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# Instrumenting Ruby Code

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GitLab Performance Monitoring allows instrumenting of both methods and custom
blocks of Ruby code. Method instrumentation is the primary form of
instrumentation with block-based instrumentation only being used when we want to
drill down to specific regions of code within a method.

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## Instrumenting Methods

Instrumenting methods is done by using the `Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation`
module. This module offers a few different methods that can be used to
instrument code:

* `instrument_method`: instruments a single class method.
* `instrument_instance_method`: instruments a single instance method.
* `instrument_class_hierarchy`: given a Class this method will recursively
  instrument all sub-classes (both class and instance methods).
* `instrument_methods`: instruments all public class methods of a Module.
* `instrument_instance_methods`: instruments all public instance methods of a

To remove the need for typing the full `Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation`
namespace you can use the `configure` class method. This method simply yields
the supplied block while passing `Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation` as its
argument. An example:

Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |conf|
  conf.instrument_method(Foo, :bar)
  conf.instrument_method(Foo, :baz)

Using this method is in general preferred over directly calling the various
instrumentation methods.

Method instrumentation should be added in the initializer

### Examples

Instrumenting a single method:

Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |conf|
  conf.instrument_method(User, :find_by)

Instrumenting an entire class hierarchy:

Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |conf|

Instrumenting all public class methods:

Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |conf|

### Checking Instrumented Methods

The easiest way to check if a method has been instrumented is to check its
source location. For example:

method = Rugged::TagCollection.instance_method(:[])


If the source location points to `lib/gitlab/metrics/instrumentation.rb` you
know the method has been instrumented.

If you're using Pry you can use the `$` command to display the source code of a
method (along with its source location), this is easier than running the above
Ruby code. In case of the above snippet you'd run the following:

$ Rugged::TagCollection#[]

This will print out something along the lines of:

From: /path/to/your/gitlab/lib/gitlab/metrics/instrumentation.rb @ line 148:
Owner: #<Module:0x0055f0865c6d50>
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 21

def #{name}(#{args_signature})
  trans = Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.transaction

  if trans
    start    =
    retval   = super
    duration = ( - start) * 1000.0

    if duration >= Gitlab::Metrics.method_call_threshold
      trans.increment(:method_duration, duration)

                       { duration: duration },
                       method: #{label.inspect})


## Instrumenting Ruby Blocks

Measuring blocks of Ruby code is done by calling `Gitlab::Metrics.measure` and
passing it a block. For example:
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Gitlab::Metrics.measure(:foo) do
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The block is executed and the execution time is stored as a set of fields in the
currently running transaction. If no transaction is present the block is yielded
without measuring anything.

3 values are measured for a block:

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1. The real time elapsed, stored in NAME_real_time.
2. The CPU time elapsed, stored in NAME_cpu_time.
3. The call count, stored in NAME_call_count.

Both the real and CPU timings are measured in milliseconds.

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Multiple calls to the same block will result in the final values being the sum
of all individual values. Take this code for example:
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3.times do
  Gitlab::Metrics.measure(:sleep) do
    sleep 1
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Here the final value of `sleep_real_time` will be `3`, _not_ `1`.