field = field;
            this.GetFieldFromHandle = getFieldFromHandle;

        public BoundFieldInfo(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol field, MethodSymbol getFieldFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.FieldInfo, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(field != null, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Field = field;
            this.GetFieldFromHandle = getFieldFromHandle;

        public FieldSymbol Field { get; }

        public MethodSymbol GetFieldFromHandle { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitFieldInfo(this);

        public BoundFieldInfo Update(FieldSymbol field, MethodSymbol getFieldFromHandle, TypeSymbol type)
            if (field != this.Field || getFieldFromHandle != this.GetFieldFromHandle || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundFieldInfo(this.Syntax, field, getFieldFromHandle, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDefaultExpression : BoundExpression
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1891 1892
        public BoundDefaultExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.DefaultExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors)
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1893 1894 1895 1896
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

1897 1898
        public BoundDefaultExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.DefaultExpression, syntax, type)
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1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDefaultExpression(this);
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1909 1910

        public BoundDefaultExpression Update(ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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1912 1913 1914
            if (constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDefaultExpression(this.Syntax, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundIsOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundIsOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, BoundTypeExpression targetType, Conversion conversion, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.IsOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors() || targetType.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(targetType != null, "Field 'targetType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;
            this.TargetType = targetType;
            this.Conversion = conversion;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression TargetType { get; }

        public Conversion Conversion { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitIsOperator(this);

        public BoundIsOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, BoundTypeExpression targetType, Conversion conversion, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || targetType != this.TargetType || conversion != this.Conversion || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundIsOperator(this.Syntax, operand, targetType, conversion, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAsOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundAsOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, BoundTypeExpression targetType, Conversion conversion, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.AsOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors() || targetType.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(targetType != null, "Field 'targetType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;
            this.TargetType = targetType;
            this.Conversion = conversion;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression TargetType { get; }

        public Conversion Conversion { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAsOperator(this);

        public BoundAsOperator Update(BoundExpression operand, BoundTypeExpression targetType, Conversion conversion, TypeSymbol type)
            if (operand != this.Operand || targetType != this.TargetType || conversion != this.Conversion || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundAsOperator(this.Syntax, operand, targetType, conversion, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSizeOfOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundSizeOfOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTypeExpression sourceType, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SizeOfOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || sourceType.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(sourceType != null, "Field 'sourceType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.SourceType = sourceType;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public BoundTypeExpression SourceType { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSizeOfOperator(this);

        public BoundSizeOfOperator Update(BoundTypeExpression sourceType, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (sourceType != this.SourceType || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundSizeOfOperator(this.Syntax, sourceType, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConversion : BoundExpression
        public BoundConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression operand, Conversion conversion, bool isBaseConversion, bool @checked, bool explicitCastInCode, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057
            : base(BoundKind.Conversion, syntax, type, hasErrors || operand.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(operand != null, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Operand = operand;
            this.Conversion = conversion;
            this.IsBaseConversion = isBaseConversion;
            this.Checked = @checked;
            this.ExplicitCastInCode = explicitCastInCode;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public BoundExpression Operand { get; }

        public Conversion Conversion { get; }

        public bool IsBaseConversion { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public bool Checked { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public bool ExplicitCastInCode { get; }
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2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConversion(this);

        public BoundConversion Update(BoundExpression operand, Conversion conversion, bool isBaseConversion, bool @checked, bool explicitCastInCode, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154
            if (operand != this.Operand || conversion != this.Conversion || isBaseConversion != this.IsBaseConversion || @checked != this.Checked || explicitCastInCode != this.ExplicitCastInCode || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundConversion(this.Syntax, operand, conversion, isBaseConversion, @checked, explicitCastInCode, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArgList : BoundExpression
        public BoundArgList(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ArgList, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundArgList(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ArgList, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArgList(this);

        public BoundArgList Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundArgList(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArgListOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundArgListOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ArgListOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArgListOperator(this);

        public BoundArgListOperator Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (arguments != this.Arguments || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundArgListOperator(this.Syntax, arguments, argumentRefKindsOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer : BoundExpression
vsadov 已提交
        public BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol elementPointerType, Conversion elementPointerTypeConversion, BoundExpression expression, MethodSymbol getPinnableOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165
            : base(BoundKind.FixedLocalCollectionInitializer, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(elementPointerType != null, "Field 'elementPointerType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ElementPointerType = elementPointerType;
            this.ElementPointerTypeConversion = elementPointerTypeConversion;
            this.Expression = expression;
vsadov 已提交
            this.GetPinnableOpt = getPinnableOpt;
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2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175

        public TypeSymbol ElementPointerType { get; }

        public Conversion ElementPointerTypeConversion { get; }

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

vsadov 已提交
2176 2177
        public MethodSymbol GetPinnableOpt { get; }

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2178 2179 2180 2181 2182
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(this);

vsadov 已提交
        public BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer Update(TypeSymbol elementPointerType, Conversion elementPointerTypeConversion, BoundExpression expression, MethodSymbol getPinnableOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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vsadov 已提交
            if (elementPointerType != this.ElementPointerType || elementPointerTypeConversion != this.ElementPointerTypeConversion || expression != this.Expression || getPinnableOpt != this.GetPinnableOpt || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
vsadov 已提交
                var result = new BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(this.Syntax, elementPointerType, elementPointerTypeConversion, expression, getPinnableOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundStatement : BoundNode
        protected BoundStatement(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)

        protected BoundStatement(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax)
            : base(kind, syntax)


    internal sealed partial class BoundSequencePoint : BoundStatement
        public BoundSequencePoint(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundStatement statementOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SequencePoint, syntax, hasErrors || statementOpt.HasErrors())
            this.StatementOpt = statementOpt;

        public BoundStatement StatementOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSequencePoint(this);

        public BoundSequencePoint Update(BoundStatement statementOpt)
            if (statementOpt != this.StatementOpt)
                var result = new BoundSequencePoint(this.Syntax, statementOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSequencePointWithSpan : BoundStatement
        public BoundSequencePointWithSpan(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundStatement statementOpt, TextSpan span, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan, syntax, hasErrors || statementOpt.HasErrors())
            this.StatementOpt = statementOpt;
            this.Span = span;

        public BoundStatement StatementOpt { get; }

        public TextSpan Span { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSequencePointWithSpan(this);

        public BoundSequencePointWithSpan Update(BoundStatement statementOpt, TextSpan span)
            if (statementOpt != this.StatementOpt || span != this.Span)
                var result = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(this.Syntax, statementOpt, span, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundBlock : BoundStatementList
        public BoundBlock(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> localFunctions, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Block, syntax, statements, hasErrors || statements.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!localFunctions.IsDefault, "Field 'localFunctions' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Locals = locals;
            this.LocalFunctions = localFunctions;

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> LocalFunctions { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBlock(this);

        public BoundBlock Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> localFunctions, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements)
            if (locals != this.Locals || localFunctions != this.LocalFunctions || statements != this.Statements)
                var result = new BoundBlock(this.Syntax, locals, localFunctions, statements, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundScope : BoundStatementList
        public BoundScope(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Scope, syntax, statements, hasErrors || statements.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Locals = locals;

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitScope(this);

        public BoundScope Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements)
            if (locals != this.Locals || statements != this.Statements)
                var result = new BoundScope(this.Syntax, locals, statements, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundStateMachineScope : BoundStatement
        public BoundStateMachineScope(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<StateMachineFieldSymbol> fields, BoundStatement statement, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.StateMachineScope, syntax, hasErrors || statement.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!fields.IsDefault, "Field 'fields' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(statement != null, "Field 'statement' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Fields = fields;
            this.Statement = statement;

        public ImmutableArray<StateMachineFieldSymbol> Fields { get; }

        public BoundStatement Statement { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitStateMachineScope(this);

        public BoundStateMachineScope Update(ImmutableArray<StateMachineFieldSymbol> fields, BoundStatement statement)
            if (fields != this.Fields || statement != this.Statement)
                var result = new BoundStateMachineScope(this.Syntax, fields, statement, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLocalDeclaration : BoundStatement
        public BoundLocalDeclaration(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalSymbol localSymbol, BoundTypeExpression declaredType, BoundExpression initializerOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> argumentsOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.LocalDeclaration, syntax, hasErrors || declaredType.HasErrors() || initializerOpt.HasErrors() || argumentsOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(localSymbol != null, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(declaredType != null, "Field 'declaredType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.LocalSymbol = localSymbol;
            this.DeclaredType = declaredType;
            this.InitializerOpt = initializerOpt;
            this.ArgumentsOpt = argumentsOpt;

        public LocalSymbol LocalSymbol { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression DeclaredType { get; }

        public BoundExpression InitializerOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> ArgumentsOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLocalDeclaration(this);

        public BoundLocalDeclaration Update(LocalSymbol localSymbol, BoundTypeExpression declaredType, BoundExpression initializerOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> argumentsOpt)
            if (localSymbol != this.LocalSymbol || declaredType != this.DeclaredType || initializerOpt != this.InitializerOpt || argumentsOpt != this.ArgumentsOpt)
                var result = new BoundLocalDeclaration(this.Syntax, localSymbol, declaredType, initializerOpt, argumentsOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations : BoundStatement
        public BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundLocalDeclaration> localDeclarations, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.MultipleLocalDeclarations, syntax, hasErrors || localDeclarations.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!localDeclarations.IsDefault, "Field 'localDeclarations' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.LocalDeclarations = localDeclarations;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundLocalDeclaration> LocalDeclarations { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(this);

        public BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations Update(ImmutableArray<BoundLocalDeclaration> localDeclarations)
            if (localDeclarations != this.LocalDeclarations)
                var result = new BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations(this.Syntax, localDeclarations, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLocalFunctionStatement : BoundStatement
2445 2446
        public BoundLocalFunctionStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalFunctionSymbol symbol, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.LocalFunctionStatement, syntax, hasErrors || blockBody.HasErrors() || expressionBody.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
2447 2448 2449 2450 2451

            Debug.Assert(symbol != null, "Field 'symbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Symbol = symbol;
2452 2453
            this.BlockBody = blockBody;
            this.ExpressionBody = expressionBody;
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2454 2455 2456 2457 2458

        public LocalFunctionSymbol Symbol { get; }

2459 2460 2461
        public BoundBlock BlockBody { get; }

        public BoundBlock ExpressionBody { get; }
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2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLocalFunctionStatement(this);

        public BoundLocalFunctionStatement Update(LocalFunctionSymbol symbol, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (symbol != this.Symbol || blockBody != this.BlockBody || expressionBody != this.ExpressionBody)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundLocalFunctionStatement(this.Syntax, symbol, blockBody, expressionBody, this.HasErrors);
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2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNoOpStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundNoOpStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, NoOpStatementFlavor flavor, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.NoOpStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
            this.Flavor = flavor;

        public BoundNoOpStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, NoOpStatementFlavor flavor)
            : base(BoundKind.NoOpStatement, syntax)
            this.Flavor = flavor;

        public NoOpStatementFlavor Flavor { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNoOpStatement(this);

        public BoundNoOpStatement Update(NoOpStatementFlavor flavor)
            if (flavor != this.Flavor)
                var result = new BoundNoOpStatement(this.Syntax, flavor, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundReturnStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundReturnStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, RefKind refKind, BoundExpression expressionOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ReturnStatement, syntax, hasErrors || expressionOpt.HasErrors())
            this.RefKind = refKind;
            this.ExpressionOpt = expressionOpt;

        public RefKind RefKind { get; }

        public BoundExpression ExpressionOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitReturnStatement(this);

        public BoundReturnStatement Update(RefKind refKind, BoundExpression expressionOpt)
            if (refKind != this.RefKind || expressionOpt != this.ExpressionOpt)
                var result = new BoundReturnStatement(this.Syntax, refKind, expressionOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundYieldReturnStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundYieldReturnStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.YieldReturnStatement, syntax, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitYieldReturnStatement(this);

        public BoundYieldReturnStatement Update(BoundExpression expression)
            if (expression != this.Expression)
                var result = new BoundYieldReturnStatement(this.Syntax, expression, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundYieldBreakStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundYieldBreakStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.YieldBreakStatement, syntax, hasErrors)

        public BoundYieldBreakStatement(SyntaxNode syntax)
            : base(BoundKind.YieldBreakStatement, syntax)

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitYieldBreakStatement(this);

    internal sealed partial class BoundThrowStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundThrowStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expressionOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ThrowStatement, syntax, hasErrors || expressionOpt.HasErrors())
            this.ExpressionOpt = expressionOpt;

        public BoundExpression ExpressionOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitThrowStatement(this);

        public BoundThrowStatement Update(BoundExpression expressionOpt)
            if (expressionOpt != this.ExpressionOpt)
                var result = new BoundThrowStatement(this.Syntax, expressionOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundExpressionStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundExpressionStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ExpressionStatement, syntax, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitExpressionStatement(this);

        public BoundExpressionStatement Update(BoundExpression expression)
            if (expression != this.Expression)
                var result = new BoundExpressionStatement(this.Syntax, expression, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundBreakStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundBreakStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.BreakStatement, syntax, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;

        public BoundBreakStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol label)
            : base(BoundKind.BreakStatement, syntax)

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;

        public GeneratedLabelSymbol Label { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBreakStatement(this);

        public BoundBreakStatement Update(GeneratedLabelSymbol label)
            if (label != this.Label)
                var result = new BoundBreakStatement(this.Syntax, label, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundContinueStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundContinueStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ContinueStatement, syntax, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;

        public BoundContinueStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol label)
            : base(BoundKind.ContinueStatement, syntax)

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;

        public GeneratedLabelSymbol Label { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitContinueStatement(this);

        public BoundContinueStatement Update(GeneratedLabelSymbol label)
            if (label != this.Label)
                var result = new BoundContinueStatement(this.Syntax, label, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSwitchStatement : BoundStatement
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2736 2737
        public BoundSwitchStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> innerLocals, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> innerLocalFunctions, ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchSection> switchSections, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, BoundPatternSwitchLabel defaultLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SwitchStatement, syntax, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || switchSections.HasErrors() || decisionDag.HasErrors() || defaultLabel.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!innerLocals.IsDefault, "Field 'innerLocals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!innerLocalFunctions.IsDefault, "Field 'innerLocalFunctions' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!switchSections.IsDefault, "Field 'switchSections' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(decisionDag != null, "Field 'decisionDag' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750
            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.InnerLocals = innerLocals;
            this.InnerLocalFunctions = innerLocalFunctions;
            this.SwitchSections = switchSections;
            this.DecisionDag = decisionDag;
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2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762
            this.DefaultLabel = defaultLabel;
            this.BreakLabel = breakLabel;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> InnerLocals { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> InnerLocalFunctions { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchSection> SwitchSections { get; }
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2765 2766
        public BoundDecisionDag DecisionDag { get; }

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2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772
        public BoundPatternSwitchLabel DefaultLabel { get; }

        public GeneratedLabelSymbol BreakLabel { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSwitchStatement(this);
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2774 2775

        public BoundSwitchStatement Update(BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> innerLocals, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol> innerLocalFunctions, ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchSection> switchSections, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, BoundPatternSwitchLabel defaultLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel)
            if (expression != this.Expression || innerLocals != this.InnerLocals || innerLocalFunctions != this.InnerLocalFunctions || switchSections != this.SwitchSections || decisionDag != this.DecisionDag || defaultLabel != this.DefaultLabel || breakLabel != this.BreakLabel)
                var result = new BoundSwitchStatement(this.Syntax, expression, innerLocals, innerLocalFunctions, switchSections, decisionDag, defaultLabel, breakLabel, this.HasErrors);
2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSwitchDispatch : BoundStatement
2790 2791
        public BoundSwitchDispatch(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<(ConstantValue value, LabelSymbol label)> cases, LabelSymbol defaultLabel, MethodSymbol equalityMethod, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SwitchDispatch, syntax, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())
2792 2793

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!cases.IsDefault, "Field 'cases' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(defaultLabel != null, "Field 'defaultLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Cases = cases;
2800 2801
            this.DefaultLabel = defaultLabel;
            this.EqualityMethod = equalityMethod;
2802 2803


        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

2807 2808 2809 2810 2811
        public ImmutableArray<(ConstantValue value, LabelSymbol label)> Cases { get; }

        public LabelSymbol DefaultLabel { get; }

        public MethodSymbol EqualityMethod { get; }
2812 2813

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSwitchDispatch(this);

        public BoundSwitchDispatch Update(BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<(ConstantValue value, LabelSymbol label)> cases, LabelSymbol defaultLabel, MethodSymbol equalityMethod)
            if (expression != this.Expression || cases != this.Cases || defaultLabel != this.DefaultLabel || equalityMethod != this.EqualityMethod)
                var result = new BoundSwitchDispatch(this.Syntax, expression, cases, defaultLabel, equalityMethod, this.HasErrors);
2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundIfStatement : BoundStatement
2832 2833
        public BoundIfStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement consequence, BoundStatement alternativeOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.IfStatement, syntax, hasErrors || condition.HasErrors() || consequence.HasErrors() || alternativeOpt.HasErrors())
2834 2835

2836 2837
            Debug.Assert(condition != null, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(consequence != null, "Field 'consequence' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

2839 2840 2841
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.Consequence = consequence;
            this.AlternativeOpt = alternativeOpt;
2842 2843 2844

        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }

        public BoundStatement Consequence { get; }

        public BoundStatement AlternativeOpt { get; }
2850 2851 2852

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitIfStatement(this);
2854 2855

        public BoundIfStatement Update(BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement consequence, BoundStatement alternativeOpt)
            if (condition != this.Condition || consequence != this.Consequence || alternativeOpt != this.AlternativeOpt)
                var result = new BoundIfStatement(this.Syntax, condition, consequence, alternativeOpt, this.HasErrors);
2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundLoopStatement : BoundStatement
2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901
        protected BoundLoopStatement(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.BreakLabel = breakLabel;
            this.ContinueLabel = continueLabel;

        protected BoundLoopStatement(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel)
            : base(kind, syntax)

            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.BreakLabel = breakLabel;
            this.ContinueLabel = continueLabel;

        public GeneratedLabelSymbol BreakLabel { get; }

        public GeneratedLabelSymbol ContinueLabel { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundDoStatement : BoundLoopStatement
        public BoundDoStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DoStatement, syntax, breakLabel, continueLabel, hasErrors || condition.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
2902 2903 2904

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
2905 2906 2907 2908
            Debug.Assert(condition != null, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
2909 2910

            this.Locals = locals;
2911 2912
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.Body = body;
2913 2914 2915 2916 2917

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

2922 2923
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDoStatement(this);
2925 2926

        public BoundDoStatement Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel)
            if (locals != this.Locals || condition != this.Condition || body != this.Body || breakLabel != this.BreakLabel || continueLabel != this.ContinueLabel)
                var result = new BoundDoStatement(this.Syntax, locals, condition, body, breakLabel, continueLabel, this.HasErrors);
2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundWhileStatement : BoundLoopStatement
2941 2942
        public BoundWhileStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.WhileStatement, syntax, breakLabel, continueLabel, hasErrors || condition.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
2943 2944

2945 2946 2947 2948 2949
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(condition != null, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

2951 2952 2953 2954
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.Body = body;
2955 2956

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }
2962 2963 2964

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitWhileStatement(this);
2966 2967

        public BoundWhileStatement Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel)
            if (locals != this.Locals || condition != this.Condition || body != this.Body || breakLabel != this.BreakLabel || continueLabel != this.ContinueLabel)
                var result = new BoundWhileStatement(this.Syntax, locals, condition, body, breakLabel, continueLabel, this.HasErrors);
2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundForStatement : BoundLoopStatement
2982 2983
        public BoundForStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> outerLocals, BoundStatement initializer, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> innerLocals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement increment, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ForStatement, syntax, breakLabel, continueLabel, hasErrors || initializer.HasErrors() || condition.HasErrors() || increment.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997

            Debug.Assert(!outerLocals.IsDefault, "Field 'outerLocals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!innerLocals.IsDefault, "Field 'innerLocals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.OuterLocals = outerLocals;
            this.Initializer = initializer;
            this.InnerLocals = innerLocals;
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.Increment = increment;
            this.Body = body;
2998 2999

3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> OuterLocals { get; }

        public BoundStatement Initializer { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> InnerLocals { get; }

        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }

        public BoundStatement Increment { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitForStatement(this);

3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027
        public BoundForStatement Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> outerLocals, BoundStatement initializer, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> innerLocals, BoundExpression condition, BoundStatement increment, BoundStatement body, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel)
            if (outerLocals != this.OuterLocals || initializer != this.Initializer || innerLocals != this.InnerLocals || condition != this.Condition || increment != this.Increment || body != this.Body || breakLabel != this.BreakLabel || continueLabel != this.ContinueLabel)
                var result = new BoundForStatement(this.Syntax, outerLocals, initializer, innerLocals, condition, increment, body, breakLabel, continueLabel, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;
3028 3029

    internal sealed partial class BoundForEachStatement : BoundLoopStatement
3032 3033
        public BoundForEachStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ForEachEnumeratorInfo enumeratorInfoOpt, Conversion elementConversion, BoundTypeExpression iterationVariableType, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> iterationVariables, BoundExpression iterationErrorExpressionOpt, BoundExpression expression, BoundForEachDeconstructStep deconstructionOpt, BoundStatement body, bool @checked, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ForEachStatement, syntax, breakLabel, continueLabel, hasErrors || iterationVariableType.HasErrors() || iterationErrorExpressionOpt.HasErrors() || expression.HasErrors() || deconstructionOpt.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
3034 3035

3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041
            Debug.Assert(iterationVariableType != null, "Field 'iterationVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!iterationVariables.IsDefault, "Field 'iterationVariables' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(breakLabel != null, "Field 'breakLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(continueLabel != null, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051
            this.EnumeratorInfoOpt = enumeratorInfoOpt;
            this.ElementConversion = elementConversion;
            this.IterationVariableType = iterationVariableType;
            this.IterationVariables = iterationVariables;
            this.IterationErrorExpressionOpt = iterationErrorExpressionOpt;
            this.Expression = expression;
            this.DeconstructionOpt = deconstructionOpt;
            this.Body = body;
            this.Checked = @checked;
3052 3053 3054

        public ForEachEnumeratorInfo EnumeratorInfoOpt { get; }

3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071
        public Conversion ElementConversion { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression IterationVariableType { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> IterationVariables { get; }

        public BoundExpression IterationErrorExpressionOpt { get; }

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public BoundForEachDeconstructStep DeconstructionOpt { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

        public bool Checked { get; }
3072 3073 3074

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitForEachStatement(this);
3076 3077

        public BoundForEachStatement Update(ForEachEnumeratorInfo enumeratorInfoOpt, Conversion elementConversion, BoundTypeExpression iterationVariableType, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> iterationVariables, BoundExpression iterationErrorExpressionOpt, BoundExpression expression, BoundForEachDeconstructStep deconstructionOpt, BoundStatement body, bool @checked, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel)
            if (enumeratorInfoOpt != this.EnumeratorInfoOpt || elementConversion != this.ElementConversion || iterationVariableType != this.IterationVariableType || iterationVariables != this.IterationVariables || iterationErrorExpressionOpt != this.IterationErrorExpressionOpt || expression != this.Expression || deconstructionOpt != this.DeconstructionOpt || body != this.Body || @checked != this.Checked || breakLabel != this.BreakLabel || continueLabel != this.ContinueLabel)
                var result = new BoundForEachStatement(this.Syntax, enumeratorInfoOpt, elementConversion, iterationVariableType, iterationVariables, iterationErrorExpressionOpt, expression, deconstructionOpt, body, @checked, breakLabel, continueLabel, this.HasErrors);
3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundForEachDeconstructStep : BoundNode
3092 3093
        public BoundForEachDeconstructStep(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator deconstructionAssignment, BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder targetPlaceholder, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ForEachDeconstructStep, syntax, hasErrors || deconstructionAssignment.HasErrors() || targetPlaceholder.HasErrors())
3094 3095

3096 3097
            Debug.Assert(deconstructionAssignment != null, "Field 'deconstructionAssignment' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(targetPlaceholder != null, "Field 'targetPlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3099 3100
            this.DeconstructionAssignment = deconstructionAssignment;
            this.TargetPlaceholder = targetPlaceholder;
3101 3102 3103

        public BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator DeconstructionAssignment { get; }

        public BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder TargetPlaceholder { get; }
3107 3108 3109

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitForEachDeconstructStep(this);
3111 3112

        public BoundForEachDeconstructStep Update(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator deconstructionAssignment, BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder targetPlaceholder)
            if (deconstructionAssignment != this.DeconstructionAssignment || targetPlaceholder != this.TargetPlaceholder)
                var result = new BoundForEachDeconstructStep(this.Syntax, deconstructionAssignment, targetPlaceholder, this.HasErrors);
3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundUsingStatement : BoundStatement
3127 3128
        public BoundUsingStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarationsOpt, BoundExpression expressionOpt, Conversion iDisposableConversion, BoundStatement body, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.UsingStatement, syntax, hasErrors || declarationsOpt.HasErrors() || expressionOpt.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
3129 3130

3131 3132
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3134 3135 3136 3137 3138
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.DeclarationsOpt = declarationsOpt;
            this.ExpressionOpt = expressionOpt;
            this.IDisposableConversion = iDisposableConversion;
            this.Body = body;
3139 3140 3141

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations DeclarationsOpt { get; }

        public BoundExpression ExpressionOpt { get; }

3148 3149 3150
        public Conversion IDisposableConversion { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }
3151 3152 3153

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitUsingStatement(this);
3155 3156

        public BoundUsingStatement Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarationsOpt, BoundExpression expressionOpt, Conversion iDisposableConversion, BoundStatement body)
            if (locals != this.Locals || declarationsOpt != this.DeclarationsOpt || expressionOpt != this.ExpressionOpt || iDisposableConversion != this.IDisposableConversion || body != this.Body)
                var result = new BoundUsingStatement(this.Syntax, locals, declarationsOpt, expressionOpt, iDisposableConversion, body, this.HasErrors);
3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundFixedStatement : BoundStatement
3171 3172
        public BoundFixedStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarations, BoundStatement body, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.FixedStatement, syntax, hasErrors || declarations.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
3173 3174

3175 3176 3177
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(declarations != null, "Field 'declarations' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3179 3180 3181
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.Declarations = declarations;
            this.Body = body;
3182 3183

3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations Declarations { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
3193 3194
            return visitor.VisitFixedStatement(this);

3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206
        public BoundFixedStatement Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarations, BoundStatement body)
            if (locals != this.Locals || declarations != this.Declarations || body != this.Body)
                var result = new BoundFixedStatement(this.Syntax, locals, declarations, body, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218
    internal sealed partial class BoundLockStatement : BoundStatement
        public BoundLockStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression argument, BoundStatement body, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.LockStatement, syntax, hasErrors || argument.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(argument != null, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Argument = argument;
            this.Body = body;
3219 3220 3221

3222 3223 3224
        public BoundExpression Argument { get; }

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

3226 3227
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLockStatement(this);
3229 3230

        public BoundLockStatement Update(BoundExpression argument, BoundStatement body)
            if (argument != this.Argument || body != this.Body)
                var result = new BoundLockStatement(this.Syntax, argument, body, this.HasErrors);
3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundTryStatement : BoundStatement
3245 3246
        public BoundTryStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock tryBlock, ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks, BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt, bool preferFaultHandler, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TryStatement, syntax, hasErrors || tryBlock.HasErrors() || catchBlocks.HasErrors() || finallyBlockOpt.HasErrors())
3247 3248

3249 3250
            Debug.Assert(tryBlock != null, "Field 'tryBlock' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!catchBlocks.IsDefault, "Field 'catchBlocks' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3252 3253 3254 3255
            this.TryBlock = tryBlock;
            this.CatchBlocks = catchBlocks;
            this.FinallyBlockOpt = finallyBlockOpt;
            this.PreferFaultHandler = preferFaultHandler;
3256 3257 3258

3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281
        public BoundBlock TryBlock { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> CatchBlocks { get; }

        public BoundBlock FinallyBlockOpt { get; }

        public bool PreferFaultHandler { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTryStatement(this);

        public BoundTryStatement Update(BoundBlock tryBlock, ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks, BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt, bool preferFaultHandler)
            if (tryBlock != this.TryBlock || catchBlocks != this.CatchBlocks || finallyBlockOpt != this.FinallyBlockOpt || preferFaultHandler != this.PreferFaultHandler)
                var result = new BoundTryStatement(this.Syntax, tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, preferFaultHandler, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;
3282 3283

    internal sealed partial class BoundCatchBlock : BoundNode
3286 3287
        public BoundCatchBlock(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression exceptionSourceOpt, TypeSymbol exceptionTypeOpt, BoundExpression exceptionFilterOpt, BoundBlock body, bool isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.CatchBlock, syntax, hasErrors || exceptionSourceOpt.HasErrors() || exceptionFilterOpt.HasErrors() || body.HasErrors())
3288 3289

3290 3291
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.ExceptionSourceOpt = exceptionSourceOpt;
            this.ExceptionTypeOpt = exceptionTypeOpt;
            this.ExceptionFilterOpt = exceptionFilterOpt;
            this.Body = body;
            this.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll = isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll;
3299 3300 3301

3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308
        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundExpression ExceptionSourceOpt { get; }

        public TypeSymbol ExceptionTypeOpt { get; }

        public BoundExpression ExceptionFilterOpt { get; }

        public BoundBlock Body { get; }

        public bool IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll { get; }
3313 3314 3315

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitCatchBlock(this);
3317 3318

        public BoundCatchBlock Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpression exceptionSourceOpt, TypeSymbol exceptionTypeOpt, BoundExpression exceptionFilterOpt, BoundBlock body, bool isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll)
            if (locals != this.Locals || exceptionSourceOpt != this.ExceptionSourceOpt || exceptionTypeOpt != this.ExceptionTypeOpt || exceptionFilterOpt != this.ExceptionFilterOpt || body != this.Body || isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll != this.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll)
                var result = new BoundCatchBlock(this.Syntax, locals, exceptionSourceOpt, exceptionTypeOpt, exceptionFilterOpt, body, isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll, this.HasErrors);
3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLiteral : BoundExpression
3333 3334
        public BoundLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.Literal, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3336 3337
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

3339 3340 3341 3342
        public BoundLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.Literal, syntax, type)
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
3343 3344 3345

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }
3347 3348 3349

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLiteral(this);
3351 3352

        public BoundLiteral Update(ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundLiteral(this.Syntax, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundThisReference : BoundExpression
3367 3368
        public BoundThisReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ThisReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3369 3370

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3372 3373 3374


3375 3376
        public BoundThisReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ThisReference, syntax, type)
3377 3378

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitThisReference(this);
3387 3388

        public BoundThisReference Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundThisReference(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPreviousSubmissionReference : BoundExpression
3403 3404
        public BoundPreviousSubmissionReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3405 3406

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3408 3409 3410


3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417
        public BoundPreviousSubmissionReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3418 3419 3420 3421

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(this);
3423 3424

        public BoundPreviousSubmissionReference Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPreviousSubmissionReference(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundHostObjectMemberReference : BoundExpression
3439 3440
        public BoundHostObjectMemberReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3441 3442

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3444 3445 3446


3447 3448
        public BoundHostObjectMemberReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference, syntax, type)
3449 3450

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3452 3453 3454 3455 3456


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            return visitor.VisitHostObjectMemberReference(this);
3459 3460

        public BoundHostObjectMemberReference Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundHostObjectMemberReference(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundBaseReference : BoundExpression
3475 3476
        public BoundBaseReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.BaseReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3477 3478 3479

3480 3481 3482 3483
        public BoundBaseReference(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.BaseReference, syntax, type)
3484 3485 3486 3487

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitBaseReference(this);
3489 3490

        public BoundBaseReference Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundBaseReference(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLocal : BoundExpression
3505 3506
        public BoundLocal(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalSymbol localSymbol, bool isDeclaration, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.Local, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3507 3508

3509 3510
            Debug.Assert(localSymbol != null, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3512 3513 3514
            this.LocalSymbol = localSymbol;
            this.IsDeclaration = isDeclaration;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
3515 3516

3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522
        public BoundLocal(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalSymbol localSymbol, bool isDeclaration, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.Local, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(localSymbol != null, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534
            this.LocalSymbol = localSymbol;
            this.IsDeclaration = isDeclaration;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public LocalSymbol LocalSymbol { get; }

        public bool IsDeclaration { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }
3535 3536 3537

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLocal(this);
3539 3540

        public BoundLocal Update(LocalSymbol localSymbol, bool isDeclaration, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (localSymbol != this.LocalSymbol || isDeclaration != this.IsDeclaration || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundLocal(this.Syntax, localSymbol, isDeclaration, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPseudoVariable : BoundExpression
3555 3556
        public BoundPseudoVariable(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalSymbol localSymbol, PseudoVariableExpressions emitExpressions, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.PseudoVariable, syntax, type, hasErrors)
3557 3558

3559 3560 3561
            Debug.Assert(localSymbol != null, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(emitExpressions != null, "Field 'emitExpressions' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

3563 3564
            this.LocalSymbol = localSymbol;
            this.EmitExpressions = emitExpressions;
3565 3566

3567 3568 3569
        public BoundPseudoVariable(SyntaxNode syntax, LocalSymbol localSymbol, PseudoVariableExpressions emitExpressions, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.PseudoVariable, syntax, type)

3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582
            Debug.Assert(localSymbol != null, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(emitExpressions != null, "Field 'emitExpressions' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.LocalSymbol = localSymbol;
            this.EmitExpressions = emitExpressions;

        public LocalSymbol LocalSymbol { get; }

        public PseudoVariableExpressions EmitExpressions { get; }
3583 3584 3585

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPseudoVariable(this);
3587 3588

        public BoundPseudoVariable Update(LocalSymbol localSymbol, PseudoVariableExpressions emitExpressions, TypeSymbol type)
            if (localSymbol != this.LocalSymbol || emitExpressions != this.EmitExpressions || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPseudoVariable(this.Syntax, localSymbol, emitExpressions, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundRangeVariable : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
3603 3604
        public BoundRangeVariable(SyntaxNode syntax, RangeVariableSymbol rangeVariableSymbol, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.RangeVariable, syntax, type, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3605 3606

3607 3608 3609
            Debug.Assert(rangeVariableSymbol != null, "Field 'rangeVariableSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3611 3612
            this.RangeVariableSymbol = rangeVariableSymbol;
            this.Value = value;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3613 3614 3615

        public RangeVariableSymbol RangeVariableSymbol { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3619 3620 3621

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitRangeVariable(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3623 3624

        public BoundRangeVariable Update(RangeVariableSymbol rangeVariableSymbol, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (rangeVariableSymbol != this.RangeVariableSymbol || value != this.Value || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundRangeVariable(this.Syntax, rangeVariableSymbol, value, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundParameter : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
3639 3640
        public BoundParameter(SyntaxNode syntax, ParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.Parameter, syntax, type, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
3641 3642

3643 3644
            Debug.Assert(parameterSymbol != null, "Field 'parameterSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.ParameterSymbol = parameterSymbol;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3647 3648

3649 3650 3651
        public BoundParameter(SyntaxNode syntax, ParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.Parameter, syntax, type)
DotNet Bot 已提交

3653 3654
            Debug.Assert(parameterSymbol != null, "Field 'parameterSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3656 3657
            this.ParameterSymbol = parameterSymbol;
DotNet Bot 已提交

3659 3660

        public ParameterSymbol ParameterSymbol { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3661 3662 3663

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitParameter(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3665 3666

        public BoundParameter Update(ParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (parameterSymbol != this.ParameterSymbol || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundParameter(this.Syntax, parameterSymbol, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLabelStatement : BoundStatement
DotNet Bot 已提交
3681 3682
        public BoundLabelStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.LabelStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
3683 3684

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3688 3689

3690 3691 3692
        public BoundLabelStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label)
            : base(BoundKind.LabelStatement, syntax)
DotNet Bot 已提交

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3696 3697
            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交

3699 3700

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3701 3702 3703

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLabelStatement(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3705 3706

        public BoundLabelStatement Update(LabelSymbol label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (label != this.Label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundLabelStatement(this.Syntax, label, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundGotoStatement : BoundStatement
DotNet Bot 已提交
3721 3722
        public BoundGotoStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, BoundExpression caseExpressionOpt, BoundLabel labelExpressionOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.GotoStatement, syntax, hasErrors || caseExpressionOpt.HasErrors() || labelExpressionOpt.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3723 3724

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3727 3728 3729
            this.Label = label;
            this.CaseExpressionOpt = caseExpressionOpt;
            this.LabelExpressionOpt = labelExpressionOpt;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3730 3731 3732

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression CaseExpressionOpt { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundLabel LabelExpressionOpt { get; }
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3739 3740 3741 3742
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitGotoStatement(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交

3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753
        public BoundGotoStatement Update(LabelSymbol label, BoundExpression caseExpressionOpt, BoundLabel labelExpressionOpt)
            if (label != this.Label || caseExpressionOpt != this.CaseExpressionOpt || labelExpressionOpt != this.LabelExpressionOpt)
                var result = new BoundGotoStatement(this.Syntax, label, caseExpressionOpt, labelExpressionOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3754 3755

    internal sealed partial class BoundLabeledStatement : BoundStatement
DotNet Bot 已提交
3758 3759
        public BoundLabeledStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, BoundStatement body, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.LabeledStatement, syntax, hasErrors || body.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3760 3761

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
3763 3764
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3766 3767 3768 3769
            this.Body = body;

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3771 3772 3773 3774 3775

        public BoundStatement Body { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLabeledStatement(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3777 3778

        public BoundLabeledStatement Update(LabelSymbol label, BoundStatement body)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (label != this.Label || body != this.Body)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundLabeledStatement(this.Syntax, label, body, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLabel : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
3793 3794
        public BoundLabel(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.Label, syntax, type, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
3795 3796

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3800 3801

3802 3803 3804
        public BoundLabel(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.Label, syntax, type)
DotNet Bot 已提交

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3808 3809
            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交

3811 3812

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3813 3814 3815

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLabel(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3817 3818

        public BoundLabel Update(LabelSymbol label, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (label != this.Label || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundLabel(this.Syntax, label, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal partial class BoundStatementList : BoundStatement
DotNet Bot 已提交
3833 3834
        protected BoundStatementList(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
3835 3836

            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Statements = statements;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3840 3841

3842 3843 3844
        public BoundStatementList(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.StatementList, syntax, hasErrors || statements.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交

            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3848 3849
            this.Statements = statements;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3850 3851

        public ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> Statements { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3853 3854 3855

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitStatementList(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3857 3858

        public BoundStatementList Update(ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (statements != this.Statements)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundStatementList(this.Syntax, statements, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConditionalGoto : BoundStatement
DotNet Bot 已提交
3873 3874
        public BoundConditionalGoto(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression condition, bool jumpIfTrue, LabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConditionalGoto, syntax, hasErrors || condition.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3875 3876

3877 3878
            Debug.Assert(condition != null, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3880 3881 3882 3883
            this.Condition = condition;
            this.JumpIfTrue = jumpIfTrue;
            this.Label = label;

DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression Condition { get; }
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        public bool JumpIfTrue { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3891 3892 3893

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConditionalGoto(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3895 3896

        public BoundConditionalGoto Update(BoundExpression condition, bool jumpIfTrue, LabelSymbol label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (condition != this.Condition || jumpIfTrue != this.JumpIfTrue || label != this.Label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundConditionalGoto(this.Syntax, condition, jumpIfTrue, label, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSwitchExpression : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
3911 3912
        public BoundSwitchExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchExpressionArm> switchArms, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, LabelSymbol defaultLabel, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SwitchExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || switchArms.HasErrors() || decisionDag.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3913 3914

3915 3916
            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!switchArms.IsDefault, "Field 'switchArms' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(decisionDag != null, "Field 'decisionDag' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

3919 3920
            this.Expression = expression;
            this.SwitchArms = switchArms;
            this.DecisionDag = decisionDag;
            this.DefaultLabel = defaultLabel;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3923 3924 3925

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

3928 3929
        public ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchExpressionArm> SwitchArms { get; }

3930 3931
        public BoundDecisionDag DecisionDag { get; }

        public LabelSymbol DefaultLabel { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3933 3934 3935

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSwitchExpression(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3937 3938

        public BoundSwitchExpression Update(BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchExpressionArm> switchArms, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, LabelSymbol defaultLabel, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (expression != this.Expression || switchArms != this.SwitchArms || decisionDag != this.DecisionDag || defaultLabel != this.DefaultLabel || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSwitchExpression(this.Syntax, expression, switchArms, decisionDag, defaultLabel, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSwitchExpressionArm : BoundNode
DotNet Bot 已提交
3953 3954
        public BoundSwitchExpressionArm(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundPattern pattern, BoundExpression whenClause, BoundExpression value, LabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SwitchExpressionArm, syntax, hasErrors || pattern.HasErrors() || whenClause.HasErrors() || value.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
3955 3956 3957

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
3958 3959 3960
            Debug.Assert(pattern != null, "Field 'pattern' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
3961 3962

            this.Locals = locals;
3963 3964 3965 3966
            this.Pattern = pattern;
            this.WhenClause = whenClause;
            this.Value = value;
            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
3967 3968 3969 3970 3971

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundPattern Pattern { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression WhenClause { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }
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        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
3979 3980 3981

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSwitchExpressionArm(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3983 3984

        public BoundSwitchExpressionArm Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundPattern pattern, BoundExpression whenClause, BoundExpression value, LabelSymbol label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (locals != this.Locals || pattern != this.Pattern || whenClause != this.WhenClause || value != this.Value || label != this.Label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSwitchExpressionArm(this.Syntax, locals, pattern, whenClause, value, label, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDecisionDag : BoundNode
DotNet Bot 已提交
3999 4000
        public BoundDecisionDag(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDecisionDagNode rootNode, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.DecisionDag, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4001 4002

            Debug.Assert(rootNode != null, "Field 'rootNode' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.RootNode = rootNode;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4006 4007

4008 4009 4010
        public BoundDecisionDag(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDecisionDagNode rootNode)
            : base(BoundKind.DecisionDag, syntax)
DotNet Bot 已提交

            Debug.Assert(rootNode != null, "Field 'rootNode' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4014 4015
            this.RootNode = rootNode;
DotNet Bot 已提交

4017 4018

        public BoundDecisionDagNode RootNode { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4019 4020 4021

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDecisionDag(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4023 4024

        public BoundDecisionDag Update(BoundDecisionDagNode rootNode)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (rootNode != this.RootNode)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDecisionDag(this.Syntax, rootNode, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundDecisionDagNode  : BoundNode
DotNet Bot 已提交
4039 4040
        protected BoundDecisionDagNode (BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, bool hasErrors)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
DotNet Bot 已提交

4044 4045 4046 4047
        protected BoundDecisionDagNode (BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax)
            : base(kind, syntax)
DotNet Bot 已提交

4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061

    internal sealed partial class BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode : BoundDecisionDagNode 
        public BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagEvaluation evaluation, BoundDecisionDagNode  next, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.EvaluationDecisionDagNode, syntax, hasErrors || evaluation.HasErrors() || next.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(evaluation != null, "Field 'evaluation' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(next != null, "Field 'next' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Evaluation = evaluation;
            this.Next = next;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4062 4063 4064

        public BoundDagEvaluation Evaluation { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundDecisionDagNode  Next { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4068 4069 4070

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4072 4073

        public BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode Update(BoundDagEvaluation evaluation, BoundDecisionDagNode  next)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (evaluation != this.Evaluation || next != this.Next)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode(this.Syntax, evaluation, next, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundTestDecisionDagNode : BoundDecisionDagNode 
DotNet Bot 已提交
4088 4089
        public BoundTestDecisionDagNode(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagTest test, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TestDecisionDagNode, syntax, hasErrors || test.HasErrors() || whenTrue.HasErrors() || whenFalse.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4090 4091

4092 4093 4094
            Debug.Assert(test != null, "Field 'test' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenTrue != null, "Field 'whenTrue' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenFalse != null, "Field 'whenFalse' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4096 4097 4098
            this.Test = test;
            this.WhenTrue = whenTrue;
            this.WhenFalse = whenFalse;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4099 4100 4101

        public BoundDagTest Test { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundDecisionDagNode  WhenTrue { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundDecisionDagNode  WhenFalse { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4107 4108 4109

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTestDecisionDagNode(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4111 4112

        public BoundTestDecisionDagNode Update(BoundDagTest test, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (test != this.Test || whenTrue != this.WhenTrue || whenFalse != this.WhenFalse)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundTestDecisionDagNode(this.Syntax, test, whenTrue, whenFalse, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundWhenDecisionDagNode : BoundDecisionDagNode 
DotNet Bot 已提交
        public BoundWhenDecisionDagNode(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundPatternBinding> bindings, BoundExpression whenExpression, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.WhenDecisionDagNode, syntax, hasErrors || whenExpression.HasErrors() || whenTrue.HasErrors() || whenFalse.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4129 4130

4131 4132
            Debug.Assert(!bindings.IsDefault, "Field 'bindings' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenTrue != null, "Field 'whenTrue' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4134 4135 4136 4137
            this.Bindings = bindings;
            this.WhenExpression = whenExpression;
            this.WhenTrue = whenTrue;
            this.WhenFalse = whenFalse;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4138 4139 4140

        public ImmutableArray<BoundPatternBinding> Bindings { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression WhenExpression { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundDecisionDagNode  WhenTrue { get; }
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        public BoundDecisionDagNode  WhenFalse { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4148 4149 4150

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4152 4153

        public BoundWhenDecisionDagNode Update(ImmutableArray<BoundPatternBinding> bindings, BoundExpression whenExpression, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue, BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (bindings != this.Bindings || whenExpression != this.WhenExpression || whenTrue != this.WhenTrue || whenFalse != this.WhenFalse)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundWhenDecisionDagNode(this.Syntax, bindings, whenExpression, whenTrue, whenFalse, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLeafDecisionDagNode : BoundDecisionDagNode 
DotNet Bot 已提交
4168 4169
        public BoundLeafDecisionDagNode(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.LeafDecisionDagNode, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4171 4172 4173 4174

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4175 4176

4177 4178
        public BoundLeafDecisionDagNode(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label)
            : base(BoundKind.LeafDecisionDagNode, syntax)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4180 4181 4182 4183

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Label = label;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4184 4185 4186

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }
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4188 4189 4190

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4192 4193

        public BoundLeafDecisionDagNode Update(LabelSymbol label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (label != this.Label)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundLeafDecisionDagNode(this.Syntax, label, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundDagTest : BoundNode
DotNet Bot 已提交
4208 4209
        protected BoundDagTest(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4210 4211

            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Input = input;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4215 4216

4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224

        public BoundDagTemp Input { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagTemp : BoundNode
        public BoundDagTemp(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, BoundDagEvaluation source, int index, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagTemp, syntax, hasErrors || source.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4225 4226 4227 4228

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

4229 4230 4231
            this.Type = type;
            this.Source = source;
            this.Index = index;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4232 4233 4234

4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240
        public TypeSymbol Type { get; }

        public BoundDagEvaluation Source { get; }

        public int Index { get; }

DotNet Bot 已提交
4241 4242
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagTemp(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4244 4245

        public BoundDagTemp Update(TypeSymbol type, BoundDagEvaluation source, int index)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (type != this.Type || source != this.Source || index != this.Index)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagTemp(this.Syntax, type, source, index, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagTypeTest : BoundDagTest
DotNet Bot 已提交
4260 4261
        public BoundDagTypeTest(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagTypeTest, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4262 4263 4264

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Type = type;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4268 4269 4270

        public TypeSymbol Type { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4272 4273 4274

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagTypeTest(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4276 4277

        public BoundDagTypeTest Update(TypeSymbol type, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (type != this.Type || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagTypeTest(this.Syntax, type, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagNonNullTest : BoundDagTest
DotNet Bot 已提交
4292 4293
        public BoundDagNonNullTest(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagNonNullTest, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4294 4295

            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagNonNullTest(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4304 4305

        public BoundDagNonNullTest Update(BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagNonNullTest(this.Syntax, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagNullTest : BoundDagTest
DotNet Bot 已提交
4320 4321
        public BoundDagNullTest(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagNullTest, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4322 4323

4324 4325
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

DotNet Bot 已提交
4326 4327 4328 4329 4330

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagNullTest(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4332 4333

        public BoundDagNullTest Update(BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagNullTest(this.Syntax, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagValueTest : BoundDagTest
DotNet Bot 已提交
4348 4349
        public BoundDagValueTest(SyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue value, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagValueTest, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4350 4351

4352 4353
            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Value = value;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4356 4357 4358

        public ConstantValue Value { get; }
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4360 4361 4362

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagValueTest(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4364 4365

        public BoundDagValueTest Update(ConstantValue value, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (value != this.Value || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagValueTest(this.Syntax, value, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundDagEvaluation : BoundDagTest
DotNet Bot 已提交
4380 4381
        protected BoundDagEvaluation(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, input, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4382 4383

            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
4385 4386 4387


4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation : BoundDagEvaluation
        public BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol deconstructMethod, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagDeconstructEvaluation, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4394 4395

4396 4397
            Debug.Assert(deconstructMethod != null, "Field 'deconstructMethod' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.DeconstructMethod = deconstructMethod;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4400 4401 4402

        public MethodSymbol DeconstructMethod { get; }
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4404 4405 4406

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4408 4409

        public BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation Update(MethodSymbol deconstructMethod, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (deconstructMethod != this.DeconstructMethod || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation(this.Syntax, deconstructMethod, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagTypeEvaluation : BoundDagEvaluation
DotNet Bot 已提交
4424 4425
        public BoundDagTypeEvaluation(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagTypeEvaluation, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4426 4427 4428

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Type = type;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4432 4433 4434

        public TypeSymbol Type { get; }
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4436 4437 4438

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagTypeEvaluation(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4440 4441

        public BoundDagTypeEvaluation Update(TypeSymbol type, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (type != this.Type || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagTypeEvaluation(this.Syntax, type, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDagFieldEvaluation : BoundDagEvaluation
DotNet Bot 已提交
4456 4457
        public BoundDagFieldEvaluation(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol field, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagFieldEvaluation, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4458 4459

4460 4461
            Debug.Assert(field != null, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Field = field;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4464 4465 4466

        public FieldSymbol Field { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4468 4469 4470

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagFieldEvaluation(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4472 4473

        public BoundDagFieldEvaluation Update(FieldSymbol field, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (field != this.Field || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagFieldEvaluation(this.Syntax, field, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

4486 4487 4488 4489
    internal sealed partial class BoundDagPropertyEvaluation : BoundDagEvaluation
        public BoundDagPropertyEvaluation(SyntaxNode syntax, PropertySymbol property, BoundDagTemp input, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DagPropertyEvaluation, syntax, input, hasErrors || input.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4490 4491

4492 4493
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "Field 'property' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(input != null, "Field 'input' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Property = property;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4496 4497 4498

        public PropertySymbol Property { get; }
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4500 4501 4502

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4504 4505

        public BoundDagPropertyEvaluation Update(PropertySymbol property, BoundDagTemp input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (property != this.Property || input != this.Input)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDagPropertyEvaluation(this.Syntax, property, input, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSwitchSection : BoundStatementList
DotNet Bot 已提交
4520 4521
        public BoundSwitchSection(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundPatternSwitchLabel> switchLabels, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SwitchSection, syntax, statements, hasErrors || switchLabels.HasErrors() || statements.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4522 4523

4524 4525 4526
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!switchLabels.IsDefault, "Field 'switchLabels' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4528 4529
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.SwitchLabels = switchLabels;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4530 4531 4532

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public ImmutableArray<BoundPatternSwitchLabel> SwitchLabels { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4536 4537 4538

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSwitchSection(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4540 4541

        public BoundSwitchSection Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundPatternSwitchLabel> switchLabels, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (locals != this.Locals || switchLabels != this.SwitchLabels || statements != this.Statements)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSwitchSection(this.Syntax, locals, switchLabels, statements, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPatternSwitchLabel : BoundNode
DotNet Bot 已提交
4556 4557
        public BoundPatternSwitchLabel(SyntaxNode syntax, LabelSymbol label, BoundPattern pattern, BoundExpression whenClause, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PatternSwitchLabel, syntax, hasErrors || pattern.HasErrors() || whenClause.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4558 4559 4560

            Debug.Assert(label != null, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(pattern != null, "Field 'pattern' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
4562 4563

            this.Label = label;
4564 4565
            this.Pattern = pattern;
            this.WhenClause = whenClause;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4566 4567 4568 4569 4570

        public LabelSymbol Label { get; }

4571 4572 4573
        public BoundPattern Pattern { get; }

        public BoundExpression WhenClause { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4574 4575 4576

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPatternSwitchLabel(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4578 4579

        public BoundPatternSwitchLabel Update(LabelSymbol label, BoundPattern pattern, BoundExpression whenClause)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (label != this.Label || pattern != this.Pattern || whenClause != this.WhenClause)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundPatternSwitchLabel(this.Syntax, label, pattern, whenClause, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
4594 4595
        protected BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, null, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
4597 4598 4599
            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4600 4601

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }
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4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611
        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

    internal sealed partial class BoundSequencePointExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundSequencePointExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SequencePointExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4612 4613

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.Expression = expression;
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4617 4618 4619

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4621 4622 4623

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSequencePointExpression(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4625 4626

        public BoundSequencePointExpression Update(BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (expression != this.Expression || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSequencePointExpression(this.Syntax, expression, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSequence : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
4641 4642
        public BoundSequence(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> sideEffects, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Sequence, syntax, type, hasErrors || sideEffects.HasErrors() || value.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4643 4644

4645 4646 4647 4648
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!sideEffects.IsDefault, "Field 'sideEffects' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4650 4651 4652
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.SideEffects = sideEffects;
            this.Value = value;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4653 4654 4655

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }
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        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> SideEffects { get; }
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        public BoundExpression Value { get; }
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4661 4662 4663

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSequence(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4665 4666

        public BoundSequence Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> sideEffects, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (locals != this.Locals || sideEffects != this.SideEffects || value != this.Value || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSequence(this.Syntax, locals, sideEffects, value, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundSpillSequence : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
4681 4682
        public BoundSpillSequence(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> sideEffects, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.SpillSequence, syntax, type, hasErrors || sideEffects.HasErrors() || value.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
4683 4684

4685 4686 4687 4688
            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!sideEffects.IsDefault, "Field 'sideEffects' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

4690 4691 4692
            this.Locals = locals;
            this.SideEffects = sideEffects;
            this.Value = value;
DotNet Bot 已提交
4693 4694 4695

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> SideEffects { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }
DotNet Bot 已提交
4701 4702 4703

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSpillSequence(this);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4705 4706

        public BoundSpillSequence Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> sideEffects, BoundExpression value, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (locals != this.Locals || sideEffects != this.SideEffects || value != this.Value || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundSpillSequence(this.Syntax, locals, sideEffects, value, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicMemberAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundDynamicMemberAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiver, ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> typeArgumentsOpt, string name, bool invoked, bool indexed, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicMemberAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiver.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(receiver != null, "Field 'receiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(name != null, "Field 'name' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Receiver = receiver;
            this.TypeArgumentsOpt = typeArgumentsOpt;
            this.Name = name;
            this.Invoked = invoked;
            this.Indexed = indexed;

        public BoundExpression Receiver { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> TypeArgumentsOpt { get; }

        public string Name { get; }

        public bool Invoked { get; }

        public bool Indexed { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicMemberAccess(this);

        public BoundDynamicMemberAccess Update(BoundExpression receiver, ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> typeArgumentsOpt, string name, bool invoked, bool indexed, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiver != this.Receiver || typeArgumentsOpt != this.TypeArgumentsOpt || name != this.Name || invoked != this.Invoked || indexed != this.Indexed || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDynamicMemberAccess(this.Syntax, receiver, typeArgumentsOpt, name, invoked, indexed, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicInvocation : BoundExpression
        public BoundDynamicInvocation(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicInvocation, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!applicableMethods.IsDefault, "Field 'applicableMethods' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.ApplicableMethods = applicableMethods;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> ApplicableMethods { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicInvocation(this);

        public BoundDynamicInvocation Update(BoundExpression expression, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || applicableMethods != this.ApplicableMethods || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDynamicInvocation(this.Syntax, expression, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, applicableMethods, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConditionalAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundConditionalAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiver, BoundExpression accessExpression, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConditionalAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiver.HasErrors() || accessExpression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(receiver != null, "Field 'receiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(accessExpression != null, "Field 'accessExpression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Receiver = receiver;
            this.AccessExpression = accessExpression;

        public BoundExpression Receiver { get; }

        public BoundExpression AccessExpression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConditionalAccess(this);

        public BoundConditionalAccess Update(BoundExpression receiver, BoundExpression accessExpression, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiver != this.Receiver || accessExpression != this.AccessExpression || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundConditionalAccess(this.Syntax, receiver, accessExpression, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLoweredConditionalAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundLoweredConditionalAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiver, MethodSymbol hasValueMethodOpt, BoundExpression whenNotNull, BoundExpression whenNullOpt, int id, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.LoweredConditionalAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiver.HasErrors() || whenNotNull.HasErrors() || whenNullOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(receiver != null, "Field 'receiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenNotNull != null, "Field 'whenNotNull' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Receiver = receiver;
            this.HasValueMethodOpt = hasValueMethodOpt;
            this.WhenNotNull = whenNotNull;
            this.WhenNullOpt = whenNullOpt;
            this.Id = id;

        public BoundExpression Receiver { get; }

        public MethodSymbol HasValueMethodOpt { get; }

        public BoundExpression WhenNotNull { get; }

        public BoundExpression WhenNullOpt { get; }

        public int Id { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(this);

        public BoundLoweredConditionalAccess Update(BoundExpression receiver, MethodSymbol hasValueMethodOpt, BoundExpression whenNotNull, BoundExpression whenNullOpt, int id, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiver != this.Receiver || hasValueMethodOpt != this.HasValueMethodOpt || whenNotNull != this.WhenNotNull || whenNullOpt != this.WhenNullOpt || id != this.Id || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundLoweredConditionalAccess(this.Syntax, receiver, hasValueMethodOpt, whenNotNull, whenNullOpt, id, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConditionalReceiver : BoundExpression
        public BoundConditionalReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, int id, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ConditionalReceiver, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Id = id;

        public BoundConditionalReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, int id, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ConditionalReceiver, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Id = id;

        public int Id { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConditionalReceiver(this);

        public BoundConditionalReceiver Update(int id, TypeSymbol type)
            if (id != this.Id || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundConditionalReceiver(this.Syntax, id, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundComplexConditionalReceiver : BoundExpression
        public BoundComplexConditionalReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression valueTypeReceiver, BoundExpression referenceTypeReceiver, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ComplexConditionalReceiver, syntax, type, hasErrors || valueTypeReceiver.HasErrors() || referenceTypeReceiver.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(valueTypeReceiver != null, "Field 'valueTypeReceiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(referenceTypeReceiver != null, "Field 'referenceTypeReceiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ValueTypeReceiver = valueTypeReceiver;
            this.ReferenceTypeReceiver = referenceTypeReceiver;

        public BoundExpression ValueTypeReceiver { get; }

        public BoundExpression ReferenceTypeReceiver { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(this);

        public BoundComplexConditionalReceiver Update(BoundExpression valueTypeReceiver, BoundExpression referenceTypeReceiver, TypeSymbol type)
            if (valueTypeReceiver != this.ValueTypeReceiver || referenceTypeReceiver != this.ReferenceTypeReceiver || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundComplexConditionalReceiver(this.Syntax, valueTypeReceiver, referenceTypeReceiver, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundMethodGroup : BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
        public BoundMethodGroup(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> typeArgumentsOpt, string name, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> methods, Symbol lookupSymbolOpt, DiagnosticInfo lookupError, BoundMethodGroupFlags flags, BoundExpression receiverOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.MethodGroup, syntax, receiverOpt, resultKind, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(name != null, "Field 'name' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!methods.IsDefault, "Field 'methods' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.TypeArgumentsOpt = typeArgumentsOpt;
            this.Name = name;
            this.Methods = methods;
            this.LookupSymbolOpt = lookupSymbolOpt;
            this.LookupError = lookupError;
            this.Flags = flags;

        public ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> TypeArgumentsOpt { get; }

        public string Name { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> Methods { get; }

        public Symbol LookupSymbolOpt { get; }

        public DiagnosticInfo LookupError { get; }

        public BoundMethodGroupFlags Flags { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMethodGroup(this);

        public BoundMethodGroup Update(ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> typeArgumentsOpt, string name, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> methods, Symbol lookupSymbolOpt, DiagnosticInfo lookupError, BoundMethodGroupFlags flags, BoundExpression receiverOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind)
            if (typeArgumentsOpt != this.TypeArgumentsOpt || name != this.Name || methods != this.Methods || lookupSymbolOpt != this.LookupSymbolOpt || lookupError != this.LookupError || flags != this.Flags || receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind)
                var result = new BoundMethodGroup(this.Syntax, typeArgumentsOpt, name, methods, lookupSymbolOpt, lookupError, flags, receiverOpt, resultKind, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPropertyGroup : BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
        public BoundPropertyGroup(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> properties, BoundExpression receiverOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PropertyGroup, syntax, receiverOpt, resultKind, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!properties.IsDefault, "Field 'properties' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Properties = properties;

        public ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> Properties { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPropertyGroup(this);

        public BoundPropertyGroup Update(ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> properties, BoundExpression receiverOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind)
            if (properties != this.Properties || receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind)
                var result = new BoundPropertyGroup(this.Syntax, properties, receiverOpt, resultKind, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundCall : BoundExpression
        public BoundCall(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, MethodSymbol method, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool isDelegateCall, bool expanded, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064
            : base(BoundKind.Call, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors() || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(method != null, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.Method = method;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.IsDelegateCall = isDelegateCall;
            this.Expanded = expanded;
            this.InvokedAsExtensionMethod = invokedAsExtensionMethod;
            this.ArgsToParamsOpt = argsToParamsOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
            this.BinderOpt = binderOpt;
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5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public MethodSymbol Method { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public bool IsDelegateCall { get; }

        public bool Expanded { get; }

        public bool InvokedAsExtensionMethod { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<int> ArgsToParamsOpt { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

5090 5091
        public Binder BinderOpt { get; }

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5092 5093 5094 5095 5096
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitCall(this);

        public BoundCall Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, MethodSymbol method, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool isDelegateCall, bool expanded, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || method != this.Method || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || isDelegateCall != this.IsDelegateCall || expanded != this.Expanded || invokedAsExtensionMethod != this.InvokedAsExtensionMethod || argsToParamsOpt != this.ArgsToParamsOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind || binderOpt != this.BinderOpt || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundCall(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, method, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, isDelegateCall, expanded, invokedAsExtensionMethod, argsToParamsOpt, resultKind, binderOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5183 5184 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundEventAssignmentOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundEventAssignmentOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, EventSymbol @event, bool isAddition, bool isDynamic, BoundExpression receiverOpt, BoundExpression argument, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.EventAssignmentOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors() || argument.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(@event != null, "Field '@event' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(argument != null, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Event = @event;
            this.IsAddition = isAddition;
            this.IsDynamic = isDynamic;
            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.Argument = argument;

        public EventSymbol Event { get; }

        public bool IsAddition { get; }

        public bool IsDynamic { get; }

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public BoundExpression Argument { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitEventAssignmentOperator(this);

        public BoundEventAssignmentOperator Update(EventSymbol @event, bool isAddition, bool isDynamic, BoundExpression receiverOpt, BoundExpression argument, TypeSymbol type)
            if (@event != this.Event || isAddition != this.IsAddition || isDynamic != this.IsDynamic || receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || argument != this.Argument || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundEventAssignmentOperator(this.Syntax, @event, isAddition, isDynamic, receiverOpt, argument, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAttribute : BoundExpression
        public BoundAttribute(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> constructorArguments, ImmutableArray<string> constructorArgumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> namedArguments, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Attribute, syntax, type, hasErrors || constructorArguments.HasErrors() || namedArguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!constructorArguments.IsDefault, "Field 'constructorArguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!namedArguments.IsDefault, "Field 'namedArguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Constructor = constructor;
            this.ConstructorArguments = constructorArguments;
            this.ConstructorArgumentNamesOpt = constructorArgumentNamesOpt;
            this.NamedArguments = namedArguments;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public MethodSymbol Constructor { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> ConstructorArguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ConstructorArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> NamedArguments { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAttribute(this);

        public BoundAttribute Update(MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> constructorArguments, ImmutableArray<string> constructorArgumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> namedArguments, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (constructor != this.Constructor || constructorArguments != this.ConstructorArguments || constructorArgumentNamesOpt != this.ConstructorArgumentNamesOpt || namedArguments != this.NamedArguments || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundAttribute(this.Syntax, constructor, constructorArguments, constructorArgumentNamesOpt, namedArguments, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundObjectCreationExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundObjectCreationExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> constructorsGroup, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219
            : base(BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors() || initializerExpressionOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(constructor != null, "Field 'constructor' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!constructorsGroup.IsDefault, "Field 'constructorsGroup' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Constructor = constructor;
            this.ConstructorsGroup = constructorsGroup;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.Expanded = expanded;
            this.ArgsToParamsOpt = argsToParamsOpt;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
            this.InitializerExpressionOpt = initializerExpressionOpt;
            this.BinderOpt = binderOpt;
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5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239

        public MethodSymbol Constructor { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> ConstructorsGroup { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public bool Expanded { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<int> ArgsToParamsOpt { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase InitializerExpressionOpt { get; }
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5242 5243
        public Binder BinderOpt { get; }

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5244 5245 5246 5247 5248
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitObjectCreationExpression(this);

        public BoundObjectCreationExpression Update(MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> constructorsGroup, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (constructor != this.Constructor || constructorsGroup != this.ConstructorsGroup || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || expanded != this.Expanded || argsToParamsOpt != this.ArgsToParamsOpt || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || initializerExpressionOpt != this.InitializerExpressionOpt || binderOpt != this.BinderOpt || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(this.Syntax, constructor, constructorsGroup, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, expanded, argsToParamsOpt, constantValueOpt, initializerExpressionOpt, binderOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundTupleExpression : BoundExpression
        protected BoundTupleExpression(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Arguments = arguments;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundTupleLiteral : BoundTupleExpression
        public BoundTupleLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<bool> inferredNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284
            : base(BoundKind.TupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.InferredNamesOpt = inferredNamesOpt;
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5286 5287 5288 5289 5290

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

5291 5292
        public ImmutableArray<bool> InferredNamesOpt { get; }

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5293 5294 5295 5296 5297
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTupleLiteral(this);

        public BoundTupleLiteral Update(ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<bool> inferredNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || inferredNamesOpt != this.InferredNamesOpt || arguments != this.Arguments || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, argumentNamesOpt, inferredNamesOpt, arguments, type, this.HasErrors);
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5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConvertedTupleLiteral : BoundTupleExpression
        public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.NaturalTypeOpt = naturalTypeOpt;

        public TypeSymbol NaturalTypeOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(this);

        public BoundConvertedTupleLiteral Update(TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, TypeSymbol type)
            if (naturalTypeOpt != this.NaturalTypeOpt || arguments != this.Arguments || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(this.Syntax, naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, string name, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5345 5346 5347
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicObjectCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors() || initializerExpressionOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(name != null, "Field 'name' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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5349 5350 5351 5352
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!applicableMethods.IsDefault, "Field 'applicableMethods' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Name = name;
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5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.InitializerExpressionOpt = initializerExpressionOpt;
            this.ApplicableMethods = applicableMethods;

5362 5363
        public string Name { get; }

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5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369
        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase InitializerExpressionOpt { get; }
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5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378

        public ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> ApplicableMethods { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(this);

        public BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression Update(string name, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (name != this.Name || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || initializerExpressionOpt != this.InitializerExpressionOpt || applicableMethods != this.ApplicableMethods || type != this.Type)
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                var result = new BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression(this.Syntax, name, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, initializerExpressionOpt, applicableMethods, type, this.HasErrors);
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5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, string guidString, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405
            : base(BoundKind.NoPiaObjectCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || initializerExpressionOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.GuidString = guidString;
            this.InitializerExpressionOpt = initializerExpressionOpt;

        public string GuidString { get; }

        public BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase InitializerExpressionOpt { get; }
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5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(this);

        public BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression Update(string guidString, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424
            if (guidString != this.GuidString || initializerExpressionOpt != this.InitializerExpressionOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(this.Syntax, guidString, initializerExpressionOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase : BoundExpression
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5427 5428
        protected BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
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5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438

            Debug.Assert(!initializers.IsDefault, "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Initializers = initializers;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Initializers { get; }
5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451

    internal sealed partial class BoundObjectInitializerExpression : BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
        public BoundObjectInitializerExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression, syntax, initializers, type, hasErrors || initializers.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!initializers.IsDefault, "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


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5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitObjectInitializerExpression(this);

        public BoundObjectInitializerExpression Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, TypeSymbol type)
            if (initializers != this.Initializers || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundObjectInitializerExpression(this.Syntax, initializers, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundObjectInitializerMember : BoundExpression
        public BoundObjectInitializerMember(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol memberSymbol, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol receiverType, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5473 5474 5475 5476
            : base(BoundKind.ObjectInitializerMember, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(receiverType != null, "Field 'receiverType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
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5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.MemberSymbol = memberSymbol;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.Expanded = expanded;
            this.ArgsToParamsOpt = argsToParamsOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
            this.ReceiverType = receiverType;
            this.BinderOpt = binderOpt;
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5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506

        public Symbol MemberSymbol { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public bool Expanded { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<int> ArgsToParamsOpt { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public TypeSymbol ReceiverType { get; }

5509 5510
        public Binder BinderOpt { get; }

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5511 5512 5513 5514 5515
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitObjectInitializerMember(this);

        public BoundObjectInitializerMember Update(Symbol memberSymbol, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol receiverType, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (memberSymbol != this.MemberSymbol || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || expanded != this.Expanded || argsToParamsOpt != this.ArgsToParamsOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind || receiverType != this.ReceiverType || binderOpt != this.BinderOpt || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundObjectInitializerMember(this.Syntax, memberSymbol, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, expanded, argsToParamsOpt, resultKind, receiverType, binderOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember : BoundExpression
        public BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember(SyntaxNode syntax, string memberName, TypeSymbol receiverType, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
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5531 5532 5533 5534
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicObjectInitializerMember, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(memberName != null, "Field 'memberName' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(receiverType != null, "Field 'receiverType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
5536 5537 5538
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.MemberName = memberName;
            this.ReceiverType = receiverType;
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5540 5541

        public BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember(SyntaxNode syntax, string memberName, TypeSymbol receiverType, TypeSymbol type)
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5543 5544 5545 5546
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicObjectInitializerMember, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(memberName != null, "Field 'memberName' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(receiverType != null, "Field 'receiverType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
5548 5549 5550
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.MemberName = memberName;
            this.ReceiverType = receiverType;
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5552 5553 5554 5555 5556

        public string MemberName { get; }

5557 5558
        public TypeSymbol ReceiverType { get; }

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5559 5560 5561 5562 5563
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(this);

        public BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember Update(string memberName, TypeSymbol receiverType, TypeSymbol type)
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            if (memberName != this.MemberName || receiverType != this.ReceiverType || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember(this.Syntax, memberName, receiverType, type, this.HasErrors);
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5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundCollectionInitializerExpression : BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
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5577 5578
        public BoundCollectionInitializerExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.CollectionInitializerExpression, syntax, initializers, type, hasErrors || initializers.HasErrors())
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5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606

            Debug.Assert(!initializers.IsDefault, "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(this);

        public BoundCollectionInitializerExpression Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, TypeSymbol type)
            if (initializers != this.Initializers || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundCollectionInitializerExpression(this.Syntax, initializers, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundCollectionElementInitializer : BoundExpression
5607 5608
        public BoundCollectionElementInitializer(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol addMethod, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, BoundExpression implicitReceiverOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod, LookupResultKind resultKind, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.CollectionElementInitializer, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors() || implicitReceiverOpt.HasErrors())
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5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616

            Debug.Assert(addMethod != null, "Field 'addMethod' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.AddMethod = addMethod;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ImplicitReceiverOpt = implicitReceiverOpt;
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5618 5619 5620 5621
            this.Expanded = expanded;
            this.ArgsToParamsOpt = argsToParamsOpt;
            this.InvokedAsExtensionMethod = invokedAsExtensionMethod;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
            this.BinderOpt = binderOpt;
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5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629

        public MethodSymbol AddMethod { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

5630 5631
        public BoundExpression ImplicitReceiverOpt { get; }

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5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640
        public bool Expanded { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<int> ArgsToParamsOpt { get; }

        public bool InvokedAsExtensionMethod { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

5641 5642
        public Binder BinderOpt { get; }

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5643 5644 5645 5646 5647
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitCollectionElementInitializer(this);

        public BoundCollectionElementInitializer Update(MethodSymbol addMethod, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, BoundExpression implicitReceiverOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod, LookupResultKind resultKind, Binder binderOpt, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (addMethod != this.AddMethod || arguments != this.Arguments || implicitReceiverOpt != this.ImplicitReceiverOpt || expanded != this.Expanded || argsToParamsOpt != this.ArgsToParamsOpt || invokedAsExtensionMethod != this.InvokedAsExtensionMethod || resultKind != this.ResultKind || binderOpt != this.BinderOpt || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundCollectionElementInitializer(this.Syntax, addMethod, arguments, implicitReceiverOpt, expanded, argsToParamsOpt, invokedAsExtensionMethod, resultKind, binderOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
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5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer : BoundExpression
5662 5663
        public BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicCollectionElementInitializer, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors() || implicitReceiver.HasErrors())
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5664 5665 5666

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(implicitReceiver != null, "Field 'implicitReceiver' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
5668 5669 5670 5671
            Debug.Assert(!applicableMethods.IsDefault, "Field 'applicableMethods' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ImplicitReceiver = implicitReceiver;
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5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678
            this.ApplicableMethods = applicableMethods;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

5679 5680
        public BoundImplicitReceiver ImplicitReceiver { get; }

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5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687
        public ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> ApplicableMethods { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(this);

        public BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol> applicableMethods, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (arguments != this.Arguments || implicitReceiver != this.ImplicitReceiver || applicableMethods != this.ApplicableMethods || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(this.Syntax, arguments, implicitReceiver, applicableMethods, type, this.HasErrors);
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5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundImplicitReceiver : BoundExpression
        public BoundImplicitReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.ImplicitReceiver, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public BoundImplicitReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.ImplicitReceiver, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitImplicitReceiver(this);

        public BoundImplicitReceiver Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundImplicitReceiver(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> declarations, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || arguments.HasErrors() || declarations.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(constructor != null, "Field 'constructor' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!declarations.IsDefault, "Field 'declarations' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Constructor = constructor;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.Declarations = declarations;

        public MethodSymbol Constructor { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> Declarations { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(this);

        public BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression Update(MethodSymbol constructor, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> declarations, TypeSymbol type)
            if (constructor != this.Constructor || arguments != this.Arguments || declarations != this.Declarations || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(this.Syntax, constructor, arguments, declarations, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration : BoundExpression
        public BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(SyntaxNode syntax, PropertySymbol property, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.AnonymousPropertyDeclaration, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(property != null, "Field 'property' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Property = property;

        public BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(SyntaxNode syntax, PropertySymbol property, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.AnonymousPropertyDeclaration, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(property != null, "Field 'property' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Property = property;

        public PropertySymbol Property { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(this);

        public BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration Update(PropertySymbol property, TypeSymbol type)
            if (property != this.Property || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(this.Syntax, property, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNewT : BoundExpression
        public BoundNewT(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
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5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829
            : base(BoundKind.NewT, syntax, type, hasErrors || initializerExpressionOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.InitializerExpressionOpt = initializerExpressionOpt;

        public BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase InitializerExpressionOpt { get; }
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5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNewT(this);

        public BoundNewT Update(BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt, TypeSymbol type)
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5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952
            if (initializerExpressionOpt != this.InitializerExpressionOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundNewT(this.Syntax, initializerExpressionOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDelegateCreationExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundDelegateCreationExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression argument, MethodSymbol methodOpt, bool isExtensionMethod, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || argument.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(argument != null, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Argument = argument;
            this.MethodOpt = methodOpt;
            this.IsExtensionMethod = isExtensionMethod;

        public BoundExpression Argument { get; }

        public MethodSymbol MethodOpt { get; }

        public bool IsExtensionMethod { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDelegateCreationExpression(this);

        public BoundDelegateCreationExpression Update(BoundExpression argument, MethodSymbol methodOpt, bool isExtensionMethod, TypeSymbol type)
            if (argument != this.Argument || methodOpt != this.MethodOpt || isExtensionMethod != this.IsExtensionMethod || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(this.Syntax, argument, methodOpt, isExtensionMethod, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArrayCreation : BoundExpression
        public BoundArrayCreation(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> bounds, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ArrayCreation, syntax, type, hasErrors || bounds.HasErrors() || initializerOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!bounds.IsDefault, "Field 'bounds' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Bounds = bounds;
            this.InitializerOpt = initializerOpt;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Bounds { get; }

        public BoundArrayInitialization InitializerOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArrayCreation(this);

        public BoundArrayCreation Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> bounds, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (bounds != this.Bounds || initializerOpt != this.InitializerOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundArrayCreation(this.Syntax, bounds, initializerOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundArrayInitialization : BoundExpression
        public BoundArrayInitialization(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ArrayInitialization, syntax, null, hasErrors || initializers.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!initializers.IsDefault, "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Initializers = initializers;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Initializers { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitArrayInitialization(this);

        public BoundArrayInitialization Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers)
            if (initializers != this.Initializers)
                var result = new BoundArrayInitialization(this.Syntax, initializers, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal partial class BoundStackAllocArrayCreation : BoundExpression
DotNet Bot 已提交
        protected BoundStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression count, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963
            : base(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(elementType != null, "Field 'elementType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(count != null, "Field 'count' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ElementType = elementType;
            this.Count = count;
            this.InitializerOpt = initializerOpt;
5965 5966

5967 5968
        public BoundStackAllocArrayCreation(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression count, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.StackAllocArrayCreation, syntax, type, hasErrors || count.HasErrors() || initializerOpt.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
5969 5970

            Debug.Assert(elementType != null, "Field 'elementType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
5972 5973
            Debug.Assert(count != null, "Field 'count' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ElementType = elementType;
DotNet Bot 已提交
            this.Count = count;
            this.InitializerOpt = initializerOpt;
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5977 5978 5979

5980 5981
        public TypeSymbol ElementType { get; }

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5982 5983
        public BoundExpression Count { get; }

5984 5985
        public BoundArrayInitialization InitializerOpt { get; }

DotNet Bot 已提交
5986 5987 5988 5989 5990
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(this);

        public BoundStackAllocArrayCreation Update(TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression count, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (elementType != this.ElementType || count != this.Count || initializerOpt != this.InitializerOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundStackAllocArrayCreation(this.Syntax, elementType, count, initializerOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression : BoundStackAllocArrayCreation
6005 6006
        public BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression count, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConvertedStackAllocExpression, syntax, elementType, count, initializerOpt, type, hasErrors || count.HasErrors() || initializerOpt.HasErrors())
6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016

            Debug.Assert(elementType != null, "Field 'elementType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(count != null, "Field 'count' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6018 6019 6020
            return visitor.VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(this);

        public new BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression Update(TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression count, BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (elementType != this.ElementType || count != this.Count || initializerOpt != this.InitializerOpt || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression(this.Syntax, elementType, count, initializerOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundFieldAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundFieldAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool isByValue, bool isDeclaration, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046
            : base(BoundKind.FieldAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol != null, "Field 'fieldSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.FieldSymbol = fieldSymbol;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;
            this.IsByValue = isByValue;
            this.IsDeclaration = isDeclaration;
DotNet Bot 已提交
6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public FieldSymbol FieldSymbol { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public bool IsByValue { get; }

6062 6063
        public bool IsDeclaration { get; }

DotNet Bot 已提交
6064 6065 6066 6067 6068
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitFieldAccess(this);

        public BoundFieldAccess Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool isByValue, bool isDeclaration, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || fieldSymbol != this.FieldSymbol || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || resultKind != this.ResultKind || isByValue != this.IsByValue || isDeclaration != this.IsDeclaration || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundFieldAccess(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, fieldSymbol, constantValueOpt, resultKind, isByValue, isDeclaration, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundHoistedFieldAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundHoistedFieldAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.HoistedFieldAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol != null, "Field 'fieldSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.FieldSymbol = fieldSymbol;

        public BoundHoistedFieldAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.HoistedFieldAccess, syntax, type)

            Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol != null, "Field 'fieldSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.FieldSymbol = fieldSymbol;

        public FieldSymbol FieldSymbol { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitHoistedFieldAccess(this);

        public BoundHoistedFieldAccess Update(FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, TypeSymbol type)
            if (fieldSymbol != this.FieldSymbol || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundHoistedFieldAccess(this.Syntax, fieldSymbol, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundPropertyAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundPropertyAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, PropertySymbol propertySymbol, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.PropertyAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(propertySymbol != null, "Field 'propertySymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.PropertySymbol = propertySymbol;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public PropertySymbol PropertySymbol { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitPropertyAccess(this);

        public BoundPropertyAccess Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, PropertySymbol propertySymbol, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || propertySymbol != this.PropertySymbol || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundPropertyAccess(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, propertySymbol, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundEventAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundEventAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, EventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isUsableAsField, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.EventAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(eventSymbol != null, "Field 'eventSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.EventSymbol = eventSymbol;
            this.IsUsableAsField = isUsableAsField;
            this._ResultKind = resultKind;

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public EventSymbol EventSymbol { get; }

        public bool IsUsableAsField { get; }

        private readonly LookupResultKind _ResultKind;
        public override LookupResultKind ResultKind { get { return _ResultKind;} }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitEventAccess(this);

        public BoundEventAccess Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, EventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isUsableAsField, LookupResultKind resultKind, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || eventSymbol != this.EventSymbol || isUsableAsField != this.IsUsableAsField || resultKind != this.ResultKind || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundEventAccess(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, eventSymbol, isUsableAsField, resultKind, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundIndexerAccess : BoundExpression
Gen Lu 已提交
        public BoundIndexerAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, PropertySymbol indexer, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, Binder binderOpt, bool useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220
            : base(BoundKind.IndexerAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors() || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(indexer != null, "Field 'indexer' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.Indexer = indexer;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.Expanded = expanded;
            this.ArgsToParamsOpt = argsToParamsOpt;
            this.BinderOpt = binderOpt;
Gen Lu 已提交
            this.UseSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration = useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration;
DotNet Bot 已提交
6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public PropertySymbol Indexer { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public bool Expanded { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<int> ArgsToParamsOpt { get; }

6240 6241
        public Binder BinderOpt { get; }

Gen Lu 已提交
        public bool UseSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration { get; }

DotNet Bot 已提交
6244 6245 6246 6247 6248
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitIndexerAccess(this);

Gen Lu 已提交
        public BoundIndexerAccess Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, PropertySymbol indexer, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, bool expanded, ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt, Binder binderOpt, bool useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
Gen Lu 已提交
            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || indexer != this.Indexer || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || expanded != this.Expanded || argsToParamsOpt != this.ArgsToParamsOpt || binderOpt != this.BinderOpt || useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration != this.UseSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
Gen Lu 已提交
                var result = new BoundIndexerAccess(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, indexer, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, expanded, argsToParamsOpt, binderOpt, useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDynamicIndexerAccess : BoundExpression
        public BoundDynamicIndexerAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> applicableIndexers, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DynamicIndexerAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors() || arguments.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!arguments.IsDefault, "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!applicableIndexers.IsDefault, "Field 'applicableIndexers' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;
            this.Arguments = arguments;
            this.ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt;
            this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt = argumentRefKindsOpt;
            this.ApplicableIndexers = applicableIndexers;

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Arguments { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<string> ArgumentNamesOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<RefKind> ArgumentRefKindsOpt { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> ApplicableIndexers { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(this);

        public BoundDynamicIndexerAccess Update(BoundExpression receiverOpt, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments, ImmutableArray<string> argumentNamesOpt, ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt, ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> applicableIndexers, TypeSymbol type)
            if (receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt || arguments != this.Arguments || argumentNamesOpt != this.ArgumentNamesOpt || argumentRefKindsOpt != this.ArgumentRefKindsOpt || applicableIndexers != this.ApplicableIndexers || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDynamicIndexerAccess(this.Syntax, receiverOpt, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, applicableIndexers, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundLambda : BoundExpression
        public BoundLambda(SyntaxNode syntax, LambdaSymbol symbol, BoundBlock body, ImmutableArray<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostic> diagnostics, Binder binder, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Lambda, syntax, type, hasErrors || body.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(symbol != null, "Field 'symbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(body != null, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(!diagnostics.IsDefault, "Field 'diagnostics' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(binder != null, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Symbol = symbol;
            this.Body = body;
            this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
            this.Binder = binder;

        public LambdaSymbol Symbol { get; }

        public BoundBlock Body { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostic> Diagnostics { get; }

        public Binder Binder { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitLambda(this);

        public BoundLambda Update(LambdaSymbol symbol, BoundBlock body, ImmutableArray<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostic> diagnostics, Binder binder, TypeSymbol type)
            if (symbol != this.Symbol || body != this.Body || diagnostics != this.Diagnostics || binder != this.Binder || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundLambda(this.Syntax, symbol, body, diagnostics, binder, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class UnboundLambda : BoundExpression
        public UnboundLambda(SyntaxNode syntax, UnboundLambdaState data, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.UnboundLambda, syntax, null, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(data != null, "Field 'data' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Data = data;

        public UnboundLambda(SyntaxNode syntax, UnboundLambdaState data)
            : base(BoundKind.UnboundLambda, syntax, null)

            Debug.Assert(data != null, "Field 'data' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Data = data;

        public UnboundLambdaState Data { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitUnboundLambda(this);

        public UnboundLambda Update(UnboundLambdaState data)
            if (data != this.Data)
                var result = new UnboundLambda(this.Syntax, data, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundQueryClause : BoundExpression
        public BoundQueryClause(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression value, RangeVariableSymbol definedSymbol, Binder binder, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.QueryClause, syntax, type, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(binder != null, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Value = value;
            this.DefinedSymbol = definedSymbol;
            this.Binder = binder;

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }

        public RangeVariableSymbol DefinedSymbol { get; }

        public Binder Binder { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitQueryClause(this);

        public BoundQueryClause Update(BoundExpression value, RangeVariableSymbol definedSymbol, Binder binder, TypeSymbol type)
            if (value != this.Value || definedSymbol != this.DefinedSymbol || binder != this.Binder || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundQueryClause(this.Syntax, value, definedSymbol, binder, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers : BoundStatementList
        public BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.TypeOrInstanceInitializers, syntax, statements, hasErrors || statements.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!statements.IsDefault, "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(this);

        public new BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers Update(ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements)
            if (statements != this.Statements)
                var result = new BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers(this.Syntax, statements, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundNameOfOperator : BoundExpression
        public BoundNameOfOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression argument, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.NameOfOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors || argument.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(argument != null, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(constantValueOpt != null, "Field 'constantValueOpt' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Argument = argument;
            this.ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt;

        public BoundExpression Argument { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValueOpt { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNameOfOperator(this);

        public BoundNameOfOperator Update(BoundExpression argument, ConstantValue constantValueOpt, TypeSymbol type)
            if (argument != this.Argument || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundNameOfOperator(this.Syntax, argument, constantValueOpt, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundInterpolatedString : BoundExpression
        public BoundInterpolatedString(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> parts, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.InterpolatedString, syntax, type, hasErrors || parts.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!parts.IsDefault, "Field 'parts' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Parts = parts;

        public ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> Parts { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitInterpolatedString(this);

        public BoundInterpolatedString Update(ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> parts, TypeSymbol type)
            if (parts != this.Parts || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundInterpolatedString(this.Syntax, parts, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundStringInsert : BoundExpression
Manish Vasani 已提交
        public BoundStringInsert(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression value, BoundExpression alignment, BoundLiteral format, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 6537 6538 6539 6540
            : base(BoundKind.StringInsert, syntax, type, hasErrors || value.HasErrors() || alignment.HasErrors() || format.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Value = value;
            this.Alignment = alignment;
            this.Format = format;

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }

        public BoundExpression Alignment { get; }

Manish Vasani 已提交
        public BoundLiteral Format { get; }
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6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitStringInsert(this);

Manish Vasani 已提交
        public BoundStringInsert Update(BoundExpression value, BoundExpression alignment, BoundLiteral format, TypeSymbol type)
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6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561
            if (value != this.Value || alignment != this.Alignment || format != this.Format || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundStringInsert(this.Syntax, value, alignment, format, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundIsPatternExpression : BoundExpression
6562 6563
        public BoundIsPatternExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, BoundPattern pattern, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, LabelSymbol whenTrueLabel, LabelSymbol whenFalseLabel, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.IsPatternExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors() || pattern.HasErrors() || decisionDag.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
6564 6565 6566 6567

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(pattern != null, "Field 'pattern' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
6568 6569 6570
            Debug.Assert(decisionDag != null, "Field 'decisionDag' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenTrueLabel != null, "Field 'whenTrueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(whenFalseLabel != null, "Field 'whenFalseLabel' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
6571 6572 6573

            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Pattern = pattern;
6574 6575 6576
            this.DecisionDag = decisionDag;
            this.WhenTrueLabel = whenTrueLabel;
            this.WhenFalseLabel = whenFalseLabel;
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6577 6578 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public BoundPattern Pattern { get; }

6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589
        public BoundDecisionDag DecisionDag { get; }

        public LabelSymbol WhenTrueLabel { get; }

        public LabelSymbol WhenFalseLabel { get; }

DotNet Bot 已提交
6590 6591 6592 6593 6594
        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitIsPatternExpression(this);

        public BoundIsPatternExpression Update(BoundExpression expression, BoundPattern pattern, BoundDecisionDag decisionDag, LabelSymbol whenTrueLabel, LabelSymbol whenFalseLabel, TypeSymbol type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (expression != this.Expression || pattern != this.Pattern || decisionDag != this.DecisionDag || whenTrueLabel != this.WhenTrueLabel || whenFalseLabel != this.WhenFalseLabel || type != this.Type)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundIsPatternExpression(this.Syntax, expression, pattern, decisionDag, whenTrueLabel, whenFalseLabel, type, this.HasErrors);
DotNet Bot 已提交
6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class BoundPattern : BoundNode
        protected BoundPattern(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol inputType, bool hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6610 6611
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
6612 6613 6614 6615

            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.InputType = inputType;
DotNet Bot 已提交
6616 6617

        protected BoundPattern(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol inputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
6619 6620
            : base(kind, syntax)
6621 6622 6623 6624

            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.InputType = inputType;
DotNet Bot 已提交
6625 6626

6627 6628

        public TypeSymbol InputType { get; }
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6629 6630

6631 6632
    internal sealed partial class BoundConstantPattern : BoundPattern
6633 6634
        public BoundConstantPattern(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression value, ConstantValue constantValue, TypeSymbol inputType, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConstantPattern, syntax, inputType, hasErrors || value.HasErrors())
6635 6636 6637

            Debug.Assert(value != null, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(constantValue != null, "Field 'constantValue' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654

            this.Value = value;
            this.ConstantValue = constantValue;

        public BoundExpression Value { get; }

        public ConstantValue ConstantValue { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConstantPattern(this);

        public BoundConstantPattern Update(BoundExpression value, ConstantValue constantValue, TypeSymbol inputType)
            if (value != this.Value || constantValue != this.ConstantValue || inputType != this.InputType)
                var result = new BoundConstantPattern(this.Syntax, value, constantValue, inputType, this.HasErrors);
6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundDiscardPattern : BoundPattern
6669 6670
        public BoundDiscardPattern(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol inputType, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.DiscardPattern, syntax, inputType, hasErrors)
DotNet Bot 已提交

            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

6675 6676

6677 6678
        public BoundDiscardPattern(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol inputType)
            : base(BoundKind.DiscardPattern, syntax, inputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交

6681 6682
            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDiscardPattern(this);
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        public BoundDiscardPattern Update(TypeSymbol inputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (inputType != this.InputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDiscardPattern(this.Syntax, inputType, this.HasErrors);
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6696 6697 6698 6699 6700
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;
6701 6702

DotNet Bot 已提交
6703 6704
    internal sealed partial class BoundDeclarationPattern : BoundPattern
6705 6706
        public BoundDeclarationPattern(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol variable, BoundExpression variableAccess, BoundTypeExpression declaredType, bool isVar, TypeSymbol inputType, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DeclarationPattern, syntax, inputType, hasErrors || variableAccess.HasErrors() || declaredType.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
6707 6708

            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交
6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730

            this.Variable = variable;
            this.VariableAccess = variableAccess;
            this.DeclaredType = declaredType;
            this.IsVar = isVar;

        public Symbol Variable { get; }

        public BoundExpression VariableAccess { get; }

        public BoundTypeExpression DeclaredType { get; }

        public bool IsVar { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDeclarationPattern(this);

        public BoundDeclarationPattern Update(Symbol variable, BoundExpression variableAccess, BoundTypeExpression declaredType, bool isVar, TypeSymbol inputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (variable != this.Variable || variableAccess != this.VariableAccess || declaredType != this.DeclaredType || isVar != this.IsVar || inputType != this.InputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundDeclarationPattern(this.Syntax, variable, variableAccess, declaredType, isVar, inputType, this.HasErrors);
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6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundRecursivePattern : BoundPattern
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6745 6746
        public BoundRecursivePattern(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTypeExpression declaredType, MethodSymbol deconstructMethod, ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> deconstruction, ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> properties, Symbol variable, BoundExpression variableAccess, TypeSymbol inputType, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.RecursivePattern, syntax, inputType, hasErrors || declaredType.HasErrors() || deconstruction.HasErrors() || properties.HasErrors() || variableAccess.HasErrors())
DotNet Bot 已提交
6747 6748

            Debug.Assert(inputType != null, "Field 'inputType' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");
DotNet Bot 已提交

            this.DeclaredType = declaredType;
            this.DeconstructMethod = deconstructMethod;
            this.Deconstruction = deconstruction;
            this.Properties = properties;
6755 6756
            this.Variable = variable;
            this.VariableAccess = variableAccess;
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6757 6758 6759

        public BoundTypeExpression DeclaredType { get; }
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        public MethodSymbol DeconstructMethod { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> Deconstruction { get; }

        public ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> Properties { get; }
6767 6768 6769 6770

        public Symbol Variable { get; }

        public BoundExpression VariableAccess { get; }
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6771 6772 6773

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitRecursivePattern(this);
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6775 6776

        public BoundRecursivePattern Update(BoundTypeExpression declaredType, MethodSymbol deconstructMethod, ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> deconstruction, ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> properties, Symbol variable, BoundExpression variableAccess, TypeSymbol inputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            if (declaredType != this.DeclaredType || deconstructMethod != this.DeconstructMethod || deconstruction != this.Deconstruction || properties != this.Properties || variable != this.Variable || variableAccess != this.VariableAccess || inputType != this.InputType)
DotNet Bot 已提交
                var result = new BoundRecursivePattern(this.Syntax, declaredType, deconstructMethod, deconstruction, properties, variable, variableAccess, inputType, this.HasErrors);
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6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822
    internal sealed partial class BoundSubpattern : BoundNode
        public BoundSubpattern(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol symbol, BoundPattern pattern, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.Subpattern, syntax, hasErrors || pattern.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(pattern != null, "Field 'pattern' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Symbol = symbol;
            this.Pattern = pattern;

        public Symbol Symbol { get; }

        public BoundPattern Pattern { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitSubpattern(this);

        public BoundSubpattern Update(Symbol symbol, BoundPattern pattern)
            if (symbol != this.Symbol || pattern != this.Pattern)
                var result = new BoundSubpattern(this.Syntax, symbol, pattern, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

DotNet Bot 已提交
6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981
    internal sealed partial class BoundDiscardExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundDiscardExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.DiscardExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors)

        public BoundDiscardExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol type)
            : base(BoundKind.DiscardExpression, syntax, type)

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDiscardExpression(this);

        public BoundDiscardExpression Update(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundDiscardExpression(this.Syntax, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundThrowExpression : BoundExpression
        public BoundThrowExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ThrowExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors || expression.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(expression != null, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Expression = expression;

        public BoundExpression Expression { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitThrowExpression(this);

        public BoundThrowExpression Update(BoundExpression expression, TypeSymbol type)
            if (expression != this.Expression || type != this.Type)
                var result = new BoundThrowExpression(this.Syntax, expression, type, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal abstract partial class VariablePendingInference : BoundExpression
        protected VariablePendingInference(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol variableSymbol, BoundExpression receiverOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, null, hasErrors)

            Debug.Assert(variableSymbol != null, "Field 'variableSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.VariableSymbol = variableSymbol;
            this.ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt;

        public Symbol VariableSymbol { get; }

        public BoundExpression ReceiverOpt { get; }

    internal sealed partial class OutVariablePendingInference : VariablePendingInference
        public OutVariablePendingInference(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol variableSymbol, BoundExpression receiverOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference, syntax, variableSymbol, receiverOpt, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(variableSymbol != null, "Field 'variableSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitOutVariablePendingInference(this);

        public OutVariablePendingInference Update(Symbol variableSymbol, BoundExpression receiverOpt)
            if (variableSymbol != this.VariableSymbol || receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt)
                var result = new OutVariablePendingInference(this.Syntax, variableSymbol, receiverOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class DeconstructionVariablePendingInference : VariablePendingInference
        public DeconstructionVariablePendingInference(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol variableSymbol, BoundExpression receiverOpt, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.DeconstructionVariablePendingInference, syntax, variableSymbol, receiverOpt, hasErrors || receiverOpt.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(variableSymbol != null, "Field 'variableSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");


        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(this);

        public DeconstructionVariablePendingInference Update(Symbol variableSymbol, BoundExpression receiverOpt)
            if (variableSymbol != this.VariableSymbol || receiverOpt != this.ReceiverOpt)
                var result = new DeconstructionVariablePendingInference(this.Syntax, variableSymbol, receiverOpt, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class OutDeconstructVarPendingInference : BoundExpression
        public OutDeconstructVarPendingInference(SyntaxNode syntax, bool hasErrors)
            : base(BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference, syntax, null, hasErrors)

        public OutDeconstructVarPendingInference(SyntaxNode syntax)
            : base(BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference, syntax, null)

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(this);

        public OutDeconstructVarPendingInference Update()
            return this;

6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055
    internal abstract partial class BoundMethodBodyBase : BoundNode
        protected BoundMethodBodyBase(BoundKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
            this.BlockBody = blockBody;
            this.ExpressionBody = expressionBody;

        public BoundBlock BlockBody { get; }

        public BoundBlock ExpressionBody { get; }

    internal sealed partial class BoundNonConstructorMethodBody : BoundMethodBodyBase
        public BoundNonConstructorMethodBody(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.NonConstructorMethodBody, syntax, blockBody, expressionBody, hasErrors || blockBody.HasErrors() || expressionBody.HasErrors())

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(this);

        public BoundNonConstructorMethodBody Update(BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody)
            if (blockBody != this.BlockBody || expressionBody != this.ExpressionBody)
                var result = new BoundNonConstructorMethodBody(this.Syntax, blockBody, expressionBody, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

    internal sealed partial class BoundConstructorMethodBody : BoundMethodBodyBase
        public BoundConstructorMethodBody(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpressionStatement initializer, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody, bool hasErrors = false)
            : base(BoundKind.ConstructorMethodBody, syntax, blockBody, expressionBody, hasErrors || initializer.HasErrors() || blockBody.HasErrors() || expressionBody.HasErrors())

            Debug.Assert(!locals.IsDefault, "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=\"allow\" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)");

            this.Locals = locals;
            this.Initializer = initializer;

        public ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> Locals { get; }

        public BoundExpressionStatement Initializer { get; }

        public override BoundNode Accept(BoundTreeVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitConstructorMethodBody(this);

        public BoundConstructorMethodBody Update(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> locals, BoundExpressionStatement initializer, BoundBlock blockBody, BoundBlock expressionBody)
            if (locals != this.Locals || initializer != this.Initializer || blockBody != this.BlockBody || expressionBody != this.ExpressionBody)
                var result = new BoundConstructorMethodBody(this.Syntax, locals, initializer, blockBody, expressionBody, this.HasErrors);
                result.WasCompilerGenerated = this.WasCompilerGenerated;
                return result;
            return this;

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7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073
    internal abstract partial class BoundTreeVisitor<A,R>

        internal R VisitInternal(BoundNode node, A arg)
            switch (node.Kind)
                case BoundKind.FieldEqualsValue: 
                    return VisitFieldEqualsValue(node as BoundFieldEqualsValue, arg);
                case BoundKind.PropertyEqualsValue: 
                    return VisitPropertyEqualsValue(node as BoundPropertyEqualsValue, arg);
                case BoundKind.ParameterEqualsValue: 
                    return VisitParameterEqualsValue(node as BoundParameterEqualsValue, arg);
                case BoundKind.GlobalStatementInitializer: 
                    return VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node as BoundGlobalStatementInitializer, arg);
                case BoundKind.DeconstructValuePlaceholder: 
                    return VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(node as BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder, arg);
7074 7075
                case BoundKind.TupleOperandPlaceholder: 
                    return VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(node as BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder, arg);
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7076 7077
                case BoundKind.Dup: 
                    return VisitDup(node as BoundDup, arg);
7078 7079
                case BoundKind.PassByCopy: 
                    return VisitPassByCopy(node as BoundPassByCopy, arg);
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7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107
                case BoundKind.BadExpression: 
                    return VisitBadExpression(node as BoundBadExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.BadStatement: 
                    return VisitBadStatement(node as BoundBadStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.TypeExpression: 
                    return VisitTypeExpression(node as BoundTypeExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression: 
                    return VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node as BoundTypeOrValueExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.NamespaceExpression: 
                    return VisitNamespaceExpression(node as BoundNamespaceExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.UnaryOperator: 
                    return VisitUnaryOperator(node as BoundUnaryOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.IncrementOperator: 
                    return VisitIncrementOperator(node as BoundIncrementOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.AddressOfOperator: 
                    return VisitAddressOfOperator(node as BoundAddressOfOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.PointerIndirectionOperator: 
                    return VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(node as BoundPointerIndirectionOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.PointerElementAccess: 
                    return VisitPointerElementAccess(node as BoundPointerElementAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.RefTypeOperator: 
                    return VisitRefTypeOperator(node as BoundRefTypeOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.MakeRefOperator: 
                    return VisitMakeRefOperator(node as BoundMakeRefOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.RefValueOperator: 
                    return VisitRefValueOperator(node as BoundRefValueOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.BinaryOperator: 
                    return VisitBinaryOperator(node as BoundBinaryOperator, arg);
7108 7109
                case BoundKind.TupleBinaryOperator: 
                    return VisitTupleBinaryOperator(node as BoundTupleBinaryOperator, arg);
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7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145
                case BoundKind.UserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator: 
                    return VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(node as BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentOperator: 
                    return VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(node as BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.AssignmentOperator: 
                    return VisitAssignmentOperator(node as BoundAssignmentOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.DeconstructionAssignmentOperator: 
                    return VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(node as BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.NullCoalescingOperator: 
                    return VisitNullCoalescingOperator(node as BoundNullCoalescingOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConditionalOperator: 
                    return VisitConditionalOperator(node as BoundConditionalOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArrayAccess: 
                    return VisitArrayAccess(node as BoundArrayAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArrayLength: 
                    return VisitArrayLength(node as BoundArrayLength, arg);
                case BoundKind.AwaitExpression: 
                    return VisitAwaitExpression(node as BoundAwaitExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.TypeOfOperator: 
                    return VisitTypeOfOperator(node as BoundTypeOfOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.MethodDefIndex: 
                    return VisitMethodDefIndex(node as BoundMethodDefIndex, arg);
                case BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex: 
                    return VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node as BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex, arg);
                case BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot: 
                    return VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node as BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot, arg);
                case BoundKind.ModuleVersionId: 
                    return VisitModuleVersionId(node as BoundModuleVersionId, arg);
                case BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString: 
                    return VisitModuleVersionIdString(node as BoundModuleVersionIdString, arg);
                case BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex: 
                    return VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node as BoundSourceDocumentIndex, arg);
                case BoundKind.MethodInfo: 
                    return VisitMethodInfo(node as BoundMethodInfo, arg);
                case BoundKind.FieldInfo: 
                    return VisitFieldInfo(node as BoundFieldInfo, arg);
7146 7147
                case BoundKind.DefaultExpression: 
                    return VisitDefaultExpression(node as BoundDefaultExpression, arg);
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7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175
                case BoundKind.IsOperator: 
                    return VisitIsOperator(node as BoundIsOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.AsOperator: 
                    return VisitAsOperator(node as BoundAsOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.SizeOfOperator: 
                    return VisitSizeOfOperator(node as BoundSizeOfOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.Conversion: 
                    return VisitConversion(node as BoundConversion, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArgList: 
                    return VisitArgList(node as BoundArgList, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArgListOperator: 
                    return VisitArgListOperator(node as BoundArgListOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.FixedLocalCollectionInitializer: 
                    return VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(node as BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer, arg);
                case BoundKind.SequencePoint: 
                    return VisitSequencePoint(node as BoundSequencePoint, arg);
                case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan: 
                    return VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node as BoundSequencePointWithSpan, arg);
                case BoundKind.Block: 
                    return VisitBlock(node as BoundBlock, arg);
                case BoundKind.Scope: 
                    return VisitScope(node as BoundScope, arg);
                case BoundKind.StateMachineScope: 
                    return VisitStateMachineScope(node as BoundStateMachineScope, arg);
                case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration: 
                    return VisitLocalDeclaration(node as BoundLocalDeclaration, arg);
                case BoundKind.MultipleLocalDeclarations: 
                    return VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(node as BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations, arg);
7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193
                case BoundKind.LocalFunctionStatement: 
                    return VisitLocalFunctionStatement(node as BoundLocalFunctionStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.NoOpStatement: 
                    return VisitNoOpStatement(node as BoundNoOpStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ReturnStatement: 
                    return VisitReturnStatement(node as BoundReturnStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.YieldReturnStatement: 
                    return VisitYieldReturnStatement(node as BoundYieldReturnStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.YieldBreakStatement: 
                    return VisitYieldBreakStatement(node as BoundYieldBreakStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ThrowStatement: 
                    return VisitThrowStatement(node as BoundThrowStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ExpressionStatement: 
                    return VisitExpressionStatement(node as BoundExpressionStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.BreakStatement: 
                    return VisitBreakStatement(node as BoundBreakStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ContinueStatement: 
                    return VisitContinueStatement(node as BoundContinueStatement, arg);
7194 7195
                case BoundKind.SwitchStatement: 
                    return VisitSwitchStatement(node as BoundSwitchStatement, arg);
7196 7197
                case BoundKind.SwitchDispatch: 
                    return VisitSwitchDispatch(node as BoundSwitchDispatch, arg);
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7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249
                case BoundKind.IfStatement: 
                    return VisitIfStatement(node as BoundIfStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.DoStatement: 
                    return VisitDoStatement(node as BoundDoStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.WhileStatement: 
                    return VisitWhileStatement(node as BoundWhileStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ForStatement: 
                    return VisitForStatement(node as BoundForStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ForEachStatement: 
                    return VisitForEachStatement(node as BoundForEachStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.ForEachDeconstructStep: 
                    return VisitForEachDeconstructStep(node as BoundForEachDeconstructStep, arg);
                case BoundKind.UsingStatement: 
                    return VisitUsingStatement(node as BoundUsingStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.FixedStatement: 
                    return VisitFixedStatement(node as BoundFixedStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.LockStatement: 
                    return VisitLockStatement(node as BoundLockStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.TryStatement: 
                    return VisitTryStatement(node as BoundTryStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.CatchBlock: 
                    return VisitCatchBlock(node as BoundCatchBlock, arg);
                case BoundKind.Literal: 
                    return VisitLiteral(node as BoundLiteral, arg);
                case BoundKind.ThisReference: 
                    return VisitThisReference(node as BoundThisReference, arg);
                case BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference: 
                    return VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node as BoundPreviousSubmissionReference, arg);
                case BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference: 
                    return VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node as BoundHostObjectMemberReference, arg);
                case BoundKind.BaseReference: 
                    return VisitBaseReference(node as BoundBaseReference, arg);
                case BoundKind.Local: 
                    return VisitLocal(node as BoundLocal, arg);
                case BoundKind.PseudoVariable: 
                    return VisitPseudoVariable(node as BoundPseudoVariable, arg);
                case BoundKind.RangeVariable: 
                    return VisitRangeVariable(node as BoundRangeVariable, arg);
                case BoundKind.Parameter: 
                    return VisitParameter(node as BoundParameter, arg);
                case BoundKind.LabelStatement: 
                    return VisitLabelStatement(node as BoundLabelStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.GotoStatement: 
                    return VisitGotoStatement(node as BoundGotoStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.LabeledStatement: 
                    return VisitLabeledStatement(node as BoundLabeledStatement, arg);
                case BoundKind.Label: 
                    return VisitLabel(node as BoundLabel, arg);
                case BoundKind.StatementList: 
                    return VisitStatementList(node as BoundStatementList, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConditionalGoto: 
                    return VisitConditionalGoto(node as BoundConditionalGoto, arg);
7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281
                case BoundKind.SwitchExpression: 
                    return VisitSwitchExpression(node as BoundSwitchExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.SwitchExpressionArm: 
                    return VisitSwitchExpressionArm(node as BoundSwitchExpressionArm, arg);
                case BoundKind.DecisionDag: 
                    return VisitDecisionDag(node as BoundDecisionDag, arg);
                case BoundKind.EvaluationDecisionDagNode: 
                    return VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(node as BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode, arg);
                case BoundKind.TestDecisionDagNode: 
                    return VisitTestDecisionDagNode(node as BoundTestDecisionDagNode, arg);
                case BoundKind.WhenDecisionDagNode: 
                    return VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(node as BoundWhenDecisionDagNode, arg);
                case BoundKind.LeafDecisionDagNode: 
                    return VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(node as BoundLeafDecisionDagNode, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagTemp: 
                    return VisitDagTemp(node as BoundDagTemp, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagTypeTest: 
                    return VisitDagTypeTest(node as BoundDagTypeTest, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagNonNullTest: 
                    return VisitDagNonNullTest(node as BoundDagNonNullTest, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagNullTest: 
                    return VisitDagNullTest(node as BoundDagNullTest, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagValueTest: 
                    return VisitDagValueTest(node as BoundDagValueTest, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagDeconstructEvaluation: 
                    return VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(node as BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagTypeEvaluation: 
                    return VisitDagTypeEvaluation(node as BoundDagTypeEvaluation, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagFieldEvaluation: 
                    return VisitDagFieldEvaluation(node as BoundDagFieldEvaluation, arg);
                case BoundKind.DagPropertyEvaluation: 
                    return VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(node as BoundDagPropertyEvaluation, arg);
7282 7283
                case BoundKind.SwitchSection: 
                    return VisitSwitchSection(node as BoundSwitchSection, arg);
7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291
                case BoundKind.PatternSwitchLabel: 
                    return VisitPatternSwitchLabel(node as BoundPatternSwitchLabel, arg);
                case BoundKind.SequencePointExpression: 
                    return VisitSequencePointExpression(node as BoundSequencePointExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.Sequence: 
                    return VisitSequence(node as BoundSequence, arg);
                case BoundKind.SpillSequence: 
                    return VisitSpillSequence(node as BoundSpillSequence, arg);
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7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351
                case BoundKind.DynamicMemberAccess: 
                    return VisitDynamicMemberAccess(node as BoundDynamicMemberAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.DynamicInvocation: 
                    return VisitDynamicInvocation(node as BoundDynamicInvocation, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConditionalAccess: 
                    return VisitConditionalAccess(node as BoundConditionalAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.LoweredConditionalAccess: 
                    return VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node as BoundLoweredConditionalAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConditionalReceiver: 
                    return VisitConditionalReceiver(node as BoundConditionalReceiver, arg);
                case BoundKind.ComplexConditionalReceiver: 
                    return VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(node as BoundComplexConditionalReceiver, arg);
                case BoundKind.MethodGroup: 
                    return VisitMethodGroup(node as BoundMethodGroup, arg);
                case BoundKind.PropertyGroup: 
                    return VisitPropertyGroup(node as BoundPropertyGroup, arg);
                case BoundKind.Call: 
                    return VisitCall(node as BoundCall, arg);
                case BoundKind.EventAssignmentOperator: 
                    return VisitEventAssignmentOperator(node as BoundEventAssignmentOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.Attribute: 
                    return VisitAttribute(node as BoundAttribute, arg);
                case BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression: 
                    return VisitObjectCreationExpression(node as BoundObjectCreationExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.TupleLiteral: 
                    return VisitTupleLiteral(node as BoundTupleLiteral, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral: 
                    return VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node as BoundConvertedTupleLiteral, arg);
                case BoundKind.DynamicObjectCreationExpression: 
                    return VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(node as BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.NoPiaObjectCreationExpression: 
                    return VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node as BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression: 
                    return VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node as BoundObjectInitializerExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.ObjectInitializerMember: 
                    return VisitObjectInitializerMember(node as BoundObjectInitializerMember, arg);
                case BoundKind.DynamicObjectInitializerMember: 
                    return VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(node as BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember, arg);
                case BoundKind.CollectionInitializerExpression: 
                    return VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node as BoundCollectionInitializerExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.CollectionElementInitializer: 
                    return VisitCollectionElementInitializer(node as BoundCollectionElementInitializer, arg);
                case BoundKind.DynamicCollectionElementInitializer: 
                    return VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(node as BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer, arg);
                case BoundKind.ImplicitReceiver: 
                    return VisitImplicitReceiver(node as BoundImplicitReceiver, arg);
                case BoundKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression: 
                    return VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(node as BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.AnonymousPropertyDeclaration: 
                    return VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(node as BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration, arg);
                case BoundKind.NewT: 
                    return VisitNewT(node as BoundNewT, arg);
                case BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression: 
                    return VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node as BoundDelegateCreationExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArrayCreation: 
                    return VisitArrayCreation(node as BoundArrayCreation, arg);
                case BoundKind.ArrayInitialization: 
                    return VisitArrayInitialization(node as BoundArrayInitialization, arg);
                case BoundKind.StackAllocArrayCreation: 
                    return VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(node as BoundStackAllocArrayCreation, arg);
7352 7353
                case BoundKind.ConvertedStackAllocExpression: 
                    return VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(node as BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression, arg);
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7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383
                case BoundKind.FieldAccess: 
                    return VisitFieldAccess(node as BoundFieldAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.HoistedFieldAccess: 
                    return VisitHoistedFieldAccess(node as BoundHoistedFieldAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.PropertyAccess: 
                    return VisitPropertyAccess(node as BoundPropertyAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.EventAccess: 
                    return VisitEventAccess(node as BoundEventAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.IndexerAccess: 
                    return VisitIndexerAccess(node as BoundIndexerAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.DynamicIndexerAccess: 
                    return VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(node as BoundDynamicIndexerAccess, arg);
                case BoundKind.Lambda: 
                    return VisitLambda(node as BoundLambda, arg);
                case BoundKind.UnboundLambda: 
                    return VisitUnboundLambda(node as UnboundLambda, arg);
                case BoundKind.QueryClause: 
                    return VisitQueryClause(node as BoundQueryClause, arg);
                case BoundKind.TypeOrInstanceInitializers: 
                    return VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(node as BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers, arg);
                case BoundKind.NameOfOperator: 
                    return VisitNameOfOperator(node as BoundNameOfOperator, arg);
                case BoundKind.InterpolatedString: 
                    return VisitInterpolatedString(node as BoundInterpolatedString, arg);
                case BoundKind.StringInsert: 
                    return VisitStringInsert(node as BoundStringInsert, arg);
                case BoundKind.IsPatternExpression: 
                    return VisitIsPatternExpression(node as BoundIsPatternExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConstantPattern: 
                    return VisitConstantPattern(node as BoundConstantPattern, arg);
7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389
                case BoundKind.DiscardPattern: 
                    return VisitDiscardPattern(node as BoundDiscardPattern, arg);
                case BoundKind.DeclarationPattern: 
                    return VisitDeclarationPattern(node as BoundDeclarationPattern, arg);
                case BoundKind.RecursivePattern: 
                    return VisitRecursivePattern(node as BoundRecursivePattern, arg);
7390 7391
                case BoundKind.Subpattern: 
                    return VisitSubpattern(node as BoundSubpattern, arg);
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7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401
                case BoundKind.DiscardExpression: 
                    return VisitDiscardExpression(node as BoundDiscardExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.ThrowExpression: 
                    return VisitThrowExpression(node as BoundThrowExpression, arg);
                case BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference: 
                    return VisitOutVariablePendingInference(node as OutVariablePendingInference, arg);
                case BoundKind.DeconstructionVariablePendingInference: 
                    return VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(node as DeconstructionVariablePendingInference, arg);
                case BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference: 
                    return VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(node as OutDeconstructVarPendingInference, arg);
7402 7403 7404 7405
                case BoundKind.NonConstructorMethodBody: 
                    return VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(node as BoundNonConstructorMethodBody, arg);
                case BoundKind.ConstructorMethodBody: 
                    return VisitConstructorMethodBody(node as BoundConstructorMethodBody, arg);
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7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433

            return default(R);

    internal abstract partial class BoundTreeVisitor<A,R>
        public virtual R VisitFieldEqualsValue(BoundFieldEqualsValue node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPropertyEqualsValue(BoundPropertyEqualsValue node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitParameterEqualsValue(BoundParameterEqualsValue node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(BoundGlobalStatementInitializer node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7434 7435 7436 7437
        public virtual R VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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7438 7439 7440 7441
        public virtual R VisitDup(BoundDup node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7442 7443 7444 7445
        public virtual R VisitPassByCopy(BoundPassByCopy node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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7446 7447 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501
        public virtual R VisitBadExpression(BoundBadExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitBadStatement(BoundBadStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTypeExpression(BoundTypeExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTypeOrValueExpression(BoundTypeOrValueExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNamespaceExpression(BoundNamespaceExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitUnaryOperator(BoundUnaryOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAddressOfOperator(BoundAddressOfOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(BoundPointerIndirectionOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPointerElementAccess(BoundPointerElementAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitRefTypeOperator(BoundRefTypeOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMakeRefOperator(BoundMakeRefOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitRefValueOperator(BoundRefValueOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7502 7503 7504 7505
        public virtual R VisitTupleBinaryOperator(BoundTupleBinaryOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577
        public virtual R VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNullCoalescingOperator(BoundNullCoalescingOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConditionalOperator(BoundConditionalOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArrayAccess(BoundArrayAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArrayLength(BoundArrayLength node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAwaitExpression(BoundAwaitExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTypeOfOperator(BoundTypeOfOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMethodDefIndex(BoundMethodDefIndex node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitModuleVersionId(BoundModuleVersionId node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitModuleVersionIdString(BoundModuleVersionIdString node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSourceDocumentIndex(BoundSourceDocumentIndex node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMethodInfo(BoundMethodInfo node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitFieldInfo(BoundFieldInfo node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDefaultExpression(BoundDefaultExpression node, A arg)
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7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAsOperator(BoundAsOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSizeOfOperator(BoundSizeOfOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConversion(BoundConversion node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArgList(BoundArgList node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArgListOperator(BoundArgListOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSequencePointWithSpan(BoundSequencePointWithSpan node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitBlock(BoundBlock node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitScope(BoundScope node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666
        public virtual R VisitStateMachineScope(BoundStateMachineScope node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLocalDeclaration(BoundLocalDeclaration node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLocalFunctionStatement(BoundLocalFunctionStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNoOpStatement(BoundNoOpStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitReturnStatement(BoundReturnStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitYieldReturnStatement(BoundYieldReturnStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitThrowStatement(BoundThrowStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitExpressionStatement(BoundExpressionStatement node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitBreakStatement(BoundBreakStatement node, A arg)
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7667 7668 7669
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitContinueStatement(BoundContinueStatement node, A arg)
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7671 7672 7673
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node, A arg)
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7675 7676 7677
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSwitchDispatch(BoundSwitchDispatch node, A arg)
7679 7680 7681
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitIfStatement(BoundIfStatement node, A arg)
7683 7684 7685
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node, A arg)
7687 7688 7689
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitWhileStatement(BoundWhileStatement node, A arg)
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7691 7692 7693
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitForStatement(BoundForStatement node, A arg)
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7695 7696 7697
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node, A arg)
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7699 7700 7701
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitForEachDeconstructStep(BoundForEachDeconstructStep node, A arg)
7703 7704 7705
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node, A arg)
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7707 7708 7709
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitFixedStatement(BoundFixedStatement node, A arg)
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7711 7712 7713
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLockStatement(BoundLockStatement node, A arg)
7715 7716 7717
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node, A arg)
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7719 7720 7721
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitCatchBlock(BoundCatchBlock node, A arg)
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7723 7724 7725
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLiteral(BoundLiteral node, A arg)
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7727 7728 7729
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitThisReference(BoundThisReference node, A arg)
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7731 7732 7733
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(BoundPreviousSubmissionReference node, A arg)
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7735 7736 7737
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitHostObjectMemberReference(BoundHostObjectMemberReference node, A arg)
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7739 7740 7741
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitBaseReference(BoundBaseReference node, A arg)
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7743 7744 7745
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLocal(BoundLocal node, A arg)
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7747 7748 7749
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPseudoVariable(BoundPseudoVariable node, A arg)
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7751 7752 7753
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node, A arg)
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7755 7756 7757
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitParameter(BoundParameter node, A arg)
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7759 7760 7761
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLabelStatement(BoundLabelStatement node, A arg)
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7763 7764 7765
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitGotoStatement(BoundGotoStatement node, A arg)
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7767 7768 7769
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLabeledStatement(BoundLabeledStatement node, A arg)
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7771 7772 7773
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLabel(BoundLabel node, A arg)
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7775 7776 7777
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitStatementList(BoundStatementList node, A arg)
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7779 7780 7781
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConditionalGoto(BoundConditionalGoto node, A arg)
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7783 7784 7785
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSwitchExpression(BoundSwitchExpression node, A arg)
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7787 7788 7789
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSwitchExpressionArm(BoundSwitchExpressionArm node, A arg)
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7791 7792 7793
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDecisionDag(BoundDecisionDag node, A arg)
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7795 7796 7797
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode node, A arg)
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7799 7800 7801
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTestDecisionDagNode(BoundTestDecisionDagNode node, A arg)
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7803 7804 7805
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode node, A arg)
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7807 7808 7809
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(BoundLeafDecisionDagNode node, A arg)
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7811 7812 7813
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagTemp(BoundDagTemp node, A arg)
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7815 7816 7817
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagTypeTest(BoundDagTypeTest node, A arg)
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7819 7820 7821
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagNonNullTest(BoundDagNonNullTest node, A arg)
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7823 7824 7825
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagNullTest(BoundDagNullTest node, A arg)
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7827 7828 7829
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagValueTest(BoundDagValueTest node, A arg)
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7831 7832 7833
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation node, A arg)
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7835 7836 7837
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagTypeEvaluation(BoundDagTypeEvaluation node, A arg)
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7839 7840 7841
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagFieldEvaluation(BoundDagFieldEvaluation node, A arg)
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7843 7844 7845
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(BoundDagPropertyEvaluation node, A arg)
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7847 7848 7849
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSwitchSection(BoundSwitchSection node, A arg)
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7851 7852 7853
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866
        public virtual R VisitPatternSwitchLabel(BoundPatternSwitchLabel node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSequencePointExpression(BoundSequencePointExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSequence(BoundSequence node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitSpillSequence(BoundSpillSequence node, A arg)
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7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicMemberAccess(BoundDynamicMemberAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicInvocation(BoundDynamicInvocation node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(BoundLoweredConditionalAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConditionalReceiver(BoundConditionalReceiver node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(BoundComplexConditionalReceiver node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitMethodGroup(BoundMethodGroup node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPropertyGroup(BoundPropertyGroup node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitCall(BoundCall node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitEventAssignmentOperator(BoundEventAssignmentOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAttribute(BoundAttribute node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitObjectCreationExpression(BoundObjectCreationExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitObjectInitializerExpression(BoundObjectInitializerExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitObjectInitializerMember(BoundObjectInitializerMember node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(BoundCollectionInitializerExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitCollectionElementInitializer(BoundCollectionElementInitializer node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitImplicitReceiver(BoundImplicitReceiver node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNewT(BoundNewT node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDelegateCreationExpression(BoundDelegateCreationExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArrayCreation(BoundArrayCreation node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitArrayInitialization(BoundArrayInitialization node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundStackAllocArrayCreation node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
7990 7991 7992 7993
        public virtual R VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049
        public virtual R VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitHoistedFieldAccess(BoundHoistedFieldAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitEventAccess(BoundEventAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitIndexerAccess(BoundIndexerAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicIndexerAccess node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitLambda(BoundLambda node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitUnboundLambda(UnboundLambda node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitQueryClause(BoundQueryClause node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitNameOfOperator(BoundNameOfOperator node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitInterpolatedString(BoundInterpolatedString node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitStringInsert(BoundStringInsert node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitIsPatternExpression(BoundIsPatternExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConstantPattern(BoundConstantPattern node, A arg)
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8051 8052 8053
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
8054 8055 8056 8057 8058
        public virtual R VisitDiscardPattern(BoundDiscardPattern node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDeclarationPattern(BoundDeclarationPattern node, A arg)
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8059 8060 8061
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitRecursivePattern(BoundRecursivePattern node, A arg)
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8063 8064 8065
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
8066 8067 8068 8069
        public virtual R VisitSubpattern(BoundSubpattern node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089
        public virtual R VisitDiscardExpression(BoundDiscardExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitThrowExpression(BoundThrowExpression node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitOutVariablePendingInference(OutVariablePendingInference node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(DeconstructionVariablePendingInference node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(OutDeconstructVarPendingInference node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097
        public virtual R VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(BoundNonConstructorMethodBody node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
        public virtual R VisitConstructorMethodBody(BoundConstructorMethodBody node, A arg)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node, arg);
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8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121

    internal abstract partial class BoundTreeVisitor
        public virtual BoundNode VisitFieldEqualsValue(BoundFieldEqualsValue node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPropertyEqualsValue(BoundPropertyEqualsValue node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitParameterEqualsValue(BoundParameterEqualsValue node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(BoundGlobalStatementInitializer node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8122 8123 8124 8125
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8126 8127 8128 8129
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDup(BoundDup node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8130 8131 8132 8133
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPassByCopy(BoundPassByCopy node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 8171 8172 8173 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBadExpression(BoundBadExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBadStatement(BoundBadStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTypeExpression(BoundTypeExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTypeOrValueExpression(BoundTypeOrValueExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNamespaceExpression(BoundNamespaceExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitUnaryOperator(BoundUnaryOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAddressOfOperator(BoundAddressOfOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(BoundPointerIndirectionOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPointerElementAccess(BoundPointerElementAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitRefTypeOperator(BoundRefTypeOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMakeRefOperator(BoundMakeRefOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitRefValueOperator(BoundRefValueOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8190 8191 8192 8193
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTupleBinaryOperator(BoundTupleBinaryOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265
        public virtual BoundNode VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNullCoalescingOperator(BoundNullCoalescingOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConditionalOperator(BoundConditionalOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArrayAccess(BoundArrayAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArrayLength(BoundArrayLength node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAwaitExpression(BoundAwaitExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTypeOfOperator(BoundTypeOfOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMethodDefIndex(BoundMethodDefIndex node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitModuleVersionId(BoundModuleVersionId node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitModuleVersionIdString(BoundModuleVersionIdString node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSourceDocumentIndex(BoundSourceDocumentIndex node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMethodInfo(BoundMethodInfo node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitFieldInfo(BoundFieldInfo node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDefaultExpression(BoundDefaultExpression node)
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8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAsOperator(BoundAsOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSizeOfOperator(BoundSizeOfOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConversion(BoundConversion node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArgList(BoundArgList node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArgListOperator(BoundArgListOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSequencePointWithSpan(BoundSequencePointWithSpan node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitScope(BoundScope node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitStateMachineScope(BoundStateMachineScope node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLocalDeclaration(BoundLocalDeclaration node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLocalFunctionStatement(BoundLocalFunctionStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNoOpStatement(BoundNoOpStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitReturnStatement(BoundReturnStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitYieldReturnStatement(BoundYieldReturnStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitThrowStatement(BoundThrowStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitExpressionStatement(BoundExpressionStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBreakStatement(BoundBreakStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitContinueStatement(BoundContinueStatement node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
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8363 8364 8365
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSwitchDispatch(BoundSwitchDispatch node)
8367 8368 8369
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitIfStatement(BoundIfStatement node)
8371 8372 8373
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node)
8375 8376 8377
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitWhileStatement(BoundWhileStatement node)
8379 8380 8381
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitForStatement(BoundForStatement node)
8383 8384 8385
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
8387 8388 8389
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitForEachDeconstructStep(BoundForEachDeconstructStep node)
8391 8392 8393
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node)
8395 8396 8397
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitFixedStatement(BoundFixedStatement node)
8399 8400 8401
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLockStatement(BoundLockStatement node)
8403 8404 8405
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node)
8407 8408 8409
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitCatchBlock(BoundCatchBlock node)
8411 8412 8413
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLiteral(BoundLiteral node)
8415 8416 8417
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitThisReference(BoundThisReference node)
8419 8420 8421
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(BoundPreviousSubmissionReference node)
8423 8424 8425
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitHostObjectMemberReference(BoundHostObjectMemberReference node)
8427 8428 8429
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitBaseReference(BoundBaseReference node)
8431 8432 8433
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLocal(BoundLocal node)
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8435 8436 8437
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPseudoVariable(BoundPseudoVariable node)
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8439 8440 8441
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node)
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8443 8444 8445
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitParameter(BoundParameter node)
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8447 8448 8449
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLabelStatement(BoundLabelStatement node)
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8451 8452 8453
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitGotoStatement(BoundGotoStatement node)
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8455 8456 8457
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLabeledStatement(BoundLabeledStatement node)
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8459 8460 8461
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLabel(BoundLabel node)
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8463 8464 8465
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitStatementList(BoundStatementList node)
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8467 8468 8469
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConditionalGoto(BoundConditionalGoto node)
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8471 8472 8473
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSwitchExpression(BoundSwitchExpression node)
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8475 8476 8477
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8478 8479 8480 8481 8482 8483 8484 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSwitchExpressionArm(BoundSwitchExpressionArm node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDecisionDag(BoundDecisionDag node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTestDecisionDagNode(BoundTestDecisionDagNode node)
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8491 8492 8493
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode node)
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8495 8496 8497
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(BoundLeafDecisionDagNode node)
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8499 8500 8501
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagTemp(BoundDagTemp node)
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8503 8504 8505
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagTypeTest(BoundDagTypeTest node)
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8507 8508 8509
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagNonNullTest(BoundDagNonNullTest node)
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8511 8512 8513
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagNullTest(BoundDagNullTest node)
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8515 8516 8517
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagValueTest(BoundDagValueTest node)
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8519 8520 8521
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation node)
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8523 8524 8525
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagTypeEvaluation(BoundDagTypeEvaluation node)
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8527 8528 8529
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagFieldEvaluation(BoundDagFieldEvaluation node)
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8531 8532 8533
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(BoundDagPropertyEvaluation node)
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8535 8536 8537
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSwitchSection(BoundSwitchSection node)
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8539 8540 8541
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPatternSwitchLabel(BoundPatternSwitchLabel node)
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8543 8544 8545
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSequencePointExpression(BoundSequencePointExpression node)
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8547 8548 8549
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSequence(BoundSequence node)
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8551 8552 8553
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSpillSequence(BoundSpillSequence node)
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8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 8561 8562 8563 8564 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicMemberAccess(BoundDynamicMemberAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicInvocation(BoundDynamicInvocation node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(BoundLoweredConditionalAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConditionalReceiver(BoundConditionalReceiver node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(BoundComplexConditionalReceiver node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitMethodGroup(BoundMethodGroup node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPropertyGroup(BoundPropertyGroup node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitCall(BoundCall node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitEventAssignmentOperator(BoundEventAssignmentOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAttribute(BoundAttribute node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitObjectCreationExpression(BoundObjectCreationExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerExpression(BoundObjectInitializerExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerMember(BoundObjectInitializerMember node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(BoundCollectionInitializerExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitCollectionElementInitializer(BoundCollectionElementInitializer node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitImplicitReceiver(BoundImplicitReceiver node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNewT(BoundNewT node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDelegateCreationExpression(BoundDelegateCreationExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArrayCreation(BoundArrayCreation node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitArrayInitialization(BoundArrayInitialization node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundStackAllocArrayCreation node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8678 8679 8680 8681
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737
        public virtual BoundNode VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitHoistedFieldAccess(BoundHoistedFieldAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitEventAccess(BoundEventAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitIndexerAccess(BoundIndexerAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicIndexerAccess node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitLambda(BoundLambda node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitUnboundLambda(UnboundLambda node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitQueryClause(BoundQueryClause node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNameOfOperator(BoundNameOfOperator node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitInterpolatedString(BoundInterpolatedString node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitStringInsert(BoundStringInsert node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitIsPatternExpression(BoundIsPatternExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConstantPattern(BoundConstantPattern node)
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8739 8740 8741
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8742 8743 8744 8745 8746
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDiscardPattern(BoundDiscardPattern node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDeclarationPattern(BoundDeclarationPattern node)
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8747 8748 8749
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitRecursivePattern(BoundRecursivePattern node)
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8751 8752 8753
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8754 8755 8756 8757
        public virtual BoundNode VisitSubpattern(BoundSubpattern node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8758 8759 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 8777
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDiscardExpression(BoundDiscardExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitThrowExpression(BoundThrowExpression node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitOutVariablePendingInference(OutVariablePendingInference node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(DeconstructionVariablePendingInference node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(OutDeconstructVarPendingInference node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785
        public virtual BoundNode VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(BoundNonConstructorMethodBody node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
        public virtual BoundNode VisitConstructorMethodBody(BoundConstructorMethodBody node)
            return this.DefaultVisit(node);
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8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813

    internal abstract partial class BoundTreeWalker: BoundTreeVisitor
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldEqualsValue(BoundFieldEqualsValue node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyEqualsValue(BoundPropertyEqualsValue node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitParameterEqualsValue(BoundParameterEqualsValue node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(BoundGlobalStatementInitializer node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder node)
            return null;
8814 8815 8816 8817
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder node)
            return null;
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8818 8819 8820 8821
        public override BoundNode VisitDup(BoundDup node)
            return null;
8822 8823 8824 8825 8826
        public override BoundNode VisitPassByCopy(BoundPassByCopy node)
            return null;
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8827 8828 8829 8830 8831 8832 8833 8834 8835 8836 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8865 8866 8867 8868 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896
        public override BoundNode VisitBadExpression(BoundBadExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitBadStatement(BoundBadStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeExpression(BoundTypeExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOrValueExpression(BoundTypeOrValueExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNamespaceExpression(BoundNamespaceExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitUnaryOperator(BoundUnaryOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAddressOfOperator(BoundAddressOfOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(BoundPointerIndirectionOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPointerElementAccess(BoundPointerElementAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitRefTypeOperator(BoundRefTypeOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMakeRefOperator(BoundMakeRefOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitRefValueOperator(BoundRefValueOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node)
            return null;
8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleBinaryOperator(BoundTupleBinaryOperator node)
            return null;
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8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 8961 8962 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992
        public override BoundNode VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNullCoalescingOperator(BoundNullCoalescingOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalOperator(BoundConditionalOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayAccess(BoundArrayAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayLength(BoundArrayLength node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAwaitExpression(BoundAwaitExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOfOperator(BoundTypeOfOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodDefIndex(BoundMethodDefIndex node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitModuleVersionId(BoundModuleVersionId node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitModuleVersionIdString(BoundModuleVersionIdString node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSourceDocumentIndex(BoundSourceDocumentIndex node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodInfo(BoundMethodInfo node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldInfo(BoundFieldInfo node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDefaultExpression(BoundDefaultExpression node)
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8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAsOperator(BoundAsOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSizeOfOperator(BoundSizeOfOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConversion(BoundConversion node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArgList(BoundArgList node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArgListOperator(BoundArgListOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePointWithSpan(BoundSequencePointWithSpan node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitScope(BoundScope node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitStateMachineScope(BoundStateMachineScope node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLocalDeclaration(BoundLocalDeclaration node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLocalFunctionStatement(BoundLocalFunctionStatement node)
9072 9073
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9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 9095 9096 9097 9098 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNoOpStatement(BoundNoOpStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitReturnStatement(BoundReturnStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitYieldReturnStatement(BoundYieldReturnStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitThrowStatement(BoundThrowStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitExpressionStatement(BoundExpressionStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitBreakStatement(BoundBreakStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitContinueStatement(BoundContinueStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchDispatch(BoundSwitchDispatch node)
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9122 9123
            return null;
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9124 9125 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153
        public override BoundNode VisitIfStatement(BoundIfStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitWhileStatement(BoundWhileStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitForStatement(BoundForStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
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9155 9156 9157 9158 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9187 9188 9189 9190 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitForEachDeconstructStep(BoundForEachDeconstructStep node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitFixedStatement(BoundFixedStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLockStatement(BoundLockStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitCatchBlock(BoundCatchBlock node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLiteral(BoundLiteral node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitThisReference(BoundThisReference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(BoundPreviousSubmissionReference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitHostObjectMemberReference(BoundHostObjectMemberReference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitBaseReference(BoundBaseReference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLocal(BoundLocal node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPseudoVariable(BoundPseudoVariable node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitParameter(BoundParameter node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLabelStatement(BoundLabelStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitGotoStatement(BoundGotoStatement node)
            return null;
9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350
        public override BoundNode VisitLabeledStatement(BoundLabeledStatement node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLabel(BoundLabel node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitStatementList(BoundStatementList node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalGoto(BoundConditionalGoto node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchExpression(BoundSwitchExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchExpressionArm(BoundSwitchExpressionArm node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDecisionDag(BoundDecisionDag node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTestDecisionDagNode(BoundTestDecisionDagNode node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(BoundLeafDecisionDagNode node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTemp(BoundDagTemp node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTypeTest(BoundDagTypeTest node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagNonNullTest(BoundDagNonNullTest node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagNullTest(BoundDagNullTest node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagValueTest(BoundDagValueTest node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTypeEvaluation(BoundDagTypeEvaluation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagFieldEvaluation(BoundDagFieldEvaluation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(BoundDagPropertyEvaluation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchSection(BoundSwitchSection node)
9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9357
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPatternSwitchLabel(BoundPatternSwitchLabel node)
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9359 9360
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9361 9362
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePointExpression(BoundSequencePointExpression node)
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9366 9367
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSequence(BoundSequence node)
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9370 9371
DotNet Bot 已提交
9372 9373
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitSpillSequence(BoundSpillSequence node)
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9376 9377
DotNet Bot 已提交
9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 9440 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 9471 9472 9473 9474 9475 9476 9477 9478 9479 9480 9481 9482 9483 9484 9485 9486 9487 9488 9489 9490
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicMemberAccess(BoundDynamicMemberAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicInvocation(BoundDynamicInvocation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(BoundLoweredConditionalAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalReceiver(BoundConditionalReceiver node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(BoundComplexConditionalReceiver node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodGroup(BoundMethodGroup node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyGroup(BoundPropertyGroup node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitCall(BoundCall node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitEventAssignmentOperator(BoundEventAssignmentOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAttribute(BoundAttribute node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectCreationExpression(BoundObjectCreationExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerExpression(BoundObjectInitializerExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerMember(BoundObjectInitializerMember node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(BoundCollectionInitializerExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitCollectionElementInitializer(BoundCollectionElementInitializer node)
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9492 9493 9494 9495 9496
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer node)
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9498 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 9516 9517 9518 9519 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 9536 9537
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitImplicitReceiver(BoundImplicitReceiver node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNewT(BoundNewT node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDelegateCreationExpression(BoundDelegateCreationExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayCreation(BoundArrayCreation node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayInitialization(BoundArrayInitialization node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundStackAllocArrayCreation node)
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9539 9540
            return null;
9541 9542 9543
        public override BoundNode VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression node)
9545 9546
            return null;
DotNet Bot 已提交
9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9567 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 9573 9574 9575 9576 9577 9578 9579 9580 9581 9582 9583 9584 9585 9586 9587 9588 9589 9590 9591 9592 9593 9594 9595 9596 9597 9598 9599 9600 9601 9602 9603 9604 9605 9606 9607 9608 9609 9610 9611 9612 9613 9614 9615 9616 9617 9618 9619
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitHoistedFieldAccess(BoundHoistedFieldAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitEventAccess(BoundEventAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitIndexerAccess(BoundIndexerAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicIndexerAccess node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitLambda(BoundLambda node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitUnboundLambda(UnboundLambda node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitQueryClause(BoundQueryClause node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitNameOfOperator(BoundNameOfOperator node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitInterpolatedString(BoundInterpolatedString node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitStringInsert(BoundStringInsert node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitIsPatternExpression(BoundIsPatternExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConstantPattern(BoundConstantPattern node)
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9623 9624
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDiscardPattern(BoundDiscardPattern node)
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9626 9627 9628
            return null;
9629 9630 9631 9632 9633 9634 9635
        public override BoundNode VisitDeclarationPattern(BoundDeclarationPattern node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitRecursivePattern(BoundRecursivePattern node)
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9637 9638
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9641 9642
            return null;
9643 9644 9645 9646 9647
        public override BoundNode VisitSubpattern(BoundSubpattern node)
            return null;
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9648 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 9657 9658 9659 9660 9661 9662 9663 9664 9665 9666 9667 9668 9669 9670
        public override BoundNode VisitDiscardExpression(BoundDiscardExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitThrowExpression(BoundThrowExpression node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitOutVariablePendingInference(OutVariablePendingInference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(DeconstructionVariablePendingInference node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(OutDeconstructVarPendingInference node)
            return null;
9671 9672 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683
        public override BoundNode VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(BoundNonConstructorMethodBody node)
            return null;
        public override BoundNode VisitConstructorMethodBody(BoundConstructorMethodBody node)
            return null;
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9684 9685 9686 9687 9688 9689 9690

    internal abstract partial class BoundTreeRewriter : BoundTreeVisitor
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldEqualsValue(BoundFieldEqualsValue node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            return node.Update(node.Field, node.Locals, value);
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9692 9693 9694 9695
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyEqualsValue(BoundPropertyEqualsValue node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            return node.Update(node.Property, node.Locals, value);
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9697 9698 9699 9700
        public override BoundNode VisitParameterEqualsValue(BoundParameterEqualsValue node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            return node.Update(node.Parameter, node.Locals, value);
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9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9707 9708 9709 9710
        public override BoundNode VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(BoundGlobalStatementInitializer node)
            BoundStatement statement = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Statement);
            return node.Update(statement);
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ValEscape, type);
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9713 9714 9715 9716 9717
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
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9718 9719 9720 9721 9722
        public override BoundNode VisitDup(BoundDup node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.RefKind, type);
9723 9724 9725 9726 9727 9728
        public override BoundNode VisitPassByCopy(BoundPassByCopy node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, type);
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9729 9730
        public override BoundNode VisitBadExpression(BoundBadExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> childBoundNodes = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.ChildBoundNodes);
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9732 9733 9734 9735 9736 9737 9738 9739 9740 9741 9742 9743 9744 9745 9746 9747 9748 9749 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ResultKind, node.Symbols, childBoundNodes, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitBadStatement(BoundBadStatement node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundNode> childBoundNodes = (ImmutableArray<BoundNode>)this.VisitList(node.ChildBoundNodes);
            return node.Update(childBoundNodes);
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeExpression(BoundTypeExpression node)
            BoundTypeExpression boundContainingTypeOpt = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.BoundContainingTypeOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.AliasOpt, node.InferredType, boundContainingTypeOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOrValueExpression(BoundTypeOrValueExpression node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Data, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitNamespaceExpression(BoundNamespaceExpression node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.NamespaceSymbol, node.AliasOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitUnaryOperator(BoundUnaryOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, operand, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.MethodOpt, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, operand, node.MethodOpt, node.OperandConversion, node.ResultConversion, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAddressOfOperator(BoundAddressOfOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, node.IsManaged, type);
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9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811
        public override BoundNode VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(BoundPointerIndirectionOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitPointerElementAccess(BoundPointerElementAccess node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            BoundExpression index = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Index);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, index, node.Checked, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitRefTypeOperator(BoundRefTypeOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, node.GetTypeFromHandle, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitMakeRefOperator(BoundMakeRefOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitRefValueOperator(BoundRefValueOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node)
            BoundExpression left = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundExpression right = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Right);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, left, right, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.MethodOpt, node.ResultKind, type);
9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleBinaryOperator(BoundTupleBinaryOperator node)
            BoundExpression left = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundExpression right = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Right);
            BoundExpression convertedLeft = node.ConvertedLeft;
            BoundExpression convertedRight = node.ConvertedRight;
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(left, right, convertedLeft, convertedRight, node.OperatorKind, node.Operators, type);
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9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839
        public override BoundNode VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node)
            BoundExpression left = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundExpression right = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Right);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, left, right, node.LogicalOperator, node.TrueOperator, node.FalseOperator, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator node)
            BoundExpression left = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundExpression right = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Right);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Operator, left, right, node.LeftConversion, node.FinalConversion, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node)
            BoundExpression left = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundExpression right = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Right);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(left, right, node.IsRef, type);
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9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator node)
            BoundTupleExpression left = (BoundTupleExpression)this.Visit(node.Left);
            BoundConversion right = (BoundConversion)this.Visit(node.Right);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(left, right, node.IsUsed, type);
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9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 9860 9861
        public override BoundNode VisitNullCoalescingOperator(BoundNullCoalescingOperator node)
            BoundExpression leftOperand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.LeftOperand);
            BoundExpression rightOperand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.RightOperand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(leftOperand, rightOperand, node.LeftConversion, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalOperator(BoundConditionalOperator node)
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            BoundExpression consequence = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Consequence);
            BoundExpression alternative = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Alternative);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.IsRef, condition, consequence, alternative, node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
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9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayAccess(BoundArrayAccess node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> indices = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Indices);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, indices, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayLength(BoundArrayLength node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAwaitExpression(BoundAwaitExpression node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, node.GetAwaiter, node.IsCompleted, node.GetResult, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOfOperator(BoundTypeOfOperator node)
            BoundTypeExpression sourceType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.SourceType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(sourceType, node.GetTypeFromHandle, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodDefIndex(BoundMethodDefIndex node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Method, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.AnalysisKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitModuleVersionId(BoundModuleVersionId node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitModuleVersionIdString(BoundModuleVersionIdString node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitSourceDocumentIndex(BoundSourceDocumentIndex node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Document, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodInfo(BoundMethodInfo node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Method, node.GetMethodFromHandle, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldInfo(BoundFieldInfo node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Field, node.GetFieldFromHandle, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitDefaultExpression(BoundDefaultExpression node)
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9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9951 9952 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 9968 9969 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            BoundTypeExpression targetType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.TargetType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, targetType, node.Conversion, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAsOperator(BoundAsOperator node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            BoundTypeExpression targetType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.TargetType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, targetType, node.Conversion, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitSizeOfOperator(BoundSizeOfOperator node)
            BoundTypeExpression sourceType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.SourceType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(sourceType, node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitConversion(BoundConversion node)
            BoundExpression operand = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Operand);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(operand, node.Conversion, node.IsBaseConversion, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitArgList(BoundArgList node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitArgListOperator(BoundArgListOperator node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(arguments, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            TypeSymbol elementPointerType = this.VisitType(node.ElementPointerType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
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            return node.Update(elementPointerType, node.ElementPointerTypeConversion, expression, node.GetPinnableOpt, type);
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9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016
        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node)
            BoundStatement statementOpt = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.StatementOpt);
            return node.Update(statementOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePointWithSpan(BoundSequencePointWithSpan node)
            BoundStatement statementOpt = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.StatementOpt);
            return node.Update(statementOpt, node.Span);
        public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.Statements);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, node.LocalFunctions, statements);
        public override BoundNode VisitScope(BoundScope node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.Statements);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, statements);
        public override BoundNode VisitStateMachineScope(BoundStateMachineScope node)
            BoundStatement statement = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Statement);
            return node.Update(node.Fields, statement);
        public override BoundNode VisitLocalDeclaration(BoundLocalDeclaration node)
            BoundTypeExpression declaredType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.DeclaredType);
            BoundExpression initializerOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.InitializerOpt);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> argumentsOpt = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.ArgumentsOpt);
            return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, declaredType, initializerOpt, argumentsOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundLocalDeclaration> localDeclarations = (ImmutableArray<BoundLocalDeclaration>)this.VisitList(node.LocalDeclarations);
            return node.Update(localDeclarations);
        public override BoundNode VisitLocalFunctionStatement(BoundLocalFunctionStatement node)
10017 10018 10019
            BoundBlock blockBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.BlockBody);
            BoundBlock expressionBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.ExpressionBody);
            return node.Update(node.Symbol, blockBody, expressionBody);
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10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 10046 10047 10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 10055 10056
        public override BoundNode VisitNoOpStatement(BoundNoOpStatement node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitReturnStatement(BoundReturnStatement node)
            BoundExpression expressionOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ExpressionOpt);
            return node.Update(node.RefKind, expressionOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitYieldReturnStatement(BoundYieldReturnStatement node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            return node.Update(expression);
        public override BoundNode VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitThrowStatement(BoundThrowStatement node)
            BoundExpression expressionOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ExpressionOpt);
            return node.Update(expressionOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitExpressionStatement(BoundExpressionStatement node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            return node.Update(expression);
        public override BoundNode VisitBreakStatement(BoundBreakStatement node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitContinueStatement(BoundContinueStatement node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
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10058 10059
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchSection> switchSections = (ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchSection>)this.VisitList(node.SwitchSections);
            BoundDecisionDag decisionDag = node.DecisionDag;
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            BoundPatternSwitchLabel defaultLabel = (BoundPatternSwitchLabel)this.Visit(node.DefaultLabel);
            return node.Update(expression, node.InnerLocals, node.InnerLocalFunctions, switchSections, decisionDag, defaultLabel, node.BreakLabel);
10065 10066
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchDispatch(BoundSwitchDispatch node)
10067 10068
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            return node.Update(expression, node.Cases, node.DefaultLabel, node.EqualityMethod);
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10070 10071 10072 10073 10074 10075 10076 10077 10078 10079 10080 10081 10082 10083 10084 10085 10086 10087 10088 10089 10090 10091 10092 10093 10094 10095 10096 10097 10098 10099
        public override BoundNode VisitIfStatement(BoundIfStatement node)
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            BoundStatement consequence = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Consequence);
            BoundStatement alternativeOpt = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.AlternativeOpt);
            return node.Update(condition, consequence, alternativeOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node)
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, condition, body, node.BreakLabel, node.ContinueLabel);
        public override BoundNode VisitWhileStatement(BoundWhileStatement node)
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, condition, body, node.BreakLabel, node.ContinueLabel);
        public override BoundNode VisitForStatement(BoundForStatement node)
            BoundStatement initializer = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Initializer);
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            BoundStatement increment = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Increment);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.OuterLocals, initializer, node.InnerLocals, condition, increment, body, node.BreakLabel, node.ContinueLabel);
        public override BoundNode VisitForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            BoundTypeExpression iterationVariableType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.IterationVariableType);
            BoundExpression iterationErrorExpressionOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.IterationErrorExpressionOpt);
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10101 10102 10103
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            BoundForEachDeconstructStep deconstructionOpt = (BoundForEachDeconstructStep)this.Visit(node.DeconstructionOpt);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.EnumeratorInfoOpt, node.ElementConversion, iterationVariableType, node.IterationVariables, iterationErrorExpressionOpt, expression, deconstructionOpt, body, node.Checked, node.BreakLabel, node.ContinueLabel);
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10105 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10156 10157 10158 10159 10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165 10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10175 10176 10177 10178 10179 10180 10181 10182
        public override BoundNode VisitForEachDeconstructStep(BoundForEachDeconstructStep node)
            BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator deconstructionAssignment = (BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator)this.Visit(node.DeconstructionAssignment);
            BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder targetPlaceholder = (BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder)this.Visit(node.TargetPlaceholder);
            return node.Update(deconstructionAssignment, targetPlaceholder);
        public override BoundNode VisitUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node)
            BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarationsOpt = (BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations)this.Visit(node.DeclarationsOpt);
            BoundExpression expressionOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ExpressionOpt);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, declarationsOpt, expressionOpt, node.IDisposableConversion, body);
        public override BoundNode VisitFixedStatement(BoundFixedStatement node)
            BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations declarations = (BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations)this.Visit(node.Declarations);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, declarations, body);
        public override BoundNode VisitLockStatement(BoundLockStatement node)
            BoundExpression argument = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Argument);
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(argument, body);
        public override BoundNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node)
            BoundBlock tryBlock = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.TryBlock);
            ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks = (ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock>)this.VisitList(node.CatchBlocks);
            BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt);
            return node.Update(tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, node.PreferFaultHandler);
        public override BoundNode VisitCatchBlock(BoundCatchBlock node)
            BoundExpression exceptionSourceOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ExceptionSourceOpt);
            BoundExpression exceptionFilterOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ExceptionFilterOpt);
            BoundBlock body = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.Body);
            TypeSymbol exceptionTypeOpt = this.VisitType(node.ExceptionTypeOpt);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, exceptionSourceOpt, exceptionTypeOpt, exceptionFilterOpt, body, node.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll);
        public override BoundNode VisitLiteral(BoundLiteral node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitThisReference(BoundThisReference node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(BoundPreviousSubmissionReference node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitHostObjectMemberReference(BoundHostObjectMemberReference node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitBaseReference(BoundBaseReference node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitLocal(BoundLocal node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, node.IsDeclaration, node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitPseudoVariable(BoundPseudoVariable node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, node.EmitExpressions, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node)
10183 10184 10185 10186 10187 10188 10189 10190 10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202 10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.RangeVariableSymbol, value, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitParameter(BoundParameter node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ParameterSymbol, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitLabelStatement(BoundLabelStatement node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitGotoStatement(BoundGotoStatement node)
            BoundExpression caseExpressionOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.CaseExpressionOpt);
            BoundLabel labelExpressionOpt = (BoundLabel)this.Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt);
            return node.Update(node.Label, caseExpressionOpt, labelExpressionOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitLabeledStatement(BoundLabeledStatement node)
            BoundStatement body = (BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.Body);
            return node.Update(node.Label, body);
        public override BoundNode VisitLabel(BoundLabel node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Label, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitStatementList(BoundStatementList node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.Statements);
            return node.Update(statements);
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalGoto(BoundConditionalGoto node)
            BoundExpression condition = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Condition);
            return node.Update(condition, node.JumpIfTrue, node.Label);
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchExpression(BoundSwitchExpression node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchExpressionArm> switchArms = (ImmutableArray<BoundSwitchExpressionArm>)this.VisitList(node.SwitchArms);
            BoundDecisionDag decisionDag = node.DecisionDag;
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, switchArms, decisionDag, node.DefaultLabel, type);
10229 10230 10231 10232 10233 10234 10235 10236 10237 10238 10239 10240 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 10266 10267 10268 10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 10276 10277 10278 10279 10280 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287 10288 10289 10290 10291 10292 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 10298 10299
        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchExpressionArm(BoundSwitchExpressionArm node)
            BoundPattern pattern = (BoundPattern)this.Visit(node.Pattern);
            BoundExpression whenClause = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.WhenClause);
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, pattern, whenClause, value, node.Label);
        public override BoundNode VisitDecisionDag(BoundDecisionDag node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode node)
            BoundDagEvaluation evaluation = (BoundDagEvaluation)this.Visit(node.Evaluation);
            BoundDecisionDagNode  next = (BoundDecisionDagNode )this.Visit(node.Next);
            return node.Update(evaluation, next);
        public override BoundNode VisitTestDecisionDagNode(BoundTestDecisionDagNode node)
            BoundDagTest test = (BoundDagTest)this.Visit(node.Test);
            BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue = (BoundDecisionDagNode )this.Visit(node.WhenTrue);
            BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse = (BoundDecisionDagNode )this.Visit(node.WhenFalse);
            return node.Update(test, whenTrue, whenFalse);
        public override BoundNode VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode node)
            BoundExpression whenExpression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.WhenExpression);
            BoundDecisionDagNode  whenTrue = (BoundDecisionDagNode )this.Visit(node.WhenTrue);
            BoundDecisionDagNode  whenFalse = (BoundDecisionDagNode )this.Visit(node.WhenFalse);
            return node.Update(node.Bindings, whenExpression, whenTrue, whenFalse);
        public override BoundNode VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(BoundLeafDecisionDagNode node)
            return node;
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTemp(BoundDagTemp node)
            BoundDagEvaluation source = (BoundDagEvaluation)this.Visit(node.Source);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type, source, node.Index);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTypeTest(BoundDagTypeTest node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type, input);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagNonNullTest(BoundDagNonNullTest node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(input);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagNullTest(BoundDagNullTest node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(input);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagValueTest(BoundDagValueTest node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(node.Value, input);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(node.DeconstructMethod, input);
        public override BoundNode VisitDagTypeEvaluation(BoundDagTypeEvaluation node)
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type, input);
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        public override BoundNode VisitDagFieldEvaluation(BoundDagFieldEvaluation node)
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10305 10306
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(node.Field, input);
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        public override BoundNode VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(BoundDagPropertyEvaluation node)
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10310 10311
            BoundDagTemp input = (BoundDagTemp)this.Visit(node.Input);
            return node.Update(node.Property, input);
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        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchSection(BoundSwitchSection node)
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10315 10316 10317
            ImmutableArray<BoundPatternSwitchLabel> switchLabels = (ImmutableArray<BoundPatternSwitchLabel>)this.VisitList(node.SwitchLabels);
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.Statements);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, switchLabels, statements);
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        public override BoundNode VisitPatternSwitchLabel(BoundPatternSwitchLabel node)
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10321 10322 10323
            BoundPattern pattern = (BoundPattern)this.Visit(node.Pattern);
            BoundExpression whenClause = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.WhenClause);
            return node.Update(node.Label, pattern, whenClause);
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        public override BoundNode VisitSequencePointExpression(BoundSequencePointExpression node)
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            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, type);
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        public override BoundNode VisitSequence(BoundSequence node)
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10333 10334 10335 10336
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> sideEffects = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.SideEffects);
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, sideEffects, value, type);
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        public override BoundNode VisitSpillSequence(BoundSpillSequence node)
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10340 10341 10342 10343
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> sideEffects = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.SideEffects);
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, sideEffects, value, type);
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10344 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 10350 10351 10352 10353 10354 10355 10356 10357 10358 10359 10360 10361 10362 10363 10364 10365 10366 10367 10368 10369 10370 10371 10372 10373 10374 10375 10376 10377 10378 10379 10380 10381 10382 10383 10384 10385 10386 10387 10388 10389 10390 10391 10392 10393 10394 10395 10396 10397 10398 10399 10400 10401
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicMemberAccess(BoundDynamicMemberAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Receiver);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiver, node.TypeArgumentsOpt, node.Name, node.Invoked, node.Indexed, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicInvocation(BoundDynamicInvocation node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.ApplicableMethods, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Receiver);
            BoundExpression accessExpression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.AccessExpression);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiver, accessExpression, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(BoundLoweredConditionalAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Receiver);
            BoundExpression whenNotNull = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.WhenNotNull);
            BoundExpression whenNullOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.WhenNullOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiver, node.HasValueMethodOpt, whenNotNull, whenNullOpt, node.Id, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalReceiver(BoundConditionalReceiver node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Id, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(BoundComplexConditionalReceiver node)
            BoundExpression valueTypeReceiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ValueTypeReceiver);
            BoundExpression referenceTypeReceiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReferenceTypeReceiver);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(valueTypeReceiver, referenceTypeReceiver, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitMethodGroup(BoundMethodGroup node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.TypeArgumentsOpt, node.Name, node.Methods, node.LookupSymbolOpt, node.LookupError, node.Flags, receiverOpt, node.ResultKind);
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyGroup(BoundPropertyGroup node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Properties, receiverOpt, node.ResultKind);
        public override BoundNode VisitCall(BoundCall node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.Method, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.IsDelegateCall, node.Expanded, node.InvokedAsExtensionMethod, node.ArgsToParamsOpt, node.ResultKind, node.BinderOpt, type);
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10403 10404 10405 10406 10407 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420
        public override BoundNode VisitEventAssignmentOperator(BoundEventAssignmentOperator node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            BoundExpression argument = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Argument);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Event, node.IsAddition, node.IsDynamic, receiverOpt, argument, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAttribute(BoundAttribute node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> constructorArguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.ConstructorArguments);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> namedArguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.NamedArguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Constructor, constructorArguments, node.ConstructorArgumentNamesOpt, namedArguments, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectCreationExpression(BoundObjectCreationExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt = (BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)this.Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Constructor, node.ConstructorsGroup, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.Expanded, node.ArgsToParamsOpt, node.ConstantValueOpt, initializerExpressionOpt, node.BinderOpt, type);
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10424 10425 10426 10427 10428
        public override BoundNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.InferredNamesOpt, arguments, type);
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10430 10431 10432 10433 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 10440
        public override BoundNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol naturalTypeOpt = this.VisitType(node.NaturalTypeOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt = (BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)this.Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Name, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, initializerExpressionOpt, node.ApplicableMethods, type);
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10444 10445 10446
        public override BoundNode VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression node)
            BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt = (BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)this.Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt);
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10448 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 10455 10456 10457 10458 10459
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.GuidString, initializerExpressionOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerExpression(BoundObjectInitializerExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Initializers);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(initializers, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitObjectInitializerMember(BoundObjectInitializerMember node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol receiverType = this.VisitType(node.ReceiverType);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.MemberSymbol, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.Expanded, node.ArgsToParamsOpt, node.ResultKind, receiverType, node.BinderOpt, type);
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10463 10464 10465
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember node)
            TypeSymbol receiverType = this.VisitType(node.ReceiverType);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.MemberName, receiverType, type);
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10469 10470 10471 10472 10473 10474 10475 10476 10477 10478
        public override BoundNode VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(BoundCollectionInitializerExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Initializers);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(initializers, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitCollectionElementInitializer(BoundCollectionElementInitializer node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            BoundExpression implicitReceiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ImplicitReceiverOpt);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.AddMethod, arguments, implicitReceiverOpt, node.Expanded, node.ArgsToParamsOpt, node.InvokedAsExtensionMethod, node.ResultKind, node.BinderOpt, type);
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10482 10483 10484 10485
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver = (BoundImplicitReceiver)this.Visit(node.ImplicitReceiver);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(arguments, implicitReceiver, node.ApplicableMethods, type);
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10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10497 10498 10499 10500 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 10508
        public override BoundNode VisitImplicitReceiver(BoundImplicitReceiver node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            ImmutableArray<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> declarations = (ImmutableArray<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration>)this.VisitList(node.Declarations);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Constructor, arguments, declarations, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Property, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitNewT(BoundNewT node)
            BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase initializerExpressionOpt = (BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)this.Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt);
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10510 10511 10512 10513 10514 10515 10516 10517 10518 10519 10520 10521 10522 10523 10524 10525 10526 10527 10528 10529 10530 10531 10532 10533 10534
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(initializerExpressionOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitDelegateCreationExpression(BoundDelegateCreationExpression node)
            BoundExpression argument = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Argument);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(argument, node.MethodOpt, node.IsExtensionMethod, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayCreation(BoundArrayCreation node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> bounds = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Bounds);
            BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt = (BoundArrayInitialization)this.Visit(node.InitializerOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(bounds, initializerOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitArrayInitialization(BoundArrayInitialization node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> initializers = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Initializers);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(initializers);
        public override BoundNode VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundStackAllocArrayCreation node)
            BoundExpression count = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Count);
            BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt = (BoundArrayInitialization)this.Visit(node.InitializerOpt);
            TypeSymbol elementType = this.VisitType(node.ElementType);
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(elementType, count, initializerOpt, type);
10539 10540 10541 10542
        public override BoundNode VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression node)
            BoundExpression count = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Count);
            BoundArrayInitialization initializerOpt = (BoundArrayInitialization)this.Visit(node.InitializerOpt);
10544 10545
            TypeSymbol elementType = this.VisitType(node.ElementType);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(elementType, count, initializerOpt, type);
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10547 10548 10549 10550 10551
        public override BoundNode VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.FieldSymbol, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.ResultKind, node.IsByValue, node.IsDeclaration, type);
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10553 10554 10555 10556 10557 10558 10559 10560 10561 10562 10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10569 10570 10571 10572 10573 10574 10575
        public override BoundNode VisitHoistedFieldAccess(BoundHoistedFieldAccess node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.FieldSymbol, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.PropertySymbol, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitEventAccess(BoundEventAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.EventSymbol, node.IsUsableAsField, node.ResultKind, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitIndexerAccess(BoundIndexerAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
Gen Lu 已提交
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.Indexer, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.Expanded, node.ArgsToParamsOpt, node.BinderOpt, node.UseSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration, type);
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10577 10578 10579 10580 10581 10582 10583 10584 10585 10586 10587 10588 10589 10590 10591 10592 10593 10594 10595 10596 10597 10598 10599 10600 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 10613 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 10620 10621 10622
        public override BoundNode VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicIndexerAccess node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Arguments);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(receiverOpt, arguments, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, node.ApplicableIndexers, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitLambda(BoundLambda node)
            BoundBlock body = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.Body);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Symbol, body, node.Diagnostics, node.Binder, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitUnboundLambda(UnboundLambda node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.Data);
        public override BoundNode VisitQueryClause(BoundQueryClause node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(value, node.DefinedSymbol, node.Binder, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = (ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>)this.VisitList(node.Statements);
            return node.Update(statements);
        public override BoundNode VisitNameOfOperator(BoundNameOfOperator node)
            BoundExpression argument = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Argument);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(argument, node.ConstantValueOpt, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitInterpolatedString(BoundInterpolatedString node)
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> parts = (ImmutableArray<BoundExpression>)this.VisitList(node.Parts);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(parts, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitStringInsert(BoundStringInsert node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
            BoundExpression alignment = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Alignment);
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            BoundLiteral format = (BoundLiteral)this.Visit(node.Format);
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10624 10625 10626 10627 10628 10629 10630
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(value, alignment, format, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitIsPatternExpression(BoundIsPatternExpression node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            BoundPattern pattern = (BoundPattern)this.Visit(node.Pattern);
            BoundDecisionDag decisionDag = node.DecisionDag;
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            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, pattern, decisionDag, node.WhenTrueLabel, node.WhenFalseLabel, type);
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10634 10635 10636 10637
        public override BoundNode VisitConstantPattern(BoundConstantPattern node)
            BoundExpression value = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Value);
10638 10639
            TypeSymbol inputType = this.VisitType(node.InputType);
            return node.Update(value, node.ConstantValue, inputType);
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        public override BoundNode VisitDiscardPattern(BoundDiscardPattern node)
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10643 10644
            TypeSymbol inputType = this.VisitType(node.InputType);
            return node.Update(inputType);
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10646 10647 10648 10649
        public override BoundNode VisitDeclarationPattern(BoundDeclarationPattern node)
            BoundExpression variableAccess = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.VariableAccess);
            BoundTypeExpression declaredType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.DeclaredType);
10650 10651
            TypeSymbol inputType = this.VisitType(node.InputType);
            return node.Update(node.Variable, variableAccess, declaredType, node.IsVar, inputType);
10652 10653 10654 10655
        public override BoundNode VisitRecursivePattern(BoundRecursivePattern node)
            BoundTypeExpression declaredType = (BoundTypeExpression)this.Visit(node.DeclaredType);
            ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> deconstruction = (ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern>)this.VisitList(node.Deconstruction);
            ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern> properties = (ImmutableArray<BoundSubpattern>)this.VisitList(node.Properties);
10658 10659
            BoundExpression variableAccess = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.VariableAccess);
            TypeSymbol inputType = this.VisitType(node.InputType);
            return node.Update(declaredType, node.DeconstructMethod, deconstruction, properties, node.Variable, variableAccess, inputType);
10661 10662 10663 10664 10665
        public override BoundNode VisitSubpattern(BoundSubpattern node)
            BoundPattern pattern = (BoundPattern)this.Visit(node.Pattern);
            return node.Update(node.Symbol, pattern);
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10667 10668 10669 10670 10671 10672 10673 10674 10675 10676 10677 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 10688 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 10694
        public override BoundNode VisitDiscardExpression(BoundDiscardExpression node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(type);
        public override BoundNode VisitThrowExpression(BoundThrowExpression node)
            BoundExpression expression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Expression);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(expression, type);
        public override BoundNode VisitOutVariablePendingInference(OutVariablePendingInference node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.VariableSymbol, receiverOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(DeconstructionVariablePendingInference node)
            BoundExpression receiverOpt = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt);
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update(node.VariableSymbol, receiverOpt);
        public override BoundNode VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(OutDeconstructVarPendingInference node)
            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);
            return node.Update();
10695 10696 10697 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 10706 10707
        public override BoundNode VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(BoundNonConstructorMethodBody node)
            BoundBlock blockBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.BlockBody);
            BoundBlock expressionBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.ExpressionBody);
            return node.Update(blockBody, expressionBody);
        public override BoundNode VisitConstructorMethodBody(BoundConstructorMethodBody node)
            BoundExpressionStatement initializer = (BoundExpressionStatement)this.Visit(node.Initializer);
            BoundBlock blockBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.BlockBody);
            BoundBlock expressionBody = (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.ExpressionBody);
            return node.Update(node.Locals, initializer, blockBody, expressionBody);
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10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 10723

    internal sealed class BoundTreeDumperNodeProducer : BoundTreeVisitor<object, TreeDumperNode>
        private BoundTreeDumperNodeProducer()
        public static TreeDumperNode MakeTree(BoundNode node)
            return (new BoundTreeDumperNodeProducer()).Visit(node, null);
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitFieldEqualsValue(BoundFieldEqualsValue node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("fieldEqualsValue", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("field", node.Field, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
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10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 10732 10733
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPropertyEqualsValue(BoundPropertyEqualsValue node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("propertyEqualsValue", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("property", node.Property, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
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10735 10736 10737 10738 10739 10740 10741 10742 10743
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitParameterEqualsValue(BoundParameterEqualsValue node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("parameterEqualsValue", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("parameter", node.Parameter, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
10745 10746 10747 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 10756 10757 10758 10759 10760
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(BoundGlobalStatementInitializer node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("globalStatementInitializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("statement", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Statement, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDeconstructValuePlaceholder(BoundDeconstructValuePlaceholder node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("deconstructValuePlaceholder", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("valEscape", node.ValEscape, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
10762 10763 10764 10765
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 10771 10772 10773
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTupleOperandPlaceholder(BoundTupleOperandPlaceholder node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("tupleOperandPlaceholder", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDup(BoundDup node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dup", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("refKind", node.RefKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10788 10789 10790 10791
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPassByCopy(BoundPassByCopy node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("passByCopy", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
10792 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBadExpression(BoundBadExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("badExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("symbols", node.Symbols, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("childBoundNodes", null, from x in node.ChildBoundNodes select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBadStatement(BoundBadStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("badStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("childBoundNodes", null, from x in node.ChildBoundNodes select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTypeExpression(BoundTypeExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("typeExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("aliasOpt", node.AliasOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("inferredType", node.InferredType, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("boundContainingTypeOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.BoundContainingTypeOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTypeOrValueExpression(BoundTypeOrValueExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("typeOrValueExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("data", node.Data, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNamespaceExpression(BoundNamespaceExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("namespaceExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("namespaceSymbol", node.NamespaceSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("aliasOpt", node.AliasOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitUnaryOperator(BoundUnaryOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("unaryOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("methodOpt", node.MethodOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("incrementOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("methodOpt", node.MethodOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("operandConversion", node.OperandConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultConversion", node.ResultConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAddressOfOperator(BoundAddressOfOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("addressOfOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("isManaged", node.IsManaged, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10896 10897 10898 10899 10900 10901 10902 10903 10904 10905 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 10911 10912 10913 10914 10915 10916 10917 10918 10919 10920 10921 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPointerIndirectionOperator(BoundPointerIndirectionOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("pointerIndirectionOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPointerElementAccess(BoundPointerElementAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("pointerElementAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("index", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Index, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("@checked", node.Checked, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitRefTypeOperator(BoundRefTypeOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("refTypeOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("getTypeFromHandle", node.GetTypeFromHandle, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMakeRefOperator(BoundMakeRefOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("makeRefOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitRefValueOperator(BoundRefValueOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("refValueOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("binaryOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("methodOpt", node.MethodOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 10947 10948 10949 10950 10951 10952 10953
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTupleBinaryOperator(BoundTupleBinaryOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("tupleBinaryOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("convertedLeft", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ConvertedLeft, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("convertedRight", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ConvertedRight, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("operators", node.Operators, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
10954 10955 10956 10957 10958 10959 10960 10961 10962 10963 10964 10965 10966 10967 10968 10969 10970 10971 10972 10973 10974 10975 10976 10977 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("userDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("logicalOperator", node.LogicalOperator, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("trueOperator", node.TrueOperator, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("falseOperator", node.FalseOperator, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitCompoundAssignmentOperator(BoundCompoundAssignmentOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("compoundAssignmentOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("@operator", node.Operator, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("leftConversion", node.LeftConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("finalConversion", node.FinalConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAssignmentOperator(BoundAssignmentOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("assignmentOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("isRef", node.IsRef, null),
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10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDeconstructionAssignmentOperator(BoundDeconstructionAssignmentOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("deconstructionAssignmentOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("left", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Left, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("right", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Right, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("isUsed", node.IsUsed, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNullCoalescingOperator(BoundNullCoalescingOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("nullCoalescingOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("leftOperand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.LeftOperand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("rightOperand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.RightOperand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("leftConversion", node.LeftConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConditionalOperator(BoundConditionalOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("conditionalOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("isRef", node.IsRef, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 11026 11027 11028 11029 11030 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 11041 11042 11043 11044 11045 11046 11047 11048 11049 11050 11051 11052 11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11076 11077 11078 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 11091 11092 11093 11094 11095 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 11133 11134 11135 11136 11137 11138 11139 11140
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("consequence", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Consequence, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("alternative", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Alternative, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArrayAccess(BoundArrayAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("arrayAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("indices", null, from x in node.Indices select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArrayLength(BoundArrayLength node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("arrayLength", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAwaitExpression(BoundAwaitExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("awaitExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("getAwaiter", node.GetAwaiter, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isCompleted", node.IsCompleted, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("getResult", node.GetResult, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTypeOfOperator(BoundTypeOfOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("typeOfOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("sourceType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.SourceType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("getTypeFromHandle", node.GetTypeFromHandle, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMethodDefIndex(BoundMethodDefIndex node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("methodDefIndex", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("maximumMethodDefIndex", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("instrumentationPayloadRoot", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("analysisKind", node.AnalysisKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitModuleVersionId(BoundModuleVersionId node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("moduleVersionId", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitModuleVersionIdString(BoundModuleVersionIdString node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("moduleVersionIdString", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSourceDocumentIndex(BoundSourceDocumentIndex node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sourceDocumentIndex", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("document", node.Document, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMethodInfo(BoundMethodInfo node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("methodInfo", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("getMethodFromHandle", node.GetMethodFromHandle, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitFieldInfo(BoundFieldInfo node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("fieldInfo", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("field", node.Field, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("getFieldFromHandle", node.GetFieldFromHandle, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDefaultExpression(BoundDefaultExpression node, object arg)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            return new TreeDumperNode("defaultExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
DotNet Bot 已提交
11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 11180 11181 11182 11183 11184 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 11190 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("isOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("targetType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.TargetType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("conversion", node.Conversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAsOperator(BoundAsOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("asOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("targetType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.TargetType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("conversion", node.Conversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSizeOfOperator(BoundSizeOfOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sizeOfOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("sourceType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.SourceType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConversion(BoundConversion node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("conversion", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("operand", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Operand, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("conversion", node.Conversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isBaseConversion", node.IsBaseConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("@checked", node.Checked, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("explicitCastInCode", node.ExplicitCastInCode, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArgList(BoundArgList node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("argList", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArgListOperator(BoundArgListOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("argListOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitFixedLocalCollectionInitializer(BoundFixedLocalCollectionInitializer node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("fixedLocalCollectionInitializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("elementPointerType", node.ElementPointerType, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("elementPointerTypeConversion", node.ElementPointerTypeConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
vsadov 已提交
                new TreeDumperNode("getPinnableOpt", node.GetPinnableOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
11222 11223 11224 11225 11226 11227 11228 11229 11230 11231 11232 11233 11234 11235 11236 11237 11238 11239 11240 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11248 11249 11250 11251 11252 11253 11254 11255 11256 11257 11258 11259 11260 11261 11262 11263 11264 11265 11266 11267 11268 11269 11270 11271 11272 11273 11274 11275 11276 11277 11278 11279 11280 11281 11282 11283 11284 11285 11286 11287 11288 11289 11290 11291 11292 11293 11294
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sequencePoint", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("statementOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.StatementOpt, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSequencePointWithSpan(BoundSequencePointWithSpan node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sequencePointWithSpan", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("statementOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.StatementOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("span", node.Span, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("block", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("localFunctions", node.LocalFunctions, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("statements", null, from x in node.Statements select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitScope(BoundScope node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("scope", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("statements", null, from x in node.Statements select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitStateMachineScope(BoundStateMachineScope node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("stateMachineScope", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("fields", node.Fields, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("statement", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Statement, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLocalDeclaration(BoundLocalDeclaration node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("localDeclaration", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("declaredType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeclaredType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentsOpt", null, node.ArgumentsOpt.IsDefault ? Array.Empty<TreeDumperNode>() : from x in node.ArgumentsOpt select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMultipleLocalDeclarations(BoundMultipleLocalDeclarations node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("multipleLocalDeclarations", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("localDeclarations", null, from x in node.LocalDeclarations select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLocalFunctionStatement(BoundLocalFunctionStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("localFunctionStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("symbol", node.Symbol, null),
11295 11296
                new TreeDumperNode("blockBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.BlockBody, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionBody, null) })
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11297 11298 11299 11300 11301 11302 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 11311 11312 11313 11314 11315 11316 11317 11318 11319 11320 11321 11322 11323
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNoOpStatement(BoundNoOpStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("noOpStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("flavor", node.Flavor, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitReturnStatement(BoundReturnStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("returnStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("refKind", node.RefKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionOpt, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitYieldReturnStatement(BoundYieldReturnStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("yieldReturnStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) })
11324 11325 11326 11327
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitYieldBreakStatement(BoundYieldBreakStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("yieldBreakStatement", null, Array.Empty<TreeDumperNode>()
11328 11329
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitThrowStatement(BoundThrowStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("throwStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionOpt, null) })
11335 11336 11337
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitExpressionStatement(BoundExpressionStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("expressionStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) })
11343 11344 11345
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBreakStatement(BoundBreakStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("breakStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
11351 11352 11353
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitContinueStatement(BoundContinueStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("continueStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
11359 11360 11361
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node, object arg)
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            return new TreeDumperNode("switchStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
DotNet Bot 已提交
11366 11367 11368 11369
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("innerLocals", node.InnerLocals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("innerLocalFunctions", node.InnerLocalFunctions, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("switchSections", null, from x in node.SwitchSections select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("decisionDag", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DecisionDag, null) }),
11371 11372
                new TreeDumperNode("defaultLabel", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DefaultLabel, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("breakLabel", node.BreakLabel, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
11373 11374 11375
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSwitchDispatch(BoundSwitchDispatch node, object arg)
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            return new TreeDumperNode("switchDispatch", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
DotNet Bot 已提交
11380 11381 11382 11383
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("cases", node.Cases, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("defaultLabel", node.DefaultLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("equalityMethod", node.EqualityMethod, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 11391 11392 11393 11394 11395 11396 11397 11398 11399 11400 11401 11402 11403 11404 11405 11406 11407 11408 11409 11410 11411 11412 11413 11414 11415 11416 11417 11418 11419 11420 11421 11422 11423 11424 11425 11426 11427 11428 11429 11430 11431 11432 11433 11434 11435 11436 11437 11438 11439 11440 11441 11442 11443
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitIfStatement(BoundIfStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("ifStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("consequence", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Consequence, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("alternativeOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.AlternativeOpt, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("doStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("breakLabel", node.BreakLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitWhileStatement(BoundWhileStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("whileStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("breakLabel", node.BreakLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitForStatement(BoundForStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("forStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("outerLocals", node.OuterLocals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Initializer, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("innerLocals", node.InnerLocals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("increment", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Increment, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("breakLabel", node.BreakLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("forEachStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("enumeratorInfoOpt", node.EnumeratorInfoOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("elementConversion", node.ElementConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("iterationVariableType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.IterationVariableType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("iterationVariables", node.IterationVariables, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("iterationErrorExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.IterationErrorExpressionOpt, null) }),
DotNet Bot 已提交
11445 11446 11447 11448 11449 11450 11451 11452 11453 11454 11455 11456 11457 11458 11459 11460 11461 11462 11463 11464 11465 11466 11467 11468 11469 11470 11471 11472 11473 11474 11475 11476 11477 11478 11479 11480 11481 11482 11483 11484 11485 11486 11487 11488 11489 11490 11491 11492 11493 11494 11495 11496 11497 11498 11499 11500 11501 11502 11503 11504 11505 11506 11507 11508 11509 11510 11511 11512 11513 11514 11515 11516 11517 11518 11519 11520 11521 11522 11523 11524 11525 11526 11527 11528 11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 11559 11560 11561 11562 11563 11564 11565 11566 11567 11568 11569 11570 11571 11572 11573 11574 11575 11576 11577 11578 11579 11580 11581 11582 11583 11584 11585 11586 11587 11588 11589 11590 11591 11592 11593 11594 11595 11596 11597 11598 11599 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 11606 11607 11608 11609 11610 11611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 11629 11630 11631 11632 11633 11634 11635 11636 11637 11638 11639 11640 11641 11642 11643 11644 11645 11646 11647 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("deconstructionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeconstructionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("@checked", node.Checked, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("breakLabel", node.BreakLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitForEachDeconstructStep(BoundForEachDeconstructStep node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("forEachDeconstructStep", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("deconstructionAssignment", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeconstructionAssignment, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("targetPlaceholder", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.TargetPlaceholder, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("usingStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("declarationsOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeclarationsOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("iDisposableConversion", node.IDisposableConversion, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitFixedStatement(BoundFixedStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("fixedStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("declarations", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Declarations, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLockStatement(BoundLockStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("lockStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("argument", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Argument, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("tryStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("tryBlock", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.TryBlock, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("catchBlocks", null, from x in node.CatchBlocks select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("finallyBlockOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("preferFaultHandler", node.PreferFaultHandler, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitCatchBlock(BoundCatchBlock node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("catchBlock", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("exceptionSourceOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExceptionSourceOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("exceptionTypeOpt", node.ExceptionTypeOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("exceptionFilterOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExceptionFilterOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll", node.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLiteral(BoundLiteral node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("literal", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitThisReference(BoundThisReference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("thisReference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(BoundPreviousSubmissionReference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("previousSubmissionReference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitHostObjectMemberReference(BoundHostObjectMemberReference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("hostObjectMemberReference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitBaseReference(BoundBaseReference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("baseReference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLocal(BoundLocal node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("local", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isDeclaration", node.IsDeclaration, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPseudoVariable(BoundPseudoVariable node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("pseudoVariable", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("emitExpressions", node.EmitExpressions, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("rangeVariable", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("rangeVariableSymbol", node.RangeVariableSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitParameter(BoundParameter node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("parameter", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("parameterSymbol", node.ParameterSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLabelStatement(BoundLabelStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("labelStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitGotoStatement(BoundGotoStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("gotoStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("caseExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.CaseExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("labelExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLabeledStatement(BoundLabeledStatement node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("labeledStatement", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLabel(BoundLabel node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("label", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitStatementList(BoundStatementList node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("statementList", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("statements", null, from x in node.Statements select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConditionalGoto(BoundConditionalGoto node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("conditionalGoto", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("condition", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Condition, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("jumpIfTrue", node.JumpIfTrue, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
11653 11654 11655 11656 11657 11658
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSwitchExpression(BoundSwitchExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("switchExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("switchArms", null, from x in node.SwitchArms select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("decisionDag", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DecisionDag, null) }),
11660 11661 11662 11663 11664 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 11672 11673 11674 11675 11676 11677 11678 11679 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 11703 11704 11705 11706 11707 11708 11709 11710 11711 11712 11713 11714 11715 11716 11717 11718 11719 11720 11721 11722 11723 11724 11725 11726 11727 11728 11729 11730 11731 11732 11733 11734 11735 11736 11737 11738 11739 11740 11741 11742 11743 11744 11745 11746 11747 11748 11749 11750 11751 11752 11753 11754 11755 11756 11757 11758 11759 11760 11761 11762 11763 11764 11765 11766 11767 11768 11769 11770 11771 11772 11773 11774 11775 11776 11777 11778 11779 11780 11781 11782 11783 11784 11785 11786 11787 11788 11789 11790 11791 11792 11793 11794 11795 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 11801 11802
                new TreeDumperNode("defaultLabel", node.DefaultLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSwitchExpressionArm(BoundSwitchExpressionArm node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("switchExpressionArm", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("pattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Pattern, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenClause", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenClause, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDecisionDag(BoundDecisionDag node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("decisionDag", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("rootNode", node.RootNode, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitEvaluationDecisionDagNode(BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("evaluationDecisionDagNode", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("evaluation", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Evaluation, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("next", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Next, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTestDecisionDagNode(BoundTestDecisionDagNode node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("testDecisionDagNode", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("test", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Test, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenTrue", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenTrue, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenFalse", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenFalse, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitWhenDecisionDagNode(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("whenDecisionDagNode", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("bindings", node.Bindings, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenExpression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenTrue", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenTrue, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenFalse", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenFalse, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLeafDecisionDagNode(BoundLeafDecisionDagNode node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("leafDecisionDagNode", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagTemp(BoundDagTemp node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagTemp", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("source", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Source, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("index", node.Index, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagTypeTest(BoundDagTypeTest node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagTypeTest", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagNonNullTest(BoundDagNonNullTest node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagNonNullTest", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagNullTest(BoundDagNullTest node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagNullTest", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagValueTest(BoundDagValueTest node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagValueTest", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("value", node.Value, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagDeconstructEvaluation(BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagDeconstructEvaluation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("deconstructMethod", node.DeconstructMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagTypeEvaluation(BoundDagTypeEvaluation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagTypeEvaluation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagFieldEvaluation(BoundDagFieldEvaluation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagFieldEvaluation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("field", node.Field, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDagPropertyEvaluation(BoundDagPropertyEvaluation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dagPropertyEvaluation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("property", node.Property, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("input", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Input, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSwitchSection(BoundSwitchSection node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("switchSection", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 11812 11813 11814 11815 11816 11817 11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 11823 11824 11825 11826 11827 11828 11829 11830 11831 11832 11833 11834 11835 11836 11837 11838 11839 11840 11841 11842 11843 11844 11845 11846 11847 11848 11849 11850 11851 11852 11853
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("switchLabels", null, from x in node.SwitchLabels select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("statements", null, from x in node.Statements select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPatternSwitchLabel(BoundPatternSwitchLabel node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("patternSwitchLabel", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("pattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Pattern, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenClause", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenClause, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSequencePointExpression(BoundSequencePointExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sequencePointExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSequence(BoundSequence node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("sequence", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("sideEffects", null, from x in node.SideEffects select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSpillSequence(BoundSpillSequence node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("spillSequence", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("sideEffects", null, from x in node.SideEffects select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
DotNet Bot 已提交
11854 11855 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 11863 11864 11865 11866 11867 11868 11869 11870 11871 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 11935 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicMemberAccess(BoundDynamicMemberAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicMemberAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Receiver, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("typeArgumentsOpt", node.TypeArgumentsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("name", node.Name, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("invoked", node.Invoked, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("indexed", node.Indexed, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicInvocation(BoundDynamicInvocation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicInvocation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("applicableMethods", node.ApplicableMethods, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("conditionalAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Receiver, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("accessExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.AccessExpression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(BoundLoweredConditionalAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("loweredConditionalAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Receiver, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("hasValueMethodOpt", node.HasValueMethodOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenNotNull", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenNotNull, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenNullOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.WhenNullOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("id", node.Id, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConditionalReceiver(BoundConditionalReceiver node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("conditionalReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("id", node.Id, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitComplexConditionalReceiver(BoundComplexConditionalReceiver node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("complexConditionalReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("valueTypeReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ValueTypeReceiver, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("referenceTypeReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReferenceTypeReceiver, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitMethodGroup(BoundMethodGroup node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("methodGroup", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("typeArgumentsOpt", node.TypeArgumentsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("name", node.Name, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("methods", node.Methods, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("lookupSymbolOpt", node.LookupSymbolOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("lookupError", node.LookupError, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("flags", node.Flags, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPropertyGroup(BoundPropertyGroup node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("propertyGroup", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("properties", node.Properties, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitCall(BoundCall node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("call", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isDelegateCall", node.IsDelegateCall, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expanded", node.Expanded, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("invokedAsExtensionMethod", node.InvokedAsExtensionMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argsToParamsOpt", node.ArgsToParamsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitEventAssignmentOperator(BoundEventAssignmentOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("eventAssignmentOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("@event", node.Event, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isAddition", node.IsAddition, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isDynamic", node.IsDynamic, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("argument", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Argument, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAttribute(BoundAttribute node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("attribute", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("constructor", node.Constructor, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constructorArguments", null, from x in node.ConstructorArguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("constructorArgumentNamesOpt", node.ConstructorArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("namedArguments", null, from x in node.NamedArguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitObjectCreationExpression(BoundObjectCreationExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("objectCreationExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("constructor", node.Constructor, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constructorsGroup", node.ConstructorsGroup, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expanded", node.Expanded, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argsToParamsOpt", node.ArgsToParamsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTupleLiteral(BoundTupleLiteral node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("tupleLiteral", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("inferredNamesOpt", node.InferredNamesOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(BoundConvertedTupleLiteral node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("convertedTupleLiteral", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("naturalTypeOpt", node.NaturalTypeOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicObjectCreationExpression(BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicObjectCreationExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("name", node.Name, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 12061 12062 12063 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071 12072 12073 12074 12075 12076
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("applicableMethods", node.ApplicableMethods, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("noPiaObjectCreationExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("guidString", node.GuidString, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitObjectInitializerExpression(BoundObjectInitializerExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("objectInitializerExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("initializers", null, from x in node.Initializers select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitObjectInitializerMember(BoundObjectInitializerMember node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("objectInitializerMember", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("memberSymbol", node.MemberSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expanded", node.Expanded, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argsToParamsOpt", node.ArgsToParamsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverType", node.ReceiverType, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12079 12080 12081 12082 12083 12084 12085 12086 12087
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicObjectInitializerMember(BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicObjectInitializerMember", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("memberName", node.MemberName, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverType", node.ReceiverType, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12089 12090 12091 12092 12093 12094 12095 12096 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(BoundCollectionInitializerExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("collectionInitializerExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("initializers", null, from x in node.Initializers select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitCollectionElementInitializer(BoundCollectionElementInitializer node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("collectionElementInitializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("addMethod", node.AddMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("implicitReceiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ImplicitReceiverOpt, null) }),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12109 12110 12111 12112
                new TreeDumperNode("expanded", node.Expanded, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argsToParamsOpt", node.ArgsToParamsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("invokedAsExtensionMethod", node.InvokedAsExtensionMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12114 12115 12116 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12122
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicCollectionElementInitializer(BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicCollectionElementInitializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("implicitReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ImplicitReceiver, null) }),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12124 12125 12126 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12153 12154 12155 12156 12157 12158 12159 12160 12161 12162 12163 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 12172 12173 12174 12175 12176 12177 12178 12179 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12185 12186 12187 12188 12189 12190 12191 12192 12193 12194 12195 12196 12197 12198 12199
                new TreeDumperNode("applicableMethods", node.ApplicableMethods, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitImplicitReceiver(BoundImplicitReceiver node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("implicitReceiver", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("anonymousObjectCreationExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("constructor", node.Constructor, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("declarations", null, from x in node.Declarations select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("anonymousPropertyDeclaration", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("property", node.Property, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNewT(BoundNewT node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("newT", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerExpressionOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerExpressionOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDelegateCreationExpression(BoundDelegateCreationExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("delegateCreationExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("argument", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Argument, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("methodOpt", node.MethodOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isExtensionMethod", node.IsExtensionMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArrayCreation(BoundArrayCreation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("arrayCreation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("bounds", null, from x in node.Bounds select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitArrayInitialization(BoundArrayInitialization node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("arrayInitialization", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("initializers", null, from x in node.Initializers select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitStackAllocArrayCreation(BoundStackAllocArrayCreation node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("stackAllocArrayCreation", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("elementType", node.ElementType, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
                new TreeDumperNode("count", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Count, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerOpt, null) }),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12203 12204 12205 12206
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
12207 12208 12209 12210 12211
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConvertedStackAllocExpression(BoundConvertedStackAllocExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("convertedStackAllocExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("elementType", node.ElementType, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
                new TreeDumperNode("count", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Count, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.InitializerOpt, null) }),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12214 12215 12216 12217 12218 12219 12220 12221 12222 12223 12224 12225 12226
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitFieldAccess(BoundFieldAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("fieldAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("fieldSymbol", node.FieldSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isByValue", node.IsByValue, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isDeclaration", node.IsDeclaration, null),
DotNet Bot 已提交
12228 12229 12230 12231 12232 12233 12234 12235 12236 12237 12238 12239 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 12248 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 12262 12263 12264 12265 12266 12267 12268 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12274
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitHoistedFieldAccess(BoundHoistedFieldAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("hoistedFieldAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("fieldSymbol", node.FieldSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("propertyAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("propertySymbol", node.PropertySymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitEventAccess(BoundEventAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("eventAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("eventSymbol", node.EventSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("isUsableAsField", node.IsUsableAsField, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitIndexerAccess(BoundIndexerAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("indexerAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("indexer", node.Indexer, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("expanded", node.Expanded, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argsToParamsOpt", node.ArgsToParamsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, null),
Gen Lu 已提交
                new TreeDumperNode("useSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration", node.UseSetterForDefaultArgumentGeneration, null),
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12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12330 12331 12332 12333 12334 12335 12336 12337 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344 12345 12346 12347 12348 12349 12350 12351 12352 12353 12354 12355 12356 12357 12358 12359 12360 12361 12362 12363 12364 12365 12366 12367 12368 12369
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDynamicIndexerAccess(BoundDynamicIndexerAccess node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("dynamicIndexerAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("arguments", null, from x in node.Arguments select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("argumentRefKindsOpt", node.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("applicableIndexers", node.ApplicableIndexers, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitLambda(BoundLambda node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("lambda", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("symbol", node.Symbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("body", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Body, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("diagnostics", node.Diagnostics, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitUnboundLambda(UnboundLambda node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("unboundLambda", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("data", node.Data, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitQueryClause(BoundQueryClause node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("queryClause", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("definedSymbol", node.DefinedSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitTypeOrInstanceInitializers(BoundTypeOrInstanceInitializers node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("typeOrInstanceInitializers", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("statements", null, from x in node.Statements select Visit(x, null))
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNameOfOperator(BoundNameOfOperator node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("nameOfOperator", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("argument", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Argument, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitInterpolatedString(BoundInterpolatedString node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("interpolatedString", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("parts", null, from x in node.Parts select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitStringInsert(BoundStringInsert node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("stringInsert", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("alignment", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Alignment, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("format", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Format, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitIsPatternExpression(BoundIsPatternExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("isPatternExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("pattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Pattern, null) }),
12370 12371 12372
                new TreeDumperNode("decisionDag", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DecisionDag, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenTrueLabel", node.WhenTrueLabel, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("whenFalseLabel", node.WhenFalseLabel, null),
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12373 12374 12375 12376
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
12377 12378 12379 12380 12381
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConstantPattern(BoundConstantPattern node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("constantPattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("value", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Value, null) }),
12382 12383
                new TreeDumperNode("constantValue", node.ConstantValue, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("inputType", node.InputType, null)
12384 12385 12386 12387 12388
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDiscardPattern(BoundDiscardPattern node, object arg)
12389 12390 12391 12392
            return new TreeDumperNode("discardPattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("inputType", node.InputType, null)
12393 12394
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12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDeclarationPattern(BoundDeclarationPattern node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("declarationPattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("variable", node.Variable, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("variableAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.VariableAccess, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("declaredType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeclaredType, null) }),
12402 12403
                new TreeDumperNode("isVar", node.IsVar, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("inputType", node.InputType, null)
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12404 12405 12406
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitRecursivePattern(BoundRecursivePattern node, object arg)
DotNet Bot 已提交
            return new TreeDumperNode("recursivePattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
DotNet Bot 已提交
                new TreeDumperNode("declaredType", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.DeclaredType, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("deconstructMethod", node.DeconstructMethod, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("deconstruction", null, node.Deconstruction.IsDefault ? Array.Empty<TreeDumperNode>() : from x in node.Deconstruction select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("properties", null, node.Properties.IsDefault ? Array.Empty<TreeDumperNode>() : from x in node.Properties select Visit(x, null)),
                new TreeDumperNode("variable", node.Variable, null),
12416 12417
                new TreeDumperNode("variableAccess", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.VariableAccess, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("inputType", node.InputType, null)
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12418 12419 12420
12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 12429
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitSubpattern(BoundSubpattern node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("subpattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("symbol", node.Symbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("pattern", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Pattern, null) })
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12430 12431 12432 12433 12434 12435 12436 12437 12438 12439 12440 12441 12442 12443 12444 12445 12446 12447 12448 12449 12450 12451 12452 12453 12454 12455 12456 12457 12458 12459 12460 12461 12462 12463 12464 12465 12466 12467 12468 12469 12470 12471 12472 12473 12474
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDiscardExpression(BoundDiscardExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("discardExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitThrowExpression(BoundThrowExpression node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("throwExpression", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("expression", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Expression, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitOutVariablePendingInference(OutVariablePendingInference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("outVariablePendingInference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("variableSymbol", node.VariableSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitDeconstructionVariablePendingInference(DeconstructionVariablePendingInference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("deconstructionVariablePendingInference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("variableSymbol", node.VariableSymbol, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitOutDeconstructVarPendingInference(OutDeconstructVarPendingInference node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("outDeconstructVarPendingInference", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, null)
12475 12476 12477 12478 12479 12480 12481 12482 12483 12484 12485 12486 12487 12488 12489 12490 12491 12492 12493 12494
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitNonConstructorMethodBody(BoundNonConstructorMethodBody node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("nonConstructorMethodBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("blockBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.BlockBody, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionBody, null) })
        public override TreeDumperNode VisitConstructorMethodBody(BoundConstructorMethodBody node, object arg)
            return new TreeDumperNode("constructorMethodBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[]
                new TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, null),
                new TreeDumperNode("initializer", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.Initializer, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("blockBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.BlockBody, null) }),
                new TreeDumperNode("expressionBody", null, new TreeDumperNode[] { Visit(node.ExpressionBody, null) })
DotNet Bot 已提交
12495 12496