提交 320ae8ff 编写于 作者: S Sean McGivern

Merge branch 'blackst0ne-rails5-add-safe-params-helper' into 'master'

[Rails5] Add `safe_params` helper

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!18241
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Gitlab::GonHelper
include GitlabRoutingHelper
include PageLayoutHelper
include SafeParamsHelper
include SentryHelper
include WorkhorseHelper
include EnforcesTwoFactorAuthentication
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Dashboard::TodosController < Dashboard::ApplicationController
out_of_range = todos.current_page > total_pages
if out_of_range
redirect_to url_for(params.merge(page: total_pages, only_path: true))
redirect_to url_for(safe_params.merge(page: total_pages, only_path: true))
......@@ -189,6 +189,6 @@ class GroupsController < Groups::ApplicationController
params[:id] = group.to_param
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ class ProjectsController < Projects::ApplicationController
params[:namespace_id] = project.namespace.to_param
params[:id] = project.to_param
def project_export_enabled
......@@ -146,6 +146,6 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
def build_canonical_path(user)
url_for(params.merge(username: user.to_param))
url_for(safe_params.merge(username: user.to_param))
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ module BlobHelper
options = []
if error == :collapsed
options << link_to('load it anyway', url_for(params.merge(viewer: viewer.type, expanded: true, format: nil)))
options << link_to('load it anyway', url_for(safe_params.merge(viewer: viewer.type, expanded: true, format: nil)))
# If the error is `:server_side_but_stored_externally`, the simple viewer will show the same error,
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ module DiffHelper
def diff_btn(title, name, selected)
params_copy = params.dup
params_copy = safe_params.dup
params_copy[:view] = name
# Always use HTML to handle case where JSON diff rendered this button
module SafeParamsHelper
# Rails 5.0 requires to permit `params` if they're used in url helpers.
# Use this helper when generating links with `params.merge(...)`
def safe_params
if params.respond_to?(:permit!)
params.except(:host, :port, :protocol).permit!
xml.title "#{current_user.name} issues"
xml.link href: url_for(params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: url_for(safe_params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: issues_dashboard_url, rel: "alternate", type: "text/html"
xml.id issues_dashboard_url
xml.updated @issues.first.updated_at.xmlschema if @issues.reorder(nil).any?
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
- page_title _("Issues")
- @breadcrumb_link = issues_dashboard_path(assignee_id: current_user.id)
= content_for :meta_tags do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, params.merge(rss_url_options), title: "#{current_user.name} issues")
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, safe_params.merge(rss_url_options).to_h, title: "#{current_user.name} issues")
= render 'shared/issuable/nav', type: :issues, display_count: !@no_filters_set
= link_to params.merge(rss_url_options), class: 'btn has-tooltip', data: { container: 'body' }, title: 'Subscribe' do
= link_to safe_params.merge(rss_url_options), class: 'btn has-tooltip', data: { container: 'body' }, title: 'Subscribe' do
= icon('rss')
= render 'shared/new_project_item_select', path: 'issues/new', label: "New issue", with_feature_enabled: 'issues', type: :issues
xml.title "#{@group.name} issues"
xml.link href: url_for(params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: url_for(safe_params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: issues_group_url, rel: "alternate", type: "text/html"
xml.id issues_group_url
xml.updated @issues.first.updated_at.xmlschema if @issues.reorder(nil).any?
- page_title "Issues"
= content_for :meta_tags do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, params.merge(rss_url_options), title: "#{@group.name} issues")
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, safe_params.merge(rss_url_options).to_h, title: "#{@group.name} issues")
- if group_issues_count(state: 'all').zero?
= render 'shared/empty_states/issues', project_select_button: true
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- load_async = local_assigns.fetch(:load_async, viewer.load_async? && render_error.nil?)
- external_embed = local_assigns.fetch(:external_embed, false)
- viewer_url = local_assigns.fetch(:viewer_url) { url_for(params.merge(viewer: viewer.type, format: :json)) } if load_async
- viewer_url = local_assigns.fetch(:viewer_url) { url_for(safe_params.merge(viewer: viewer.type, format: :json)) } if load_async
.blob-viewer{ data: { type: viewer.type, rich_type: rich_type, url: viewer_url }, class: ('hidden' if hidden) }
- if render_error
= render 'projects/blob/render_error', viewer: viewer
- diff_file = viewer.diff_file
- url = url_for(params.merge(action: :diff_for_path, old_path: diff_file.old_path, new_path: diff_file.new_path, file_identifier: diff_file.file_identifier))
- url = url_for(safe_params.merge(action: :diff_for_path, old_path: diff_file.old_path, new_path: diff_file.new_path, file_identifier: diff_file.file_identifier))
.nothing-here-block.diff-collapsed{ data: { diff_for_path: url } }
This diff is collapsed.
%a.click-to-expand Click to expand it.
= link_to params.merge(rss_url_options), class: 'btn btn-default append-right-10 has-tooltip', title: 'Subscribe' do
= link_to safe_params.merge(rss_url_options), class: 'btn btn-default append-right-10 has-tooltip', title: 'Subscribe' do
= icon('rss')
- if @can_bulk_update
= button_tag "Edit issues", class: "btn btn-default append-right-10 js-bulk-update-toggle"
xml.title "#{@project.name} issues"
xml.link href: url_for(params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: url_for(safe_params), rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml"
xml.link href: project_issues_url(@project), rel: "alternate", type: "text/html"
xml.id project_issues_url(@project)
xml.updated @issues.first.updated_at.xmlschema if @issues.reorder(nil).any?
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- new_issue_email = @project.new_issuable_address(current_user, 'issue')
= content_for :meta_tags do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, params.merge(rss_url_options), title: "#{@project.name} issues")
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, safe_params.merge(rss_url_options).to_h, title: "#{@project.name} issues")
- if project_issues(@project).exists?
%div{ class: (container_class) }
......@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
- else
= link_to url_for(params), data: {target: 'div#commits', action: 'new', toggle: 'tab'} do
= link_to url_for(safe_params), data: {target: 'div#commits', action: 'new', toggle: 'tab'} do
%span.badge= @commits.size
- if @pipelines.any?
= link_to url_for(params.merge(action: 'pipelines')), data: {target: 'div#pipelines', action: 'pipelines', toggle: 'tab'} do
= link_to url_for(safe_params.merge(action: 'pipelines')), data: {target: 'div#pipelines', action: 'pipelines', toggle: 'tab'} do
%span.badge= @pipelines.size
= link_to url_for(params.merge(action: 'diffs')), data: {target: 'div#diffs', action: 'diffs', toggle: 'tab'} do
= link_to url_for(safe_params.merge(action: 'diffs')), data: {target: 'div#diffs', action: 'diffs', toggle: 'tab'} do
%span.badge= @merge_request.diff_size
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
-# This tab is always loaded via AJAX
- if @pipelines.any?
= render 'projects/merge_requests/pipelines', endpoint: url_for(params.merge(action: 'pipelines', format: :json)), disable_initialization: true
= render 'projects/merge_requests/pipelines', endpoint: url_for(safe_params.merge(action: 'pipelines', format: :json)), disable_initialization: true
= spinner
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