Specify tar is required for backup and restore tasks

上级 30227f8e
......@@ -16,17 +16,27 @@ and is flexible enough to fit your needs.
### Requirements
If you're using GitLab with the Omnibus package, you're all set. If you
installed GitLab from source, make sure the following packages are installed:
* rsync
If you're using GitLab with the Omnibus package, you're all set. If you
installed GitLab from source, make sure you have rsync installed.
If you're using Ubuntu, you could run:
sudo apt-get install -y rsync
* tar
Backup and restore tasks use `tar` under the hood to create and extract
archives. Ensure you have version 1.30 or above of `tar` available in your
system. To check the version, run:
tar --version
### Backup timestamp
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