提交 6039ac50 编写于 作者: sinat_25235033's avatar sinat_25235033

simplify ktor-sureness demo's api,auth data

上级 991355f7
......@@ -2,49 +2,42 @@
# load api resource which need be protected, config role who can access these resource.
# resources that are not configured are also authenticated and protected by default, but not authorized
# eg: /api/v2/host===post===[role2,role3,role4] means /api/v2/host===post can be access by role2,role3,role4
# eg: /api/v1/getSource3===get===[] means /api/v1/getSource3===get can not be access by any role
# eg: /api/v1/bar===post===[role1] means /api/v1/bar===post can be access by role1
# eg: /api/v3/foo===get===[] means /api/v3/foo===* can not be access by any role
- /api/v2/host===post===[role2,role3,role4]
- /api/v2/host===get===[role2,role3,role4]
- /api/v2/host===delete===[role2,role3,role4]
- /api/v2/host===put===[role2,role3,role4]
- /api/mi/**===put===[role2,role3,role4]
- /api/v1/getSource1===get===[role1,role2]
- /api/v2/getSource2/*/*===get===[role2]
- /api/v1/source1===get===[role2]
- /api/v1/source1===post===[role1]
- /api/v1/source1===delete===[role3]
- /api/v1/source1===put===[role1,role2]
- /api/v1/source2===get===[]
- /api/v1/bar/*===get===[role1,role2,role3]
- /api/v1/bar===post===[role1]
- /api/v2/bar===put===[role2]
- /api/v2/foo===get===[role3]
- /api/v3/foo===get===[]
# load api resource which do not need be protected, means them need be excluded.
# these api resource can be access by everyone
# eg: /**/*.png===* means get/post/put/delete/patch any url suffixed with `.png` can be access by everyone
- /api/v3/host===get
- /api/v3/book===get
- /api/v1/account/auth===post
- /api/v2/foo===delete
- /**/*.html===get
- /**/*.js===get
- /**/*.css===get
- /**/*.ico===get
- /**/*.ico===*
- /**/*.png===*
# account info
# there are three account: admin, root, tom
# eg: admin has [role1,role2] ROLE, unencrypted password is admin, encrypted password is 0192023A7BBD73250516F069DF18B500
# eg: root has role1, unencrypted password is 23456
# eg: tom has role3, unencrypted password is 32113
# there are three account: sam, tom, lisa
# eg: sam has [role1,role2,role3], password is sam123, has salt -> 123
# eg: tom has role2, password is tom123
# eg: lisa has role3, password is lisa123
- appId: admin
# if add salt, the password is encrypted password - the result: MD5(password+salt)
# digest auth not support encrypted password
# if no salt, the password is unencrypted password
credential: 0192023A7BBD73250516F069DF18B500
- appId: sam
# if add salt, the credential is encrypted by md5 - result is: MD5(password+salt)
# digest auth not support encrypted credential
credential: 1B9E9136628CB1B161AE47132DD7AF19
salt: 123
role: [role1,role2]
- appId: root
credential: 23456
role: [role1]
role: [role1,role2,role3]
- appId: tom
credential: 32113
credential: tom123
role: [role2]
- appId: lisa
credential: lisa123
role: [role3]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ import io.ktor.application.Application
import io.ktor.application.ApplicationCallPipeline
import io.ktor.application.call
import io.ktor.application.log
import io.ktor.http.ContentType
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode
import io.ktor.response.header
import io.ktor.response.respondText
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.request.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.EngineAPI
import io.ktor.server.engine.embeddedServer
import io.ktor.server.servlet.AsyncServletApplicationRequest
import io.ktor.server.tomcat.Tomcat
import java.util.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
embeddedServer(Tomcat, port = 8081){main()}.start(wait = true)
embeddedServer(Tomcat, port = 8080){main()}.start(wait = true)
......@@ -40,28 +40,18 @@ fun Application.main() {
log.debug("auth success!")
} catch (e4: UnknownAccountException) {
log.debug("this request is illegal")
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e2: DisabledAccountException) {
log.debug("the account is disabled")
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e2: ExcessiveAttemptsException) {
log.debug("the account is disabled")
log.debug("this request account info is illegal")
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, e4.localizedMessage)
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e3: IncorrectCredentialsException) {
log.debug("this account credential is incorrect or expired")
log.debug("this account credential is incorrect")
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, e3.localizedMessage)
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e3: ExpiredCredentialsException) {
log.debug("this account credential is incorrect or expired")
log.debug("this account credential is expired")
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, e3.localizedMessage)
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e4: NeedDigestInfoException) {
......@@ -73,52 +63,34 @@ fun Application.main() {
} catch (e5: UnauthorizedException) {
log.debug("this account can not access this resource")
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, e5.localizedMessage)
return@intercept finish()
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
log.error("other exception happen: ", e)
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, e.localizedMessage)
return@intercept finish()
routing {
get("/api/v3/host") {
call.respondText("Hello World!", ContentType.Text.Plain)
get("/api/v2/host") {
call.respondText("get /api/v2/host")
post("/api/v2/host") {
call.respondText("post /api/v2/host")
put("/api/v2/host") {
call.respondText("put /api/v2/host")
delete("/api/v2/host") {
call.respondText("delete /api/v2/host")
put("/api/mi/tom") {
call.respondText("put /api/mi/tom")
get("/api/v1/getSource1") {
call.respondText("get /api/v1/getSource1")
get("/api/v1/bar/{id}") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
get("/api/v2/getSource2/book") {
call.respondText("get /api/v2/getSource2/book")
post("/api/v1/bar") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
get("/api/v1/source1") {
call.respondText("get /api/v1/source1")
put("/api/v2/bar") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
post("/api/v1/source1") {
call.respondText("post /api/v1/source1")
get("/api/v2/foo") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
put("/api/v1/source1") {
call.respondText("put /api/v1/source1")
delete("/api/v2/foo") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
delete("/api/v1/source1") {
call.respondText("delete /api/v1/source1")
get("/api/v3/foo") {
call.respondText("access " + call.request.uri + " success")
\ No newline at end of file
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