提交 ab96ca2b 编写于 作者: A Alfredo Sumaran

Dropdown implementation

上级 79620c50
......@@ -66,13 +66,12 @@ v 8.8.0 (unreleased)
- All Grape API helpers are now instrumented
- Improve Issue formatting for the Slack Service (Jeroen van Baarsen)
- Fixed advice on invalid permissions on upload path !2948 (Ludovic Perrine)
- When creating a .gitignore file a dropdown with templates will be provided
v 8.7.6
- Fix links on wiki pages for relative url setups. !4131 (Artem Sidorenko)
- Fix import from GitLab.com to a private instance failure. !4181
- Fix external imports not finding the import data. !4106
- Fix import from gitlab.com to a private instance failure
- When creating a .gitignore file a dropdown with templates will be provided
v 8.7.5
- Fix relative links in wiki pages. !4050
@Api =
groups_path: "/api/:version/groups.json"
group_path: "/api/:version/groups/:id.json"
namespaces_path: "/api/:version/namespaces.json"
group_projects_path: "/api/:version/groups/:id/projects.json"
projects_path: "/api/:version/projects.json"
labels_path: "/api/:version/projects/:id/labels"
license_path: "/api/:version/licenses/:key"
gitignoretext_path: "/api/:version/gitignores/:key"
groupsPath: "/api/:version/groups.json"
groupPath: "/api/:version/groups/:id.json"
namespacesPath: "/api/:version/namespaces.json"
groupProjectsPath: "/api/:version/groups/:id/projects.json"
projectsPath: "/api/:version/projects.json"
labelsPath: "/api/:version/projects/:id/labels"
licensePath: "/api/:version/licenses/:key"
gitignorePath: "/api/:version/gitignores/:key"
group: (group_id, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.group_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.groupPath)
url = url.replace(':id', group_id)
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# Return groups list. Filtered by query
# Only active groups retrieved
groups: (query, skip_ldap, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.groups_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.groupsPath)
url: url
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
# Return namespaces list. Filtered by query
namespaces: (query, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.namespaces_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.namespacesPath)
url: url
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
# Return projects list. Filtered by query
projects: (query, order, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.projects_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.projectsPath)
url: url
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
newLabel: (project_id, data, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.labels_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.labelsPath)
url = url.replace(':id', project_id)
data.private_token = gon.api_token
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
# Return group projects list. Filtered by query
groupProjects: (group_id, query, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.group_projects_path)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.groupProjectsPath)
url = url.replace(':id', group_id)
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
# Return text for a specific license
licenseText: (key, data, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.license_path).replace(':key', key)
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.licensePath).replace(':key', key)
url: url
......@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
).done (license) ->
gitIgnoreText: (key, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.gitignoretext_path).replace(':key', key)
gitignoreText: (key, callback) ->
url = Api.buildUrl(Api.gitignorePath).replace(':key', key)
$.get url, (gitignore) ->
class @BlobGitIgnoreSelector
class @BlobGitignoreSelector
constructor: (opts) ->
@wrapper = @dropdown.parents('.gitignore-selector')
@fileNameInput = $('#file_name')
@$wrapper = @dropdown.closest('.gitignore-selector')
@$filenameInput = $('#file_name')
@data = @dropdown.data('filenames')
} = opts
......@@ -13,51 +13,46 @@ class @BlobGitIgnoreSelector
filterable: true,
selectable: true,
fields: ['text']
clicked: @onClick.bind(@)
fields: ['name']
clicked: @onClick
text: (gitignore) ->
bindEvents: ->
.on 'keyup blur', (e) =>
toggleGitIgnoreSelector: ->
filename = @fileNameInput.val() or $('.editor-file-name').text().trim()
@wrapper.toggleClass 'hidden', filename isnt '.gitignore'
toggleGitignoreSelector: ->
filename = @$filenameInput.val() or $('.editor-file-name').text().trim()
@$wrapper.toggleClass 'hidden', filename isnt '.gitignore'
onClick: (item, el, e) ->
onClick: (item, el, e) =>
requestIgnoreFile: (name) ->
Api.gitIgnoreText name, @requestIgnoreFileSuccess.bind(@)
Api.gitignoreText name, @requestIgnoreFileSuccess.bind(@)
requestIgnoreFileSuccess: (gitignore) ->
@editor.setValue(gitignore.content, -1)
# Move cursor position to end of file
row = @editor.session.getLength() - 1
column = @editor.session.getLine(row).length
@editor.gotoLine(row + 1, column)
@editor.setValue(gitignore.content, 1)
class @BlobGitIgnoreSelectors
class @BlobGitignoreSelectors
constructor: (opts) ->
_this = @
@dropdowns = $('.js-gitignore-selector')
@$dropdowns = $('.js-gitignore-selector')
} = opts
@dropdowns.each ->
$dropdown = $(@)
@$dropdowns.each (i, dropdown) =>
$dropdown = $(dropdown)
new BlobGitIgnoreSelector(
new BlobGitignoreSelector(
dropdown: $dropdown,
editor: _this.editor
editor: @editor
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class @EditBlob
new BlobLicenseSelector(@editor)
new BlobGitIgnoreSelectors(editor: @editor)
new BlobGitignoreSelectors(editor: @editor)
initModePanesAndLinks: ->
@$editModePanes = $(".js-edit-mode-pane")
......@@ -60,23 +60,36 @@ class GitLabDropdownFilter
results = data
if search_text isnt ''
# handle groups
# When data is an array of objects therefore [object Array] e.g.
# [
# { prop: 'foo' },
# { prop: 'baz' }
# ]
if _.isArray(data)
results = fuzzaldrinPlus.filter(data, search_text,
key: @options.keys
else if _.isObject(data)
results = {}
for key, group of data
tmp = fuzzaldrinPlus.filter(group, search_text,
key: @options.keys
if tmp.length
results[key] = []
tmp.map (item) ->
results[key].push item
# If data is grouped therefore an [object Object]. e.g.
# {
# groupName1: [
# { prop: 'foo' },
# { prop: 'baz' }
# ],
# groupName2: [
# { prop: 'abc' },
# { prop: 'def' }
# ]
# }
if gl.utils.isObject data
results = {}
for key, group of data
tmp = fuzzaldrinPlus.filter(group, search_text,
key: @options.keys
if tmp.length
results[key] = tmp.map (item) -> item
@options.callback results
......@@ -250,7 +263,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
html = [@noResults()]
# Handle array groups
if String(data) is "[object Object]"
if gl.utils.isObject data
html = []
for name, groupData of data
# Add header for each group
......@@ -269,7 +282,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
renderData: (data, group = false) ->
$.map data, (obj, index) =>
data.map (obj, index) =>
return @renderItem(obj, group, index)
shouldPropagate: (e) =>
......@@ -416,7 +429,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
selectedIndex = el.data('index')
selectedObject = @renderedData[groupName][selectedIndex]
selectedIndex = el.parent().index()
selectedIndex = el.closest('li').index()
selectedObject = @renderedData[selectedIndex]
value = if @options.id then @options.id(selectedObject, el) else selectedObject.id
((w) ->
w.gl ?= {}
w.gl.utils ?= {}
w.gl.utils.isObject = (obj) ->
obj? and (obj.constructor is Object)
) window
......@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ module BlobHelper
def gitignores_for_select
return @gitignores_for_select if defined?(@gitignores_for_select)
def gitignore_names
return @gitignore_names if defined?(@gitignore_names)
@gitignores_for_select = {
Global: Gitlab::Gitignore.global.map{ |v| { text: v.name } },
@gitignore_names = {
Global: Gitlab::Gitignore.global.map { |gitignore| { name: gitignore.name } },
# Note that the key here doesn't cover it really
Languages: Gitlab::Gitignore.languages_frameworks.map{ |v| { text: v.name } }
Languages: Gitlab::Gitignore.languages_frameworks.map{ |gitignore| { name: gitignore.name } }
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class Repository
def cache_keys
%i(size branch_names tag_names commit_count
readme version contribution_guide changelog
license_blob license_key)
license_blob license_key gitignore)
def build_cache
......@@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ class Repository
def expire_gitignore
def expire_tags_cache
@tags = nil
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
= select_tag :license_type, grouped_options_for_select(licenses_for_select, @project.repository.license_key), include_blank: true, class: 'select2 license-select', data: {placeholder: 'Choose a license template', project: @project.name, fullname: @project.namespace.human_name}
= dropdown_tag("Choose a .gitignore template", options: { toggle_class: 'js-gitignore-selector', title: "Choose a template", filter: true, placeholder: "Filter", data: { filenames: gitignores_for_select } } )
= dropdown_tag("Choose a .gitignore template", options: { toggle_class: 'js-gitignore-selector', title: "Choose a template", filter: true, placeholder: "Filter", data: { filenames: gitignore_names } } )
= select_tag :encoding, options_for_select([ "base64", "text" ], "text"), class: 'select2'
......@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ module API
# Get the text for a specific gitignore
# Parameters:
# key (required) - The key of a license
# name (required) - The name of a license
# Example Request:
# GET /gitignores/elixir
# GET /gitignores/Elixir
get 'gitignores/:key' do
required_attributes! [:key]
get 'gitignores/:name' do
required_attributes! [:name]
gitignore = Gitlab::Gitignore.find(params[:key])
gitignore = Gitlab::Gitignore.find(params[:name])
not_found!('.gitignore') unless gitignore
present gitignore, with: Entities::Gitignore
#= require bootstrap
#= require select2
#= require lib/type_utility
#= require gl_dropdown
#= require api
#= require project_select
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