提交 c4f9dff4 编写于 作者: D Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'simplify-emails-content' into 'master'

Streamline the content of notification emails

In notification emails, the actual content of the email is often buried under several blocks of chrome — and may even be truncated or completely missing. Ideally, the notification emails would be like *real emails*: a short message of meaningful text, sent from the author of the change that triggered the notification.

This MR includes the following changes to notification emails:

* Remove much of the chrome (e.g. the "GitLab" header)
* Emphasize the content (no more small, grayed-out content)
* Add missing informations to the emails (issue description in "new issue" email, file name in "diff comment" email)
* Add a consistent "View in GitLab" link in the footer
* The assignee is displayed only if someone is assigned
* Fix a rendering bug when viewing emails with [Zimbra](http://www.zimbra.com/)

We use these patches at [Capitaine Train](http://www.capitainetrain.com), and it has been a surprisingly big productivity boost for us.

![Before and after](http://f.cl.ly/items/3n0P2c2v1P0y011c0D3e/Before%20and%20After.png)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Emails
def group_access_granted_email(user_group_id)
@membership = UsersGroup.find(user_group_id)
@group = @membership.group
@target_url = group_url(@group)
mail(to: @membership.user.email,
subject: subject("Access to group was granted"))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Emails
def new_issue_email(recipient_id, issue_id)
@issue = Issue.find(issue_id)
@project = @issue.project
@target_url = project_issue_url(@project, @issue)
mail(from: sender(@issue.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})"))
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ module Emails
@issue = Issue.find(issue_id)
@previous_assignee = User.find_by(id: previous_assignee_id) if previous_assignee_id
@project = @issue.project
@target_url = project_issue_url(@project, @issue)
mail(from: sender(updated_by_user_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})"))
......@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ module Emails
@issue = Issue.find issue_id
@project = @issue.project
@updated_by = User.find updated_by_user_id
@target_url = project_issue_url(@project, @issue)
mail(from: sender(updated_by_user_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})"))
......@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ module Emails
@issue_status = status
@project = @issue.project
@updated_by = User.find updated_by_user_id
@target_url = project_issue_url(@project, @issue)
mail(from: sender(updated_by_user_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})"))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Emails
def new_merge_request_email(recipient_id, merge_request_id)
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
@project = @merge_request.project
@target_url = project_merge_request_url(@project, @merge_request)
mail(from: sender(@merge_request.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@merge_request.title} (!#{@merge_request.iid})"))
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ module Emails
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
@previous_assignee = User.find_by(id: previous_assignee_id) if previous_assignee_id
@project = @merge_request.project
@target_url = project_merge_request_url(@project, @merge_request)
mail(from: sender(updated_by_user_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@merge_request.title} (!#{@merge_request.iid})"))
......@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ module Emails
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
@updated_by = User.find updated_by_user_id
@project = @merge_request.project
@target_url = project_merge_request_url(@project, @merge_request)
mail(from: sender(updated_by_user_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@merge_request.title} (!#{@merge_request.iid})"))
......@@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ module Emails
def merged_merge_request_email(recipient_id, merge_request_id)
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
@project = @merge_request.project
@target_url = project_merge_request_url(@project, @merge_request)
mail(from: sender(@merge_request.author_id_of_changes),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@merge_request.title} (!#{@merge_request.iid})"))
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Emails
@note = Note.find(note_id)
@commit = @note.noteable
@project = @note.project
@target_url = project_commit_url(@project, @commit, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
mail(from: sender(@note.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@commit.title} (#{@commit.short_id})"))
......@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ module Emails
@note = Note.find(note_id)
@issue = @note.noteable
@project = @note.project
@target_url = project_issue_url(@project, @issue, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
mail(from: sender(@note.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})"))
......@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ module Emails
@note = Note.find(note_id)
@merge_request = @note.noteable
@project = @note.project
@target_url = project_merge_request_url(@project, @merge_request, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
mail(from: sender(@note.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("#{@merge_request.title} (!#{@merge_request.iid})"))
......@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ module Emails
def note_wall_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
@project = @note.project
@target_url = project_wall_url(@note.project, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
mail(from: sender(@note.author_id),
to: recipient(recipient_id),
subject: subject("Note on wall"))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Emails
def new_user_email(user_id, password)
@user = User.find(user_id)
@password = password
@target_url = user_url(@user)
mail(to: @user.email, subject: subject("Account was created for you"))
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ module Emails
def new_ssh_key_email(key_id)
@key = Key.find(key_id)
@user = @key.user
@target_url = user_url(@user)
mail(to: @user.email, subject: subject("SSH key was added to your account"))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Emails
def project_access_granted_email(user_project_id)
@users_project = UsersProject.find user_project_id
@project = @users_project.project
@target_url = project_url(@project)
mail(to: @users_project.user.email,
subject: subject("Access to project was granted"))
......@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ module Emails
def project_was_moved_email(project_id, user_id)
@user = User.find user_id
@project = Project.find project_id
@target_url = project_url(@project)
mail(to: @user.email,
subject: subject("Project was moved"))
......@@ -21,6 +23,11 @@ module Emails
@commits = Commit.decorate(compare.commits)
@diffs = compare.diffs
@branch = branch
if @commits.length > 1
@target_url = project_compare_url(@project, from: @commits.first, to: @commits.last)
@target_url = project_commit_url(@project, @compare.commit)
mail(from: sender(author_id),
to: recipient,
......@@ -3,20 +3,24 @@
%meta{content: "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
p.details {
.footer p {
%h1{style: "background: #EEE; border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD; color: #474D57; font: normal 20px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 5px 10px; line-height: 32px; font-size: 16px;"}
- if @project
= link_to @project.name_with_namespace, project_url(@project), style: 'color: #29B; text-decoration: none'
%table{align: "left", border: "0", cellpadding: "0", cellspacing: "0", style: "padding: 10px 0;", width: "100%"}
%td{align: "left", style: "margin: 0; padding: 10px;"}
= yield
%td{align: "left", style: "margin: 0; padding: 10px;"}
%p{style: "font-size:small;color:#777"}
- if @project
You're receiving this notification because you are a member of the #{@project.name_with_namespace} project team.
= yield
%div.footer{style: "margin-top: 10px;"}
- if @project
You're receiving this notification because you are a member of the #{link_to @project.name_with_namespace, project_url(@project)} project team.
- if @target_url
#{link_to "View in GitLab", @target_url}
%strong #{@note.author_name}
%cite{style: 'color: #666'}
= markdown(@note.note)
= "Issue was closed by #{@updated_by.name}"
= "Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, length: 45), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue), title: @issue.title
= "Merge Request #{@merge_request.iid} was closed by #{@updated_by.name}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, length: 40), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request)
!= merge_path_description(@merge_request, '→')
Assignee: #{@merge_request.author_name} → #{@merge_request.assignee_name}
= "Merge Request !#{@merge_request.iid} was closed by #{@updated_by.name}"
= "You have been granted #{@membership.human_access} access to group"
= link_to group_url(@group) do
= @group.name
= "Issue was #{@issue_status} by #{@updated_by.name}"
= "Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, length: 45), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue), title: @issue.title
= "Merge Request #{@merge_request.iid} was merged"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, length: 40), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request)
!= merge_path_description(@merge_request, '→')
Assignee: #{@merge_request.author_name} → #{@merge_request.assignee_name}
= "Merge Request !#{@merge_request.iid} was merged"
New Issue was created.
= "Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, length: 45), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue), title: @issue.title
Author: #{@issue.author_name}
Assignee: #{@issue.assignee_name}
-if @issue.description
= markdown(@issue.description)
- if @issue.assignee_id.present?
Assignee: #{@issue.assignee_name}
= "New Merge Request ##{@merge_request.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, length: 40), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request)
!= merge_path_description(@merge_request, '→')
Assignee: #{@merge_request.author_name} → #{@merge_request.assignee_name}
- if @merge_request.assignee_id.present?
Assignee: #{@merge_request.author_name} → #{@merge_request.assignee_name}
-if @merge_request.description
= markdown(@merge_request.description)
= "New comment for Commit #{@commit.short_id}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@commit.title, length: 16), project_commit_url(@note.project, id: @commit.id, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
= render 'note_message'
= "New comment for Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, length: 35), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
= render 'note_message'
- if @note.for_diff_line?
= link_to "New comment on diff", diffs_project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
- else
= link_to "New comment", project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
for Merge Request ##{@merge_request.iid}
%cite "#{truncate(@merge_request.title, length: 20)}"
- if @note.diff_file_name
New comment on diff for
= link_to @note.diff_file_name, @target_url
= render 'note_message'
New message on
= link_to "Project Wall", project_wall_url(@note.project, anchor: "note_#{@note.id}")
= render 'note_message'
= "Reassigned Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, length: 30), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue)
Assignee changed
- if @previous_assignee
= "Reassigned Merge Request ##{@merge_request.iid}"
= link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, length: 30), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.target_project, @merge_request)
Assignee changed
- if @previous_assignee
......@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ describe Notify do
context 'for issues' do
let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: current_user, assignee: assignee, project: project ) }
let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: current_user, assignee: assignee, project: project) }
let(:issue_with_description) { create(:issue, author: current_user, assignee: assignee, project: project, description: Faker::Lorem.sentence) }
describe 'that are new' do
subject { Notify.new_issue_email(issue.assignee_id, issue.id) }
......@@ -162,6 +163,14 @@ describe Notify do
describe 'that are new with a description' do
subject { Notify.new_issue_email(issue_with_description.assignee_id, issue_with_description.id) }
it 'contains the description' do
should have_body_text /#{issue_with_description.description}/
describe 'that have been reassigned' do
subject { Notify.reassigned_issue_email(recipient.id, issue.id, previous_assignee.id, current_user) }
......@@ -221,6 +230,7 @@ describe Notify do
context 'for merge requests' do
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, author: current_user, assignee: assignee, source_project: project, target_project: project) }
let(:merge_request_with_description) { create(:merge_request, author: current_user, assignee: assignee, source_project: project, target_project: project, description: Faker::Lorem.sentence) }
describe 'that are new' do
subject { Notify.new_merge_request_email(merge_request.assignee_id, merge_request.id) }
......@@ -244,6 +254,14 @@ describe Notify do
describe 'that are new with a description' do
subject { Notify.new_merge_request_email(merge_request_with_description.assignee_id, merge_request_with_description.id) }
it 'contains the description' do
should have_body_text /#{merge_request_with_description.description}/
describe 'that are reassigned' do
subject { Notify.reassigned_merge_request_email(recipient.id, merge_request.id, previous_assignee.id, current_user.id) }
......@@ -335,10 +353,6 @@ describe Notify do
should deliver_to recipient.email
it 'contains the name of the note\'s author' do
should have_body_text /#{note_author.name}/
it 'contains the message from the note' do
should have_body_text /#{note.note}/
......@@ -468,6 +482,8 @@ describe Notify do
let(:example_site_path) { root_path }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:compare) { Gitlab::Git::Compare.new(project.repository.raw_repository, 'cd5c4bac', 'b1e6a9db') }
let(:commits) { Commit.decorate(compare.commits) }
let(:diff_path) { project_compare_path(project, from: commits.first, to: commits.last) }
subject { Notify.repository_push_email(project.id, 'devs@company.name', user.id, 'master', compare) }
......@@ -492,5 +508,9 @@ describe Notify do
it 'includes diffs' do
should have_body_text /Checkout wiki pages for installation information/
it 'contains a link to the diff' do
should have_body_text /#{diff_path}/
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