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Marin Jankovski 已提交
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# Backup restore

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![backup banner](backup_hrz.png)

## Create a backup of the GitLab system

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A backup creates an archive file that contains the database, all repositories and all attachments.
This archive will be saved in backup_path (see `config/gitlab.yml`).
The filename will be `[TIMESTAMP]_gitlab_backup.tar`. This timestamp can be used to restore an specific backup.
You can only restore a backup to exactly the same version of GitLab that you created it on, for example 7.2.1.
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# omnibus-gitlab
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create

# installation from source or cookbook
Dmitriy Zaporozhets 已提交
bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Example output:

Dumping database tables:
- Dumping table events... [DONE]
- Dumping table issues... [DONE]
- Dumping table keys... [DONE]
- Dumping table merge_requests... [DONE]
- Dumping table milestones... [DONE]
- Dumping table namespaces... [DONE]
- Dumping table notes... [DONE]
- Dumping table projects... [DONE]
- Dumping table protected_branches... [DONE]
- Dumping table schema_migrations... [DONE]
- Dumping table services... [DONE]
- Dumping table snippets... [DONE]
- Dumping table taggings... [DONE]
- Dumping table tags... [DONE]
- Dumping table users... [DONE]
- Dumping table users_projects... [DONE]
- Dumping table web_hooks... [DONE]
- Dumping table wikis... [DONE]
Dumping repositories:
- Dumping repository abcd... [DONE]
Creating backup archive: $TIMESTAMP_gitlab_backup.tar [DONE]
Deleting tmp directories...[DONE]
Deleting old backups... [SKIPPING]

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## Storing configuration files

Please be informed that a backup does not store your configuration files.
If you use Omnibus-GitLab please see the [instructions in the readme to backup your configuration](
If you have a cookbook installation there should be a copy of your configuration in Chef.
If you have a manual installation please consider backing up your gitlab.yml file and any SSL keys and certificates.

## Restore a previously created backup

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You can only restore a backup to exactly the same version of GitLab that you created it on, for example 7.2.1.

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# omnibus-gitlab
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore

# installation from source or cookbook
Dmitriy Zaporozhets 已提交
bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:restore RAILS_ENV=production
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103


BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup (required if more than one backup exists)

Example output:

Unpacking backup... [DONE]
Restoring database tables:
-- create_table("events", {:force=>true})
   -> 0.2231s
- Loading fixture events...[DONE]
- Loading fixture issues...[DONE]
- Loading fixture keys...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture merge_requests...[DONE]
- Loading fixture milestones...[DONE]
- Loading fixture namespaces...[DONE]
- Loading fixture notes...[DONE]
- Loading fixture projects...[DONE]
- Loading fixture protected_branches...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture schema_migrations...[DONE]
- Loading fixture services...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture snippets...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture taggings...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture tags...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture users...[DONE]
- Loading fixture users_projects...[DONE]
- Loading fixture web_hooks...[SKIPPING]
- Loading fixture wikis...[SKIPPING]
Restoring repositories:
- Restoring repository abcd... [DONE]
Deleting tmp directories...[DONE]

## Configure cron to make daily backups

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For omnibus-gitlab, see .

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cd /home/git/gitlab
sudo -u git -H editor config/gitlab.yml # Enable keep_time in the backup section to automatically delete old backups
sudo -u git crontab -e # Edit the crontab for the git user

Add the following lines at the bottom:

# Create a full backup of the GitLab repositories and SQL database every day at 2am
0 2 * * * cd /home/git/gitlab && PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production