提交 79659b30 编写于 作者: P Phil Hughes

Filtered search input click back at token

Allows the user to click back around the filtered search input to change the previously searched terms
上级 0ef587b6
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
const filterIconPadding = 27;
const offset = gl.text
.getTextWidth(this.filteredSearchInput.value, this.font) + filterIconPadding;
.getTextWidth(this.getSearchInput(), this.font) + filterIconPadding;
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
setDropdown() {
const { lastToken, searchToken } = this.tokenizer
if (this.filteredSearchInput.value.split('').last() === ' ') {
......@@ -169,6 +169,18 @@
getSearchInput() {
const selectionStart = this.filteredSearchInput.selectionStart;
const inputValue = this.filteredSearchInput.value;
const rightPos = inputValue.slice(selectionStart).search(/\s/);
if (rightPos < 0) {
return inputValue;
return inputValue.slice(0, rightPos + selectionStart + 1).trim();
resetDropdowns() {
// Force current dropdown to hide
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('input', this.toggleClearSearchButtonWrapper);
this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('keydown', this.checkForEnterWrapper);
this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.checkForBackspaceWrapper);
this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('click', this.setDropdownWrapper);
this.clearSearchButton.addEventListener('click', this.clearSearchWrapper);
Markdown is supported
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