提交 1556d484 编写于 作者: K Kamil Trzcinski

Track a user who created a pipeline

上级 8b7932c2
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ v 8.10.0 (unreleased)
- Fix user creation with stronger minimum password requirements !4054 (nathan-pmt)
- Only show New Snippet button to users that can create snippets.
- PipelinesFinder uses git cache data
- Track a user who created a pipeline
- Actually render old and new sections of parallel diff next to each other
- Throttle the update of `project.pushes_since_gc` to 1 minute.
- Allow expanding and collapsing files in diff view (!4990)
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ module Ci
self.table_name = 'ci_commits'
belongs_to :project, class_name: '::Project', foreign_key: :gl_project_id
belongs_to :user
has_many :statuses, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :commit_id
has_many :builds, class_name: 'Ci::Build', foreign_key: :commit_id
has_many :trigger_requests, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::TriggerRequest', foreign_key: :commit_id
......@@ -1038,8 +1038,8 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
pipelines.order(id: :desc).find_by(sha: sha, ref: ref)
def ensure_pipeline(sha, ref)
pipeline(sha, ref) || pipelines.create(sha: sha, ref: ref)
def ensure_pipeline(sha, ref, current_user = nil)
pipeline(sha, ref) || pipelines.create(sha: sha, ref: ref, user: current_user)
def enable_ci
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :abuse_report, dependent: :destroy
has_many :spam_logs, dependent: :destroy
has_many :builds, dependent: :nullify, class_name: 'Ci::Build'
has_many :pipelines, dependent: :nullify, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline'
has_many :todos, dependent: :destroy
has_many :notification_settings, dependent: :destroy
has_many :award_emoji, dependent: :destroy
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Ci
class CreatePipelineService < BaseService
def execute
pipeline = project.pipelines.new(params)
pipeline.user = current_user
unless ref_names.include?(params[:ref])
pipeline.errors.add(:base, 'Reference not found')
......@@ -14,7 +14,13 @@ class CreateCommitBuildsService
return false
@pipeline = Ci::Pipeline.new(project: project, sha: sha, ref: ref, before_sha: before_sha, tag: tag)
@pipeline = Ci::Pipeline.new(
project: project,
sha: sha,
ref: ref,
before_sha: before_sha,
tag: tag,
user: user)
# Skip creating pipeline if no gitlab-ci.yml is found
class AddUserIdToPipeline < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
def change
add_column :ci_commits, :user_id, :integer
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160712171823) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160715132507) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
......@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160712171823) do
t.datetime "started_at"
t.datetime "finished_at"
t.integer "duration"
t.integer "user_id"
add_index "ci_commits", ["gl_project_id", "sha"], name: "index_ci_commits_on_gl_project_id_and_sha", using: :btree
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module API
ref = branches.first
pipeline = @project.ensure_pipeline(commit.sha, ref)
pipeline = @project.ensure_pipeline(commit.sha, ref, current_user)
name = params[:name] || params[:context]
status = GenericCommitStatus.running_or_pending.find_by(pipeline: pipeline, name: name, ref: params[:ref])
......@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ describe Ci::Pipeline, models: true do
let(:pipeline) { FactoryGirl.create :ci_pipeline, project: project }
it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) }
it { is_expected.to belong_to(:user) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:statuses) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:trigger_requests) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:builds) }
it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :sha }
it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :status }
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ describe User, models: true do
it { is_expected.to have_many(:spam_logs).dependent(:destroy) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:todos).dependent(:destroy) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:award_emoji).dependent(:destroy) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:builds).dependent(:nullify) }
it { is_expected.to have_many(:pipelines).dependent(:nullify) }
describe '#group_members' do
it 'does not include group memberships for which user is a requester' do
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
let(:service) { CreateCommitBuildsService.new }
let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:empty_project) }
let(:user) { nil }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
before do
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
it { expect(pipeline).to be_valid }
it { expect(pipeline).to be_persisted }
it { expect(pipeline).to eq(project.pipelines.last) }
it { expect(pipeline).to have_attributes(:user => user) }
it { expect(pipeline.builds.first).to be_kind_of(Ci::Build) }
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