提交 18a3cea2 编写于 作者: G GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

上级 7f6fde49
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ settings:
config: './config/webpack.config.js'
import/no-commonjs: error
import/no-default-export: off
- error
- allow:
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
* and returns an array of the following form:
* [{ key: "forks", label: "Forks", value: 50 }]
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const getStatistics = state => labels =>
Object.keys(labels).map(key => {
const result = {
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
import store from '~/mr_notes/stores';
import ReviewBar from './components/review_bar.vue';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const initReviewBar = () => {
const el = document.getElementById('js-review-bar');
import { __ } from '~/locale';
// eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export
export const ADD_CI_VARIABLE_MODAL_ID = 'add-ci-variable';
export const displayText = {
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
// Disabling import/prefer-default-export can be
// removed once a second getter is added to this file
import { uniq } from 'lodash';
export const joinedEnvironments = state => {
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { __ } from '~/locale';
import service from '../services/contributors_service';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const fetchChartData = ({ commit }, endpoint) => {
commit(types.SET_LOADING_STATE, true);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const KUBERNETES_VERSIONS = [{ name: '1.14', value: '1.14' }];
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const subnetValid = ({ selectedSubnet }) =>
Array.isArray(selectedSubnet) && selectedSubnet.length >= 2;
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ const DESIGN_TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.gitlab/design_management_contex
const DESIGN_TRACKING_PAGE_NAME = 'projects:issues:design';
const DESIGN_TRACKING_EVENT_NAME = 'view_design';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function trackDesignDetailView(
referer = '',
owner = '',
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ const DESIGN_TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.gitlab/design_management_contex
const DESIGN_TRACKING_PAGE_NAME = 'projects:issues:design';
const DESIGN_TRACKING_EVENT_NAME = 'view_design';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function trackDesignDetailView(
referer = '',
owner = '',
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ function fileSymlinkInformation(file, fileList) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export */
export function prepareRawDiffFile({ file, allFiles }) {
Object.assign(file, {
brokenSymlink: fileSymlinkInformation(file, allFiles),
......@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
* @typedef {String} UUIDv4
// https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/frontend/rfcs/-/issues/20
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import MersenneTwister from 'mersenne-twister';
import stringHash from 'string-hash';
import { isString } from 'lodash';
......@@ -4,5 +4,4 @@
* @param {Object} environment
* @returns {Object}
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const setDeployBoard = (oldEnvironmentState, environment) => environment;
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ const stopPolling = poll => {
if (poll) poll.stop();
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function startPollingStacktrace({ commit }, endpoint) {
stackTracePoll = new Poll({
resource: service,
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const stacktrace = state =>
? state.stacktraceData.stack_trace_entries.reverse()
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const hasSearchQuery = state => state.searchQuery !== '';
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ const EmptyRouterComponent = {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const createRouter = store => {
const router = new IdeRouter({
mode: 'history',
import { diffLines } from 'diff';
import { defaultDiffOptions } from '../editor_options';
// See: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/frontend/rfcs/-/issues/20
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const computeDiff = (originalContent, newContent) => {
// prevent EOL changes from highlighting the entire file
const changes = diffLines(
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ function getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, configFiles = [], rules = {}) {
return isRoot ? result : getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, nextConfigs, result);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function getRulesWithTraversal(filePath, getFileContent) {
const editorconfigPaths = [
...getPathParents(filePath).map(x => `${x}/.editorconfig`),
......@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@ const getClient = memoize(() =>
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const query = (...args) => getClient().query(...args);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const isAliveView = state => view =>
state.keepAliveViews[view] || (state.isOpen && state.currentView === view);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const states = {
failed: 'failed',
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const normalizeJob = job => ({
id: job.id,
name: job.name,
import * as types from './mutation_types';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const push = ({ commit }, fullPath) => {
commit(types.PUSH, fullPath);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const PUSH = 'PUSH';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const allCheck = state => {
const checks = Object.values(state.checks);
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
* This method adds listeners to the given router and store and syncs their state with eachother
import { STATUSES } from './constants';
// Will be expanded in future
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function isProjectImportable(project) {
return project.importStatus === STATUSES.NONE && !project.importSource.incompatible;
import * as types from './mutation_types';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const setOverride = ({ commit }, override) => commit(types.SET_OVERRIDE, override);
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import createState from './state';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const createStore = (initialState = {}) =>
new Vuex.Store({
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { __ } from '~/locale';
* Returns the attributes used for gl-empty-state in the Service Desk issues list.
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function emptyStateHelper(emptyStateMeta) {
const { isServiceDeskSupported, svgPath, serviceDeskHelpPage } = emptyStateMeta;
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
export function isImageLoaded(element) {
return element.complete && element.naturalHeight !== 0;
......@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
* @param {Set} superset The set to be considered as the superset.
* @returns {boolean}
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const isSubset = (subset, superset) =>
Array.from(subset).every(value => superset.has(value));
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const isObject = obj => obj && obj.constructor === Object;
import { joinPaths } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
// tell webpack to load assets from origin so that web workers don't break
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function resetServiceWorkersPublicPath() {
// __webpack_public_path__ is a global variable that can be used to adjust
// the webpack publicPath setting at runtime.
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ const csvData = (metricHeaders, metricValues) => {
* @param {Object} graphData - Panel contents
* @returns {String}
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const graphDataToCsv = graphData => {
const delimiter = ',';
const br = '\r\n';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const addModule = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.ADD_MODULE, data);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const metricsWithData = (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) =>
state.modules.map(module => rootGetters[`${module}/metricsWithData`]().length);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const ADD_MODULE = 'ADD_MODULE';
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
export const FILTERED_SEARCH = {
MERGE_REQUESTS: 'merge_requests',
ISSUES: 'issues',
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
export const ISSUABLE_INDEX = {
MERGE_REQUEST: 'merge_request_',
ISSUE: 'issue_',
import { pickBy } from 'lodash';
import { SUPPORTED_FILTER_PARAMETERS } from './constants';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const validateParams = params => {
return pickBy(params, (val, key) => SUPPORTED_FILTER_PARAMETERS.includes(key) && val);
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import state from './state';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const createStore = () =>
new Vuex.Store({
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const decodeAndParse = param => JSON.parse(window.atob(param));
import { LOADING, ERROR, SUCCESS, STATUS_FAILED } from '../constants';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const summaryStatus = state => {
if (state.isLoading) {
return LOADING;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function normalizeData(data, path, extra = () => {}) {
return data.map(d => ({
sha: d.commit.id,
......@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ const fileTypeIcons = [
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const getIconName = (type, path) => {
if (entryTypeIcons[type]) return entryTypeIcons[type];
......@@ -28,5 +28,4 @@ const isPlainReadme = file => {
return re.test(file.name);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const readmeFile = blobs => blobs.find(isRichReadme) || blobs.find(isPlainReadme);
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import GetSnippetQuery from '../queries/snippet.query.graphql';
const blobsDefault = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const getSnippetMixin = {
apollo: {
snippet: {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const getBinary = file => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
import { s__, n__ } from '~/locale';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const title = state => {
if (state.isLoading) {
return s__('BuildArtifacts|Loading artifacts');
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const stripQuotes = value => {
return value.includes(' ') ? value.slice(1, -1) : value;
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
function trimFirstCharOfLineContent(text) {
if (!text) {
return text;
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
* @param {string} root - the key of the state where to search fo they keys described in list
* @returns {Object} a dictionary with all the computed properties generated
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const mapComputed = (list, defaultUpdateFn, root) => {
const result = {};
list.forEach(item => {
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Types
field :container_registry_enabled, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'Indicates if the project stores Docker container images in a container registry'
field :shared_runners_enabled, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'Indicates if Shared Runners are enabled for the project'
description: 'Indicates if shared runners are enabled for the project'
field :lfs_enabled, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'Indicates if the project has Large File Storage (LFS) enabled'
field :merge_requests_ff_only_enabled, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: true,
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
= render 'shared/outdated_browser'
= render_if_exists 'layouts/header/users_over_license_banner'
= render_if_exists "layouts/header/licensed_user_count_threshold"
= render_if_exists "layouts/header/token_expiry_notification"
= render "layouts/broadcast"
title: Adds auto_close_incident column to project_incident_management_settings
merge_request: 39980
type: added
title: Improve performance of Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner
merge_request: 40180
type: performance
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddAutoCloseIncidentToProjectIncidentManagementSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
DOWNTIME = false
def up
add_column :project_incident_management_settings, :auto_close_incident, :boolean, default: true, null: false
def down
remove_column :project_incident_management_settings, :auto_close_incident
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14408,6 +14408,7 @@ CREATE TABLE public.project_incident_management_settings (
pagerduty_active boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
encrypted_pagerduty_token bytea,
encrypted_pagerduty_token_iv bytea,
auto_close_incident boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pagerduty_token_iv_length_constraint CHECK ((octet_length(encrypted_pagerduty_token_iv) <= 12)),
CONSTRAINT pagerduty_token_length_constraint CHECK ((octet_length(encrypted_pagerduty_token) <= 255))
......@@ -11886,7 +11886,7 @@ type Project {
): ServiceConnection
Indicates if Shared Runners are enabled for the project
Indicates if shared runners are enabled for the project
sharedRunnersEnabled: Boolean
......@@ -34868,7 +34868,7 @@
"name": "sharedRunnersEnabled",
"description": "Indicates if Shared Runners are enabled for the project",
"description": "Indicates if shared runners are enabled for the project",
"args": [
......@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ Information about pagination in a connection.
| `sentryErrors` | SentryErrorCollection | Paginated collection of Sentry errors on the project |
| `serviceDeskAddress` | String | E-mail address of the service desk. |
| `serviceDeskEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if the project has service desk enabled. |
| `sharedRunnersEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if Shared Runners are enabled for the project |
| `sharedRunnersEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if shared runners are enabled for the project |
| `snippetsEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if Snippets are enabled for the current user |
| `sshUrlToRepo` | String | URL to connect to the project via SSH |
| `starCount` | Int! | Number of times the project has been starred |
......@@ -6,30 +6,30 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Runners API
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/2640) in GitLab 8.5
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/2640) in GitLab 8.5.
## Registration and authentication tokens
There are two tokens to take into account when connecting a Runner with GitLab.
There are two tokens to take into account when connecting a runner with GitLab.
| Token | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| Registration token | Token used to [register the Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/). It can be [obtained through GitLab](../ci/runners/README.md). |
| Authentication token | Token used to authenticate the Runner with the GitLab instance. It is obtained either automatically when [registering a Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/), or manually when [registering the Runner via the Runners API](#register-a-new-runner). |
| Registration token | Token used to [register the runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/). It can be [obtained through GitLab](../ci/runners/README.md). |
| Authentication token | Token used to authenticate the runner with the GitLab instance. It is obtained either automatically when [registering a runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/), or manually when [registering the runner via the Runner API](#register-a-new-runner). |
Here's an example of how the two tokens are used in Runner registration:
Here's an example of how the two tokens are used in runner registration:
1. You register the Runner via the GitLab API using a registration token, and an
1. You register the runner via the GitLab API using a registration token, and an
authentication token is returned.
1. You use that authentication token and add it to the
[Runner's configuration file](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/#configuration-file):
[runner's configuration file](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/#configuration-file):
token = "<authentication_token>"
GitLab and Runner are then connected.
GitLab and the runner are then connected.
## List owned runners
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ PUT /runners/:id
| `run_untagged`| boolean | no | Flag indicating the runner can execute untagged jobs |
| `locked` | boolean | no | Flag indicating the runner is locked |
| `access_level` | string | no | The access_level of the runner; `not_protected` or `ref_protected` |
| `maximum_timeout` | integer | no | Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job |
| `maximum_timeout` | integer | no | Maximum timeout set when this runner will handle the job |
curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/runners/6" --form "description=test-1-20150125-test" --form "tag_list=ruby,mysql,tag1,tag2"
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://git
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/15432) in GitLab 10.3.
List jobs that are being processed or were processed by specified Runner.
List jobs that are being processed or were processed by specified runner.
GET /runners/:id/jobs
......@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ Example response:
## Register a new Runner
## Register a new runner
Register a new Runner for the instance.
Register a new runner for the instance.
POST /runners
......@@ -554,12 +554,12 @@ POST /runners
| `token` | string | yes | [Registration token](#registration-and-authentication-tokens). |
| `description`| string | no | Runner's description|
| `info` | hash | no | Runner's metadata |
| `active` | boolean | no | Whether the Runner is active |
| `locked` | boolean | no | Whether the Runner should be locked for current project |
| `run_untagged` | boolean | no | Whether the Runner should handle untagged jobs |
| `tag_list` | string array | no | List of Runner's tags |
| `active` | boolean | no | Whether the runner is active |
| `locked` | boolean | no | Whether the runner should be locked for current project |
| `run_untagged` | boolean | no | Whether the runner should handle untagged jobs |
| `tag_list` | string array | no | List of runner's tags |
| `access_level` | string | no | The access_level of the runner; `not_protected` or `ref_protected` |
| `maximum_timeout` | integer | no | Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job |
| `maximum_timeout` | integer | no | Maximum timeout set when this runner will handle the job |
curl --request POST "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/runners" --form "token=<registration_token>" --form "description=test-1-20150125-test" --form "tag_list=ruby,mysql,tag1,tag2"
......@@ -580,9 +580,9 @@ Example response:
## Delete a registered Runner
## Delete a registered runner
Deletes a registered Runner.
Deletes a registered runner.
DELETE /runners
......@@ -602,9 +602,9 @@ Response:
| 204 | Runner was deleted |
## Verify authentication for a registered Runner
## Verify authentication for a registered runner
Validates authentication credentials for a registered Runner.
Validates authentication credentials for a registered runner.
POST /runners/verify
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ are listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
| `send_user_confirmation_email` | boolean | no | Send confirmation email on sign-up. |
| `session_expire_delay` | integer | no | Session duration in minutes. GitLab restart is required to apply changes |
| `shared_runners_enabled` | boolean | no | (**If enabled, requires:** `shared_runners_text` and `shared_runners_minutes`) Enable shared runners for new projects. |
| `shared_runners_minutes` | integer | required by: `shared_runners_enabled` | **(PREMIUM)** Set the maximum number of pipeline minutes that a group can use on shared Runners per month. |
| `shared_runners_minutes` | integer | required by: `shared_runners_enabled` | **(PREMIUM)** Set the maximum number of pipeline minutes that a group can use on shared runners per month. |
| `shared_runners_text` | string | required by: `shared_runners_enabled` | Shared runners text. |
| `sign_in_text` | string | no | Text on the login page. |
| `signin_enabled` | string | no | (Deprecated: Use `password_authentication_enabled_for_web` instead) Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled for the web interface. |
......@@ -313,6 +313,16 @@ Capitalize names of:
Follow the capitalization style listed at the [authoritative source](#links-to-external-documentation) for the entity, which may use non-standard case styles. For example: GitLab and npm.
Use forms of *sign in*, instead of *log in* or *login*. For example:
- Sign in to GitLab.
- Open the sign-in page.
Exceptions to this rule include the concept of *single sign-on* and
references to user interface elements. For example:
- To sign in to product X, enter your credentials, and then click **Log in**.
### Inclusive language
We strive to create documentation that is inclusive. This section includes guidance and examples in the
......@@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ export const createStore = () =>
_Note:_ Until this
[RFC](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/frontend/rfcs/-/issues/20) is implemented,
the above will need to disable the `import/prefer-default-export` ESLint rule.
### `state.js`
The first thing you should do before writing any code is to design the state.
......@@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ password = <deploy token>
When uploading packages, note that:
- The maximum allowed size is 50 Megabytes.
- If you upload the same package with the same version multiple times, each consecutive upload
is saved as a separate file. When installing a package, GitLab serves the most recent file.
- You cannot upload the same version of a package multiple times. If you try, you receive the error `Validation failed: File name has already been taken`.
### Upload packages with Twine
......@@ -28,6 +28,20 @@ For examples of how you can use a personal access token to authenticate with the
GitLab also offers [impersonation tokens](../../api/README.md#impersonation-tokens) which are created by administrators via the API. They're a great fit for automated authentication as a specific user.
## Creating a personal access token
You can create as many personal access tokens as you like from your GitLab
1. Sign in to GitLab.
1. In the upper-right corner, click your avatar and select **Settings**.
1. On the **User Settings** menu, select **Access Tokens**.
1. Choose a name and optional expiry date for the token.
1. Choose the [desired scopes](#limiting-scopes-of-a-personal-access-token).
1. Click the **Create personal access token** button.
1. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. If you navigate away or refresh
your page, and you did not save the token, you must create a new one.
## Enable or disable notification for Expired personal access token **(CORE ONLY)**
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../../administration/feature_flags.md)
......@@ -45,20 +59,6 @@ To disable it:
## Creating a personal access token
You can create as many personal access tokens as you like from your GitLab
1. Log in to GitLab.
1. In the upper-right corner, click your avatar and select **Settings**.
1. On the **User Settings** menu, select **Access Tokens**.
1. Choose a name and optional expiry date for the token.
1. Choose the [desired scopes](#limiting-scopes-of-a-personal-access-token).
1. Click the **Create personal access token** button.
1. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. If you navigate away or refresh
your page, and you did not save the token, you must create a new one.
### Revoking a personal access token
At any time, you can revoke any personal access token by clicking the
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Gitlab
return unless backtrace
Array(Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean(backtrace)).reject do |line|
......@@ -14433,9 +14433,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "License|License"
msgstr ""
msgid "License|Licensed user count exceeded"
msgstr ""
msgid "License|You can restore access to the Gold features at any time by upgrading."
msgstr ""
......@@ -14451,9 +14448,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "License|Your free trial of GitLab Ultimate expired on %{trial_ends_on}."
msgstr ""
msgid "License|Your instance has exceeded your subscription's number of licensed users by %{extra_users_count}. You can continue to add more users and we'll include the overage in your next bill."
msgstr ""
msgid "Limit display of time tracking units to hours."
msgstr ""
import { TEST_HOST } from 'spec/test_constants';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const createDraft = () => ({
author: {
id: 1,
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
/* https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/frontend/rfcs/-/issues/20 */
export const diffMetadata = {
real_size: '1',
size: 1,
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const triggerDOMEvent = type => {
new Event(type, {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const useFakeRequestAnimationFrame = () => {
let orig;
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
export const setLanguage = languageCode => {
const htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const mockIntegrationProps = {
id: 25,
activeToggleProps: {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const keyboardDownEvent = (code, metaKey = false, ctrlKey = false) => {
const e = new CustomEvent('keydown');
import state from '~/jobs/store/state';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const resetStore = store => {
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ const getMockFiles = root => readdir.sync(root, { deep: MAX_DEPTH, filter: mockF
const defaultSetMock = (srcPath, mockPath) =>
jest.mock(srcPath, () => jest.requireActual(mockPath));
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const setupManualMocks = function setupManualMocks(setMock = defaultSetMock) {
prefixMap.forEach(({ mocksRoot, requirePrefix }) => {
const mocksRootAbsolute = path.join(__dirname, mocksRoot);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const resetStore = store => {
notes: [],
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const $toast = {
show: jest.fn(),
import state from '~/releases/stores/modules/list/state';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const resetStore = store => {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const mockReport = {
status: 'failed',
summary: {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const adjustMetricQuery = data => {
const updatedMetric = data.metrics;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const artifactsList = [
text: 'result.txt',
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { withValues } from '../utils/obj';
import { getCommit } from '../fixtures';
import { createCommitId } from './commit_id';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const createNewCommit = ({ id = createCommitId(), message }, orig = getCommit()) => {
return withValues(orig, {
......@@ -16,6 +16,5 @@ const graphqlResolvers = {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const graphqlQuery = (query, variables, schema) =>
graphql(graphqlSchema, query, graphqlResolvers, schema, variables);
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
* @param {Number} boost
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const useOverclockTimers = (boost = 50) => {
if (boost <= 0) {
throw new Error(`[overclock_timers] boost (${boost}) cannot be <= 0`);
......@@ -827,10 +827,10 @@
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