提交 a3314555 编写于 作者: G GitLab Release Tools Bot

Merge remote-tracking branch 'dev/master'

......@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
documentation](doc/development/changelog.md) for instructions on adding your own
## 13.3.4 (2020-09-02)
### Security (1 change)
- Protect OAuth endpoints from brute force/password stuffing.
## 13.3.3 (2020-09-02)
### Security (23 changes, 1 of them is from the community)
......@@ -582,6 +589,13 @@ entry.
- Replace fa-pencil icon with GitLab SVG. !39648
## 13.2.8 (2020-09-02)
### Security (1 change)
- Protect OAuth endpoints from brute force/password stuffing.
## 13.2.7 (2020-09-02)
### Security (23 changes, 1 of them is from the community)
......@@ -1679,6 +1693,13 @@ entry.
- Remove removeIssue logic from list model. (nuwe1)
## 13.1.10 (2020-09-02)
### Security (1 change)
- Protect OAuth endpoints from brute force/password stuffing.
## 13.1.9 (2020-09-02)
### Security (23 changes, 1 of them is from the community)
title: Protect OAuth endpoints from brute force/password stuffing
type: security
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