提交 cf58271e 编写于 作者: A Adam Niedzielski

Pass tag SHA to post-receive hook when tag is created via UI

We only know the tag SHA after we create the tag.
This means that we pass a different value to the hooks that happen before
creating the tag, and a different value to the hooks that happen after
creating the tag.

This is not an ideal situation, but it is a trade-off we decided to
make. For discussion of the alternatives please refer to

"pre-receive" and "update" hooks always get the SHA of the commit
that the tag points to. "post-receive" gets the tag SHA if it is
an annotated tag or the commit SHA if it is an lightweight tag.
Currently we always create annotated tags if UI is used.
上级 9e6cdc64
......@@ -196,8 +196,9 @@ class Repository
options = { message: message, tagger: user_to_committer(user) } if message
GitHooksService.new.execute(user, path_to_repo, oldrev, target, ref) do
rugged.tags.create(tag_name, target, options)
GitHooksService.new.execute(user, path_to_repo, oldrev, target, ref) do |service|
raw_tag = rugged.tags.create(tag_name, target, options)
service.newrev = raw_tag.target_id
class GitHooksService
PreReceiveError = Class.new(StandardError)
attr_accessor :oldrev, :newrev, :ref
def execute(user, repo_path, oldrev, newrev, ref)
@repo_path = repo_path
@user = Gitlab::GlId.gl_id(user)
......@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ class GitHooksService
yield self
......@@ -25,6 +27,6 @@ class GitHooksService
def run_hook(name)
hook = Gitlab::Git::Hook.new(name, @repo_path)
hook.trigger(@user, @oldrev, @newrev, @ref)
hook.trigger(@user, oldrev, newrev, ref)
title: Pass tag SHA to post-receive hook when tag is created via UI
merge_request: 7700
......@@ -1308,6 +1308,32 @@ describe Repository, models: true do
expect(tag).to be_a(Gitlab::Git::Tag)
it 'passes commit SHA to pre-receive and update hooks,\
and tag SHA to post-receive hook' do
pre_receive_hook = Gitlab::Git::Hook.new('pre-receive', repository.path_to_repo)
update_hook = Gitlab::Git::Hook.new('update', repository.path_to_repo)
post_receive_hook = Gitlab::Git::Hook.new('post-receive', repository.path_to_repo)
allow(Gitlab::Git::Hook).to receive(:new).
and_return(pre_receive_hook, update_hook, post_receive_hook)
allow(pre_receive_hook).to receive(:trigger).and_call_original
allow(update_hook).to receive(:trigger).and_call_original
allow(post_receive_hook).to receive(:trigger).and_call_original
tag = repository.add_tag(user, '8.5', 'master', 'foo')
commit_sha = repository.commit('master').id
tag_sha = tag.target
expect(pre_receive_hook).to have_received(:trigger).
with(anything, anything, commit_sha, anything)
expect(update_hook).to have_received(:trigger).
with(anything, anything, commit_sha, anything)
expect(post_receive_hook).to have_received(:trigger).
with(anything, anything, tag_sha, anything)
context 'with an invalid target' do
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