提交 a77c8bf9 编写于 作者: D Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Bootstrap: Issues & MR

上级 d81f0b78
......@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ img.avatar {
p { padding-top:5px;}
.author_link {
color: $active_link_color;
@import "reset_bootstrap.scss";
@import "top_panel.scss";
@import "projects.css.scss";
......@@ -6,7 +6,33 @@ a {
.alert-message.entry {
.entry {
position: relative;
padding: 7px 15px;
margin-bottom: 18px;
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background-color: #eedc94;
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background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fceec1, #eedc94);
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #fceec1, #eedc94);
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box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
......@@ -119,4 +119,8 @@ table.highlighttable .linenodiv pre {
background: #FFFFCF;
.tree-item-file-name {
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Commit
@head = head
def safe_message()
def safe_message
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
= f.label :title
.input= f.text_area :title, :maxlength => 255, :class => "xlarge"
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "primary btn"
- if request.xhr?
......@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
= link_to "Cancel", project_issue_path(@project, @issue), :class => "btn"
-#- unless @issue.new_record?
- unless @issue.new_record?
= link_to 'Remove', [@project, @issue], :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => "red-button"
= link_to 'Remove', [@project, @issue], :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => "danger btn"
%tr{ :id => dom_id(issue), :class => "issue #{issue.critical ? "critical" : ""}", :url => project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) }
= image_tag gravatar_icon(issue.assignee_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= truncate(html_escape(issue.title), :length => 50)
%strong= issue.assignee.name
= time_ago_in_words(issue.created_at)
- if issue.critical
%span.tag.high critical
- if issue.today?
%span.tag.today today
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, issue
- if issue.closed
= link_to 'Reopen', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, :issue => {:closed => false }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "btn small", :remote => true
- else
= link_to 'Resolve', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, :issue => {:closed => true }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "success btn small", :remote => true
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, issue
= link_to 'Edit', edit_project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), :class => "btn small edit-issue-link", :remote => true
- if can?(current_user, :admin_issue, @project) || issue.author == current_user
= link_to 'Remove', [issue.project, issue], :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => "danger btn small delete-issue", :id => "destroy_issue_#{issue.id}"
%li.wll{ :id => dom_id(issue), :class => "issue #{issue.critical ? "critical" : ""}", :url => project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) }
= image_tag gravatar_icon(issue.author_email), :class => "avatar"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(issue.author_id)), :class => "author_link" do
= issue.author_name
= time_ago_in_words(issue.created_at)
- if issue.critical
%span.label.important critical
- if issue.today?
%span.label.success today
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, issue
- if issue.closed
= link_to 'Reopen', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, :issue => {:closed => false }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "btn small", :remote => true
- else
= link_to 'Resolve', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, :issue => {:closed => true }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "success btn small", :remote => true
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, issue
= link_to 'Edit', edit_project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), :class => "btn small edit-issue-link", :remote => true
-#- if can?(current_user, :admin_issue, @project) || issue.author == current_user
= link_to 'Remove', [issue.project, issue], :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => "danger btn small delete-issue", :id => "destroy_issue_#{issue.id}"
= link_to project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) do
Issue ##{issue.id}:
= truncate(issue.title, :length => 50)
......@@ -13,25 +13,29 @@
New Issue
%li{:class => ("active" if (params[:f] == "0" || !params[:f]))}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 0) do
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "2")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 2) do
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "3")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 3) do
To Me
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "1")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 1) do
%li{:class => ("active" if (params[:f] == "0" || !params[:f]))}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 0) do
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "2")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 2) do
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "3")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 3) do
To Me
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "1")}
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :f => 1) do
= form_tag search_project_issues_path(@project), :method => :get, :remote => true, :id => "issue_search_form", :class => :right do
= hidden_field_tag :project_id, @project.id, { :id => 'project_id' }
= search_field_tag :issue_search, nil, { :placeholder => 'Search', :class => 'issue_search' }
= form_tag search_project_issues_path(@project), :method => :get, :remote => true, :id => "issue_search_form", :class => :right do
= hidden_field_tag :project_id, @project.id, { :id => 'project_id' }
= search_field_tag :issue_search, nil, { :placeholder => 'Search', :class => 'issue_search' }
%table#issues-table= render "issues"
%ul#issues-table.unstyled= render "issues"
var href = $('.issue_search').parent().attr('action');
......@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@
if (terms.length >= 2 || terms.length == 0) {
$.get(href, { 'status': status, 'terms': terms, project: project_id }, function(response) {
$('#issues-table tbody').html(response);
......@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@
$(this).closest('tr').fadeOut(); updatePage();});
function setSortable(){
axis: 'y',
dropOnEmpty: false,
handle: '.handle',
......@@ -68,10 +72,10 @@
update: function(){
type: 'post',
data: $('#issues-table>tbody').sortable('serialize'),
data: $('#issues-table').sortable('serialize'),
dataType: 'script',
complete: function(request){
url: "#{sort_project_issues_path(@project)}"})
Issue ##{@issue.id}
- if can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project) || @issue.author == current_user
- if @issue.closed
= link_to 'Reopen', project_issue_path(@project, @issue, :issue => {:closed => false }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "btn"
- else
= link_to 'Close', project_issue_path(@project, @issue, :issue => {:closed => true }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "btn", :title => "Close merge request"
- if can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project) || @issue.author == current_user
= link_to edit_project_issue_path(@project, @issue) do
Edit Issue
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@issue.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= "Issue ##{@issue.id}:"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(@issue.author.id)) do
%span.author= @issue.author_name
- if @issue.author != @issue.assignee
= link_to edit_project_issue_path(@project, @issue), :class => "btn small" do
- if @issue.closed
.alert-message.error Closed
- else
.alert-message.success Open
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@issue.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(@issue.author.id)) do
%span.author= @issue.author_name
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(@issue.assignee.id)) do
%span.author= @issue.assignee_name
= @issue.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011 9:23pm")
= simple_format @issue.title
= link_to "#notes", :class => "merge-notes-tab active tab" do
- if @issue.closed
= link_to 'Reopen', project_issue_path(@project, @issue, :issue => {:closed => false }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "red-button"
- else
= link_to 'Close', project_issue_path(@project, @issue, :issue => {:closed => true }, :status_only => true), :method => :put, :class => "positive-button"
.issue_notes= render "notes/notes"
.loading{ :style => "display:none;"}
%center= image_tag "ajax-loader.gif"
.cgray= @issue.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011 9:23pm")
%div= simple_format @issue.title
.issue_notes= render "notes/notes"
- if @commits.size > 0
- @commits.each do |commit|
%a{ :class => "commit", :href => project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id) }
- if commit.author_email
= image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
- else
= image_tag "no_avatar.png", :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= truncate commit.safe_message, :length => 60
%strong= commit.author_name
= time_ago_in_words(commit.created_at)
= link_to project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id) do
= truncate(commit.id.to_s, :length => 10)
= image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "", :width => 16
%span= truncate(commit.safe_message, :length => 40)
= time_ago_in_words(commit.committed_date)
- if @commits.empty?
%p.cgray Nothing to merge
%a.update-item{:href => project_merge_request_path(merge_request.project, merge_request)}
= image_tag gravatar_icon(merge_request.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40
= truncate(merge_request.title, :length => 60)
= image_tag gravatar_icon(merge_request.author_email), :class => "avatar"
%strong= merge_request.author_name
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(merge_request.author_id)), :class => "author_link" do
= merge_request.author_name
= time_ago_in_words(merge_request.created_at)
%span.tag.commit= merge_request.source_branch
%span.label= merge_request.source_branch
%span.tag.commit= merge_request.target_branch
%span.label= merge_request.target_branch
= link_to project_merge_request_path(merge_request.project, merge_request) do
Merge Request ##{merge_request.id}:
= truncate(merge_request.title, :length => 50)
= form_tag project_merge_requests_path(@project), :method => :get do
= radio_button_tag :f, 0, (params[:f] || "0") == "0", :onclick => "this.form.submit()", :id => "open_merge_requests", :class => "status"
= label_tag "open_merge_requests" do
%span.tag.open Open
= radio_button_tag :f, 2, params[:f] == "2", :onclick => "this.form.submit()", :id => "closed_merge_requests", :class => "status"
= label_tag "closed_merge_requests" do
%span.tag.closed Closed
Merge Requests
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, @project
= link_to new_project_merge_request_path(@project), :class => "right btn small", :title => "New Merge Request" do
New Merge Request
%li{:class => ("active" if (params[:f] == "0" || !params[:f]))}
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project, :f => 0) do
%li{:class => ("active" if params[:f] == "2")}
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project, :f => 2) do
%ul.unstyled= render @merge_requests
- if @merge_requests.count > 0
%div{ :class => "update-data ui-box ui-box-small ui-box-big" }
= render @merge_requests
- if can? current_user, :write_merge_request, @project
%p You can open a new merge request.
- if current_page?(project_merge_requests_path(@project))
= link_to new_project_merge_request_path(@project), :class => "btn small", :title => "New Merge request" do
Add new
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