提交 b359d5d5 编写于 作者: S Stan Hu

Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects

Closes #17496
上级 d6e5299f
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Redesign navigation for project pages
- Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects
- Use gitlab-shell v3.0.0
v 8.8.2 (unreleased)
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class GroupProjectsFinder < UnionFinder
projects = []
if current_user
if @group.users.include?(current_user)
if @group.users.include?(current_user) || current_user.admin?
projects << @group.projects unless only_shared
projects << @group.shared_projects unless only_owned
......@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ module API
# GET /groups/:id/projects
get ":id/projects" do
group = find_group(params[:id])
projects = group.projects
projects = filter_projects(projects)
projects = GroupProjectsFinder.new(group).execute(current_user)
projects = paginate projects
present projects, with: Entities::Project
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
let!(:group2) { create(:group, :private) }
let!(:project1) { create(:project, namespace: group1) }
let!(:project2) { create(:project, namespace: group2) }
let!(:project3) { create(:project, namespace: group1, path: 'test', visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE) }
before do
......@@ -147,9 +148,11 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context "when authenticated as user" do
it "should return the group's projects" do
get api("/groups/#{group1.id}/projects", user1)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect(json_response.first['name']).to eq(project1.name)
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
project_names = json_response.map { |proj| proj['name' ] }
expect(project_names).to match_array([project1.name, project3.name])
it "should not return a non existing group" do
......@@ -162,6 +165,16 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
it "should only return projects to which user has access" do
project3.team << [user3, :developer]
get api("/groups/#{group1.id}/projects", user3)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect(json_response.first['name']).to eq(project3.name)
context "when authenticated as admin" do
......@@ -181,8 +194,10 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'when using group path in URL' do
it 'should return any existing group' do
get api("/groups/#{group1.path}/projects", admin)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json_response.first['name']).to eq(project1.name)
project_names = json_response.map { |proj| proj['name' ] }
expect(project_names).to match_array([project1.name, project3.name])
it 'should not return a non existing group' do
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